How to do upgrade/instructions Apache Atlas from version 2.0 to version 2.2? - apache-atlas

I need help with upgrade instructions/process for Apache Atlas from version 2.0 to 2.2.
Can't find instructions on how to upgrade Apache Atlas version 2.o to 2.2.


How to repackage Apache beam bundle to update with latest compaible mongo db java driver

As Apache Beam 2.38 having incompatible mongo db java driver. I want to add extra packages recommened by Mongo DB documents like below
mongodb-driver-sync 4.0
So i wanted to build Apache Beam 2.38 which removed the existing Mongo Java Driver which is not compatible. For this i have raised a issues on Apach Beam Jira as well,
Mongo DB Upgrade to 5.0 having compatibitlity issue with Apache Beam included mongo-java-driver.

Which version of Parse-server and mongodb driver at minimum should I use for support of MongoDB 4.2?

I am currently with Parse-server 2.8.4 and mongo driver 3.1.0 to support a mongoDB 4.0 cluster hosted on MongoDB Atlas.
It was announced that my cluster would be automatically upgraded to mongoDB 4.2 by Atlas.
I am wondering if the Parse-server 2.8.4 supports mongoDB 4.2? If not, which version of Parse-server and mongo driver should I use?
I am hesitant to upgrade to Parse-server 3.0 as my web app is in production and it is said upgrading from Parse 2 to 3 requires a significant amount of change.

spring-boot mongodb 4.0 compatibility

Which version of spring-boot is compatible with MongoDB 4.0?
Is there an advisable way to use spring-boot 2.0.5 RELEASE with MongoDB 4.0?
Or better to use spring boot 2.0.5 which has mongo driver version 3.6.x with MongoDB 3.6`?
I think it is not strictly needed to have the latest driver and spring data mongo in order to use a mongodb 4.0; However in the spring data changelog you can see the various changes regarding the driver and DB update, there you can see that in version 2.1.0.RC1 they started adding support for version 4.0 of the database as well as in version 1.10.15.RELEASE. Latest GA version 2.1.0.RELEASE documentation has updated to MongoDB Java Driver 3.8.2.
The java driver and Spring will always be a bit behind with new functionalities introduced by each version of MongoDB. So my suggestion if you are starting now is to use the latest 2.1.0.RELEASE (
How Mongo was before version 4.0 how-acid-mongodb
ACID in mongo 4.0 multi document transaction
Spring data mongo support for transactions

Is compatible with mongo 3.6?

I'm using for mongodb queries using GOLang.
Earlier, Mongodb version was 3.0 and now I'm planning to upgrade it to 3.6.
Are they compatible with each other?

Which version of Mongodb-plugin is compatible with Grails 2.2.4?

I'm trying to fix the problem with
com.mongodb.DBPortPool$ConnectionWaitTimeOut: Connection wait timeout after 120000 ms
and read, that in plugin version :mongo:3.0.0 the issue should be fixed by now.
In my app I'm using Grails 2.2.4 and mongo 1.3.3 now. In plugin-doc stands, that mongo 3.0 works only with Grails 2.3.x.
My question is, which is the most recent mongo plugin version to support Grails 2.2.4?
You can use mongodb 2.0.1 version.