I have to bring data using unirest from the Confluence page.
But, data consisted in Excellentable of kind of web excel.
As below code, if using asString() or asJson then return html tab + script sources.
Please, Tell me how to bring data from Excellentable.
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get(strConUrl)
.basicAuth(userId, userPw)
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get(strConUrl)
.basicAuth(userId, userPw)
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
It is better to use REST API to get pages body data: https://docs.atlassian.com/ConfluenceServer/rest/8.0.2/. In this way you can get "clean" text or HTML/xHTML as you need.
I am working on a gamification project whose goal is to build a WebGL game with Unity and post the final score as a grade on an assignment using the canvas LMS API. I need to know two things: how to authenticate using a bearer token for now (I know how to create the token already and I will need to use auth 2.0 later) and how to post a grade on an assignment using UnityWeb Request or similar. I have tried using restsharp, the vs code recognized it, but Unity did not. Also tried making a connection with node.js, Unity and node.js connected successfully, but the node wrappers I was using did not work.
In the worst cenario I would like to be able to post a comment on the assignment (I would pass the final grade as a string).
This is what I've tried with httpWebRequest:
string api_token = "bearer token here";
//initializing HttpWebRequest object
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("domain here");
IWebProxy theProxy = request.Proxy;
if (theProxy != null)
theProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();
request.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
request.CookieContainer = cookies;
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.CookieContainer = cookies;
// write the "Authorization" header
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + api_token);
request.Method = "POST";
// get the response
//WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
I need the node wrappers to do authentication and the post request.
The node wrappers: c10. I've tried with this one a lot and
I can access the api and post using postman.
I found out I can use code snippets on postman to retrieve the request in a certain language. With this, I didn't need the python APIs anymore as I was able to get the code directly. I still don't know why Unity did not recognize restSharp, but python solved my problem.
As it was hard for me to find how to post grades and comments on Canvas lms I will leave the PATH here for anyone who has the same problem:
PUT /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions/:user_id
the query params are:
comment[text_comment] and submission[posted_grade].
I'm using Axios in WP e.g.
const response = await axios.delete(universityData.siteURL + "/wp-json/wp/v2/note/" + thisNote.getAttribute("data-noteID"))
All works fine but what I don't understand is the structure / content of 'response'. How do I interrogate 'response'? I had assumed for instance if I did console.log('Axios response: ' + response.data) I'd get a nicely laid out JSON like OO output in the Chrome console panel. But all I see is: Axios response: [object Object]
I can do this response.data.userNoteCount and I get something sensible back. BTW 'userNoteCount' is a field I added to my JSON for my custom post type. But how else do I see all the content of response without specifically having to target it?
Thanks to another contributor elsewhere this is the answer:
When you do the console.log you're adding the JSON object to the
string of Axios Response, so the JSON object is being converted to a
string, hence the object Object.
If you do it as two seperate lines, like
console.log('Axios Response');
Then it will be outputted as the actual object.
With it being an HTTP Request though, rather than outputting it into
the console, what I'd do is open the Network tab of the browser
development tools, and select the XHR tab, and then the request will
appear in there and you can inspect the full response body there
without having to log it.
I am new to gatling scripting. I am trying to execute a performance testing against one of our application's POST api. This POST request API required to pass the form-data.
EG : Print-Screen of the postman collection of the request body
For that I have prepared a gatling code piece as below :
.exec(http("POST Explore JSON")
.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.header("Referer", "https://example.com/sunrise/dashboard/dummy_dashboard/")
.header("x-csrftoken", "${csrf_token1}")
//.formParam("form_data","datasource":"2__table") ----------> Tried Method 1
//.formParamSeq(Seq(("form_data", "datasource":"2__table"))) ----------> Tried Method 2
//.formParamMap(Map("form_data" -> "datasource":"2__table")) ----------> Tried Method 3
//.form("""form_data={"datasource":"2__table"}""") ----------> Tried Method 4
Unfortunately gatling is not passing the form data as I want,currently how gatling pass the form data is :
form_data: {"datasource":"2__table"}
The way I want to pass is : (Please note I have removed the ":" & the following "space")
I have tried many many ways, but I could not successfully pass form data as above
Is there any way that I can pass as form_data={"datasource":"2__table"} ?
Try this
.formParam("form_data", "{\"datasource\":\"2__table\"}")
I would like to share, how we have fixed this issue,I guess it is another way representing form_data ?
.exec(http("POST Explore JSON")
.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.header("x-csrftoken", "${csrf_token1}")
.bodyPart(StringBodyPart("form_data", s"""{"datasource":"2__table"}"""))
I was facing the same 'problem', you can try to use the '.formParam' after yours request.
For more information and examples look this:
Gatling Documentation: Form Parameters
I have to implement a Vertx POST request. Via Postman, the request is done as shown in the following picture:
The tricky part is that the server expects the key "upgrade_file" for the body. I could not find out how to do that with Vertx. This is what I have so far:
Buffer bodyBuffer = Buffer.buffer(body); // body is byte[]
HttpClientRequest request = ...
request.handler( response -> ...
How can I set "upgrade_file" as the key for the body?
Use a WebClient instead of the HTTP client, it provides dedicated support for submitting forms.
WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx);
or if you already have created an http client:
WebClient client = WebClient.wrap(httpClient);
Then create the form data as map and send the form using a the right content type
MultiMap form = MultiMap.caseInsensitiveMultiMap();
form.set("upgrade_file", "...");
// Submit the form as a multipart form body
client.post(8080, "yourhost", "/some_address")
.putHeader("content-type", "multipart/form-data")
.sendForm(form, ar -> {
//do something with the response
More example see https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web-client/java/
If you want to send files, the simplest way is using the sendMultipartForm method of Vertx WebClient.
Create a Multipartform firstly.
MultipartForm form = MultipartForm.create()
.attribute("imageDescription", "a very nice image")
Then invoke WebClient.sendMultipartForm(form) to send the request.
The generic Vertx HttpClient is a low-level API, you should searialize the form data into a string or buffer, the format is similar to this example file in Vertx GraphQL testing codes. Then send the buffer to the server side.
Recently I was using RestSharp to consume my Restful Resouce. and expected exchanging data with JSon between server and client. Below is my C# code.
var client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
var request = new RestRequest(sUrl,Method.POST);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.Timeout = TIME_OUT_MILLISECONTS ;
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.AddBody(new { appID = sAppId, loginName = sUserName, password=sPassword });
var response = client.Execute(request);
string s=response.Content;//It is always XML format.
The result is not what I expected for(Json data format), although I had set the RequestFormat Json and add Http header Content-Type. So I decided to use the .Net Reflector to found out What happened in the RestClient.Execute method. Here is the code of the method.
public RestClient()
this.AddHandler("application/json", new JsonDeserializer());
this.AddHandler("application/xml", new XmlDeserializer());
this.AddHandler("text/json", new JsonDeserializer());
this.AddHandler("text/x-json", new JsonDeserializer());
this.AddHandler("text/javascript", new JsonDeserializer());
this.AddHandler("text/xml", new XmlDeserializer());
this.AddHandler("*", new XmlDeserializer());
I have some questions about it:
As the RestClient adds many kinds of Content-Type into the HttpWebRequest. Is it right way to build a Request? And I think Maybe that is the reason why Response.Content always XML.
I don't know why the RestClient needs to build a HttpWebRequest like that. Any meaning to do that?
If we specified both JSon and XMl message format in a Http Request, which one works finally? Is it allowed?
Thanks. Have a good day.
RestSharp will use the correct handler based on the content type of the response. That's what those AddHandlers are doing; its configuring the RestClient to accept certain content types in the response and mapping those types to deserializers. Normally you would want to set an accept header for the json content type which notifies the server to send json in the response.
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
Of course, this assumes that the server you are hitting is configured to respond with json.