How to use an ExternalName service to access an internal service that is exposed with ingress - kubernetes

I am trying out a possible kubernetes scenario in the local machine minikube cluster. It is to access an internal service that is exposed with ingress in one cluster from another cluster using an ExternalName service. I understand that using an ingress the service will already be accessible within the cluster. As I am trying this out locally using minikube, I am unable to use simultaneously running clusters. Since I just wanted to verify whether it is possible to access an ingress exposed service using ExternName service.
I started the minikube tunnel using minikube tunnel.
I can access the service using
But when I tryout curl k8s-yaml-hello-internal within a running POD, the error that I that is curl: (7) Failed to connect to k8s-yaml-hello-internal port 80 after 1161 ms: Connection refused
Can anyone point me out the issue here? Thanks in advance.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: k8s-yaml-hello
app: k8s-yaml-hello
- port: 3000
targetPort: 3000
kind: Ingress
name: k8s-yaml-hello-ingress
name: k8s-yaml-hello-ingress
- host:
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: k8s-yaml-hello
number: 3000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: k8s-yaml-hello-internal
- name: ''
appProtocol: http
protocol: TCP
port: 3000
type: ExternalName

As You are getting the error curl: (7) Failed to connect :
The above error message means that no web-server is running on the specified IP and Port and the specified (or implied) port.
Check using nano /etc/hosts whether the IP and port is pointing to the correct domain or not. If it's not pointing, provide the correct IP and Port.
Refer to this SO for more information.
In Ingress.Yaml use Port 80 and also in service.yaml port should be 80. The service port and Target port should be different As per your yaml it is the same. Change it to 80 and have a try , If you get any errors, post here.

The problem is that minikube tunnel by default binds to the localhost address Every node, machine, vm, container etc. has its own and the same localhost address. It is to reach local services without having to know the ip address of the network interface (the service is running on "myself"). So when resolves to then it points to different service depending on which container you are (just to myself).
To make it work like you want, you first have to find out the ip address of your hosts network interface e.g. with ifconfig. Its name is something like eth0 or en0, depending on your system.
Then you can use the bind-address option of minikube tunnel to bind to that address instead:
minikube tunnel --bind-address=
With this your service should be reachable from within the container. Please check first with the ip address:
Then make sure name resolution with /etc/hosts works in your container with dig, nslookup, getent hosts or something similar that is available in your container.


Why can't k3s access host services that listening loopback address?

I deployed k3s on a single Ubuntu machine.
Other services are installed on this machine directly (outside k8s), e.g. Redis, Mysql... They are listening loopback address for the security reason.
But the service inside k3s cannot connect to my db. If I change the listening address to, the problem will be fixed.
Why? And what is the best practice in this use case?
PS: I use Endpoints to map host service to k8s:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: redis
- port: 6379
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
name: redis
- addresses:
- ip: xxxxx (host's ip)
- port: 6379
Thanks to #vincent pli, I realized that I confused lo with host itself.
A service listens to lo, does not mean that all services actually running on this machine can access it. If that's what you really want, you must make sure that these two services are in the same virtual network card (lo).
Otherwise, if you want to access through an ip address, the service must listen it. If this address is only inside the LAN, it's still safe. Or use the firewall to enforce more stringent inbounds restrictions.

Cannot connect to the external ip of the k8s service

I have the following service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hedgehog
run: hedgehog
- port: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: restful
- port: 8982
protocol: TCP
name: websocket
run: hedgehog
In which I have specified an externalIP.
I'm also seeing this IP under EXTERNAL-IP when running kubectl get services.
However, when I do curl I get a timeout. However the app is supposed to give me a response because the jar running inside the container in the deployment does respond to localhost:3000 requests when run locally.
if you see the type of your service might be cluster IP try changing the type to LoadBalancer
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: http-service
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: highport
nodePort: 31903
port: 30102
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 30102
app: web
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer
something like this where type: LoadBalancer.
First of all you have to understand you cannot place any random address in your ExternalIP field. Those addresses are not managed by Kubernetes and are the responsibility of the cluster administrator or you. External IP addresses specified with externalIPs are different than the external IP address assigned to a service of type LoadBalancer by a cloud provider.
I checked the address that you mentioned in the question and it does not look like it belongs to you. That why I suspect that you placed a random one there.
The same address appears in this article about ExternalIP. As you can see here the address in this case are the IP addresses of the nodes that Kubernetes runs on.
This is potential issue in your case.
Another one is too verify if your application is listening on localhost or If it's really localhost then this might be another potential problem for you. You can change where the server process is listening. You do this by listening on, which means “listen on all interfaces”.
Lastly please verify that your selector/ports of the services are correct and that you have at least one endpoint that backs your service.

Kubernetes / Metallb single entrypoint

I'm building a K8 cluster for a school project.
It's bare metal and uses metallb as a loadbalancer.
Each service works in a separate pod:
Mysql (mariadb)
In the phpmyadmin file, I need to link my mysql server with something like this:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = "mysql-server-name";
I've tried to use the node's IP:
kubectl get node -o=custom-columns='DATA:status.addresses[0].address' | sed -n 2p
adding the port :3306 but I realised that none of my services could be reached through the browser with this method.
For instance the node's Ip:5050 should redirect me to my wordpress but it doesn't.
Is there any way to get a single IP that I can use to make my pods communicate between them ?
I must add that each service works appart when I use the svc IP instead of the nodes.
Here's the configmap I use for metallb:
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
The reason the node IP doesn't expose your application to other apps is that the pods in the kubernetes cluster don't listen to the requests coming to the node by default. In other words, the port on the pod is not connected to the port on the node.
The service resource is what you need to make that connection.
Services have different types. A service of type cluster IP will assign an IP internal to the cluster to the app. If you don't want to access your mysql database directly from the internet, this is what you would want.
Here is an example service of type cluster IP for your project.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mysql-service
namespace: metallb-system
app: Mysql
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 3306
Selector selects pods that carry the label app=mysql.
Port is the port that the service will listen to.
TargetPort is the port that mysql is listening to.
When you create the service you can find it's IP by running this command
kubectl get services -n metallb-system
Under CLUSTER-IP column note the IP of the service you created.
So in this case, if mysql is listening to 3306, you can reach it through this service on the service IP on port 80.
If you want to expose your wordpress app to the internet, use either the NodePort or LoadBalancer service types. Here is the reference for service types.

Calling an external service from within Minikube

I have a service (/deployment/pod) running in my Minikube (installed on my Mac) that needs to call an external http service that runs directly on my Mac (i.e. outside Minikube). The domain name of that external service is defined into my Mac /etc/hosts file. Yet, my service within Minikube cannot call that external service. Any idea what I need to configure where? Many thanks. C
Create Endpoints that will forward traffic to your desire external IP address (your local machine). You can directly connect using Endpoints but according to Goole Cloud best practice (doc) is to access it through a Service
Create your Endpoints
kind: Endpoints
apiVersion: v1
name: local-ip
- addresses:
- ip: # IP of your desire end point
- port: 27017 # Port that you want to access
Then create you Service
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: local-ip
type: ClusterIP
- port: 27017
targetPort: 27017
Now you can call external http service using the Service name. In this case local-ip like any other internal service of minikube.
Because your minikube is running on a virtual machine on your laptop , you just need minikube ssh into that machine and enter the address of your external service into the /etc/hosts file of that virtual machine.

Assign an External IP to a Node

I'm running a bare metal Kubernetes cluster and trying to use a Load Balancer to expose my services. I know typically that the Load Balancer is a function of the underlying public cloud, but with recent support for Ingress Controllers it seems like it should now be possible to use nginx as a self-hosted load balancer.
So far, i've been following the example here to set up an nginx Ingress Controller and some test services behind it. However, I am unable to follow Step 6 which displays the external IP for the node that the load balancer is running on as my node does not have an ExternalIP in the addresses section, only a LegacyHostIP and InternalIP.
I've tried manually assigning an ExternalIP to my cluster by specifying it in the service's specification. However, this appears to be mapped as the externalID instead.
How can I manually set my node's ExternalIP address?
This is something that is tested and works for an nginx service created on a particular node.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
namespace: default
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
name: http
- port: 443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 443
name: https
- '{{external_ip}}'
app: nginx
Assumes an nginx deployment upstream listening on port 80, 443.
The externalIP is the public IP of the node.
I would suggest checking out MetalLB:
It allows for externalIP addresses in a baremetal cluster using either ARP or BGP. It has worked great for us and allows you to simply request a LoadBalancer service like you would in the cloud.