MyBatis-Guice fails to initialize with java 17 - mybatis

I am getting the following exception when starting mybatis with java17.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.mybatis.guice.AbstractMyBatisModule.bindInterceptor(,, org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor[])'
Maven dependencies:
I tried downgrading to mybatis-guice version 3.12 but it did not help.
works in intelliJ does not work on a standalone server

The issue there was a 3rd party dependency that was pulling in guice no_aop from 4.0.1. once excluded it worked fine.
Verify no guice dependencies using
mvn dependency:tree


Error running cucumber in eclipse- Could not find or load main class cucumber.api.cli.Main

I'm trying to run a maven project using Oxygen.1 a release. I have the cucumber plugin installed. But when I run the default feature file, I'm getting an error Error: Could not find or load main class cucumber.api.cli.Main
Please help!
I've never used Cucumber, but I guess you need to add it as a dependency to your Maven pom.xml as described in the Cucumber JVM documentation.
The Eclipse plugin adds syntax highlighting, content assists and other IDE related convenience. But you still need to tell the JVM where to find the Cucumber classes and in a Maven project this is defined by the dependencies in pom.xml.
You may rise a feature request at the Cucumber-Eclipse issue tracker to extend the plugin to allow adding the dependency to Maven projects automatically.
Add these dependencies to the pom.xml and the issue gets resolved. I was trying with the latest versions so was facing this problem. When I changed the version then it worked for me.
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javax.persistence.Entity doesn't exist

I added the following dependency to Maven:
My IDE recognized javax.persistence, but doesn't recognize javax.persistence.Entity.
Do you know why?
believe it or not by "mvn install -U" resolved it.

Is there a reason why the Eclipse build cannot find a Maven lib

Is there a reason why eclipse can't find this lib when it is added in Maven dependency with success.
Is there an error here ?
This is the Maven dependency:
The dependency mentioned is not the correct dependency since it is not the artifact of the RESTEasy JAX RS Implementation. Therefore it neither contains org.jboss.resteasy.ClientRequest nor org.jboss.resteasy.ClientResponse.
In order to have access to the required classes, the dependency ought to be used is the following:

Creating Akka project in OSGi

I am hoping to run an Akka project within an OSGi container (apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-06-03) but am having a little trouble installing the dependent libraries. I have already installed akka-actor and config as follows:
osgi:install -s mvn:com.typesafe.akka/akka-actor/2.1-SNAPSHOT
osgi:install -s mvn:com.typesafe/config/0.4.1
But am unable to install scala-library (v2.9.2 required). I have tried creating my own bundle using the maven-bundle-plugin but to no avail and have googled round for ages.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you're looking for a quick workaround, use the bundle from your Scala IDE/Eclipse for Scala 2.9.2. I did that for my Akka 2.1/Karaf POC and it worked fine. If you don't have one, download it from my lib folder here.
This was kindly uploaded after posting on the scala-users group:
The built binaries of scala-lang-osgi referred by #ben1729 is now available on our Bippo/Soluvas Nexus repository public repository:
Feel free to browse our repository at
then add one or all of them to your Maven POM file:
Please let me know when a new version comes out so I can redeploy the newer artifacts to our repo.
Update: Scala OSGi 2.10-M6 is now available on our repository:
It can work with Akka but using a patched Akka 2.1-M1 (see ).
The patched Akka is available in our repository as: (in Karaf URL)
Summary on Akka bug: Akka 2.1-M1 requires 2.10-M6, it doesn't work with 2.9.2 :
Error executing command: Error starting bundles:
nable to resolve 160.0: missing requirement [160.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=scala.collection.convert)(version>=2.9.2)(!(version>=2.10.0)))
But it currently imports the wrong package versions:

How to run a Ext GWT (GXT) application with Maven

I am trying to make a GXT 3.0 starting app with Maven support. I have successfully compiled and run the native GWT application with mvn gwt:compile gwt:run command
Howeven, when I added these dependecies:
and added this in the gwt.xml (module) file:
<inherits name="com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT" />
I am getting this error (running the same mvn command as above):
GWT module com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT not found
And looking from the Java build path of the project in the Maven Dependencies, I can see that the GXT jars have not been downloaded.
Full pom.xml here.
If you want the snapshot, make sure you have the repository tags for it as well, for wherever you are getting that build from. Otherwise use the latest release, 3.0.0-beta3.
If you are building your own local copies, or deploying to an internal repo, then 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT should work - make sure the jar can be found in your repo, and that you aren't running as offline.
Use these dependencies:
GXT does not require uibinder-bridge anymore according to Sencha forum.
All GXT uibinder features were incorporated into GWT 2.5.0 release.
GXT 3.0.1 is on maven central