Extract() from Postgres to calculate minutes between 2 columns - postgresql

Want to calculate minutes between to columns with start_time and end_time as timestamp without zone for two customers types, and then averange the result for each.
I tried to use extract() by using the following statement, but can't get the right result:
select avg(duration_minutes)
from (
select started_at,ended_at, extract('minute' from (started_at - ended_at)) as duration_minutes
from my_data
where customer_type = 'member'
) avg_duration;
This run sucessfuly in BQ using the following:
select avg(duration_minutes) from
select started_at,ended_at,
datetime_diff(ended_at,started_at, minute) as duration_minutes
from my_table
where customer_type = "member"
) avg_duration
Wondering what might be failing in postgres?

extract(minute from ...) extracts the field with the minutes from the interval. So if the interval is "1 hour 26 minutes and 45 seconds" the result would be 26 not 86.
To convert an interval to the equivalent number of minutes, extract the total number of seconds using extract(epoch ...) and multiply that with 60.
select avg(duration_minutes)
from (
select started_at,
extract(epoch from (started_at - ended_at)) * 60 as duration_minutes
from my_data
where customer_type = 'member'
) avg_duration;
Note that you can calculate the average of an interval without the need to convert it to minutes:
select avg(duration)
from (
select started_at,
started_at - ended_at as duration
from my_data
where customer_type = 'member'
) avg_duration;
Depending on how you use the result, returning an interval might be more useful. You can also convert that to minutes using:
extract(epoch from avg(duration)) * 60 as average_minutes


How to get count for every 1 hour interval

count("Status") as Total_Count
from "dbo"
where "Status" = 'Pass'
and "StartDateTime" BETWEEN '2020-11-01 15:00:00' AND '2020-11-01 16:00:00'
group by "Status"
How to get data for every 1 hour interval as in the image above? As currently i changing the time interval manualy. I want get the counts from 12am to 12am next day with 1 hour interval.
demo: db<>fiddle
When you truncate the start time with date_trunc() at the hour part, all times will be normalized to full hours. This can be used as the GROUP BY criterion.
GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', starttime)
To format the time column as you expect, you can use the to_char() function:
to_char(date_trunc('hour', starttime), 'HH12:MI:SS AM') || ' - ' || to_char(date_trunc('hour', starttime) + interval '1 hour', 'HH12:MI:SS AM'),
GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', starttime)

Postgres range select between timestamps

Having two timestamps, and result in minutes between them lets say 320 minutes I need to calculate full hours, lets say we have here 5h and 20 minutes and I need to insert 6 rows with minutes column (5 rows with 60 as minutes column and last one with 20 minutes)
What is best way to do it in Postgres, some loops or trying to select numbers with cte?
WITH timestamps AS (
SELECT '2019-01-07 03:30:00'::timestamp as ts1, '2019-01-07 08:50:00'::timestamp as ts2
SELECT 60 as minutes
FROM timestamps, generate_series(1, date_part('hour', ts2 - ts1)::int)
SELECT date_part('minute', ts2 - ts1)::int
FROM timestamps
date_part extracts the hour (or minute) value from the timestamp difference.
with the generate_series function I am generating n rows with value 60 (n = hours)
Adding the remaining minutes with UNION ALL
Edit: For more than 1 day:
Instead of date_part use EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ...) which gives you the difference in seconds.
WITH timestamps AS (
SELECT '2019-01-06 03:30:00'::timestamp as ts1, '2019-01-07 08:50:00'::timestamp as ts2
SELECT 60 as minutes
FROM timestamps, generate_series(1, (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ts2 - ts1) / 60 / 60)::int)
SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ts2 - ts1) / 60)::int % 60
FROM timestamps
Calculate the seconds into hours with / 60 / 60
Calculate the remaining seconds with / 60 % 60 (first step gives you the minutes, the modulo operator % gives you the remaining minutes to hour)

Postgres: difference between two timestamps (hours:minutes:seconds)

i'm creating a select that calculate the difference between two timestamps
here the code: (isn't necessary you understand tables below. Just follow the thread)
(select value from demo.data where id=q.id and key='timestampend')::timestamp
- (select value from demo.data where id=q.id and key='timestampstart')::timestamp) as durata
Look at this example, if you want easier:
select timestamp_end::timestamp - timestamp_start as duration
here the result:
// "durata" is duration
The problem is that the first timestamp is 2017-06-21 and the second is 2017-06-22 so we have 1 day and some hours of difference.
How can i do for show the result not like "1 day 02:06:41.993657" but "26:06:41.993657" without milliseconds (26:06:41)?
I'm testing this query:
select id as ticketid,
(select value from demo.data where id=q.id and key = 'timestampstart')::timestamp as TEnd,
(select value from demo.data where id=q.id and key = 'timestampend')::timestamp as TStart,
0,0,0,0, -- years, months, weeks, days
extract(days from duration1)::int * 24 + extract(hours from duration1)::int, -- calculated hours (days * 24 + hours)
extract(mins from duration1)::int, -- minutes
floor(extract(secs from duration1))::int -- seconds, without miliseconds, thus FLOOR()
) as duration1
(select value from demo.data where id=q.id and key='timestampstart')::timestamp - (select value from demo.data where id=q.id and key='timestampend')::timestamp
) t(duration) as dur
from (select distinct id from demo.data) q
error is the same: [Err] ERROR: syntax error at or near "::"
there is an error on id = q.id
data table is like this:
You could use EXTRACT function and wrap it up with MAKE_INTERVAL and some math. It's pretty straight forward, since you pass each part of timestamp to it:
0,0,0,0, -- years, months, weeks, days
extract(days from durdata)::int * 24 + extract(hours from durdata)::int, -- calculated hours (days * 24 + hours)
extract(mins from durdata)::int, -- minutes
floor(extract(secs from durdata))::int -- seconds, without miliseconds, thus FLOOR()
) as durdata
from (
select '2017-06-22 02:06:41.993657'::timestamp - '2017-06-21'::timestamp
) t(durdata);
You could wrap it up within a function to make it easy to work with.
There is no worry about timestamp - timestamp returning an output with precision to more than days, and thus losing you some information, because even calculation for different years would still return days and additional time part.
postgres=# select ('2019-06-22 01:03:05.993657'::timestamp - '2017-06-21'::timestamp) as durdata;
731 days 01:03:05.993657
In Postgres, although interval data type allows having hours value greater than 23 (see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/functions-formatting.html), to_char() function will cut out days and will take only "hours within a day" if you put delta value to it and try to get 'HH24' value.
So, I ended up with such trick, combining to_char(...) with extract('epoch' from...) and then putting the concatinated value to another to_char():
with timestamps(ts1, ts2) as (
'2017-06-22 01:03:05.1212'::timestamptz
), res as (
round(extract('epoch' from ts2 - ts1) / 3600) as hours,
to_char(ts2 - ts1, 'MI:SS') as min_sec
from timestamps
select hours, min_sec, to_char(format('%s:%s', hours, min_sec)::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS')
from res;
The result is:
hours | min_sec | to_char
25 | 03:05 | 25:03:05
(1 row)
You can define an SQL function to make using it easier:
create or replace function extract_hhmmss(timestamptz, timestamptz) returns interval as $$
with delta(i) as (
case when $2 > $1 then $2 - $1
else $1 - $2
), res as (
round(extract('epoch' from i) / 3600) as hours,
to_char(i, 'MI:SS') as min_sec
from delta
case when $2 < $1 then '-' else '' end
|| to_char(format('%s:%s', hours, min_sec)::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS')
from res;
$$ language sql stable;
Example of usage:
[local]:5432 nikolay#test=# select extract_hhmmss('2017-06-21'::timestamptz, '2017-06-22 01:03:05.1212'::timestamptz);
(1 row)
Time: 0.882 ms
[local]:5432 nikolay#test=# select extract_hhmmss('2017-06-22 01:03:05.1212'::timestamptz, '2017-06-21'::timestamptz);
(1 row)
Notice, that it will give an error if timestamps are provided in reverse order, but it's not really hard to fix. // Update: already fixed.

How do I compare a time difference with a number of seconds in Postgres?

I want to create a condition for expiration in Postgres. I've got a vartiable last_sync::timestamp and a limit 86400 * 30 seconds. I tried this way:
NOW() - last_sync > 86400 * 30
But it gives an error: no operator for interval > integer.
I would like to make it work even if last_sunc is -infinity.
How can I do this comparison correctly?
Use intervals ==> Date/Time Functions and Operators
create table asd(
name varchar(20),
last_sync timestamp
insert into asd values( 'one', now() - interval '500' hour );
insert into asd values( 'two', now() - interval '1500' hour );
from asd
where NOW() - last_sync > ( 86400 * 30 ) * INTERVAL '1' second
name |last_sync |
two |2016-10-26 00:52:16 |
How to make it work if last_sync is -infinity? – Fomalhaut 5 mins ago
insert into asd values( 'one', now() - interval '500' hour );
insert into asd values( 'two', now() - interval '1500' hour );
insert into asd values( 'minus infinity', timestamp '-infinity' );
insert into asd values( 'plus infinity', timestamp 'infinity' );
from asd
where last_sync > NOW() - ( 86400 * 30 ) * INTERVAL '1' second
name |last_sync |
one |2016-12-06 15:52:12 |
plus infinity |292278994-08-17 00:00:00 |
You can convert 86400 * 30 to an interval of seconds:
interval '2592000 second'
Then you can compare:
select (now() - '2016-12-02') > interval '2592000 second';
This select returns:
You can convert integer to interval:
(86400 * 30) * interval '1 second'
If you read this as a Mathematician
NOW() - last_sync > 86400 * 30
would be equals to
NOW() > 86400 * 30 + last_sync
With the first line, you have interval > integer with the second line, you have timestamp > timestamp. No problem of type with the last one.
I don't know PostgreSQL enought to write the solution but you have a good start with that solution. Using the correct function to add a value to a timestamp.

Checking for the minimum variability of a temporal database in postgresql

I have a table like this:
|temperature |Date_time_of_data |
| 4.5 |9/15/2007 12:12:12|
| 4.56 |9/15/2007 12:14:16|
| 4.44 |9/15/2007 12:16:02|
| 4.62 |9/15/2007 12:18:23|
| 4.89 |9/15/2007 12:21:01|
The data-set contains more than 1000 records and I want to check for the minimum variability.
For every 30 minutes if the variance of temperature doesn't exceed 0.2, I want all the temperature values of that half an hour replaced by NULL.
Here is a SELECT to get the start of a period for every record:
SELECT temperature,
date_trunc('hour', Date_time_of_data)+
CASE WHEN date_part('minute', Date_time_of_data) >= 30
THEN interval '30 minutes'
ELSE interval '0 minutes'
END as start_of_period
FROM your_table
It truncates the date to hours (9/15/2007 12:12:12 to 9/15/2007 12:12:00)
and then adds 30 minutes if the date initially had more than 30 minutes.
Next - use start_of_period to group results and get min and max for every group:
SELECT temperature,
max(Date_time_of_data) OVER (PARTITION BY start_of_period) as max_temp,
min(Date_time_of_data) OVER (PARTITION BY start_of_period) as min_temp
FROM (previou_select_here)
Next - filter out the records, where the variance is more than 0.2
SELECT temperature,
FROM (previou_select_here)
WHERE (max_temp - min_temp) <=0.2
And finally update your table
UPDATE your_table
SET temperature = NULL
WHERE Date_time_of_data IN (previous_select_here)
You may need to correct some spelling mistakes in this queries, before they work. I havent tested them.
And you can simplify them, if you need to.
P.S. If you need to filter out the data with variance less than 0.2 , you can simply create a VIEW from the third SELECT with
WHERE (max_temp - min_temp) > 0.2
And use the VIEW instead of table.
This query should do the job:
with intervals as (
date_trunc('hour', Date_time_of_data) + interval '30 min' * round(date_part('minute', Date_time_of_data) / 30.0) as valid_interval
from T
group by 1
having var_samp(temperature) > 0.2
select * from T
date_trunc('hour', Date_time_of_data) + interval '30 min' * round(date_part('minute', Date_time_of_data) / 30.0) in (select valid_interval from intervals)
The inner query (labeled as intervals) returns times when variance is over 0.2 (having var_samp(temperature) > 0.2). date_trunc ... expression rounds Date_time_of_data to half hour intervals.
The query returns nothing on the provided dataset.
create table T (temperature float8, Date_time_of_data timestamp without time zone);
insert into T values
(4.5, '2007-9-15 12:12:12'),
(4.56, '2007-9-15 12:14:16'),
(4.44, '2007-9-15 12:16:02'),
(4.62, '2007-9-15 12:18:23'),
(4.89, '2007-9-15 12:21:01')