Keycloak as broker to another keycloak as idp and using curl - keycloak

I configured keycloak1 as identity-provider and keycloak2 as broker.
Was also able to connect them.
But I try to get a token for a user of keycloak1 via curl. But it does not work. I thought, it can pass it through as a kind of proxy?
Does ist only work with browser redirection or can I configure the broker to passthrough my request to the identity-provider and get the token from it?


No Login Page shown with Keycloak and Quarkus

I have a keycloak Server running on my localhost with port 8081.
I'm trying to connect my Quarkus application with it to secure REST-Endpoints.
However I'm not able to Login to my Keycloak server.
I annotated an /test endpoint with #RolesAllowed("user"). Since then I can't access the endpoint but I get an Empty page with a 401 Unauthorized error in the Web console.
What I want is that I get redirected to the Keycloak default page so I can authorize myself. Any ideas why that is not happening?
Here is my Keycloak configuration:
when I set policy enforcer to true I can't access any endpoint.
TestRealm has a Resource configured with a /test endpoint.
In the Quarkus documentation for keycloak they said that you don't need to setup your own Keycloak Server in Dev mode since Quarkus comes with one. Might that be the Problem? is my Quarkus Application not connecting to my Keycloak server? And if so, how can I force quarkus in dev mode to use my Keycloak server?
EDIT: I figured out that I have access to my endpoint if I send the request with the Bearer token, so I guess Quarkus is accessing my Keycloak instance.
Still, why don't I get forwarded to the default Keycloak login page when trying to access my Rest endpoint via my browser? Am I missing any configuration?
For anyone with the same issue I fixed it by adding:
To the config

Keycloak with api gateway Invalid bearer token

I am trying to use Keycloak behind an API gateway (Apache APISIX).
I use minikube to run Keycloak and my API gateway.
The gateway is working right and Keycloak too :
With Keycloak, I can use the different end-point (use the discovery end-point (, ask an access token and verify it).
With APISIX, and a simple route, I can join a backend microservice on my minikube.
(typically : is served by the gateway which routes the request to the right backend microservice)
The problem occurs when I try to use the two tools together. I have used the Keycloak integration, in order to force the user to use a valid token when he is using a route served by the gateway.
In this case, when I use a valid bearer token (I get it and verify it with the end-point of keycloak), and I try to request the backend via the api gateway with the verified bearer token, I obtain systematically an "Invalid bearer token" exception.
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid bearer token"}
I think the settings of the integration is well set because I am sure that te gateway call Keycloak to verify the token.
Here are the keycloak I have used to get and verify the token :
Get token :
Verify :
I have seen some posts about problem when Keycloak is behind a reverse proxy, but I don't find a clear solution to my case.
Thanks for any help you can bring to me.
I think there are those ways you can do it.
First, I think you can check the log of Apache APISIX.
Second, you can check the log of Keycloak.
Third, you can use tcpdump or wireshark to capture the request that Apache APISIX sends to keycloak.And diff the request that sends by APISIX and curl.
Looking forward to your reply.

Use Envoy Proxy or HA Proxy for authentication using IDP

I have a requirement where i need to authenticate external request via IDP. Can this be done using envoy proxy or HA Proxy?
Currently the only way to achieve this is by using the ext_authz filter to send request metadata to an auth server.
There's currently work on implementing an OAuth filter that would work with any OAuth 2.0 compliant IdP but that work is not yet complete (

SSO to kubernetes with mod_auth_openidc session

I want to access the kubernetes dashboard and the API using an already existing openid connect session (apache reverse proxy with mod_auth_openidc + WSO2 identity server). Unfortunately, kubernetes requires an id_token as a bearer token (signed JWT), which is quite hard to obtain by just having the session cookie from mod_auth_openidc module.
My problem is the following: When I call the the OIDCInfoHook with the id_token configured (the reverse proxy callback_url like http://service.domain?json=info), I just get the unsigned id_token token, which is useless for kubernetes authentication. Calling the info hook with the refresh token configured I can retrieve successfully the refresh token. With this token the identity server (WSO2) returns the id_token, a new access token and the next refresh token. Unfortunately, the mod_auth_openidc still has the old access_token and I need to map to the new the id_token to the old and new access token. Although it works after a fresh login, optaining the id_token doesn't work anymore after the session timeout (3600 s). In this state, I have to delete manually the session cookie in order to get a new login prompt.
I have two questions:
Is there any other possibility to use oidc authentication with kubernetes that does not rely on the id_token, i.e. using one the openid connect flows as described in the spec? According to the openid connect spec, the id_token should not be send around and this method seems not to be one of the openid connect flows, I guess.
Is there any other best practice way to integrate kubernetes into an existing openid connect based single sign on environment?
The common SSO solution for this kind of problems is to use Kubernetes OAuth2-Proxy, You could either run the proxy in an ingress or in a side car container. If you have istio, you could also integrate Istio with your openid conenect provider.

Keycloak IDP initiated logout SAML

I have one SP and one IDP using Keycloak.
I'm using SAML protocol and I can successfully login and logout when the request is initiated by the SP.
But when connected as an admin in Keycloak I logout an user from his session no request are sent to the SP.
The session is indeed terminated on the IDP side but not on the SP side.
Because of that the user on the SP can still use the application.
I can't see any option in client configuration for that.
Has anyone made IDP initiated log out in SAML works with keycloak ?
Could you give me some directions ?
Thank you for your time.
After some other research this is not a feature of Keycloak.
Quoting the docs
Only certain clients are notified of this logout event, specifically clients that are using the Keycloak OIDC client adapter. Other client types (i.e. SAML) will not receive a backchannel logout request.
I had the same issues using keycloak saml broker. It turned out that enabling back-channel logout (disabling front-channel logout) in keycloak client configuration solved my problem.
I am using 4.8.0.Final