How to customize the Flutter barcode scanner - flutter

I'm using the Flutter barcode scanner. What I'm able to achieve is like
But what I need is like this.
Same question was asked here. How to make a customised QR Code Scanner using Flutter?. But I want to customize using the same Flutter barcode scanner package. Can anyone help me with this.
My code is
String barcodeScanRes = await FlutterBarcodeScanner.scanBarcode(

You can use qr_code_scanner 1.0.1 which give you ability to customize your scanner as shown below


how to scan bar code specific format flutter

How can disable QR code and scan only bar code type in flutter. In flutter bar code it is also scanning QR code then can disable QR code scanning
I have tried with scanner package but it is scanning QR code with bar code. I want to scan only qr code
try this package for both QR code and barcode ai_barcode

Adding markers to Mapbox with additional features

I am developing a flutter application in which I am using Mapbox to add turn-by-turn navigation. I have been looking at some tutorials to add markers to the map. However, I also want to give the user awareness of these specific points through voice output.
Is it possible to achieve this objective? Any resources or advice that you could provide, please?
Edit: How can I integrate the text to speech with the custom mapbox on my flutter app? For the Mapbox, we simply run the following code to enable voice instructions.
voiceInstructionsEnabled: true,
So how can I add the text conversion with it?
Truly appreciate any help
You can do it separately.
You can show markers on map with Mapbox
and prepare a string with all marker labels and use flutter_tts package to convert to speech as follows:
Future _speak() async {
await flutterTts.setVolume(volume);
await flutterTts.setSpeechRate(rate);
await flutterTts.setPitch(pitch);
if (_newVoiceText != null) {
if (_newVoiceText!.isNotEmpty) {
await flutterTts.speak(_newVoiceText!);
This snippet is taken from the example given in documentation:

Flutter Barcode Scanner for Window

I am using flutter package
barcode_scan: any
for scanning barcode using my scanner to record data using flutter desktop support, but this extension asking me for camera even i have scanner to scan barcode
code sample that i am using.
ScanResult barcodez = await BarcodeScanner.scan();
setState(() {
barcode = barcodez as String;
Hello barcode_Scanner only works with android and iOS, It is written in the packages details.
Also the package is made undertaking the camera feature and not the actually barcode scanner.

How to tap to copy html text in flutter app

My developer is building an educational app for me and we kind of have a problem. I want to know how to tap a word or phrase on the screen to show copy, highlight, web search like the image below. The app was built with flutter and the code is in dart. This feature is really needed. Will appreciate if someone can help with a plugin or just a way to do this.
If you are using webview package you have a gestureRecognizers property in webview widget, just add this line:
gestureRecognizers: {}..add(Factory<LongPressGestureRecognizer>(() =>
Flutter has selectable text for that
If he is using webview, maybe this could help?
How to enable text selection modal(copy/paste/select) in flutter webview?
They is a package for copy and paste text in the flutter.
FlutterClipboard.copy(item.code).then((value) {})
package link
Well I got your problem.
There is a possible solution. Here you are doing is sending data from server in html format and displayed it using html_viwer. But there is no functionality I found to select and copy so far.
The possible solution is send string data from server and use SelectableText() to show the text and you will be able to select and copy your text.
There's a solution for this, just use SelectableHtml widget instead of only Html

ZXing only recognizes QR-Code

I am trying to develop a barcode scanner for google glass (don't judge) using the ZXing library.
Scanning QR-Codes works perfectly fine, but I can't scan any 1D-barcodes.
This is my code:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, CaptureActivity.class);
//intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "PRODUCT_MODE"); //doesn't work with or without this line
startActivityForResult(intent, SCAN_REQUEST);
Here is an example (EAN-8):
Scanning this with a scanner from the PlayStore works on my phone, but not using my app on the glass.
I found a workaround for my problem in the adding BarcodeFormat.EAN_8 to the list in the code below I was able to scan the barcode.
DecodeHandler() {
hints = new EnumMap<>(DecodeHintType.class);
Arrays.asList(BarcodeFormat.AZTEC, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, BarcodeFormat.DATA_MATRIX));
You are wellcome to post your answers, because I believe there is a better way to solve this.