For comprehension that has to handle 2 optional values and return a Option[T] - scala

The below code works fine, but as you can see the 2nd clause in the for comprehension has a call that is unsafe.
case class ProductView(product: Product, stores: List[Store], warehosue: Option[Warehosue])
def loadView(...): ConnectionIO[Option[ProductView]] =
for {
product <- getProductById(id) // ConnectionIO[Option[Product]]
warehouse <- getWarehouse( // ConnectionIO[Option[Warehouse]]
stores <- loadStores(...) // ConnectionIO[List[Store]]
} yield product map { p =>
ProductView(p, stores, warehouse)
I tried to make that a safe call, but my types don't seem to line up.
warehouse <- getWarehouse(
How can I improve this, if any of the options is a None, I just want to return a None.
This is suppose to return a Option[Warehouse]
I tried this:
warehouse <- => => getWarehouse(id)))
Hoping someone can help with this part of my for comprehension.

The easiest way is using OptionT and flatTraverse
def loadView(id: Int):
ConnectionIO[Option[ProductView]] =
(for {
product <- OptionT(getProductById(id))
warehouse <- OptionT.liftF(product.warehouseId.flatTraverse(getWarehouse))
stores <- OptionT.liftF(loadStores(...))
} yield ProductView(product, stores, warehouse)).value
Also alternative variant without OptionT
def loadView(id: Int): ConnectionIO[Option[ProductView]] = {
getProductById(id).flatMap {
_.traverse { product =>
for {
warehouse <- product.warehouseId.flatTraverse(getWarehouse)
stores <- loadStores(...)
} yield ProductView(product, stores, warehouse)


Execute operation on Future's value for its side effects, discarding result and retaining original value, but retaining order of operation

Say I have the following operations that must proceed in order:
Get blog post
Post analytics
Forward blog post
In code it may look like this:
val blogPostFut: Future[BlogPost] = blogService.getPost(postId)
val afterAnalytics: Future[BlogPost] = blogPostFut.flatMap(blogPost =>
val ignoredResponse: Future[Analytics] = analyticsService.sendAnalytics(blogPost) => blogPost) // <-- THIS BOTHERS ME
val finalValue: Future[ForwardResult] = afterAnalytics.flatMap(blogPost =>
I am bothered that, in order to ensure proper ordering of execution, I have to pass forward blogPost within ignoredResponse in order to ensure it is available for step 3.
I'd love if I could do something like this:
Where magicalFlatMap might be implemented like so:
// pseudocode
def magicalFlatMap[A,B](f: A => Future[B]): Future[A] = f().map(_ => this.value)
Does magicalFlatMap exist in either the Scala stdlib or in Cats? Is it possible to map a Future for side effects while automatically retaining the value of the original Future and strict ordering of operations?
magicalFlatMap seems to be cats.FlatMap#flatTap
Try Future.andThen for side-effects
for {
blogPost <- blogService.getPost(postId).andThen { case Success(post) => analyticsService.sendAnalytics(post) }
finalValue <- forwardService.forward(blogPost)
} yield {
Here is a dummy example
val result = for {
v1 <- Future(1)
v2 <- Future(v1 + 2).andThen { case Success(v) => println(v) }
v3 <- Future(v1 + v2)
} yield {
which should output
We could also do
for {
blogPost <- blogService.getPost(postId)
_ <- analyticsService.sendAnalytics(blogPost)
finalValue <- forwardService.forward(blogPost)
} yield {
however in this case failure in analyticsService.sendAnalytics(blogPost) would short-circuit the whole for-comprehension which might not be desirable.

Consolidate a list of Futures into a Map in Scala

I have two case classes P(id: String, ...) and Q(id: String, ...), and two functions returning futures:
One that retrieves a list of objects given a list of id-s:
def retrieve(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Seq[P]] = Future { ... }
The length of the result might be shorter than the input, if not all id-s were found.
One that further transforms P to some other type Q:
def transform(p: P): Future[Q] = Future { ... }
What I would like in the end is, the following. Given ids: Seq[String], calculate a Future[Map[String, Option[Q]]].
Every id from ids should be a key in the map, with id -> Some(q) when it was retrieved successfully (ie. present in the result of retrieve) and also transformed successfully. Otherwise, the map should contain id -> None or Empty.
How can I achieve this?
Is there an .id property on P or Q? You would need one to create the map. Something like this?
for {
ps <- retrieve(ids)
qs <- Future.sequence( => transform(p))
} yield => id -> qs.find( == id)).toMap
Keep in mind that Map[String,Option[X]] is usually not necessary, since if you have Map[String,X] the .get method on the map will give you an Option[X].
Edit: Now assumes that P has a member id that equals the original id-String, otherwise the connection between ids and ps gets lost after retrieve.
def consolidatedMap(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Map[String, Option[Q]]] = {
for {
ps <- retrieve(ids)
qOpts <- Future.traverse(ps){
p => transform(p).map(Option(_)).recover {
// TODO: don't sweep `Throwable` under the
// rug in your real code
case t: Throwable => None
} yield {
val qMap = ( zip qOpts).toMap{ id => (id, qMap.getOrElse(id, None)) }.toMap
Builds an intermediate Map from retrieved Ps and transformed Qs, so that building of ids-to-q-Options map works in linear time.

Passing result of one DBIO into another

I'm new to Slick and I am trying to rewrite the following two queries to work in one transaction. My goal is to
1. check if elements exists
2. return existing element or create it handling autoincrement from MySQL
The two functions are:
def createEmail(email: String): DBIO[Email] = {
// We create a projection of just the email column, since we're not inserting a value for the id column
( =>
into ((email, id) => Email(id, email))
) += email
def findEmail(email: String): DBIO[Option[Email]] =
emails.filter( === email).result.headOption
How can I safely chain them, ie. to run first check for existence, return if object already exists and if it does not exist then create it and return the new element in one transaction?
You could use a for comprehension:
def findOrCreate(email: String) = {
(for {
found <- findEmail(email)
em <- found match {
case Some(e) => DBIO.successful(e)
case None => createEmail(email)
} yield em).transactionally
val result =""))
// Future[Email]
With a little help of cats library:
def findOrCreate(email: String): DBIO[Email] = {

Scala for comprehension how to avoid creating of Future when passing results

I'm using Playframework and Slick async features, but not sure how to work inline with results from Future returning method in one for comprehension. Right now I'm doing it such way:
def getWordDefinitions(checkedWordsIds: List[CheckedWord]) : Future[List[WordDefinition]] = {
val ids =
for {
translations <- translationRepo.findByIds(ids)
translations2 <- Future(sortByHowManyChecks(checkedWordsIds, translations))
wordDefinitionsList <- Future( => WordDefinition(translation._2.english, translation._2.translation)))
} yield {
I want to know how to get rid off translations2 <- Future(), besides move it to the function (or wrap function into another which return Future).
sortByHowManyChecks function returns Map[Long, TranslationObject] which is in 3rd party library.
In your case you can simply write it this way:
def getWordDefinitions(checkedWordsIds: List[CheckedWord]) : Future[List[WordDefinition]] = {
val ids =
for {
translations <- translationRepo.findByIds(ids)
translations2 = sortByHowManyChecks(checkedWordsIds, translations)
} yield => WordDefinition(translation._2.english, translation._2.translation))
What do you think about not using yield at all? Not sure if I got every return statement right.
def getWordDefinitions(checkedWordsIds: List[CheckedWord]) : Future[List[WordDefinition]] = {
val ids =
.map(translations => sortByHowManyChecks(checkedWordsIds, translations))
.map(translation => WordDefinition(translation._2.english, translation._2.translation))

scala slick one-to-many collections

I have a database that contain activities with a one-to-many registrations relation.
The goal is to get all activities, with a list of their registrations.
By creating a cartesian product of activities with registrations, all necessary data to get that data is out is there.
But I can't seem to find a nice way to get it into a scala collection properly;
let's of type: Seq[(Activity, Seq[Registration])]
case class Registration(
id: Option[Int],
user: Int,
activity: Int
case class Activity(
id: Option[Int],
what: String,
when: DateTime,
where: String,
description: String,
price: Double
Assuming the appropriate slick tables and tablequeries exist, I would write:
val acts_regs = (for {
a <- Activities
r <- Registrations if r.activityId ===
} yield (a, r))
.map { case (actid, acts) => ??? }
But I cannot seem to make the appropriate mapping. What is the idiomatic way of doing this? I hope it's better than working with a raw cartesian product...
In Scala
In scala code it's easy enough, and would look something like this:
val activities = db withSession { implicit sess =>
(for {
a <- Activities leftJoin Registrations on ( === _.activityId)
} yield a).list
.map { case (id, set) => (set(0)._1, }
But this seems rather inefficient due to the unnecessary instantiations of Activity which the table mapper will create for you.
Neither does it look really elegant...
Getting a count of registrations
The in scala method is even worse when only interested in a count of registrations like so:
val result: Seq[Activity, Int] = ???
In Slick
My best attempt in slick would look like this:
val activities = db withSession { implicit sess =>
(for {
a <- Activities leftJoin Registrations on ( === _.activityId)
} yield a)
.map { case (id, results) => (, results.length) }
But this results in an error that slick cannot map the given types in the "map"-line.
I would suggest:
val activities = db withSession { implicit sess =>
(for {
a <- Activities leftJoin Registrations on ( === _.activityId)
} yield a)
.map { case (activity, results) => (activity, results.length) }
The problem with
val activities = db withSession { implicit sess =>
(for {
a <- Activities leftJoin Registrations on ( === _.activityId)
} yield a)
.map { case (id, results) => (, results.length) }
is that you can't produce nested results in group by. is a collection of items. SQL does implicit conversions from collections to single rows in some cases, but Slick being type-safe doesn't. What you would like to do in Slick is something like, but that is currently not supported. The closest you could get is something like (,, ...), which is pretty tedious. So grouping by the whole activities row is probably the most feasible workaround right now.
A solution for getting all registrations per activity:
// list of all activities
val activities = Activities
// map of registrations belonging to those activities
val registrations = Registrations
.filter(_.activityId in
.map { case (aid, group) => (aid, }
// combine them
.map { a => (a, registrations.getOrElse(, List()))
Which gets the job done in 2 queries. It should be doable to abstract this type of "grouping" function into a scala function.