html2canvas Image downloaded is different than in the browser - html2canvas

Image downloaded is different than in the browser
File downloaded:

The problem occurs because the box-shadow property,
When I remove box-shadow it works as it should.


Generate webp image in TYPO3 Fluid

I am trying to have TYPO3 10.4.12 generate webp images as described in the example on this page:
{f:uri.image(image:images.0, fileExtension: 'webp')}
I am using GraphicsMagick and with gm version I get
WebP yes
and converting a picture to webp manually via command line works.
Also cwebp is installed.
If I try fileExtension: 'png' it generates a png file so the parameter seems to work.
However the image does not get converted, instead the original unprocessed image gets referenced.
The main problem seems to have been that I needed to add webp to the [GFX][imagefile_ext] configuration.
Additionally sometimes it only worked after removing all generated images under Remove Temporary Assets in the Maintenance section.
Yes that is true, webp must be added to image file list. In addition we faced another problem with webp. If you create an image as jpg with a width and after that the same image as webp also in the same width, only the jpg was generated. That's why we added 1px to the jpg images.
Now nearly all picutures are delivered in a modern way on

Where do Images go in IONIC 2

I am just getting started with Ionic 2. I have created an img file in app inside it is a file logo.png. So I have created the following code:
.getting-started {
.logo {
background-image: url(./img/logo.png);
<ion-col offset-33 width-33 class="logo"><h1>Logo</h1></ion-col>
<h3>Welcome to your first Ionic app!</h3>
I know the css is working, as if I toggle the background color, I get the expected results. However, I don't get any background image, just the Logo text specified. Where should I have put the image file?
EDIT: As of Ionic 2 RC 0, the correct place to put your images is in src/assets/img/ and the correct code to reference the image is <img src="assets/img/myImg.png">. Please see Ionic's change log for RC0 (specifically #28).
As of right now, using the official Drifty Co. Ionic 2 Conference App as a reference, images should be placed inside of the www/ directory.
In my current Ionic 2 app, an image is located at www/img/logo.png and it is referenced in app/pages/page_name/page_name.html as <img src='img/logo.png'> and it works like a charm.
Currently using:
ionic-angular v2.0.0-beta.6 (package.json)
ionic-native ^1.1.0 (package.json)
ionic-cli v 2.0.0-beta.25 (installed CLI)
Using Ionic 2 beta 6, I handled this with a simple gulp task. I dropped my images in app/assets/images (this path is completely arbitrary). Then, I added the following task to gulpfile.js:
gulp.task("assets", function() {
return gulp.src(["app/assets/images/*"])
You'll also need to update the watch and build tasks to include the new assets task in their calls to runSequence(). I don't believe the order of tasks in the sequence matters, in this case:
gulp.task("build", ["clean"], function(done) {
["sass", "html", "fonts", "assets", "scripts"],
function() {
buildBrowserify().on("end", done);
If you output your images to the same path as I did, then you would reference your images in CSS from ../images/image-name.png and in <img> tags from build/images/image-name.png. I have confirmed that these images are visible both from the browser and an Android device. I don't think it should be any different for iOS.
The assets folder is the correct folder to place any media.
The location of my image:
fyi: if you dont have the folder, just create it
src > assets > img > background.png
.backgroundImage {
background-image: url('../assets/img/background.png');
Then on the page I want to use it on:
<ion-content padding class="backgroundImage">
You can also reference images the following way:
<ion-content padding class="backgroundImage">
<img src="./assets/img/background.png" width="50%" />
www\lib\ionic inside ionic create one folder img
now your path
www\lib\ionic\img put your background image inside this img folder and in your
inside ionic.css find .view-container class and past this line.
.view-container {
background: url("../img/main_bg.jpg") repeat scroll 0 0 / 100% 100%;
OK, so I found the answer on the IONIC forum. The images go in www/img, the paths to these is then:
when referenced from css or html in a page folder which is in pages in app.
Hope this helps anyone in the future.
I was having same problem, I found a way, I don't know if is the best way, but it's work.
the images must go on a file sibling to build, inside folder www
Got the solution. Its using path relative to index.html and not template folder.
So we need use path without../
This works both on browser and apk
I could not manage to make it work using a PNG file. It worked in the browser but when I build the app and deployed to a device it did not displayed.
Instead of fiddling with the Gulp file to understand what was going on, I figured out a simpler workaround :
Inline the image into your HTML (or CSS) using a Data URI.
There are many tools online such as this one that will convert your PNG to a Base64 data URI.
If your image is pool.jpg. Place it in /src/assets/img/pool.jpg
It needs to be in this directory (assets) as it is your source from where everything gets built.
Then stop your ionic serve command (Ctrl-C) or whatever you use.
Then delete EVERYTHING under www directory (it all gets rebuilt anyway).
Then restart your server by running 'ionic serve' again.
This will rebuild the directory with the images.
You can reference the image as background-image: url('../assets/img/pool.jpg');
in your code.
I am using ionic 3 and it's a shame it doesn't pick up changes in the assets directory. IONIC should look at this.
I 'm currently on ionic version 3.6 and I had to use this to work:
The path assets/img/myImage didn't work for me
I hope this helps
Hi Guys i found a method add images to ionic v2
Create a images folder in "www" directory (www/images/) and add your all images in this path.
Then give your image path like this
ex: for pages
in CSS
.ThemeColor{ background: url(/images/bg.png)};
That's it, works for me..

jQuery-File-Upload: Image preview not being generated for all images

For most images jQuery-File-Upload is displaying a preview image. However, for some large images (14MB) no preview is being displayed. Why is this happening and is there anyway to fix this? Unfortunately I am not seeing any errors on my web dev console when this happens so I have no idea how to debug this issue.
Here is a link to an example image that will not display a preview for me.
This helps me in same situation:
in file
change parameter
loadImageMaxFileSize: 40000000 /40MB

ModX Evo: TinyMCE wont insert image path into image URL in selector

This is occuring on ModX Evo 1.0.15.
When I try to select an image (or file) using TinyMCEs image selector I can upload and browse for the image but when I select it to place within my text nothing happens - the image path area remains blank.
Heres a video demonstrating what happens:
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Weird, never had that problem.
Did you try update / reinstall of Evo? (or only tinymce and kcfinder)
Are config paths correct?
Try testing in Firefox, It's possible it's related to Chrome. If it doesn't work in Firefox, Reinstall the plugin.
Clear your cache and try selecting the image.
For a temporary solution if this doesn't work, just type in the image name into the box 'images/imagename.jpg' (minus quotes)
Good Luck

Rendering Images inside PDF, images not being rendered in PDF Viewer 0.1.8

Please check updates as they have additional informations... Apparently located the problem in a specific pdf client but cannot close the issue with an open bounty...
I am generating a pdf using grails rendering plugin. The PDF has a couple of images inside and "some" of them are not being outputted!
I am rendering the images inline via data uris as required by the plugin. That means that all my images are something like:
<img src="...">
If I render them in a normal html view, I can see the images just fine!
If I render the template to a JPG/PNG with the same plugin, again the images render all fine.
If I render to PDF the images which are being retrieved by an octed-stream are broken!
Something like:
Looks like the image started to render and then something happened...
It is happening on the big-sized images, but also on the thumbnail version of same image.
Any one has some hints as why this might occur?
The file which does not show up is a file with mime application/octet-stream
So apparently I can retrieve the bytes from the file, but when they transmitted for PDF Rendering, the image does not appear...
Yet another update
The issue seems to be related with the PDF Viewer. Was using a Linux based PDF Viewer (PDF Viewer 0.1.8) and specific images are broken. In all other PDF Viewers I could test everything works fine.
Cannot close the issue as there is a bounty open :( Sorry that the bounty and question seems meaningless now, but you never know, someone might have an idea how to solve this even for PDF Viewer 0.1.8.
<img src="...">
works fine for me. Note the missing "e".
You can use rendering tag:
<rendering:inlineJpeg bytes="${your-image}" />
Make sure you decodeBase64() your image.