How can I get list of webinars that started after specific date and time - zoom-sdk

I am newbie in Zoom Api. I just need to ask simple question please
How can I get a list of webinars that started after specific date and time?
which API can I use?
I try this API but it return all webinars not related to specific date


Difference in data between Google Analytics 4 API and UI

I'm automating the data collection from a Google Analytics 4 property.
However, whenever i'm trying to match the API data with the property data I get slight differences.
For example, when I get these fields (see image below) for february and march. The total sessions from the API data is: 188.213, while the Google Analytics UI shows 189.042.
When I make the API query, really simple, by just pulling the sessions between february and march then I get the 189.042 totally perfect. Why do I get a difference when I add some dimensions?
I hope somebody can explain. Business users need to trust the data, so it must match in my opinion. Thanks for answering in advance!

Accessing Walmart API and setting up product mapping

To start: I'm completely new to working with APIs, so please bear with me.
My first question is related to getting access to the Walmart API. I see the example code to generate time stamp and signature. How do I run this file? I've looked at YouTube videos, the Walmart tutorial, and other posts in this forum and am still a little stuck.
Second, I'm guessing this file needs to be included in the actual application to continue to be able to access the products?
Third, my goal is to map only a subset of the product catalog for users of the app to view. Let's use 'soda' as an example. Is it the Taxonomy API I need to use? And how do I limit the available products a user can search?
Note: This will be implemented in a Flutter application, if it makes any difference.

Google analytics API missing data?

I am trying to access data via the analytics reportingv4 API. I am using version in visual studio. I can get it to return data but just not the data I want.
I am using a specific account that only has one view attached to it. If I try to view the data I'm looking for, using the web interface, it works, by filtering it using the search box. For example, there is currently 20 page hits for today. If I try the same, using the API, no data is returned. If I remove the filter, from my code, data is returned but none of the pages that I am looking for.
Any ideas?
I was being silly. I eventually noticed that I was supplying a date range for the year 2017! The processing which

Can I retrieve Historical weather forecast from IBM API

I wonder if I can retrieve historical weather forecast from the IBM weather company API.
I am particularly interested in comparing what the weather company had forecasted for the past two years compared to the actual weather over the same period.
Looking at the documentation it doesn't seem to be possible to retrieve forecast data for past date, but that sounds weird to me.
After talking with the Weather Company Data service team within IBM, I have confirmation that, unfortunately, historical weather forecasts are not available on IBM Bluemix. If that is something that you would find valuable, we welcome your structured ideas, which you can submit here:
may be an explanation : the terms and conditions said that almanac data could be retreive for US country only.$file/i126-7148-03_07-2016_en_US.pdf

Is it possible to get JIRA worklogs via SOAP, based on their date and/or the person who created them?

I have an application that uses the JIRA 4.1 SOAP API, but getting the worklogs per week for users is proving quite difficult. Currently I'm getting a list of issues via a JQL query where the current user is either the reporter or the assignee and limiting the amount somewhat with 'update >= [startdate of the week I need]'. The problem with this is that the list can grow to a completely unmanageable size when going back a few months and that in some rare cases the logger isn't listed as the reporter or assignee.
What I'd need is a way to just get a list of worklogs created by the current user, ranging from from date X to date Y. Is there any workaround to do this?
I suppose you are using Tempo Jira plugin.
There is a TEMPO API that allows you to get Worklogs easily.
Here is a detailed documentation of Tempo API -
And here is an article from Tempo blog to get you started -