Open remote folder in editor (macOS) - remote-server

I am using Cyberduck in a MacBook to access a remote server under the SFTP protocol. In Linux, I just right-clicked and clicked "Open with" and, selected my editor of choice. I cannot do the same on Cyberduck. The "Edit with" option seems to work only with files, but I wanted to open the whole folder (in my case, in VS Code).
Do you know how to achieve this behaviour, or suggest any other free software to do so? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


Open Files in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Mars with the TFS plugin. I work with many files that don't have a file extension. Is there a setting to have those files open in Eclipse? Currently, I always get Windows "what do you want to do with this file" selection displays.
All of these non-extension files are plain text that would properly render in Eclipse.
We have a fix in TEE/Eclipse TFS plugin to handle opening files without any extensions from Source Control Explorer in Eclipse. It will be available with our next update.
Unfortunately, the way our Eclipse TFS plugin (i.e. TEE) is written today, you will not be able to do what you are asking (meaning, you will not be able to configure the system so that when you click on a file with no file extension in the source control explorer and have it open in Eclipse – you will always be promoted by Windows to choose the application). We will keep this use case in mind as we continue to support the plug-in and will add it to the backlog of options to be considered in the next release. We are sorry for any inconvenience this is causing you. Thank you for your question.

How to use RSE plugin in Eclipse?

I installed the RSE plugin in Eclipse intending to either use SSH or FTP to work with files on a remote machine. I set up both an SSH and FTP connection, but neither works.
For example, here is what happens when I connect using FTP:
As you can see, the directories on the server show up, but I can't do anything with them. No sub-folders are showing up and none of the files can be opened.
I'm completely new to Eclipse, (though certainly not new to working with FTP) so I really don't know what to do to get this working.
Also, is there any way to use this with the PHP perspective at all?
First, make sure you are using the latest update site for RSE. In Eclipse, go to Preferences >> Install/Update >> Available Software Sites and check that the update site for RSE is listed correctly and it is enabled. You can learn the latest update site from the Target Management Home Page (look for an update site link next to the latest release announcement).
Once you do that, you must also have the RSE Core plugin enabled in addition to SSH or FTP services. In Eclipse, go to Help >> Install New Software. Expand the TM and RSE Uncategorized category and install the RSE Core plugin.
You should now see sub-folders, and have more options on the remote folder right-click menu. You can, for example create a remote project or import remote folders into your current project.
Your problem might be associated with the "Show files only" checkbox. In the Remote Systems perspective right-click on "Sftp Files" and try to create a new connection. In the "File Filter" dialog window make sure the "Show files only" checkbox is not checked.

In Eclipse, how to open a file browser in the directory of the currently edited file

I know it's possible in eclipse to open file browsers from your project's resource browser, but is it possible for files that aren't part of your project ? Typically external includes are not found in your resource browser...
If there is the equivalent of $(resource_loc) for the editor, it would work.. But I wasn't able to find it. Can anyone help me on this ?
EDIT : I Found StartExplorer, but it doesn't work for me. It is hardcoded to use WINDOWS explorer or cmd.exe. Also, it still requires you to use the resource browser. Other than that it can open paths selected in the editor, but they must be full paths.
EDIT 2 : StartExplorer seems to have been upgraded. I no longer use eclipse, but if someone else is still looking for this, I'd look again at their stuff!
For eclipse Luna (4.4) and later, You can use: Right Click->Show In->System Explorer
"Window" -> "Open Perspectives" -> "Remote Systems", then a view with root 'Local' node will be displayed.
While in Project Explorer pane, to browse files of any node, right click and select Show in Remote Systems view to get there.
From StartExplorer website:
This plug-in is inherently not platform-independent. Currently, the following operating systems/desktop environments are supported out of the box: Windows, Mac OS, Linux with Gnome, Linux with KDE, Linux with Xfce, Linux with LXDE.
As far as I know you have to create a linked folder for your external includes to achieve your goal. After that you can use StartExplorer for you externals as well. If you do not like that plugin you could try another similar one called EasyShell which is a similar one but you can configure all of its commands.
EasyShell seems quite descent to me (used in Ubuntu). It gives you the choices to open the Nautilus, to open the shell, to run a file and to copy the selected path. All of them appear with a right click on the package explorer of Eclipse. The installation was with no problems. Therefore, I would suggest it.
Hope I helped!
You might want to try eExplorer, see my answer on
If you are using git, you can open Window > Show View > Other > Git Repositories. That will give you a Git Repositories explorer, which shows the Working Tree. The Working Tree will show all files in the filesystem, even temporary ones you created that are not added to git yet.
Another way is to open Window > Perspective > Other > Git.
Shortcut key can also be created in Eclipse>Help>Preferences>General>Keys

Need help configuring external diff with Eclipse

I am trying to set up my dev environment and I got SVN running with Eclipse on my mac (with Subclipse). However, when I click on a file I've changed and go to Compare With -> Latest From Repository, I noticed I was getting (what I think is) a sub-par diff tool.
So, I went to Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> Diff/Merge to configure an external diff tool (called "DiffMerge"). However, no matter what I put in the "External" field and the "Parameters" field, I cannot get the DiffMerge tool to work.
For example, I tried "/Applications/DiffMerge" in the External field (I put the executable directly in the Applications folder for now) and made the parameters: "${base}" "${yours}". However, when I return to my modified file and hit compare with -> Lates from repository, I still get the same built-in diff tool.
Any ideas or resources you could point me to would be greatly appreciated (I've been hunting around stackoverflow myself for answers but to no avail).
I started using Mac recently and I faced the same problem. As suggested by Chris I got it working for DeltaWalker.
Steps :
1. Install BeyondCVS plugin with svn. This will ensure that BeyondCompare is added under Eclipse -> Preferences -> External Tools.
Open Eclipse -> Preferences -> External Tools -> Beyond Compare.
In the "Path To Beyond Compare" manually enter the installation folder for Delta Walker which on my machine is "/Applications/"
I beleive DiffMerge is a .app is it not? In that case i think you would have to give the path to actual binary which should be something like: /Applications/ If you right click on the app in Finder an do "Show Contents" it shoudl allow you to browse it like the regular directory it is... Or you can navigate into it from the command line and find the bianary you need.
Just out of curiosity whats worng with Subclipse's built in tool? IMO its the best Diff/Merge on OSX - but maybe im missing something.
I am using the BeyondCVS plugin with SVN. Despite its name, it works both Subclipse and Subversive. And it will launch comparison apps other than BeyondCompare, (I've used WinMerge), so it may work with DiffMerge on the Mac.
I was able to get this to work after some experimentation. You need to trick Subclipse into finding the right file to open.
Open finder and navigate to
Right click > "Show Package Contents"
Navigate to Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge
Right click > "Make Alias"
Drag and Drop the "DiffMerge alias" file to your home folder
In Eclipse, select the alias file as the external diff program
Set the parameters to "-m -t1=Theirs -t2=Merged -t3=Mine -r=${merged} ${theirs} ${base} ${yours}"

How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse PHP Development Tools. What would be the easiest way to access a file or maybe create a remote project trough FTP and maybe SSH and SFTP?.
Eclipse natively supports FTP and SSH. Aptana is not necessary.
Native FTP and SSH support in Eclipse is in the "Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime" Plugin.
Install it through Eclipse itself. These instructions may vary slightly with your version of Eclipse:
Go to 'Help' -> 'Install New Software' (in older Eclipses, this is called something a bit different)
In the 'Work with:' drop-down, select your version's plugin release site. Example: for Kepler, this is Kepler -
In the filter field, type 'remote'.
Check the box next to 'Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime'
Click 'Next', and accept the terms. It should now download and install.
After install, Eclipse may want to restart.
Using it, in Eclipse:
Window -> Open Perspective -> (perhaps select 'Other') -> Remote System Explorer
File -> New -> Other -> Remote System Explorer (folder) -> Connection (or type Connection into the filter field)
Choose FTP from the 'Select Remote System Type' panel.
Fill in your FTP host info in the next panel (username and password come later).
In the Remote Systems panel, right-click the hostname and click 'connect'.
Enter username + password and you're good!
Well, not exactly 'good'. The RSE system is fairly unusual, but you're connected.
And you're one smart cookie! You'll figure out the rest.
Edit: To change the default port, follow the instructions on this page:
Install Aptana plugin to your Eclipse installation.
It has built-in FTP support, and it works excellently.
You can:
Edit files directly from the FTP server
Perform file/folder management (copy, delete, move, rename, etc.)
Upload/download files to/from FTP server
Synchronize local files with FTP server. You can make several profiles (actually projects) for this so you won't have to reinput over and over again.
As a matter of fact the FTP support is so good I'm using Aptana (or Eclipse + Aptana) now for all my FTP needs. Plus I get syntax highlighting/whatever coding support there is. Granted, Eclipse is not the speediest app to launch, but it doesn't bug me so much.
have you checked RSE (Remote System Explorer) ? I think it's pretty close to what you want to achieve.
a blog post about it, with screenshots
I'm not sure if this works for you, but when I do small solo PHP projects with Eclipse, the first thing I set up is an Ant script for deploying the project to a remote testing environment. I code away locally, and whenever I want to test it, I just hit the shortcut which updates the remote site.
Eclipse has good Ant support out of the box, and the scripts aren't hard to make.
SFTP Plug-in:
As none of the other solutions mentioned satisfied me, I wrote a script that uses WinSCP to sync local directories in a project to a FTP(S)/SFTP/SCP Server when eclipse's autobuild feature is triggered. Obviously, this is a Windows-only solution.
Maybe someone finds this useful: