Does helmfile sync will redeploy all existing helm charts - kubernetes

I have a few services running on a kubernetes cluster, and I use Helm Chart where I placed all my services. However, I was asked to transfer Helm Charts into Helmfile.
If I use
helmfile import myrepo/mychart
helmfile sync
Will it redeploy and substitute existing running pods or It will deploy just deploy additional services mentioned

Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod, or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers, databases, caches, and so on.
Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts. It lets you...
Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control.
Apply CI/CD to configuration changes.
Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments.
To avoid upgrades for each iteration of helm, the helmfile executable delegates to helm - as a result, helm must be installed.
Like #DavidMaze suggested, use helm diff command first to determine the changes and then use helm sync command for applying them.


Kubernetes - Handle cronjobs like crontab

I have a lot of cronjobs I need to set on Kubernetes.
I want a file to manage them all and set them to Kubernetes on deployment. I wish that if I remove a cron from that file it will be removed from Kubernetes too.
Basically, I want to handle the corns like I'm handling them today on the machine (from a cron file that I would deploy). Add, remove and change crons.
I couldn't find a way of doing so. Does someone have an idea?
Library or framework I can use like helm? Or any other solution.
I highly recommend using gitops with argocd as a solution for Kubernetes configure management. Run crontab in deployment is a bad ideal because it hard to monitor your job result (cronjob job result can be get by kube-state-metrics exporter).
The ideal is packaging your manifest (it may be kubernetes manifest, kustomize, helm...etc...) -> put them to git -> argocd makes sure your configure deployed correctly
The advantages of gitops are include:
centralize your configuration
versioning your configuration
git authentication & authorization
multi-cluster deployment with argocd
automation deployment & sync
Gitops is not a difficult and is the mordern way for kubernetes configure management. Let's try
I used Helm to do so. I built a template to go over all crons, which I inserted as values to the helm template (Very similar to crontab but more structured) - see in the example.
Then, all I need to do is run a helm upgrade with a new corn (values) file and it updates everything accordingly. If I updated, removed, or added a new corn everything is happening automatically and with versioning. You can also add a namespace to your cronjobs to make it more encapsulated.
Here is a very good and easy-to-understand example I used. And its git repo

Migrate a resource from Helm to Terraform

We're in the process of removing Helm from our IAC setup and switching to using just Terraform. Our system is currently running live in production so simply deleting all the Helm charts and re-deploying with Terraform is not an option as the system must maintain uptime.
Our original idea was to:
Use a tool like k2tf to convert the Helm yamls to Terraform config
Run tf import ... to import the existing k8s resource in Terraform state
Run tf apply to allow Terraform to strip off any attached Helm metadata such as labels/annotations
Update the helm chart to no longer include the resource and deploy it
Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to work as step 4 still deletes the resource. We had hoped that the Helm labels/annotations cleaned up in step 3 would make Helm think it doesn't own the resource anymore and thus not delete it, but it seems the Helm release still maintained some knowledge of it.
Any ideas on how this could be done? I know there are ways to delete a Helm chart a leave the resources in place but as mentioned this isn't really an option for us. We want to slowly migrate resources out of the Helm chart. Is there someway to explicitly tell Helm to "disown" a resource?
After some digging through the docs, I found the "": keep annotation:
By applying this to a resource it means Helm won't delete it even if you run a helm upgrade to a chart version with the resource removed.
So our strategy for migrating a resource from Helm to TF goes as follows:
Attach the "": keep annotation to the desired resource then release and deploy the Helm chart.
Remove the resource description from the Helm chart and release and deploy again.
Write the terraform config for that resource (using k2tf from the original yaml if appropriate)
Run tf import ... on the now orphaned k8s resource
Run tf apply to bring everything up to date

Is There a Way to Detect Changes made to Resources Deployed by a Helm Chart

We have several resources deployed as part of a helm (v3) chart. Some time ago, I made changes to resources deployed by that helm chart manually, via kubectl. This caused some drift between the values in the yaml resources deployed by the helm release (as show by helm get values <release>) and what is actually deployed in the cluster
Example: kubectl describe deployment <deployment> shows an updated image that was manually applied via a kubectl re-apply. Whereas helm show values <release> shows the original image used by helm for said deployment.
I realize that I should have performed a helm upgrade with a modified values.yaml file to execute the image change, but I am wondering if there is a way for me to sync the state of the values I manually updated with the values in the helm release. The goal is to create a new default values.yaml that reflect the current state of the cluster resources.
This is a community wiki answer posted for better visibility. Feel free to expand it.
According to the Helm issue 2730 this feature will not be added in the Helm, as it is outside of the scope of the project.
It looks like there is no existing tool right from the Helm, that would help to port/adapt the life kubernetes resource back into existing or new helm charts/releases.
Based on this, you can use one of the following options:
As suggested by #David Maze. The Helm Diff Plugin will show you the difference between the chart output and the cluster, but then you need to manually update values.yaml and templates.
The helm-adopt plugin is a helm plugin to adopt existing k8s resources into a new generated helm chart.

Integration of Kubernetes Helm templates for a project deployment

Currently I am working with a project based on a micro service architecture. For making this project, I have 20 Spring Boot micro service projects are there. I for for every root folder I placed my Dockerfile for image building. And I am using Kubernetes cluster for deployment through Helm chart.
My confusion here that, when I created Helm chart, it giving the service.yaml and deployment.yaml inside template directory.
If I am deploying these 20 microservices, do I need to create 20 separate helm chart ? Or Can I create service for every 20 within 1 chart?
I am new to Kubernetes and Helm chart. So I am confused about the standard way of using yaml files with chart. Do I need to create 20 separate chart or can I include in 1 chart?
How can I follow the standard way of chart creation for my micro service projects please?
What I ended up doing (working with a similar stack), is create one microservice Chart, which is stored in an internal Chart repository. Inside of the Helm Chart, I gave enough configuration options, so teams have the flexibility to control their own deployments, but I made sure to set sensible defaults (e.g. make sure the Deployment utilises a RollingUpdateStrategy and readiness probes are configured with sensible defaults).
These configuration options can be passed by the values.yaml file. Teams deploy their microservice via a CICD pipeline, passing the values.yaml file to the helm command (with the -f flag).
I would certainly recommend you read the Helm Template Developer guide, before making the decision. It really depends on how similar your microservices are, but I recommend going for 1 Helm Chart if you have a homogenous environment (which also was the case for me).

Create custom helm charts

I'm using helm charts to create deploy micro services, by executing helm create it creates basic chart with deployment, services and ingress but I have few other configurations such as horizontal pod autoscaler, pod disruption budget.
what I do currently copy the yaml and change accordingly, but this takes lot of time and I don't see this as a (correct way/best practice) to do it.
helm create <chartname>
I want to know how you can create helm charts and have your extra configurations as well.
Bitnami's guide to creating your first helm chart describes helm create as "the best way to get started" and says that "if you already have definitions for your application, all you need to do is replace the generated YAML files for your own". The approach is also suggested in the official helm docs and the chart developer guide. So you are acting on best advice.
It would be cool if there were a wizard you could use to take existing kubernetes yaml files and make a helm chart from them. One tool like this that is currently available is chartify. It is listed on helm's related projects page (and I couldn't see any others that would be relevant).
You can try using Move2Kube. You will have to put all your yamls (if the source is kubernetes yamls) or other source artifacts in a directory (say src) and do move2kube translate -s src/.
In the wizard that comes up, you can choose helm instead of yamls and it will create a helm chart for you.