I am learning Saber for simulation, and played around with some simple circuits, but when I was trying to simulate a simple circuit (single pole with single zero compensation circuit), I got weird simulation result.
One Pole with One Zero Schematic
I used an ideal OpAmp and a common OpAmp(LM358), then I got result shown below.
Frequency Analysis
Really have no idea about where the problem is.
Change frequency simulation steps, sampling points...no effect
I implemented a rather simple SPH simulation using a cubic-spline-kernel and a simple non-iterative pressure solver as described in this PDF in equation 9. I followed algorithm 1 of that paper (including gravity).
The resulting particle behaviour is certainly fluid-like (with quite some compressibility as is expected from such a simple pressure solver). However as you can see in this screenshot the particles are not evenly spread when in equilibrium, but instead arrange into small clusters of about 3 particle.
Is this normal behaviour ? It appears strange to me, so I wanted to make sure this is either correct or someone would have an idea what could be wrong here.
The screenshot shows the so-called pairing instability, which is one of the most frequent instability problems in SPH computations.
Pairing instability is the consequence of the application of bell-shaped kernel functions with too large smoothing radii. Since polynomial kernel functions of at least third order have an infection point, particles, which are getting too close to each other, experience lower and lower repulsive forces and gradually stick together. This can be overcome by choosing a suitable smoothing radius leading to a rather optimal number of neighbors, which depends on the applied kernel function but usually is around 25 in 2D.
You can read about the pairing instability and other issues of SPH simulations here. Pairing instability is briefly discussed on page 9.
I'm working on my bachelor thesis.
My topic is reinforcement learning. The Setup:
Unity3D (C#)
Own neural network framework
Confirmed the network working by testing to training a sine-function.
It can approximate it. Well. there are some values which won't get to their desired value but it's good enough.
When training it with single Values it always converges.
Here is my problem:
I try to teach my network the Q-Value-Function of a simple game,
catch balls:
In this game it just has to catch a ball dropping from random position and with random angle.
+1 if catch
-1 if failed
My network-model has 1 hidden layer with neurons ranging from 45-180 (i tested this numbers with no success)
It uses replay with 32 samples from a 100k memory with a learning-rate of 0.0001
It learns for 50000 frames then tests for 10000 frames. This happens 10 times.
Inputs are PlatformPosX, BallPosX, BallPosY from the last 4 frames
Choose action (e-greedy)
Do action,
Store state action, CurrentReward. Done in memory
if in learnphase: Replay
My problem is:
Its actions starts clipping to either 0 or 1 with some variance sometimes.
It never has a ideal policy like if the platform would just follow the ball.
Sorry for cheap info...
My Quality-Function is trained by:
Reward + Gamma(nextEstimated_Reward)
So its discounting.
Why would you possibly expect that to work?
Your training can barely approximate a 1-dimensional function. And now you expect it to solve a 12-dimensional function which involves a differential equation? You should have verified first whether your training does even converge for a multi dimensional function at all, with the chosen training parameters.
Your training, given the little detail you provided, also appears to be unsuitable. There is hardly a chance it ever successfully catches the ball, and even when it does, you are rewarding it mostly for random outputs. Only correlation between in- and output is in the last few frames when the pad can only reach the target in time by a limited set of possible actions.
Then there is the choice of inputs. Don't require your model to differentiate by itself. Relevant inputs would had been x, y, dx, dy. Preferably even x, y relative to pad position, not world. Should have a much better chance to converge. Even if it was only learning to keep x minimal.
Working with absolute world coordinates is pretty much bound to fail, as it would require the training to cover the entire range of possible input combinations. And also the network to be big enough to even store all the combinations. Be aware that the network isn't learning the actual function, it's learning an approximation for every single possible set of inputs. Even if the ideal solution is actually just a linear equation, the non linear properties of the activation function make it impossible to learn it in a generalized form for unbound inputs.
I am working on modeling and controlling of a hydraulic system. Modeling of the system is modeled in Matlab simscape in simulink environment which is looks like this
and for basic controlling to control the piston position (Piston Pos in figure) I have established simple feedback to check the position.
While I run the simulation when this comes to control the position Simulation takes too much time. For example if I gave desired piston position 300 mm than while output comes to around 290-294 mm simulation time reaches at around 5.18sec than it is stuck on that for longer time.
I want to know that, is there any way to speed up the simulation ?
I am using Matlab simulink solver ode23t due to simscape modeling.
Speeding up simulations in general is vast subject. It seems the issue here is an event which triggers multiple small time-step in the variable step solver.
This can be perfectly normal, for example a clutch engaging, or a valve opening.
To check whether or nor this is the case you can execute (make sure time-logging is enabled):
semilogy(tout(2:end), diff(tout))
Sharp downward spikes indicate small time-steps were taken. For a more in-depth analysis you can use the Solver Profiler:
This will give you detailed information as to which components are causing solver resets.
Such behavior can be difficult to debug if you're not used to the tool. I'd highly recommend getting in touch with MathWorks tech support if the behavior persists. They'll be able to look at your model and diagnose the issue.
First for those, who are not familiar with Simulink, there is a imaginable outside-Simulink partial solution:
I need to create a vector satisfying the following conditions:
known initial value a1
known final value a2
it has a pre-defined step size, but the length is not pre-determined
the first derivative over the whole range is limited to v_max resp. -v_max
the second derivative over the whole range is limited to a_max resp. -a_max
the third derivative over the whole range is limited to j_max resp. -j_max
at the first and the final point all derivatives are zero.
Before you ask "what have you tried so far", I just had the idea to solve it outside Simulink and I tried the whole stuff below ;)
But maybe you guys have a good idea, while I keep working on my own solution.
I'd like to generate smooth ramp signals (3rd derivative limited) based on a trigger signal in Simulink.
To get a triggered step I created a triggered subsystem propagating the trigger output. It looks like that:
But I actually don't want a step, I need a very smooth ramp with limited derivatives up to the 3rd order. The math behind is:
displacement: x
speed: v = x'
acceleration: a = v' = x''
jerk: j = a' = v'' = x'''
(If this looks familiar to you, I once had a very similar question. I thought about a bounty on it, but after the necessary edit of the question both answers would have been invalid)
As there are just rate limiters of 1st order, I used two derivates and a double integration to resolve my problem. But there is a mayor drawback, I can not ignore anymore. For the sake of illustration I chose a relatively big step size of 0.1.
The complete minimal example (Fixed Step, stepsize: 0.1, ode4): Download here
It can be seen, that the signal not even reaches the intended step height of 10 and furthermore is not constant at the end.
Over the development process of my whole model, this approach was satisfactory enough for small step sizes. But I reached the point where I really need the smooth ramp as intended. That means I need a finally constant signal at exactly the value, specified by the step height gain.
I already spent days to resolve the problem, and hope to fine some help here now.
Some of my ideas:
dynamically increase the step height over the actual desired value and saturate the final output. If the rate limits,step height and the simulation step size wouldn't be flexible one could probably find a satisfying solution. But as everything has to be flexible, there are too much cases where the acceleration and jerk limit is violated.
I tried to use the Matlab function block and write my own 3rd order rate limiter. Though it seems possible for me for the trigger moment, I have no solution how to smooth the "deceleration" at the end of the ramp. Also I'd need C-compilers, which would make it hard to use my model on other systems without problems. (At least I think so.)
The solver can not be changed siginificantly (either ode3 or ode4) and a fixed step size is mandatory (0.00001 to 0.01).
Currently used, not really useful approach:
For a dynamic amplification of 1.07 I get the following output (all values normalised on their limits):
Though the displacement looks nice, the violation of the acceleration limit is very harmful.
For a dynamic amplification of 1.05 I get the following output (all values normalised on their limits):
The acceleration stays in its boundaries, but the displacement does not reach the intended value. (not really clear in the picture) The jerk is still to big. (I could live with that, but it's not nice)
So it appears to me that a inside-Simulink solutions is far from reality. Any ideas how to create a well-behaving custom function block?
Simulation step size, step height, and the rate limits are known before the simulation starts. (But I have a lot of these triggered smooth ramps in a row, it should feed a event-discrete control). So I could imagine to create the whole smooth ramp outside simulink and save it as a timeseries object and append it on the current signal when the trigger is activated.
The problems you see are because the difference is not conditioned very well.
Taking the difference amplifies the numerical that exists in your simulation.
Also the jerk will always be large if you try to apply an actual step.
I guess for your approach it would be better to work the other way around:
i.e. make a jerk, acceleration and velocity with which your step is achieved.
I think your looking for something like the ref3 block:
Note the disclaimer on the site and that it is a little cumbersome to use.
An easy (yet to be improved) way is to use a rate limiter and then a state space model with a filter. From the filter you get the velocity, which in turn you can apply a rate limiter to. You continue with rate-limiter and filters until you have the desired curve.
Otherwise you can come up with numerical rate-limiters of higher order using ie runge kutta formulas or finite differences. However it was pointed out, that they may suffer from bad conditioning.
What I usually do is to use one rate limiter and a filter of 3rd Order and just tune the time constant (1 tripple pole), such that my needs are met. This works well, esp
Integrator chains of length > 1 are unstable!
There is a huge field of research dealing with trajectory planning. The easiest way might be to use FIR filters (Biagotti et al) or to implement an online trajectory planner (Ezair et al 2014 / Knierim et al 2012).
I've developed a "Pong" style game which effectively has a ball at the bottom of the screen and bouncy walls on the left and right and a sticky wall on the top. It randomly chooses a point on the bottom (on a straight horizontal line) and a random angle, bounces off the side walls, and hits the top wall. This is repeated a 1000 times and each time, the x-value of the launch position, the launch angle and the final x-value of the position it collides with on the top wall.
This gives me 2 inputs - x-value of launch and launch angle and 1 output - x-value of final position. I tried using a multilayer perceptron with 2 input nodes, 2 hidden nodes (1 layer) and 1 output node. However it converges upto a point ~20 and then tapers off. Here's what I've tried and none of them helped, either the error never converges or it starts diverging:
Transform inputs and output to be between 0 and 1
Transform inputs and output to be between -1 and 1
Increase number of hidden layers
Increase number of nodes in hidden layer
Convert the launch position, launch angle and final position into 0s and 1s resulting in ~750+175 inputs and ~750 outputs - no convergence
So, after spending all night and morning and making my brain and body revolt against me, I'm hoping someone can help me identify the problem here. Is this a task that's just not solvable by a neural network or am I doing something wrong?
PS: I'm using the online version of Neuroph and not coding my own procedure. At least this will help me avoid issues in implementation
If it doesn't minimize the training error, that's most likely a bug in the implementation. If you're measuring the accuracy on a held-out test set, on the other hand, there's nothing surprising about the error going up after a while.
As to the formulation, I think with sufficient amount of training data and sufficiently long training time, a sufficiently complex NN can learn the mapping whether you binarize the input or not (provided the implementation you use supports non-binary input and output). I have only a vague idea of what "sufficient" means in the above sentence, but I'd venture a guess that 1000 samples won't do. Note also that the more complex the network, the more data it will generally need to estimate the parameters.
To eliminate potential implementation issues in Neuroph, I'd suggest trying the exact same process (Multi-Layer Perceptron, same parameters, same data, etc.) but use Weka instead.
I've used the MLP in Weka before with success, so I can verify that this implementation works correctly. I know Weka has a fairly high-penetration in the academic community and its fairly well vetted, but I'm not sure about Neuroph since its newer. If you get the same results as Neuroph, then you know the issue is in your data or neural net topology or configuration.
Qnan brings up a good point - what exactly is the error you are measuring? To really determine why the training error isn't converging towards zero, you need to determine what exactly it is that the error represents.
Also, how many epochs (i.e., number of iterations) is the neural net running in training before it stops converging?
In Weka, if I recall correctly you can set the training to execute either until the error reaches a certain value or for a certain number of epochs. Looks like Neuroph is the same way, from a quick look.
If you're limiting the number of epochs, try bumping up the number to something significantly higher to give the network more iterations to converge.