NLB or HAProxy - Better way to perform SSL termination? - kubernetes

My architecture looks like this:
Here, the HTTPS requests first go to the route53 service for DNS resolution. Route53 forwards the request to the Network Load balancer. This service redirects the traffic to HAProxy pods running inside a Kubernetes cluster.
The HAProxy servers are required to read a specific request header and based on its value, it will route the traffic to backend. To keep things simple, I have kept a single K8 Backend cluster, but assume that there are more than 1 such backend cluster running.
Considering this architecture:
What is the best place to perform TLS termination? Should we do it at NLB (green box) or implement it at HAProxy (Orange box)?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario?

As you are using the NLB you can achieve End to end HTTPS also however it forces the service also to use.
You can terminate at the LB level if you have multiple LB backed by clusters, leveraging the AWS cert manage with LB will be an easy way to manage the multiple setups.
There is no guarantee that if anyone that enters in your network won't be able to exploit a bug capable of intercepting traffic between services, Software Defined Network(SDN) in your VPC is secure and protects from spoofing but no guarantee.
So there is an advantage if you use TLS/SSL inside the VPC also.


Is there a way to enable stickiness between the client and target pods when using AWS Global Accelerator and NLB?

On an AWS EKS cluster, I have deployed a stateful application.
In order to load balance my application across different pods and availability zones, I have added an HAProxy Ingress Controller which uses an external AWS NLB.
I have one NLB in this cluster which points to the HAProxy Service. On top of the NLB I have created a global accelerator and I've set the NLB as its target endpoint.
My requirement is to ensure that once a user connects to the DNS of the Global Accelerator, they will always be directed to the same endpoint server, i.e the same HAProxy Pod.
The connection workflow goes like this: Client User -> Global Accelerator -> NLB -> HAProxy pod.
While searching for ways to make this work, here's what I've done:
To ensure stickiness between the NLB and its target (HAProxy pods) I have enabled stickiness on the NLB targets.
Now, when it comes to the stickiness between the Global Accelerator and the NLB, it looks like the right thing to do is to set the Global Accelerator's Client Affinity attribute to "Source IP". According to the documentation, with this setting the Global Accelerator honors client affinity by routing all connections with the same source IP address to the same endpoint group.
My expectations were that with these attributes enabled, the user will always get connected to the same NLB which then connects to the same HAProxy pod.
After testing, when I connected to my application via the NLB DNS, the goal was achieved and I get a sticky connection. However, when I connect via the Global Accelerator, my session keeps crashing.
Any ideas of why that might be?
Or are there any suggestions of a different way to work with this?
This is not something that AWS supports (as of June 2022).
See this document
They specifically state
An example is when you want to send UDP traffic with client IP preservation to a handful of instances, with a guarantee that the same backend instances will handle requests from the same clients (client affinity). This is not possible with Application Load Balancers because they do not support UDP traffic, and Network Load Balancers do not support sticky sessions or client IP preservation with AWS Global Accelerator.

Q: Efficient Kubernetes load balancing

I've been looking into Kubernetes networking, more specifically, how to serve HTTPS users the most efficient.
I was watching this talk: and from 22:18 he explains what the problem is with a load balancer that is not pod aware. Now, how they solve this in kubernetes is by letting the nodes also act as a 'router' and letting the node pass the request on to another node. (explained at 22:46). This does not seem very efficient, but when looking around SoundCloud ( actually seems to do something similar to this but with NodePorts. They say that the overhead costs less than creating a better load balancer.
From what I have read an option might be using an ingress controller. Making sure that there is not more than one ingress controller per node, and routing the traffic to the specific nodes that have an ingress controller. That way there will not be any traffic re-routing needed. However, this does add another layer of routing.
This information is all from 2017, so my question is: is there any pod aware load balancer out there, or is there some other method that does not involve sending the http request and response over the network twice?
Thank you in advance,
A bit more information about my use case:
There is a bare-metal setup with kubernetes. The firewall load balances the incomming data between two HAProxy instances. These HAProxy instances do ssl termination and forward the traffic to a few sites. This includes an exchange setup, a few internal IIS sites and a nginx server for a static web app. The idea is to transform the app servers into kubernetes.
Now my main problem is how to get the requests from HAProxy into kubernetes. I see a few options:
Use the SoundCloud setup. The infrastructure could stay almost the same, the HAProxy server can still operate the way they do now.
I could use an ingress controller on EACH node in the kubernetes cluster and have the firewall load balance between the nodes. I believe it is possible to forward traffic from the ingress controller to server outside the cluster, e.g. exchange.
Some magic load balancer that I do not know about that is pod aware and able to operate outside of the kubernetes cluster.
Option 1 and 2 are relatively simple and quite close in how they work, but they do come with a performance penalty. This is the case when the node that the requests gets forwarded to by the firewall does not have the required pod running, or if another pod is doing less work. The request will get forwarded to another node, thus, using the network twice.
Is this just the price you pay when using Kubernetes, or is there something that I am missing?
How traffic heads to pods depend on whether a managed cluster is used.
Almost all cloud providers can forward traffic in a cloud-native way in their managed K8s clusters. First, you can a managed cluster with some special network settings (e.g. vpc-native cluster of GKE). Then, the only thing you need to do is to create a LoadBalancer typed Service to expose your workload. You can also create Ingresses for your L7 workloads, they are going to be handled by provided IngressControllers (e.g. ALB of AWS).
In an on-premise cluster without any cloud provider(OpenStack or vSphere), the only way to expose workloads is NodePort typed Service. It doesn't mean you can't improve it.
If your cluster is behind reverse proxies (the SoundCloud case), setting externalTrafficPolicy: Local to Services could break traffic forwarding among work nodes. When traffic received through NodePorts, they are forwarded to local Pods or dropped if Pods reside on other nodes. Reserve proxy will mark these NodePort as unhealthy in the backend health check and reject to forward traffic to them. Another choice is to use topology-aware service routing. In this case, local Pods have priorities and traffic is still forwarded between node when no local Pods matched.
For IngressController in on-prem clusters, it is a little different. You may have some work nodes that have EIP or public IP. To expose HTTP(S) services, an IngressController usually deployed on those work nodes through DaemeaSet and HostNetwork such that clients access the IngressController via the well-known ports and EIP of nodes. These work nodes regularly don't accept other workloads (e.g. infra node in OpenShift) and one more forward on the Pod network is needed. You can also deploy the IngressController on all work nodes as well as other workloads, so traffic could be forwarded to a closer Pod if the IngressController supports topology-aware service routing although it can now.
Hope it helps!

Kubernetes how to load balance EXTERNAL persistent tcp connections?

I'm having an issue with load balancing persistent tcp connections to my kubernetes replicas.
I have Unity3D clients outside of the kubernetes cluster.
My cluster is a baremetal cluster with metallb installed composed out of 3 nodes: 1 master and 2 workers.
As I have read there are two approaches:
1) client connects to all replicas and each time it needs to send a request it will do so on a random connection out of those that it has previously established. Periodically, it refreshes connections (in case autoscale happened or some of the persistent connections died).
The problem here is, I'm not sure how to access all replicas externally, headless services cannot be exposed externally.
2) service mesh ? I have vaguely read/understood that they might establish persistent tcp on your behalf. So something like this :
unity3d client <----persistent connection ---> controller <---persistent connection----> replicas
However, I'm not sure how to accomplish this and I'm not sure what will happen if the controller itself fails, will all the clients get their connections dropped ? As I see it, it will come down to the same issue as the one from 1), which is allowing a client to connect to multiple different replicas at the same time with a persistent TCP connection.
Part of question comes as a complement to this :
In order to enable external traffic to your cluster you need an Ingress Gateway. Your ingress gateway could be the standard nginx Ingress, a gateway provided by a mesh like the Istio Gateway or a more specialized edge gateway like ambassador, traefik, kong, gloo, etc.
There are at least two ways you can perform load balancing in K8s:
Using a Service resource which is just a set of iptables rules managed by the kube-proxy process. This is L4 load balancing only. No L7 application protocols like HTTP2 or gRPC are supported. Depending on your case, this type of LB might not be ideal for long lived connections as connections will rarely be closed.
Using the L7 load balancing offered by any of the ingress controllers which will skip the iptables routing (using a headless Service) and allow for more advanced load balancing algorithms.
In order to benefit from the latter case you still need to ensure that connections are eventually terminated which is often done from the client to the proxy (while reusing connections from the proxy to the upstream). I'm not familiar with Unity3D connections but if terminating them is not an option you won't be able to do much load balancing after all.
When the controller fails, connections will be dropped and your client could either graciously re-attempt the connection or panic. It depends on how you code it.

Can i use a GCP HTTPS Load Balancer to route between a bucket backend and a Kubernetes service?

i wanted to understand what are my load balancing options in a scenario where i want to use a single HTTPS Load Balancer on GCP to serve some static content from a bucket and dynamic content using a combination of react front end and express backend on Kubernetes.
Additional info:
i have a domain name registered outside of Google Domains
I want to serve all content over https
I'm not starting with anything big. Just getting started with a more or less hobby type project which will attract very little traffic in the near future.
I dont mind serving my react front end, express backend from app engine if that helps simplify this somehow. however, in such a case, i would like to understand if i still want something on kubernetes, will i be able to communicate between app engine and kubernetes without hassles using internal IPs. And how would i load balance that traffic!!
Any kind of network blueprint in the public domain that will guide me will be helpful.
I did quite a bit of reading on NodePort/LoadBalancer/Ingress which has left me confused. from what i understand, LoadBalancer does not work with HTTP(S) traffic, operates more at TCP L4 Level, so probably not suitable for my use case.
Ingress provisions a dedicated Load Balancer of its own on which i cannot put my own routes to a backend bucket etc, which means i may need a minimum of two load balancers? and two IPs?
NodePort exposes a port on all nodes, which means i need to handle load balancing myself even if my HTTPS Load balancer routing can somehow help.
Any guidance/pointers will be much appreciated!
EDIT: Found some information on Network Endpoint Groups (NEG) while researching. Looking promising. will investigate. Any thoughts about taking this route?
EDIT: Was able to get this working using a combination of NEGs and Nginx reverse proxies.
In order to resolve your concerns please start with:
Choosing the right loadbalncer:
Network load balancer (Layer 4 load balancing or proxy for applications that rely on TCP/SSL protocol) the load is forwarding into your systems based on incoming IP protocol data, such as address, port, and protocol type.
The network load balancer is a pass-through load balancer, so your backends receive the original client request. The network load balancer doesn't do any Transport Layer Security (TLS) offloading or proxying. Traffic is directly routed to your VMs.
Network loadbalancers terminatese TLS on backends that are located in regions appropriate to your needs
HTTP(s) loadbalancer is a proxy-based, regional Layer 7 load balancer that enables you to run and scale your services behind a private load balancing IP address that is accessible only in the load balancer's region in your VPC network.
HTTPS and SSL Proxy load balancers terminate TLS in locations that are distributed globally.
An HTTP(S) load balancer acts as a proxy between your clients and your application. If you want to accept HTTPS requests from your clients
You have the option to use Google-managed SSL certificates (Beta) or to use certificates that you manage yourself.
Technical Details
When you create an Ingress object, the GKE Ingress controller configures a GCP HTTP(S) load balancer according to the rules in the Ingress manifest and the associated Service manifests. The client sends a request to the HTTP(S) load balancer. The load balancer is an actual proxy; it chooses a node and forwards the request to that node's NodeIP:NodePort combination. The node uses its iptables NAT table to choose a Pod. kube-proxy manages the iptables rules on the node. Routes traffic is going to a healthy Pod for the Service specified in your rules.
Per buckets documentation:
An HTTP(S) load balancer can direct traffic from specified URLs to either a backend bucket or a backend service.
Bucket should be public while using Loadbalncer- Creating buckets bucket
During LoaBalancer set-up you can choose backend service and backend bucket. You can find more information in the docs.
Please take a look also for this two tutorials here and here how to build application using cloud storage.
Hope this help.
Additional resources:
Loadbalancers, Controllers

Kubernetes: should I use HTTPS to communicate between services

Let's say I'm using an GCE ingress to handle traffic from outside the cluster and terminate TLS (, from here the request gets routed to one of two services that are only available inside the cluster. So far so good.
What if I have to call service B from service A, should I go all the way and use the cluster's external IP/domain and use HTTPS ( to call the service or could I use the internal IP of the service and use HTTP (http://serviceb/api/user/1)? Do I have to encrypt the data or is it "safe" as long as it isn't leaving the private k8s network?
What if I want to have "internal" endpoints that should only be accessible from within the cluster - when I'm always using the external https-url those endpoints would be reachable for everyone. Calling the service directly, I could just do a http://serviceb/internal/info/abc.
What if I have to call service B from service A, should I go all the way and use the cluster's external IP/domain and use HTTPS ( to call the service or could I use the internal IP of the service and use HTTP (http://serviceb/api/user/1)?
If you need to use the features that you API Gateway is offering (authentication, cache, high availability, load balancing) then YES, otherwise DON'T. The External facing API should contain only endpoints that are used by external clients (from outside the cluster).
Do I have to encrypt the data or is it "safe" as long as it isn't leaving the private k8s network?
"safe" is a very relative word and I believe that there are no 100% safe networks. You should put in the balance the probability of "somebody" or "something" sniffing data from the network and the impact that it has on your business if that happens.
If this helps you: for any project that I've worked for (or I heard from somebody I know), the private network between containers/services was more than sufficient.
What if I want to have "internal" endpoints that should only be accessible from within the cluster - when I'm always using the external https-url those endpoints would be reachable for everyone.
Exactly what I was saying on top of the answer. Keeping those endpoints inside the cluster makes them inaccessible by design from outside.
One last thing, managing a lot of SSL certificates for a lot of internal services is a pain that one should avoid if not necessary.