Schedule ASP.NET API to run once - rest

I have WebAPI developed in .NET 6.0 and deployed into AKS. I would like to schedule & run once the API.
What scheduling tools / libraries are available to schedule (run once) the API call other than Azure LogicApp?
Could you share any ideas to achieve this?

There are a couple of options:
1. Hangfire
Hangfire is an open-source library that allows you to schedule jobs in an Asp.Net application. It requires a database or Redis to store the scheduled jobs.
The good thing about Hangfire is that you can build API endpoints in your Asp.Net application to manage the schedule and see the result of the runs.
2. AKS Cronjob
If you don't want to use a database or Redis, you can create an AKS Cronjob, which is managed by AKS.
At work, we use Hangfire but have been considering moving to AKS cronjob as less code to maintain in the application.


The best practice for developing app locally which then be deployed to Kubernetes

Let's say I have a flask app, a PostgreSQL, and a Redis app. what is the best practice way to develop those apps locally which then later be deployed to Kubernetes.
Because, I have tried to develop in minikube with ksync, but I get difficulties in getting detailed debug log information.
Any ideas?
What we do with our systems is that we develop and test them locally. I am not very knowledgeable with Flask and ksyncy, but say for example, you are using Lagom Microservices Framework in Java, you run you app locally using the SBT shell where you can view all your logs. We then automate the deployment using LightBend Orchestration.
When you then decide to test the app on Kubernetes, you can choose to use minikube, but you have to configure the logging properly. You can configure centralised logging for Kubernetes using the EFK stack. This will collect all the logs from the various components of your app and store them in Elastic Search. You can then view these logs using The Kibana Dashboard. You can do a lot with the dashboard, you can view logs for a given period, or search logs by k8s namespace, or by container.
There are multiple solutions for this (aka GitOps with Kubernetes):
Flux - IMO the most mature.
Argo - A bit more of a workflow engine.
Metaparticle - Deploy with actual code.
I think the solution is using skaffold

Deploy Service Fabric services individually

From the documentation and examples I've seen it seems that the preferred way to deploy Service Fabric services is to package them all up into an application package.
If I have 30 services and I make a change to one of them I'm not interested in having my CI server pull down the entire repository, build the solution, package it and then have Service Fabric decide that only one service changed and so only one should be updated.
Is there a way to create an application package with just one service?
You want to perform a partial upgrade (Differential Packaging). See here. Differential packaging

How can I configure the perf counters in a Service Fabric Stateless service?

I have looked at the options in the portal and also the resource group templates, but could not find a way to customize this list.
Also, is it possible to add custom perf counters (assuming the code already creates them) for monitoring in the service fabric application?
There is no integrated way to do this today, but there are three ways to do this:
Use Application Insights to monitor your application. There are some
details of how to do this with Application Insights that are not Service
Fabric specific here. There is also a project on GitHub that shows
how to integrate Azure Service Fabric with Application Insights.
Collect performance counters using Azure Diagnostics. Service Fabric is running on VMs, configuring diagnostics to collection from
an Azure VM can be found here.
Use Operations Management Suite which can also collect standard and custom performance counters. See links in the post below (I'm not allowed to post more than 2 links)
You could also try this approach: Setting up Application Insights for your Service Fabric application

Play framework in Scala deployment

I'm a Ruby developer, but I like Scala very much as well.
For Rails framework we have awesome tools that supports deployments like Capistrano automation tool and Puma/Unicorn servers. With simple cookbooks using Chef or Ansible I can easily setup my VPS and deploy Rails application there.
How does automatic deployment look like in Play framework? What is minimal required stack for developing and deploying Play applications? Are there any tools for automatic deployment? What are recommended application servers?
All you need to run a Play app is a JVM. Play is container-less. So deploying your Play app in production is as simple as running a script that invokes a fat jar with all the other required jars in the classpath.
$play dist should generate a zip file that contains everything you need to run the app.
You can use Ansbile to automate.
To deploy Play Framework apps in AWS (Amazon) ec2 using Ansible playbook
As well as Chef.
If you are happy to run on AWS, Boxfuse comes with native Play 2 support.
You can now simply execute boxfuse run -env=prod and this will automatically:
create a minimal AMI tailor-made for your Play 2 app
create an elastic IP
create a security group with the correct permissions
launch an instance of your app
All future updates are performed as blue/green deployments with zero downtime.
This also works with Elastic Load Balancers and Auto-Scaling Groups and the Boxfuse free tier is designed to fit the AWS free tier.
You can read more about it here:
Disclaimer: I'm the founder and CEO of Boxfuse

Azure Enable Web Deploy via automated deployment

Does anyone know of an automated way to deploy a web role to Azure with the "Enable Web Deploy" option enabled? We have an automated acceptance test process that deploys to Azure using Web Deploy to save time. But we would also like to automate the full deployment of the web role so that it could run off-hours on a less frequent basis.
We are currently using the WAPPSCmdlets module to automate full Azure deployments. However, neither this nor the newer official Azure Powershell cmdlets seem to expose a way to enable Web Deploy in new deployments.
What you'll need to do is create a startup task that does the following:
Download and install Web Deploy
Windows Azure Bootstrapper can help you to download and run the installer from a startup task.
Configure Web Deploy with PowerShell. You might want to start with this article: PowerShell scripts for automating Web Deploy setup
Running PowerShell from a startup task might seem tricky at first. If you run into trouble, take a look at this article: Azure Startup Tasks and Powershell: Lessons Learned
Keep in mind that this startup task should only run for CI deployments and not for your production deployments, so this might be something you need to take care of in your build process (you can use different Cloud projects in Visual Studio for example).