Doom Emacs ox-hugo : No such file or directory - emacs

In doom emacs, I have updated the init.el with (org +hugo) entry.Restarted it with ./doom sync. But on using the key binding SPC m e I get the following error.
.I also tried the Vanilla Emacs approach mentioned here .Still face the same issue


emacs 27.1 for windows 10 org mode not working during first load (Shell command succeeded with no output)

In Windows 10, Emacs 26.3 with inbuilt org version 9.1.9 is working fine (Packaged binaries). Recently I tried Emacs 27.1. with inbuilt org version 9.3. While loading .org files for first time, I get the message (Shell command succeeded with no output) and org files are not rendered at all. To render it, I have to use M-x org-mode or reload the file in the buffer again. I tried to run without loading .emacs.d folder packages. The issue persists. It means, it has nothing to do with already installed other packages. I also tried with latest org version 9.3.7 and and also tried with emacs -Q. Still the issue persists. Any solutions?
I know I'm very late, but found in Jeffs words:
Evil remaps C-i to evil-jump-forward to emulate Vim’s jump lists feature2, which overwrites the default mapping for the TAB key in Org mode.
To fix the tab key’s functionality in Org mode, sacrifice Evil’s C-i backward jumping by turning it off in your configuration with the evil-want-C-i-jump option.
So to solve, just edit your init.el to look like this:
;; Install Evil and disable C-i to jump forward to restore TAB functionality in Org mode.
(use-package evil
:init (setq evil-want-C-i-jump nil)
:config (evil-mode))

Emacs24 , org-mode, can't find `latex'(needed to convert LaTeX fragments fo images)

I want to use the command C-c C-x C-l to preview latex code in org-mode. Since the emacs-nox cannot do this, I tried apt-get install emacs24. However, after I have installed the emacs24 with GUI, I get an error like
can't find \`latex'(needed to convert LaTeX fragments to images)
I have installed texlive2016, and I can latex *.tex in shell command.
I added the /paht/to/latex to .emacs, but it don't work well.
Adding the following to my init.el makes it work:
;; Making emacs find latex (so that C-c C-x C-l works on orgmode)
(setenv "PATH" (concat ":/Library/TeX/texbin/" (getenv "PATH")))
(add-to-list 'exec-path "/Library/TeX/texbin/")
It is not a very pretty solution, but it does the job and is very easy to modify and understand.
This solution worked on a Mac running macOS Sierra and Emacs v25.1.
My crystal ball tells me that the problem is that you're not starting the GUI Emacs from a terminal, so it can't inherit your $PATH settings. See for example (that question is within OSX, but the same problem appears in other systems).
Apparently you can set env-vars globally (so that they affect all applications, including those started directly from the GUI) in ~/.pam_environment (that's for GNU/Linux systems). Note that this is only consulted when you login, so you need to logout+login for changes to take effect.

Strange behaviour when compiling auctex from MELPA in Emacs (w32 version) in Cygwin

I tried to compile the auctex from Emacs MELPA. The version is: 11.88.4
When I first open a .tex file, compile AUCTEX, and change to "TeX-latex-mode", Emacs will work properly, the menu bar also change to latex state.
However, when I close Emacs, restart Emacs again and open a .tex file, Emacs will give:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Autoloading failed to define function TeX-latex-mode")
And auctex will not work...
It seems the problem is in autoloading certain state when initialize the auctex for a tex file.
Any help?
Problem Solved! My mistake.
I modularised my init.el and separated the LaTeX settings to latex.el, which conflict with the latex.el in auctex.
I renamed the file to latex_settings and everyting works fine. (A small warning that no docstring for 'tex-start-shell', but that's fine.)

What to do if I cannot find my emacs init file?

I am trying to add haskell-mode to emacs by following these instructions:
This involves that I add some code to my ~/.emacs init file. However, my issue is that I cannot locate my emacs init file. I tried using find commands to locate it, as so:
find . -name "*emacs*"
find . -name "~/.emacs"
However none of these appear to be very successful, as I get either too many results, or no results.
So, given my situation, since I cannot locate my ~/.emacs init file, does this mean it does not exist? In that case, would it be smart to create one myself using the emacs editor? If so, are there any outstanding things I should know before attempting to create one?
C-x C-f ~/.emacs will take you to it.
See the Emacs manual, nodes Init File and Find Init.
To open your emacs init file, type M-: (find-file user-init-file) RET. If you only want to see its path, you can use C-h v user-init-file RET.
You can also create it yourself, if I'm not wrong installing emacs doesn't create automatically the file all the times. Just type in the terminal with your text editor (vim, vi, nano, etc) of preference:
vim ~/.emacs
And edit it the way you want :-)

emacs ess julia hangs on "using DataFrames"

I'm trying to follow a very simple example to get started with Julia using ESS. But the very first command:
using DataFrames
results in emacs' spinning slash, nothing else happens, and the command prompt is not restored. This is emacs 24.3.1 on OS X 10.8.5, ess-20140304.2344 installed via emacs' package system. In my init.el, I have
(require ess-site)
(setq inferior-julia-program-name
Note: /Applications/Julia is a softlink to /Applications/
I tried the "using" command with the terminal and it worked fine.
Tried it using julia/bin/julia-basic in an iTerm2 session and it hung. Tried julia/bin/julia-readline in an iTerm2 session and it hung. Tried julia/bin/julia and it worked in iTerm2 but not in emacs, which is strange since that's just a link to julia-readline. Tried putting julia/bin on emacs' exec-path. Nothing seems to work.
Any suggestions?