How to fix ZIO server Internal Server Error 500 generated buy custom method - scala

I have this 2 methods
import zio.*
import zio.Console.printLine
import zio.http.Client
import zio.nio.file.*
import zio.nio.charset.Charset
object FileStorage:
def saveToFile(data: String = "", filePath: String = "src/main/resources/data.json"): Unit =
lazy val logic = for {
encoded <- Charset.Standard.utf8.encodeString(data)
path = Path(filePath.split("/").head, filePath.split("/").tail: _*)
notExists <- Files.notExists(path)
- <- if (notExists) Files.createFile(path) else ZIO.attempt(())
_ <- Files.writeBytes(path, encoded)
_ <- Console.printLine(s"written to $path")
} yield ()
def unsafeF = (unsafeVal: Unsafe) => {
implicit val unsafe: Unsafe = unsafeVal
def readFromFile: ZIO[Any, Throwable, String] = {
val path = Path("src", "main", "resources", "data.json")
val bool = for bool <- Files.isReadable(path) yield bool
val zioStr = bool.flatMap(bool =>
if (bool) Files.readAllLines(path, Charset.Standard.utf8).map(fileLines => fileLines.head)
else {
In def readFromFile i try to make empty an empty file if file don't exists
File generation working fine
then I'm trying to read that empty file and return it like a ZIO Response like that
import zio.http.{Client, *}
import zio.json.*
import zio.http.model.Method
import zio.{Scope, Task, ZIO, ZIOAppDefault}
import zio.http.Client
import zhttp.http.Status.NotFound
import zhttp.http.Status
import scala.language.postfixOps
import zio._
import scala.collection.immutable.List
import zio.{ExitCode, URIO, ZIO}
object ClientServer extends ZIOAppDefault {
val app: Http[Client, Throwable, Request, Response] = Http.collectZIO[Request]
case Method.GET -> !! / "readLeagues" => => Response.json(str))
BUT in this case I getting Internal Server Error 500 on postman in http://localhost:8080/readLeagues
If at first I feed prefilled json file to
def readFromFile
It works fine Status: 200
And I getting a nice looking json as a body
Maybe I should set another default strings for data to prefill
def saveToFile
so json can be parsable?
or smth else


How to reserve ZIO response inside a custom method in

I have this method
import ClientServer.*
import zio.http.{Client, *}
import zio.json.*
import zio.http.model.Method
import zio.{ExitCode, URIO, ZIO}
import sttp.capabilities.*
import sttp.client3.Request
import zio.*
import zio.http.model.Headers.Header
import zio.http.model.Version.Http_1_0
import sttp.model.sse.ServerSentEvent
import sttp.client3._
object fillFileWithLeagues:
def fill = for {
openDotaResponse <- Client.request("")
bodyOfResponse <- openDotaResponse.body.asString
listOfLeagues <- ZIO.fromEither(bodyOfResponse.fromJson[List[League]] => new Exception(error)))
save = FileStorage.saveToFile(listOfLeagues.toJson) //Ok
}yield ()
println("Im here fillFileWithLeagues.fill ")
and when I try use
nothing happens
I'm trying fill file with data from target api using
def readFromFileV8(path: Path = Path("src", "main", "resources", "data.json")): ZIO[Any, Throwable, String] =
val zioStr = (for bool <- Files.isReadable(path) yield bool).flatMap(bool =>
if (bool) Files.readAllLines(path, Charset.Standard.utf8).map(_.head)
else {
println("im here readFromFileV8")
I'm expecting data.json file must created from
but there is nothing happens
Maybe I should use some sttp, or some other tools?
If we fix indentation of the code we'll find this:
object fillFileWithLeagues {
def fill = {
for {
openDotaResponse <- Client.request("")
bodyOfResponse <- openDotaResponse.body.asString
listOfLeagues <- ZIO.fromEither(bodyOfResponse.fromJson[List[League]] => new Exception(error)))
save = FileStorage.saveToFile(listOfLeagues.toJson) //Ok
} yield ()
println("Im here fillFileWithLeagues.fill ")
As you see the println is part of fillFileWithLeagues, not of fill.
Another potential problem is that an expression like fillFileWithLeagues.fill only returns a ZIO instance, it is not yet evaluated. To evaluate it, it needs to be run. For example as follows:
import zio._
object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def run = fillFileWithLeagues.fill

How to rebuild json from api url using ZIO 2+ and scala 3+

I need to get json from and rebuild it keeping only leagues name and leagues id, save to local file and send this json as a response to client by Get method
package dev.zio.quickstart.dota
import zhttp.http.\*
import zio.\*
import zio.json.\*
import zio.\_
import zio.http.Client
An http app that:
Accepts a `Request` and returns a `Response`
May fail with type of `Throwable`
Uses a `DotaRepo` as the environment
object DotaApp:
def apply(): Http\[DotaRepo, Throwable, Request, Response\] =
Http.collectZIO\[Request\] {
// GET /Leagues
case Method.GET -\> !! / "Leagues" =\>
val url = ""
val program = for {
res \<- Client.request(url)
data \<- res.body.asString
} yield =\> Response.json(response.toJson))
package dev.zio.quickstart.dota
import java.util.UUID
import zio.json.\*
case class League(name: String, leagueid: Int)
object League:
given JsonEncoder\[League\] =
given JsonDecoder\[League\] =
package dev.zio.quickstart.dota
import zio.\*
trait DotaRepo:
def leagues: Task\[List\[League\]\]
def liveMatches: Task\[List\[LiveMatch\]\]
object DotaRepo:
def leagues: ZIO\[DotaRepo, Throwable, List\[League\]\] =
def liveMatches: ZIO[DotaRepo, Throwable, List[LiveMatch]] =
package dev.zio.quickstart.dota
import zio.\*
import scala.collection.mutable
case class InmemoryLeague(listBuffer: Ref\[mutable.ListBuffer\[League\]\]) extends DotaRepo:
def getLeagues: UIO\[List\[League\]\] =\_.toList)
object InmemoryLeague {
def layer: ZLayer\[Any, Nothing, InmemoryLeague\] =
Ref.make(mutable.ListBuffer.empty\[League\]).map(new InmemoryLeague(\_))
I've tried using these examples
Can't get in to syntax

"" script compilation error

I am trying to reproduce the devign experiment. When joern is updated, some error messages appear in the script that parses the bin file into JSON. I modified some, and there are still some errors as shown in the figure below. Did you encounter similar errors and how did you solve them?
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.{Encoder, Json}
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.types.expressions.generalizations.CfgNode
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.EdgeTypes
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.NodeTypes
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes
import io.shiftleft.dataflowengineoss.language._
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.types.expressions.Call
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.types.structure.Local
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.MethodParameterIn
import overflowdb._
import overflowdb.traversal._
final case class GraphForFuncsFunction(function: String,
file: String,
id: String,
AST: List[nodes.AstNode],
CFG: List[nodes.AstNode],
PDG: List[nodes.AstNode])
final case class GraphForFuncsResult(functions: List[GraphForFuncsFunction])
implicit val encodeEdge: Encoder[Edge] =
(edge: Edge) =>
("id", Json.fromString(edge.toString)),
("in", Json.fromString(edge.inNode.toString)),
("out", Json.fromString(edge.outNode.toString))
implicit val encodeNode: Encoder[nodes.AstNode] =
(node: nodes.AstNode) =>
("id", Json.fromString(node.toString)),
Json.fromValues((node.inE("AST", "CFG").l ++ node.outE("AST", "CFG").l).map(_.asJson))),
("properties", Json.fromValues( { case (key, value) =>
("key", Json.fromString(key)),
("value", Json.fromString(value.toString))
implicit val encodeFuncFunction: Encoder[GraphForFuncsFunction] = deriveEncoder
implicit val encodeFuncResult: Encoder[GraphForFuncsResult] = deriveEncoder
#main def main(): Json = {
GraphForFuncsResult( { method =>
val methodName = method.fullName
val methodId = method.toString
val methodFile = method.location.filename
val astChildren = method.astMinusRoot.l
val cfgChildren = method.out(EdgeTypes.CONTAINS).asScala.collect { case node: nodes.CfgNode => node }.toList
val local = new NodeSteps(
val sink = local.evalType(".*").referencingIdentifiers.dedup
val source = new NodeSteps(method.out(EdgeTypes.CONTAINS).hasLabel(NodeTypes.CALL).cast[nodes.Call]).nameNot("<operator>.*").dedup
val pdgChildren = sink
.flatMap { path =>
.map {
case trackingPoint # (_: MethodParameterIn) => trackingPoint.start.method.head
case trackingPoint => trackingPoint.cfgNode
.filter(_.toString != methodId)
GraphForFuncsFunction(methodName, methodFile, methodId, astChildren, cfgChildren, pdgChildren.distinct)
error value evalType is not a member of io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps[io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.Local]
val sink = local.evalType(".*").referencingIdentifiers.dedup
^ value nameNot is not a member of io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps[io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.Call]
val source = new NodeSteps(method.out(EdgeTypes.CONTAINS).hasLabel(NodeTypes.CALL).cast[nodes.Call]).nameNot("<operator>.*").dedup
java.lang.RuntimeException: Compilation Failed

How to call poloniex trading api in scala

My code is following.
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.RawHeader
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.util.ByteString
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import javax.crypto.Mac
import scala.concurrent.Future
class Poloniex {
def post(postData: String): Future[HttpResponse] = {
val command = "returnBalances"
val nonce = (System.currentTimeMillis / 1000).toString
val postData = s"nonce=$nonce&command=$command"
val headers: scala.collection.immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = scala.collection.immutable.Seq(
RawHeader("Key", API_KEY),
RawHeader("Sign", hmacSha512(postData))
val entity = HttpEntity(postData)
for {
r <- Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(HttpMethods.POST, TRADING_URL, headers, entity))
} yield r
private def hmacSha512(postData: String): String = {
val secret = new SecretKeySpec(API_SECRET.getBytes, HMAC_SHA512)
val mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA512)
val result: Array[Byte] = mac.doFinal(postData.getBytes)
new String(Hex.encodeHex(result))
I get
{"error":"Invalid command."}
But I couldn't find why I get error.
Can you find the reason why it get error?
The api documentation is here.
The content type of the request must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. To set this, use FormData:
val entity =
FormData(Map("nonce" -> nonce, "command" -> command)).toEntity(HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)

Error testing DAL in slick scala

Pretty new to scala and play and I have been assigned a task to test someone else app,which is running fine btw.Please check if my tests are right and what is the error.
This is employeeEntry.scala file in models
package models
import models.database.Employee
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
import play.api.db.slick._
import play.api.Play.current
case class EmployeeEntry(eid :Int, ename: String, eadd: String, emob: String)
object Employee {
val DBemp = TableQuery[Employee]
def savedat(value: EmployeeEntry):Long = {
DB.withSession { implicit session =>
/*val query = for (c <- Employee) yield c.ename
val result = DB.withSession {
implicit session =>
query.list // <- takes session implicitly
//val query = for (c <- Employee) yield c.ename
def getPersonList: List[EmployeeEntry] = DB.withSession { implicit session => DBemp.list }
def Update: Int = DB.withSession { implicit session =>
(DBemp filter (_.eid === 1) map (s => (s.ename,s.eadd))) update ("test","khair")}
def delet :Int =DB.withSession {
implicit session => (DBemp filter (_.eid === 1)).delete
And this is file Employee.scala in models/database
package models.database
import models._
import models.EmployeeEntry
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
import scala.slick.lifted._
class Employee(tag:Tag) extends Table[EmployeeEntry](tag,"employee")
//val a = "hello"
def eid = column[Int]("eid", O.PrimaryKey)
def ename = column[String]("name", O.DBType("VARCHAR(50)"))
def emob = column[String]("emob",O.DBType("VARCHAR(10)"))
def eadd =column[String]("eadd",O.DBType("VARCHAR(100)"))
def * = (eid, ename, emob, eadd) <> (EmployeeEntry.tupled, EmployeeEntry.unapply)
Finally this is my test I am running,which is failing :
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
import play.api.db.slick._
import play.api.Play.current
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import models.database.Employee
import scala.slick.lifted._
import models._
import models.EmployeeEntry
//import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._
class databasetest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers{
describe("this is to check database layer"){
it("can save a row"){
val a = EmployeeEntry(1006,"udit","schd","90909090")
Employee.savedat(a) should be (1)
Employee.getPersonList.size should be (1)
The test is failing and error is
java.lang.RuntimeException: There is no started application
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$current$1.apply(Play.scala:71)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$current$1.apply(Play.scala:71)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:120)
at play.api.Play$.current(Play.scala:71)
at models.Employee$.getPersonList(EmployeeEntry.scala:27)
at databasetest$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$2.apply$mcV$sp(databasetest.scala:39)
at databasetest$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$2.apply(databasetest.scala:39)
at databasetest$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$2.apply(databasetest.scala:39)
at org.scalatest.Transformer$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcV$sp(Transformer.scala:22)
By default play provides spec2 testing no need to add scalatest framework for unit testing.For database access layer testing required a connection with database so start a fake application.(this is not running code, just an idea to write unit test)
for more detail take a look play doc :
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import models.database.Employee
import models._
import models.EmployeeEntry
import play.api.test.FakeApplication
import play.api.test.Helpers.running
import play.api.Play.current
class databasetest extends Specification {
"database layer" should {
"save a row" in {
running(FakeApplication()) {
val a = EmployeeEntry(1006,"udit","schd","90909090")
Employee.savedat(a) must be equalTo (1)
"get list" in {
running(FakeApplication()) {
Employee.getPersonList.size must be equalTo (1)