My script can read a text file when run manually through ISE, but it looks in a different directory when run through Task Scheduler - powershell

Powershell noob here.
I have a script for copying PDF documents and CSV files. The script gets the CSV data from a URL defined in a .txt file in the same directory as the script. In the script, the file is determined like this:
$publishedCSV = Get-Content .\DriveURL.txt -Raw
When I run this script in ISE, it works fine and retrieves all the CSV data. However, when I run it in Scheduler, it tries to find the DriveURL file in System32, rather than in the path that is specified (I used transcript to find out what was happening)
I figured that out, and defined the FULL path of DriveURL, rather than just using the .\ notation. It works, but I don't know why it works
What I did:
Specified proper path of DriveURL and now my script works. I don't understand why it worked previously with using ./DriveURL.txt rather than the full path when I'd run it in ISE, but it didn't when run in Scheduler. It's the same script

If you use relative paths then you must also either set your working directory, or in the script change to the appropriate directory before referencing said relative paths. Alternatively you can use full paths, as you have already discovered.
A simple use of cd or pushd and the automatic $PSScriptRoot variable will change your working directory to wherever the script is saved to:
pushd $PSScriptRoot


PowerShell - can´t find long path but file exists

I have an issue while trying to run a PowerShell script.
When i try to obtain a file content (ex. Get-Content ".\d\e\file.xml") using a script a few directories bellow this .xml it works.
But, if i run this script from a different directory to get the file content (ex. c:\users\x\desktop), it will not be able to read it. I have tried Set-Location -Path "C:\a\b\c\ so it can get by relative path.
This is the error that I´m having:
Cannot find path 'C:\a\b\c\d\e\file.xml' because it does not exist. (path has 263 characters, too long)
Powershell Version : 5.1.18362.628

Powershell Dot Slash .\ Starts at the root of a drive

Note: I'm using the built-in PowerShell ISE as my environment
I got a funny issue with dot slash on Powershell. All of my scripts run from a certain folder and there are subfolders that contain data that is needed for them to run.
For example, my scripts are saved at c:\users\chris\posh
Most of the time, I will call input and send output to subfolders like this...
Therefore I'll have scripts examples that look like this for inputs and outputs:
$hbslist = Get-Content .\inputs\HBS-IP.txt
write-output "$($lat),$($long)" | Out-File .\Outputs\"LatLong.csv" -Append
Lately, when I run the scripts, it cannot locate my files or exe's that I call on. That's because it's trying to look at P:/ instead of c:\users\chris\posh when using .\
Powershell also starts in my P:\ (mapped share drive) for some reason and I cannot figure out as to why my PC is running this way.
It might be a policy on your machine which changes your home directory. You can check the home directory with:
echo $env:HOME
This happens often on corporate machines. If you want to set it back for your powershell environment, you can set it in your profile.ps1.
This is typically stored at:

Running a small WMI Powershell Script

I'm trying to have a few scripts that I can map to run from my keyboard for quickly changing the monitor/screen brightness. After some searching on the internet, I found this script which works when I enter it into Powershell.
$monitor=#(gwmi WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods -ns root/wmi)[0]
After I saved it as a .ps1 file and tried running it from the file, powershell tells me: The term "path of the file" is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function... and so on.
I'm not familiar with Powershell at all, can someone help with what I need to add in order for the script to run properly?
By default you can't run a PowerShell script that is in the current directory without putting .\ in front of the script name, or calling the full path of the script.
This is a security feature.
If you are in the directory that contains the script, run it by executing in a PowerShell window:
Where yourscript is the name of your script.
See here for more information:
You may also see this error if your script has spaces in its name. If that is the case, enclose the path in quotes:
.\'your script.ps1'

Execute any file as powershell script

I encountered a challenge that I failed to resolve the way I wanted it to do.
I got a file that contains a powershell script, but that file does not have the extension assigned to powershell. The question is: How can I execute a powershell in a script file with the wrong file extension (or none)?
Invoke-Expression does not seem to work because it always executes the default action assigned to the file type. If I give that cmdlet a *.txt file the editor pops open.
I know that I can resolve that by renaming the script file or naming it properly in the first place. This is what I ended up doing.
Still I wonder if it is possible to execute a file as a script with the wrong file extension without modifying, renaming or coping the file. And if it is not working… why is that?
Powershell is designed such that executing or dot sourcing a file requires a .ps1 extension, and Powershell.exe will refuse to run any file that doesn't have that extension.
One way to invoke Powershell code from a non-ps1 file is to launch Powershell.exe using STDIN, and pipe your script to it. This requires a new shell, so is not very good for launching scripts from within an existing scripting environment.
Powershell.exe - < thescript.txt
Another way is to create a temporary .ps1 file and execute that. This has the advantage of using the current scripting environment, but requires a temporary file.
Copy-Item -Path '.\thescript.txt' -Dest '.\temp.ps1'
. .\temp.ps1
del .\temp.ps1
In my opinion, the file extension restriction is silly, but that's how it was designed. Apocryphally, this is for security reasons, but I can find no citation to back it up.
Or you use Get-Content to read the file and then invoke that with Invoke-Expression or Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock.

How to give the path as a parameter or a variable in powershell

I have written a powershell script. the code has paths related to only my PC.
Now the same code cannot be executed by another person on his machine because the path is diff. Therefore please let me know a way where my code can work on all machines.
It depends on the paths. If they're to programs in \Program Files perhaps you can use the environment variable $env:ProgramFiles in your path spec. You can also parameterize your script to take the path like so:
# rest of script ...
Note that the param() statement must be the first non-comment line in your script.
You could also use the special $MyInvocation variable available to running scripts. It has access to the path the script was executed from, among other things.
For example a script I use has this line:
$InputCSV = (split-path $myinvocation.mycommand.path) + "\filename.csv"
Which means no matter where the script is run from it will know to grab the CSV file from the same place.