Extracting replies using Twitter V2 - twitter-oauth

I have been trying to get the replies given a conversation id and every time I get the following response.Json response from twitter
My credential file is a json file and it is set as below:
"API key": "the api key",
"API Key Secret": "the api secret",
"Bearer Token": "bearer token",
"Access Token": "access token",
"Access Token Secret": "access token secret",
"Client ID": "client id",
"Client Secret": "client secret"
I use the bearer token from the credential file as the header in the request url. The sample code for search url is below:
search_url = "https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/recent" #Change to the endpoint you want to collect data from
#change params based on the endpoint you are using
query_params = { 'query':'conversation_id:{}'.format(convo_id), 'tweet.fields':'author_id,conversation_id,in_reply_to_user_id,referenced_tweets,public_metrics',
'pagination_token': {} }
I even tried running the program on Postman and got the same result there. The result is constant for any given conversation id.
I'm not sure where I have mistaken.


GET request to Patch Management API (Patch Manager Plus - Cloud)

I followed the instructions in the Patch Manager Plus - Cloud (https://www.manageengine.com/patch-management/api/) . And then get information (like refresh_token, client_id, client_secret), get access_token for every hour.
When trying to initiate a GET request to api/1.3/som/computers, I get the following response back.
"message_response": "Unable to retrieve details, Please try again later.",
"error_code": 90004,
"error": "invalid input found",
"message_version": "1.0",
"status": "error"
My code is as follows:
axios.get('https://patch.manageengine.com/api/1.3/som/computers', {
headers: {
"Authorization": << access_token >>
I think there is a problem with the header such as missing some parameters. (I tried running the api in the browser (logged in) and got the data). I also searched but couldn't find a description for this part.
Can anybody help me, please?

How can I a Google Api restful endpoint using service key?

I'm using postman to memic a restful api call and trying to access google sheets API end point. When I try to access my endpoint it returns:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "The request is missing a valid API key.",
which is fair enough as I did not use my API key. I created a service account and got a json file, but I plan to access using a rest endpoint so need to pass token in header but I'm not sure how.
I looked at the json file and wasn't sure what to extract in order to pass it for my rest call.
Has anyone been able to do this successfully?
Before calling Google Services from Postman, you would need to re-create the flow for getting an access token form service account credentials :
build and encode the JWT payload from the data from credentials files (to populate aud, iss, sub, iat and exp)
request an access token using that JWT
make the request to the API using this access token
You can find a complete guide for this flow is located here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/service-account#authorizingrequests
Here is an example in python. You will need to install pycrypto and pyjwt to run this script :
import requests
import json
import jwt
import time
#for RS256 you may need this
#from jwt.contrib.algorithms.pycrypto import RSAAlgorithm
#jwt.register_algorithm('RS256', RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256))
token_url = "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"
credentials_file_path = "./google.json"
#build and sign JWT
def build_jwt(config):
iat = int(time.time())
exp = iat + 3600
payload = {
'iss': config["client_email"],
'sub': config["client_email"],
'aud': token_url,
'iat': iat,
'exp': exp,
'scope': 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets'
jwt_headers = {
'kid': config["private_key_id"],
"alg": 'RS256',
"typ": 'JWT'
signed_jwt = jwt.encode(
headers = jwt_headers,
algorithm = 'RS256'
return signed_jwt
with open(credentials_file_path) as conf_file:
config = json.load(conf_file)
# 1) build and sign JWT
signed_jwt = build_jwt(config)
# 2) get access token
r = requests.post(token_url, data= {
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
"assertion": signed_jwt.decode("utf-8")
token = r.json()
print(f'token will expire in {token["expires_in"]} seconds')
at = token["access_token"]
Note the value of the scope: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets
Probably, you can do all the above flow using Google API library depending on what
programming language you prefer
The script above will print the access token :
Then you can use it in Postman in Authorization header as Bearer {TOKEN}.
Or using curl :
curl "https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/$SPREADSHEET_ID" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Note: you can find an example of using service account keys to call Google translate API here

Forbidden !! while trying to access the hereapi traces service

I've been working on here API from past one week, I've tested the geofencing and other rest services. I am trying to work on tracking, Where we have to generate a token by giving all the valid credentials. At last, I've got the token as well but when am trying to access the traces one for which the endpoint URL is
here I've given the trackingid(deviceid) which I've used to generate an access token and included this token as a bearer in authorization I am using postman to test these, my token is valid for only 23 hours
Authorization Bearer {mytoken}
As mentioned I've also provided this x-request-id, I've no idea regarding this x-request-id but came to know about this from this thread and tried to generate uuid and use it for x-request-id
x-request-id 5506b7d0-2fe6-4967-8ad8-cf0f08fdedbf
And I am receiving the response as
"code": 403,
"id": "5506b7d0-2fe6-4967-8ad8-cf0f08fdedbf",
"message": "Forbidden",
"error": "Forbidden\n\nThe account does not have the correct
The similar case even when I am trying to access the allotted geofences for that device and how many devices are in that particular geofence. I've read about whitelisting but whatever the service I am requesting for is not on their list. My account was a 90days free trial account
I am new to this hereapi Kindly correct me if I am doing anything wrong.
Kindly Help me out with this issue
Thanks in advance
--Meghana Goud
I've figured it out, I'll include the details here follow the step by step process as mentioned in the documentation
refer this HERE Tracking | API Reference
And follow the step by step process as mentioned in this documentation
The first one, you'll get your bearer token from this endpoint URL https://tracking.api.here.com/users/v2/login which is post
method and set its Content-Type to application/json and provide the username and password in JSON format and send a POST request to it
EndpointURL :https://tracking.api.here.com/users/v2/login
Headers :{"Content-Type":"application/json"}
Input :{"email":"XXXXXX", "password":"XXXX"}
Expected Response:{
"userId": "XXXXXX",
"accessToken": "XXXXX",
"tokenType": "bearer",
"expiresIn": 86399,
"refreshToken": "XXX"
the token is valid for only 24 hours. Now use this token for all the rest services you want to access from here-API
Now I would like to get the traces of my device using this endpointURL https://tracking.api.here.com/traces/v2/{trackingid}?count=1 , send a get request to this endpointURL by giving your trackingID, I repeat TrackingID is different from your deviceId TrackingId will be HERE-XXX(UUIDv4) whereas deviceId will be XXXX(UUIDv4)
now set the authorization to Bearer Token and pass an x-request-id which is a UUIDv4
Your request should look like
EndpointURL :https://tracking.api.here.com/traces/v2/{trackingid}?count=1
Headers :{"Authorization":"Bearer XXXXXX","x-request-id":"XXXX(UUIDv4)"}
Expected Response:{
"count": 1,
"data": [
"position": {
"lat": 17.44936354,
"lng": 78.36296417,
"accuracy": 45,
"alt": 539
"timestamp": 1531462419813,
"payload": {
"batteryState": {
"charging": false,
"level": 52,
"temperature": 25
"pageToken": "1531462359711"
In order to update any data from your device, you'll require your device token which is generated from this endpoint URLhttps://tracking.api.here.com/v2/token you'll get your access token by OAuth1.o Authorization give the respected values as mentioned in the documentation. you'll get the response as
"accessToken": "XXXXXX",
"expiresIn": 86399
Similarly, you can test other services,
Hope this helps

Demandware OCAPI modify order

I've built a tiny program that helps Identify orders in Demandware that have incorrect status, e.g: (status: new, open, completed and shipping-status: not-shipped, shipped).
I basically just use order_search from OCAPI and compare the results with our ERP.
However now I want to automate some of the fixing of status, which would require me to use the /orders/{order_no} GET and PATCH calls, however when I do so, I get the following message:
{ type: 'AccessWithoutUserForbiddenException',
message: 'An authenticated user is required in order to access resource.' }
According to the docs OAUTH for order_search uses: "Authentication via OAuth token.", however orders/{order_no} uses: "Authentication via OAuth token. A valid user is required."
So what would be the right strategy for becoming a valid user?
a valid user for getting oAuth tokens is a Business Manager user. So please login to Business Manager and create a new user for your use cases and grant the necessary permissions.
After that you are able to execute the particular resources.
If you are using account.demandware.com as the host then it will throw below error
{ error: 'unauthorized_client', error_description: 'Client id
\'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\' has invalid credentials to use grant type
Instead you can change the host to your sandbox host. And try once again. It should work. I was also facing the same issue.
const key = new Buffer('business_manager_email_id' + ":" + 'business_manager_pwd' + ":" + 'client_pwd').toString("base64");
const options = {
url: 'https://<sandbox_host>/dw/oauth2/access_token?client_id=your_client_id',
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Authorization': "Basic " + key,
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: "grant_type=urn:demandware:params:oauth:grant-type:client-id:dwsid:dwsecuretoken"

How to query request object in Facebook graph API explorer?

I have a request Id and I'd like to get the request Id object.
When I type the request id into the graph api explorer I get this: "Unsupported get request."
Any idea how to do this?
I'd like the request objects like at the end of this example: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/464/
EDIT My code:
First I enter this in my browser:
Then examining the response in Chrome I can see this under Query String Parameters:
These are the Ids of the friends I sent the request to and the request ID.
I use that data to construct this request in the Graph Api Explorer
I also tried:
Both return:
"error": {
"message": "Unsupported get request.",
"type": "GraphMethodException",
"code": 100
You need to call with the access_token
To get the full Request that includes the recipient user, you will need to append the recipient user ID:
or use the recipient User Access Token:
-- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/requests/