Tell wether or not a mint call to a contract succeeded - redirect

I'm working on an NFT site in NextJS and trying to implement a redirect for the user after they successfully mint a token. Here's my mint code:
const mintToken = () => {
As you can see, after safeMint is called, I try to redirect to /success which is what happens. However, it redirects regardless of a successful mint, I want it to only redirect after the call to the smart contract succeeds. I've tried using callbacks and timeouts but nothing seems to work the way I've laid out above. Is there some way of getting or waiting for a success response before redirecting that I'm missing? Thanks!

Function return value is not available outside of EVM if you execute the function with a transaction.
You can wait for the transaction receipt. It contains the transaction status (success / revert), as well as event logs. Tx receipt is available only after the tx is included in a block.
Depending on your safeMint() implementation, it might mint tokens each time the transaction succeeds. But if your implementation allows for the function to succeed even without minting tokens, you might need to check the event logs to make sure that the NFT was really minted.
// transaction reverted
function safeMint() external {
_mint(msg.sender, tokenId);
// transaction succeeded but no token was minted
function safeMint() external {
if (failedCondition) {
_mint(msg.sender, tokenId);
How to wait for the receipt with ethers:
const tx = await myContract.safeMint();
const txReceipt = await transaction.wait();
if (txReceipt.status) {
// not reverted

in safeMint function inside contract, you can return the tokenId (or you could return true)
const mintToken =async () => {
const result=await safeMint?();


Could a callable cloud function that delete users be abused so it can delete users by only id?

I have a callable cloud function on the frontend, that gets a sub-user id from front-end pass it to the cloud function, and then the cloud function delete that user and also deletes his doc from the collection...
my question is could someone get the id of some user and use that function and start popping requests using this function to delete users left and right ?
it make sense that this could function won't follow any rules, so I consider this to be a major security risk if implemented in the wrong way any idea how to improve security on this and guard against any abuse attempts.
Front end callable function
const functions = getFunctions();
const deleteClient = httpsCallable(functions, 'deleteClient');
deleteClient({ uid: 'clientId' })
.then((result: any) => {
// Read result of the Cloud Function.
/** #type {any} */
// const data =;
// const sanitizedMessage = data.text;
.catch((err: any) => {
Cloud Function
export const deleteClient = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deleted user');
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('Error deleting user:', error);
It indeed sounds like you created a security risk, and is also precisely why Firebase Authentication only allows deleting the currently signed-in user in its client-side SDKs.
You'll have to implement some sort of authorization scheme in your Cloud Functions code. This takes a two step process:
Pass the identity of the signed-in user making the call from the client to the server, and use it there to establish who is making the call. Since you're using Callable Cloud Functions, this is already done for you and the user is available in the context.auth variable in your Cloud Functions code.
Determine whether the user is authorized to perform the operation. This is typically done by having a list of authorized users, and then checking of the context.auth.uid who made the call is in that list. The list could be stored in your database too of course, so that you can update it without making changes to the code.

Workbox - NetworkOnly executes even if I return false

Using Workbox, I am trying to deal with graphql.
Anyone know why I am getting this error message from NetworkOnly? I am returning false in the route matcher, so I don't know why new NetworkOnly() is even executing. This only happens in offline mode (no network available).
The strategy could not generate a response for ... The underlying error is TypeError: Failed to fetch.
at NetworkOnly._handle (webpack://service-workers/./node_modules/workbox-strategies/NetworkOnly.js?:101:19)
at async NetworkOnly._getResponse (webpack://service-workers/./node_modules/workbox-strategies/Strategy.js?:155:24)
const bgSyncPlugin = new BackgroundSyncPlugin('myQueueName', {
maxRetentionTime: 24 * 60
const isGraphqlSubmitForm = async(event) => {
const clonedRequest = event.request.clone();
const body = await clonedRequest.json();
if (body?.operationName === 'submitForm') {
return true;
new NetworkOnly({
plugins: [bgSyncPlugin]
Sorry about that—you're seeing that behavior because the truthiness of the return value from this function is used to determine whether a route matches, and an async function always returns a Promise, which is a "truthy" value.
There's a log message that warns about this if you're in Workbox's development mode.
If it's possible for you to add in a header on the requests you want to match, that would probably be the easiest way to synchronously trigger your route, since any attempt to access a request body needs to be async. Failing that, the cleanest approach would be to just match all of your GraphQL requests with a given route, and then inside of that route's handler, use whatever async logic you need to trigger different strategies for different types of traffic.

Cloud function http function fails on first run

I am testing with a payment processing system and every time a transaction is completed, the payment processor should hit my endpoint with a POST request with payment details so I can save it to my database (Firestore).
Only thing is the function fails on the first try. What I mean is, say a customer pays, the payment processor hits my cloud function, it fails to save to my database. When a second customer makes the transaction a minute, 5 minutes or even 18 minutes later according to my observation, everything works as expected.
Am I facing a cold start problem or what is happening. And how do I solve this.
Here is my function
exports.stkCallback = functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
if (request.method === 'POST') {
if (request.body.Body.stkCallback.ResultCode === 0) {
const jsonData = request.body.Body.CallbackMetadata;
var transactionID;
///This below line logs successfully everytime meaning my payment processor has sent the POST
/// request
console.log("checkoutid:", request.body.Body.CheckoutRequestID)
///I have saved the CheckoutRequestID previously to Firestore so I first query the document
//// with that ID (CheckoutRequestID) and get its data so I can update the transaction as
//// complete
var docRef=db.collection("Transactions").doc(request.body.Body.CheckoutRequestID);
await docRef.get().then((doc) =>{
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return
if (doc.exists) {
//console.log("Document data:",;;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch((error)=> {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
///Once I get the data I can then go ahead and do other operations.
///Only the above query fails the first time which I don't know why
///By failing Saying No such Document. Which the document does exist
***carrying out other operations using the fetched transactionID and transactionData***
} else {
I have refactored my code and reproduced it to the below
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.firestore();
exports.stkCallback = functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
const accountSid = "#";
const authToken = "#";
const client = require("twilio")(accountSid, authToken);
if (request.method === 'POST') {
if (request.body.Body.ResultCode === 0) {
const jsonData = request.body.Body.CallbackMetadata;
var transactionID;
///This below line logs successfully everytime meaning my
/////payment processor has sent the POST request
////The below function is critical to all the other below functions below it as
///it supplies the necessary data all the way down
///It is also the function that fails on the first run
var docRef= await db.collection("Transactions").doc(request.body.Body.CheckoutRequestID).get()
.catch((error)=> {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
//// a log of some data from the above function
//// when it fails, the below log is undefined,
////the data returned from above function is used to perform other operations.
////Below is just one of them
////consequently, it will fail as some values like will be ////undefined
await db.collection("Users").doc("Transactions").doc(transactionID).update({
TransactionComplete: true,
transactionCompletedTimeDb: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
Amount: jsonData.Item[0].Value,
ReceiptNO: jsonData.Item[1].Value,
TransactionDate: jsonData.Item[3].Value,
PhoneNumber: jsonData.Item[4].Value,
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return
.catch((error)=> {
// The document probably doesn't exist.
console.error("Error updating document: ", error);
} else {
Attaching an image of a failed function, do note the time
An image of logs of the same triggered function right after (3 minutes later). As you can see the function completes successfully
This seems like a Cold Start Issue
The mitigation of this issue will depend on many information that you are not sharing with us like the complete function, dependencies that you are using, and instance size.
Spreading a loaded function into multiple small functions will help with the cold start time, also using smaller, updated, and cloud oriented libraries will also help.
Also, the size of the payload could be an important factor here, how big is the size of the payload sent to the function and how big is the size of the info that you are writing into the logs? All these small pieces have an important influence on the performance of a cold start.
As a quick solution for your Issue, I can safely say that creating a Scheduled task that triggers your functions every 30 minutes, for example, would be enough to mitigate your issue in the short term.

Check subscription validity using Flutters in-app-purchase plugin?

I'm trying to implement in-app purchases using the official Flutter In-App-Purchase plugin. I've got things working, except I can't figure out how to tell if a users subscription is still active or if it expired. Even after I canceled my test subscription, the values I get after connecting and doing queryPastPurchases() are the same as when the subscription was active:
productId: test_subscription_1
transactiondate: 1565682346568
status: null
source: IAPSource.GooglePlay
localVerificationData: {
"purchaseToken":"<long string>",
serverVerificationData: "<long string>"
Am I supposed to simply hard code my subscription period and compare the current time to purchaseTime + the subscription period? Will that even work across auto-renewals? What if the user changes the date on his phone to a year ago? It seems like there should be some value that should either give me the expiration time or at least a boolean true/false to indicate if the subscription is still valid?
The official in-app purchase plugin handles making the purchase but doesn't supply all of the backend infrastructure you need to handle auto-renewing subscriptions specifically.
The short answer to your question is send this purchase info up to your server and manage subscription status there. Alternatively you can look into a managed solution like purchases_flutter:
I have used ‘purchases_flutter‘ and the process is straightforward. You can check the status of the subscription by calling the methods which comes with the plugin. Check out this article which includes an example
For anyone still having issues, there's a simple solution to validate the receipt on iOS
Here's a simple js snippet that you can use to fetch the actual receipt from Apple and use it to validate the subscription
You will need to generate app specific password for the app from with apple developer account
Further help
const axios = require('axios');
const iosValidateReceipt = async (transactionReceipt, isTest = true) =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const url = isTest ? '' : '';
const data = {
'receipt-data': transactionReceipt,
password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
console.log('iosValidateReceipt - input - ', { url, data });
try {
const response = await, data);
console.log('iosValidateReceipt - success - ', JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
} catch (err) {
console.log('iosValidateReceipt - error -', err);
}); resend verification email

I am using the email verification feature that Parse offers and would like my users to be able to resend the email verification if it fails to send or they cannot see it. Last I saw, Parse does not offer an intrinsic way to do this (stupid) and people have been half-hazzerdly writing code to change the email and then change it back to trigger a re-send. Has there been any updates to this or is changing the email from the original and back still the only way? Thanks
You should only need to update the email to its existing value. This should trigger another email verification to be sent. I haven't been able to test the code, but this should be how you do it for the various platforms.
// Swift
PFUser.currentUser().email = PFUser.currentUser().email
// Java
// JavaScript
Parse.User.current().set("email", Parse.User.current().get("email"));
You have to set the email address to a fake one save and then set it back to the original and then parse will trigger the verification process. Just setting it to what it was will not trigger the process.
if let email = PFUser.currentUser()?.email {
PFUser.currentUser()?.email = email+".verify"
PFUser.currentUser()?.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (success, error) -> Void in
if success {
PFUser.currentUser()?.email = email
Poking around the source code for Parse server, there doesn't seem to be any public api to manually resend verification emails. However I was able to find 2 undocumented ways to access the functionality.
The first would be to use the internal UserController on the server (for instance from a Cloud function) like this:
import { AppCache } from 'parse-server/lib/cache'
Cloud.define('resendVerificationEmail', async request => {
const userController = AppCache.get(process.env.APP_ID).userController
await userController.resendVerificationEmail(
return true
The other is to take advantage of an endpoint that is used for the verification webpage:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:5000/api/apps/press-play-development/resend_verification_email" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{ "username": "7757429624" }'
Both are prone to break if you update Parse and internals get changed, but should be more reliable than changing the users email and then changing it back.
We were setting emails to an empty string, but found that there was a race condition where 2 users would hit it at the same time and 1 would fail because Parse considered it to be a duplicate of the other blank email. In other cases, the user's network connection would fail between the 2 requests and they would be stuck without an email.
Now, with Parse 3.4.1 that I'm testing, you can do (for Javascript):
BUT NOTE that it will throw error if user is already verified.
To resend the verification email, as stated above, you have to modify then reset the user email address. To perform this operation in secure and efficient way, you can use the following cloud code function:
Parse.Cloud.define("resendVerificationEmail", async function(request, response) {
var originalEmail =;
const User = Parse.Object.extend("User");
const query = new Parse.Query(User);
query.equalTo("email", originalEmail);
var userObject = await query.first({useMasterKey: true});
if(userObject !=null)
userObject.set("email", "tmp_email_prefix_"+originalEmail);
await, {useMasterKey: true}).catch(error => {response.error(error);});
userObject.set("email", originalEmail);
await, {useMasterKey: true}).catch(error => {response.error(error);});
response.success("Verification email is well resent to the user email");
After that, you just need to call the cloud code function from your client code. From Android client, you can use the following code (Kotlin):
fun resendVerificationEmail(email:String){
val progress = ProgressDialog(this)
progress.setMessage("Loading ...")
val params: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap<String,String>()
params.put("email", email)
ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("resendVerificationEmail", params,
FunctionCallback<Any> { response, exc ->
if (exc == null) {
// The function executed, but still has to check the response
Toast.makeText(baseContext, "Verification email is well sent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
} else {
// Something went wrong
Log.d(TAG, "$TAG: ---- exeception: "+exc.message)
"Error encountered when resending verification email:"+exc.message,