How does facebook track app installs for ads - facebook

I want to display ads on instagram for an app i created. The setup with facebook ads is incredibly complex and there is many things one needs to fill out (or not).
I wondered, do i need to implement facebook libraries within my app or how do their metrics such as installs otherwise work (i do not want to add their libraries only to be able to display ads)?


How to publish free unity game to Google Play?

I have several questions:
Unity gives a default company and youtube tutorials shows the guys always enter a company name. Must I do the same although Im a solo developer? do I enter a random name?
One tutorial shows that there is no need to change the api level (the default is the highest installed) where as another tutorial shows that you must change the api level to Google Plays (current level 31)
In the Google Console there is a privacy policy url, what is that and must I provide one?
There is an option to tick whether your game have ads, does it mean that other can insert ads into the game or something I provide?, also is it recommended although my game is pretty simple
Here are the answers to your questions:
Yes, you can randomly put any company name you want to, but keep in mind that when you publish a game again, it would be better if it's under the same company name; that'll help you grow better. If you're still interested in more about privacy and company laws, here's the detailed video that I would suggest.
Here are the Google Play's API level requirement:
When you upload an APK, it must meet Google Play's target API level
requirements. New apps must target Android 12 (API level 31) or
higher; except for Wear OS apps, which must target Android 11 (API
level 30) or higher.
There is no specific standard for a privacy policy. Looking at some favourite apps' approaches will help you know how to write a privacy policy. Here's an example:
Google Play's support page now mentions that:
All developers that have an app published on Google Play must complete
the Data safety form, including apps on internal, closed, open, or
production testing tracks.
Even developers with apps that do not collect any user data are
required to complete this form and provide a link to their privacy
policy. In this case, the completed form and privacy policy can
indicate that no user data is collected or shared.
For ads, you must enable ads through code too. Here's a simple example of UnityAds. There are three types of ads in an app generally:
Interstitial Ads: These ads are shown somewhere, like when you have switched scenes, clicked on something special etc.
Rewarded Ads: These ads are shown when the user gets in-game rewards like a powerup or get some coins by watching the ads.
Banner Ads: These ads in your app; whenever someone opens your app, they'll be shown an ad at the bottom of your screen.
You can add any of these ads in your application, and google accordingly will show ads in your app of some other apps/games.
If you wish to show your ads in your own app, you have to enable cross promo ads for that, and implement them accordingly in your app. And if you want to show your app ads to some other apps then you need to give ads to Google Ads and set your budget accordingly
And for its last part, No, it isn't necessary to show ads in your game if you. Ads are only necessary if you wish to earn some bucks from it. So I would recommend you make your app worth people's use. Then if it's showing a good response, you can enable your ads after that; otherwise, there's no need to have a headache adding ads in your app.
Yes, that's your pick.
Now it requires at least 30.
Yes, it's a must.
If you want to monetize your game, you have to implement ads in the game.

Facebook ads objective, app install vs traffic

I don't think there's a way to collect install data (such as utm params) when you use facebook install app objectives.
You can only see what facebook provides you on their dashboard
(I wonder why facebook refuses to give customers a power to collect data.)
You can instead use traffic objective. Then you can use any url you want and forward the user to app install (by means of firebase dynamic link or similar)
Has anyone used facebook traffic over install ads objective for this reason? and how was the result? (did the install rate drop significantly?)
Is it possible to tag app install ads? (We want to know how many installs are from facebook ads in our internal system, usually we would add utm_source=facebook and count the installs with the tag.
(How facebook measure app installs - Android/IOS says it's not possible, that's what I keep finding whenever I look into this, but not sure if things changed)

How to retrieve Facebook home news feed for apps?

I am currently attempting to retrieve the news feed from my Facebook home feed to include into an app. I know this used to be able to be done with the API however I have heard that it has since been removed. Is there any other way that you know of that would work or has it been added back into the API? It doesn't make sense why they would remove it.
No, there is no way to get a user’s feed via API. That used to be possible in the very early days (API v1), but has long since been removed.
It doesn't make sense why they would remove it.
Apart from user privacy (I don’t want my posts getting analyzed by some shady app with a developer located in $godKnowsWhere, just because they appeared on the feed of a friend of mine who might be using questionable apps), Facebook considers this a “core feature” – and 3rd-party apps are not supposed to replicate those in the first place. Facebook wants to make money from showing me ads when I view my feed, so allowing any other app to perform the same functionality would just mean loss of revenue.

Facebook App Center Game that doesnt use FB API?

Is it possible to submit my 3D WebGL HTML5 / Facebook Canvas app to the App Center, even though it does not use the Facebook API? It isn't integrated with Facebook in any way, other than, being embedded in..
..from a Dropbox-hosted URL, if that even counts as a technical "Facebook integration" - which I doubt, as no API usage or Facebook signup or login required to even play it.
I keep on trying to submit it for App Center review but it insists to think I'm using the FB API when I'm not. Does this mean usage of the FB API is absolutely required for App Center submission? What if I dont want my app logging in to people's Facebook accounts? What if I don't want it accessing their personal information, or posting for them, or any of that jank? What if I just want it to be a game to simply be played embedded in a FB app URL, with no actual FB integration or interaction? Can that not be put on the App Center?
It thinks I need 3 permissions, one of which is logging in to people's accounts, I think these 3 permissions are put there in settings by default, how do I removed those permissions from my app settings, as those permissions listed aren't being used in my game, as it isn't using any FB permissions?
A smaller question on the side, what is the "tagline"? Like, it is the keywords / searchable tags, right? I'm used to them being called just "tags" and not a "tagline" so just to be sure I know what it is.
Thank you so much for any help or suggestions!
Yes you can always submit the html5 game on facebook canvas but for App Centre listing its necessary. Also using dropbox, github hosted sited will have less server resources allocted to them and hence high load time - i recommend to use any other hosting services out their, but remember https is a must.
Tagline is like a punch line for any product just go on the same theme.

Determining kind of facebook app
Can anyone tell me what kind of facebook app it is? canvas or something else?
I would want to create an app in php but have no clue where to start from. Can i create a test app and start the process? please help.
I have tried creating an app but that needs to be approved before even starting the development and showing us as a page on facebook app
Any app with an address of* is the Canvas link to the App, which means this app has a canvas page at the minimum. It may also have a website and mobile app associated with it, but that's harder to determine.
You should so some research before trying to create an app. You do not need to get any sort of approval to develop an application, even if you use excessive permissions. However, you will need to get your app approved for any extra permissions prior to launching to end-users.
You should visit the Facebook Developer website and pick a SDK you're comfortable with. I would recommend using the JavaScript one to get started, but the choice is yours. Then you should follow the starter guide to creating your first app. Everything you need to create an app is discoverable through Google, and I have a few handy tutorials on my site for using the PHP and JavaScript SDKs.