weird double-nullable variable error, why is it happening? - swift

sometimes compiler produces weird optional error with double nullable operator like Value of optional type 'Data??' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'Data?', I'm wondering why is it happening? is this a bug or quirk I dont understand? Here's sample of code to reproduce
import Foundation
public class testClass {
var id: Int64?
init(id: Int64?, completionHandler: (([Data?], Bool) -> Data?)?) { = id
let tC = testClass(id: 1) { datas, val in
return datas.first
I'm not asking how to fix it, I'm just curious why this is happening as it looks like a bug for me - variable either exists or is nil

You are overcomplicating the issue with your example. All you need for demonstration is this, where Wrapped could be any type:
typealias Wrapped = Void
let optionals: [Wrapped?] = []
let wrapped: Wrapped? = optionals.first
What's actually going on in that last line, if you use the correct type, is this:
let doubleOptional: Wrapped?? = optionals.first
You need to provide a default value, for when the array is empty:
// `nil` is the same as Wrapped?.none, here.
let optional: Wrapped? = optionals.first ?? nil
And if it was safe to force-unwrap, then one ! would not be enough, either. You'd need two:
let wrapped: Wrapped = optionals.first!!
You should probably question why you have an array of optionals to begin with.


Optional Any? equals to nil

I have:
let value: Any? = myObject[keyPath: myParamKeyPath]
where myParamKeyPath refers to a String?.
Then, when myParam is supposed to be nil, I have:
value == nil returns false
(value as? String?) == nil returns true
Is it possible to check if value equals nil without having to cast it to a String? in the first place? Something like comparing it to NSNull maybe?
Also, I can't change the value type to String? directly as it is also used for other type in my code.
(value as? String?) == nil returns true is irrelevant indeed.
But I can still go print my value pointed by the keypath and it will actually be nil. So I still don't get why value == nil returns false when Im expecting it to be true...
EDIT2 with more code:
let setting = appSettings.settings[indexPath.row]
let value = appSettings[keyPath: setting.keyPath]
let fontAwesome: FontAwesome
switch setting.keyPath {
case \PrinterSettings.printableImageIDs:
fontAwesome = blablabla
case \WeatherSettings.lockscreenImageIDs:
fontAwesome = blablabla
if let value = value as? FakeButtonPlacementSubSettings {
fontAwesome = blablabla
} else {
fontAwesome = value != nil ? .checkSquareO : .squareO
I am expecting to get fontAwesomeIcon = .squareO but I am getting checkSquareO when the value pointed by myObject[keyPath: myParamKeyPath] is String? (it does the same for another value which is a Bool? later on).
I must be missing something somewhere...
EDIT 3 screenshot:
EDIT 4 more clarification of what I'm trying to do here:
First, thank you again for your help if you get there.
Here are 2 photos about my project current design:
I am using with KVO in my project. I was previously using the objective-c string #keyPath for this. It was working great, but almost all my model had to be converted in #objc. So my current goal here is to remove it and switch to the new Swift 4 keypath system.
To resume: I have a user class containing lot of settings (more than on the screenshot) which can be of several type (and some custom types also).
On the other hand, I have created around 10 "setting editor view controllers": one by type of settings. I would like to use the same setting editor VC to edit each one of the same type of settings.
For example, if the setting to edit is a boolean, I would like to use the "boolean editor VC" and get my selected setting edited by the user's new choice. This is why I am using KVO system. I'm not willing to keep it if you guys have a better solution for this. It would then also get rid of my Any? == nil issue.
How about the following?
struct S {
let x: String?
let v1: Any? = S(x: "abc")[keyPath: \S.x]
print(v1 is String? && v1 == nil) // false
let v2: Any? = S(x: nil)[keyPath: \S.x]
print(v2 is String? && v2 == nil) // true
The issue is that your code is assuming the value is String?, whereas it is really String??. I believe this stems from the use of AnyKeyPath:
struct Foo {
let bar: String?
let foo = Foo(bar: "baz")
let keyPath: AnyKeyPath = \
print(foo[keyPath: keyPath]) // Optional(Optional("baz"))
let keyPath2 = \
print(foo[keyPath: keyPath2]) // Optional("baz")
I wonder if there is some way to adapt your code to use KeyPath<T, String?> pattern, so that, as you say, your myParamKeyPath really does explicitly refer to a String?, .e.g.:
let foo = Foo(bar: "baz")
let keyPath = \
func keyPathExperiment(object: Any, keyPath: AnyKeyPath) {
print(object[keyPath: keyPath])
func keyPathExperiment2<T>(object: T, keyPath: KeyPath<T, String?>) {
print(object[keyPath: keyPath])
keyPathExperiment(object: foo, keyPath: keyPath) // Sigh: Optional(Optional("baz"))
keyPathExperiment2(object: foo, keyPath: keyPath) // Good: Optional("baz")
There's not enough in your code snippet for us to see how precisely this might be adapted to your situation.
As Rob Napier said, I wonder if there might be Swiftier approaches to the problem. E.g. when I see switch statements like this, I might tend to gravitate towards enum pattern.

Converting from Int to String Swift 2.2

I have this case where chatId is a property of type Int
let StringMessage = String(self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId)
When I debug I find that StringMessage is returning Optional(15) Which means it is unwrapped. But at the same time XCode does not allow me to put any bangs (!) to unwrap it. So I am stuck with Unwrapped Variable. I know its noob question but it I really cant get it. Your help is appreciated.
Thank you
It depends on what you want the default value to be.
Assuming you want the default value to be an empty string (""), You could create a function or a method to handle it.
func stringFromChatId(chatId: Int?) -> String {
if let chatId = chatId {
return String(chatId)
} else {
return ""
let stringMessage = stringFromChatId(self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId)
Or you could handle it with a closure.
let stringMessage = { $0 != nil ? String($0!) : "" }(self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId)
If you don't mind crashing if self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId is nil, then you should be able to directly unwrap it.
let StringMessage = String((self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId)!)
or with a closure
let stringMessage = { String($0!) }(self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId)
Assuming chatId is an Int and not an Optional<Int> (AKA Int?) I missed the most obvious unwrap answer. Sorry, I was tired last night.
let StringMessage = String(self.listingChat!.messages.last!.chatId)
Force unwrap all the optionals along the way.
Optionals have a very nice method called map (unrelated to map for Arrays) which returns nil if the variable is nil, otherwise it calls a function on the (non-nil) value. Combined with a guard-let, you get very concise code. (I've changed the case of stringMessage because variables should begin with a lower-case letter.)
guard let stringMessage = self.listingChat?.messages.last? { String($0) } else {
// Do failure
// Success. stringMessage is of type String, not String?
I think:
let StringMessage = String(self.listingChat?.messages.last?.chatId)!

Type inference fails when using nil-coalescing operator with two optionals

We are trying to figure whether this is a bug in Swift or us misusing generics, optionals, type inference and/or nil coalescing operator.
Our framework contains some code for parsing dictionaries into models and we've hit a problem with optional properties with default values.
We have a protocol SomeProtocol and two generic functions defined in a protocol extension:
mapped<T>(...) -> T?
mapped<T : SomeProtocol>(...) -> T?
Our structs and classes adhere to this protocol and then parse their properties inside an init function required by the protocol.
Inside the init(...) function we try to set a value of the property someNumber like this:
someNumber = self.mapped(dictionary, key: "someNumber") ?? someNumber
The dictionary of course contains the actual value for key someNumber. However, this will always fail and the actual value will never get returned from the mapped() function.
Either commenting out the second generic function or force downcasting the value on the rhs of the assignment will fix this issue, but we think this should work the way it currently is written.
Below is a complete code snippet demonstrating the issue, along with two options that (temporarily) fix the issue labeled OPTION 1 and OPTION 2 in the code:
import Foundation
// Some protocol
protocol SomeProtocol {
init(dictionary: NSDictionary?)
extension SomeProtocol {
func mapped<T>(dictionary: NSDictionary?, key: String) -> T? {
guard let dictionary = dictionary else {
return nil
let source = dictionary[key]
switch source {
case is T:
return source as? T
return nil
// ---
// OPTION 1: Commenting out this makes it work
// ---
func mapped<T where T:SomeProtocol>(dictionary: NSDictionary?, key: String) -> T? {
return nil
// Some struct
struct SomeStruct {
var someNumber: Double? = 0.0
extension SomeStruct: SomeProtocol {
init(dictionary: NSDictionary?) {
someNumber = self.mapped(dictionary, key: "someNumber") ?? someNumber
// OPTION 2: Writing this makes it work
// someNumber = self.mapped(dictionary, key: "someNumber") ?? someNumber!
// Test code
let test = SomeStruct(dictionary: NSDictionary(object: 1234.4567, forKey: "someNumber"))
if test.someNumber == 1234.4567 {
print("success \(test.someNumber!)")
} else {
print("failure \(test.someNumber)")
Please note, that this is an example which misses the actual implementations of the mapped functions, but the outcome is identical and for the sake of this question the code should be sufficient.
EDIT: I had reported this issue a while back and now it was marked as fixed, so hopefully this shouldn't happen anymore in Swift 3.
You've given the compiler too many options, and it's picking the wrong one (at least not the one you wanted). The problem is that every T can be trivially elevated to T?, including T? (elevated to T??).
someNumber = self.mapped(dictionary, key: "someNumber") ?? someNumber
Wow. Such types. So Optional. :D
So how does Swift begin to figure this thing out. Well, someNumber is Double?, so it tries to turn this into:
Double? = Double?? ?? Double?
Does that work? Let's look for a generic mapped, starting at the most specific.
func mapped<T where T:SomeProtocol>(dictionary: NSDictionary?, key: String) -> T? {
To make this work, T has to be Double?. Is Double?:SomeProtocol? Nope. Moving on.
func mapped<T>(dictionary: NSDictionary?, key: String) -> T? {
Does this work? Sure! T can be Double? We return Double?? and everything resolves.
So why does this one work?
someNumber = self.mapped(dictionary, key: "someNumber") ?? someNumber!
This resolves to:
Double? = Optional(Double? ?? Double)
And then things work the way you think they're supposed to.
Be careful with so many Optionals. Does someNumber really have to be Optional? Should any of these things throw? (I'm not suggesting throw is a general work-around for Optional problems, but at least this problem gives you a moment to consider if this is really an error condition.)
It is almost always a bad idea to type-parameterize exclusively on the return value in Swift the way mapped does. This tends to be a real mess in Swift (or any generic language that has lots of type inference, but it really blows up in Swift when there are Optionals involved). Type parameters should generally appear in the arguments. You'll see the problem if you try something like:
let x = test.mapped(...)
It won't be able to infer the type of x. This isn't an anti-pattern, and sometimes the hassle is worth it (and in fairness, the problem you're solving may be one of those cases), but avoid it if you can.
But it's the Optionals that are killing you.
EDIT: Dominik asks a very good question about why this behaves differently when the constrained version of mapped is removed. I don't know. Obviously the type matching engine checks for valid types in a little different order depending on how many ways mapped is generic. You can see this by adding print(T.self) to mapped<T>. That might be considered a bug in the compiler.

"if let" statement executed despite value being nil

I have an "if let" statement that is being executed, despite the "let" part being nil.
if let leftInc : Double? = self.analysis.inputs[self.btnLeftIncisor.dictionaryKey!]! {
let valueString : String = formatter.stringFromNumber(NSNumber(double: leftInc!))!
self.leftIncisorTextField?.text = valueString
self.btnLeftIncisor.associatedLabel?.text = valueString
// self.analysis.inputs is a Dictionary<String, Double?>
The inputs dictionary holds information entered by the user - either a number, or nil if they haven't entered anything in the matching field yet.
Under the previous version of Swift, the code was written as this:
if let leftInc : Double? = self.analysis.inputs[self.btnLeftIncisor.dictionaryKey!]?? {
and worked correctly.
I saw a similar question here, but in that instance the problem seemed to be the result of using Any?, which is not the case here.
Swift 2.2
In your if let you define another optional, that's why nil is a legitimate case. if let is intended mainly to extract (maybe) non optional value from an optional.
You might try:
if let leftInc : Double = self.analysis.inputs[self.btnLeftIncisor.dictionaryKey!].flatMap ({$0}) {
// leftInc is not an optional in this scope
Anyway I'd consider to not do it as a one liner but take advantage of guard case. Just in order to enhance readability. And avoid bang operator (!).
The if-let is for unwrapping optionals. You are allowing nil values by setting the type to an optional Double.
The if statement should be:
if let leftInc = self.analysis.inputs[self.btnLeftIncisor.dictionaryKey!] as? Double{
This will attempt to get an object out of inputs, if that fails it returns nil and skips it. If it does return something it will attempt to convert it to a Double. If that fails it skips the if statement as well.
if inputs is a dictionary like [Something:Double] then you don't need the last as? Double as indexing the dictionary will return a Double?
I recommend reading the swift book on optional chaining.
You could break it down further -
if let optionalDouble = self.analysis.inputs[self.btnLeftIncisor.dictionaryKey!], leftInc = optionalDouble {
as your dictionary has optional values - this way of writing it might make it clearer what's going on
if let k = dict["someKey"]{}, dict["someKey"] will be an object of type Any
this can bypass a nill
So do a typecast to get it correct like if let k = dict["someKey"] as! String {}

Printing optional variable

I am trying with these lines of code
class Student {
var name: String
var age: Int?
init(name: String) { = name
func description() -> String {
return age != nil ? "\(name) is \(age) years old." : "\(name) hides his age."
var me = Student(name: "Daniel")
me.age = 18
Above code produces as follow
Daniel hides his age.
Daniel is Optional(18) years old.
My question is why there is Optional (18) there, how can I remove the optional and just printing
Daniel is 18 years old.
You have to understand what an Optional really is. Many Swift beginners think var age: Int? means that age is an Int which may or may not have a value. But it means that age is an Optional which may or may not hold an Int.
Inside your description() function you don't print the Int, but instead you print the Optional. If you want to print the Int you have to unwrap the Optional. You can use "optional binding" to unwrap an Optional:
if let a = age {
// a is an Int
If you are sure that the Optional holds an object, you can use "forced unwrapping":
let a = age!
Or in your example, since you already have a test for nil in the description function, you can just change it to:
func description() -> String {
return age != nil ? "\(name) is \(age!) years old." : "\(name) hides his age."
To remove it, there are three methods you could employ.
If you are absolutely sure of the type, you can use an exclamation mark to force unwrap it, like this:
// Here is an optional variable:
var age: Int?
// Here is how you would force unwrap it:
var unwrappedAge = age!
If you do force unwrap an optional and it is equal to nil, you may encounter this crash error:
This is not necessarily safe, so here's a method that might prevent crashing in case you are not certain of the type and value:
Methods 2 and three safeguard against this problem.
The Implicitly Unwrapped Optional
if let unwrappedAge = age {
// continue in here
Note that the unwrapped type is now Int, rather than Int?.
The guard statement
guard let unwrappedAge = age else {
// continue in here
From here, you can go ahead and use the unwrapped variable. Make sure only to force unwrap (with an !), if you are sure of the type of the variable.
Good luck with your project!
For testing/debugging purposes I often want to output optionals as strings without always having to test for nil values, so I created a custom operator.
I improved things even further after reading this answer in another question.
fileprivate protocol _Optional {
func unwrappedString() -> String
extension Optional: _Optional {
fileprivate func unwrappedString() -> String {
switch self {
case .some(let wrapped as _Optional): return wrapped.unwrappedString()
case .some(let wrapped): return String(describing: wrapped)
case .none: return String(describing: self)
postfix operator ~? { }
public postfix func ~? <X> (x: X?) -> String {
return x.unwrappedString
Obviously the operator (and its attributes) can be tweaked to your liking, or you could make it a function instead. Anyway, this enables you to write simple code like this:
var d: Double? = 12.34
print(d) // Optional(12.34)
print(d~?) // 12.34
d = nil
print(d~?) // nil
Integrating the other guy's protocol idea made it so this even works with nested optionals, which often occur when using optional chaining. For example:
let i: Int??? = 5
print(i) // Optional(Optional(Optional(5)))
print("i: \(i~?)") // i: 5
Simply use me.age ?? "Unknown age!". It works in 3.0.2.
Old Answer
Without force unwrapping (no mach signal/crash if nil) another nice way of doing this would be:
(result["ip"] ?? "unavailable").description.
result["ip"] ?? "unavailable" should have work too, but it doesn't, not in 2.2 at least
Of course, replace "unavailable" with whatever suits you: "nil", "not found" etc
To unwrap optional use age! instead of age. Currently your are printing optional value that could be nil. Thats why it wrapped with Optional.
In swift Optional is something which can be nil in some cases. If you are 100% sure that a variable will have some value always and will not return nil the add ! with the variable to force unwrap it.
In other case if you are not much sure of value then add an if let block or guard to make sure that value exists otherwise it can result in a crash.
For if let block :
if let abc = any_variable {
// do anything you want with 'abc' variable no need to force unwrap now.
For guard statement :
guard is a conditional structure to return control if condition is not met.
I prefer to use guard over if let block in many situations as it allows us to return the function if a particular value does not exist.
Like when there is a function where a variable is integral to exist, we can check for it in guard statement and return of it does not exist.
guard let abc = any_variable else { return }
We if variable exists the we can use 'abc' in the function outside guard scope.
age is optional type: Optional<Int> so if you compare it to nil it returns false every time if it has a value or if it hasn't. You need to unwrap the optional to get the value.
In your example you don't know is it contains any value so you can use this instead:
if let myAge = age {
// there is a value and it's currently undraped and is stored in a constant
else {
// no value
I did this to print the value of string (property) from another view controller.
var testString:NSString = "I am iOS Developer"
var obj:ViewController? = ViewController(nibName: "ViewController", bundle: nil)
print("The Value of String is \(obj!.testString)")
Result :
The Value of String is I am iOS Developer
Check out the guard statement:
for student in class {
guard let age = student.age else {
// do something with age
When having a default value:
print("\(name) is \(age ?? 0) years old")
or when the name is optional:
print("\(name ?? "unknown") is \(age) years old")
I was getting the Optional("String") in my tableview cells.
The first answer is great. And helped me figure it out. Here is what I did, to help the rookies out there like me.
Since I am creating an array in my custom object, I know that it will always have items in the first position, so I can force unwrap it into another variable. Then use that variable to print, or in my case, set to the tableview cell text.
let description = workout.listOfStrings.first!
cell.textLabel?.text = description
Seems so simple now, but took me a while to figure out.
This is not the exact answer to this question, but one reason for this kind of issue.
In my case,
I was not able to remove Optional from a String with "if let" and "guard let".
So use AnyObject instead of Any to remove optional from a string in swift.
Please refer link for the answer.
If you just want to get rid of strings like Optional(xxx) and instead get xxx or nil when you print some values somewhere (like logs), you can add the following extension to your code:
extension Optional {
var orNil: String {
if self == nil {
return "nil"
return "\(self!)"
Then the following code:
var x: Int?
print("x is \(x.orNil)")
x = 10
print("x is \(x.orNil)")
will give you:
x is nil
x is 10
PS. Property naming (orNil) is obviously not the best, but I can't come up with something more clear.
With the following code you can print it or print some default value. That's what XCode generally recommend I think
var someString: String?
print("Some string is \(someString ?? String("Some default"))")
If you are printing some optional which is not directly printable but has a 'to-printable' type method, such as UUID, you can do something like this:
print("value is: \(myOptionalUUID?.uuidString ?? "nil")")
let uuid1 : UUID? = nil
let uuid2 : UUID? = UUID.init()
print("uuid1: \(uuid1?.uuidString ?? "nil")")
print("uuid2: \(uuid2?.uuidString ?? "nil")")
uuid1: nil
uuid2: 0576137D-C6E6-4804-848E-7B4011B40C11