How to Add a new Column with Special Character Count in PowerShell? - powershell

Example Col
Example Col2
Cell 1
words : words2 =
Cell 3
Hi! I am trying to create a third column where I can get the amount of colons and equal signs in the Example Col2. For example, the first row of the third added column would be 2, and the second row would be 1.
This is what I have tried so far, but I have had no luck. I am really new to PowerShell, so thanks for the help!

Can't say it'd be more efficient than Theo's solution above, but if you wanted an alternative to Select-String matching you could use replace with length property.
$data = $(
[PSCustomObject]#{ 'Example Col' = 'Cell 1'; 'Example Col2' = 'words : words2 =' }
[PSCustomObject]#{ 'Example Col' = 'Cell 3'; 'Example Col2' = 'examplewords:continued' }
$data | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Example Col3' -Value ($_.'Example Col2' -replace '[^:=]').Length

If your data comes from a csv file like this:
"Example Col","Example Col2"
"Cell 1","words : words2 ="
"Cell 3","examplewords:continued"
Then you could do
$data = Import-Csv -Path 'X:\Path\example.csv' |
Select-Object *, #{Name = 'Example Col3'; Expression = {
# (Select-String -InputObject $_.'Example Col2' -Pattern "[:=]" -AllMatches).Matches.Count}
# a faster option:
[regex]::Matches($_.'Example Col2', '[:=]').Groups.Count }
If however you want to use Add-Member on the objects held in an array in memory, you could loop trhough like
$data | ForEach-Object {
# $count = (Select-String -InputObject $_.'Example Col2' -Pattern "[:=]" -AllMatches).Matches.Count
# a faster option:
$count = [regex]::Matches($_.'Example Col2', '[:=]').Groups.Count
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Example Col3' -Value $count
Example Col Example Col2 Example Col3
----------- ------------ ------------
Cell 1 words : words2 = 2
Cell 3 examplewords:continued 1


Format-Table not taking effect (Exchange - powershell)

first of all sorry if my english is not the best. but ill try to explain my issue with as much detail as i can
Im having an issue where i cant get Format-Table to effect the output i give it.
below is the part im having issues with atm.
$TotalSize = $($mailboxes. #{name = ”TotalItemSize (GB)”; expression = { [math]::Round((($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString()).Split(“(“)[1].Split(” “)[0].Replace(“,”, ””) / 1GB), 2) } });
$UserN = $($mailboxes.DisplayName)
$itemCount = $($mailboxes.ItemCount)
$LastLogonTime = $($mailboxes.ItemCount)
$allMailboxinfo = #(
#lager dataen som skal inn i et objekt
#{Username= $UserN; ItemCount = $itemCount; LastLogonTime = $($mailboxes.ItemCount); Size = $TotalSize}) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }
$Table = $allMailboxinfo | Format-Table | Out-String
the output of this gives me what almost looks like json syntax below each title of the table.
Username LastLogonTime ItemCount Size
-------- ------------- --------- ----
{username1, username2,username3,userna...} {$null, $null, $null, $null...} {$null, $null, $null, $null...} {$null, $null, $null, $null...}
running the commands by themselves seem to work tho. like $mailboxes.DisplayName gives the exact data i want for displayname. even in table-format.
the reason im making the table this way instead of just using select-object, is because im going to merge a few tables later. using the logic from the script below.
$someData = #(
#{Name = "Bill"; email = ""; phone = "12345678"; id = "043546" }) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }
$moreData = #(
#{Name = "Bill"; company = "company 04"}) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }
$Merge = #(
#plots the data into a new table
#{Name = $($someData.Name); e_mail = $($; phone = $($; id = $($; merged = $($ }) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }
#formatting table
$Table = $Merge | Format-Table | Out-String
#print table
if you are wondering what im doing with this.
My goal, all in all. is a table with using the info from Exchange;
DisplayName, TotalItemSize(GB), ItemCount, LastLogonTime, E-mail adress, archive + Maxquoata, Quoata for mailbox.
You're creating a single object where each property holds an array of property values from the original array of mailbox objects.
Instead, create 1 new object per mailbox:
# construct output objects with Select-Object
$allMailBoxInfo = $mailboxes |Select #{Name='Username';Expression='DisplayName'},ItemCount,#{Name='LastLogonTime';Expression='ItemCount'},#{Name='Size';Expression={[math]::Round((($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString()).Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",", "") / 1GB), 2) }}
# format table
$Table = $allMailBoxInfo | Format-Table | Out-String
# print table

Add a column to a csv file and fill up new column based on an existing column powershell

I have been trying to add a new column to a csv file and populating the new column based on value in an existing column.
I have a table like this:
|name | number | state | desc|
| ---- | ------ |-------|-----|
|a | 1 | n | i |
|b | 2 | n | j |
|c | 3 | l | j |
|d | 4 | m | k |
I want to add a new column data and populate it based on number column matching with an array.
This is my code so far:
$c= import-csv -Path "C:\..."
$b |where-object {filtered the file based on some criteria}| select-object number, state, desc, #{Name="data"; Expression={Foreach-object {if ($_.number in $a){$_data = "x"}
elseif($_.number in $b){$ = "y"}.......} | export-csv -notypeinformation -path "C:\...."
The script runs but do not populate the new column. Please help
You've got the right idea. Import-Csv will produce an array of objects and you can use Select-Object to add calculated properties, then pipe again to Export-Csv. However, it's not exactly clear from the description or the example code what the expression should be. How do you want to define the new "data" property?
For now I'll work with what we have. The array variables $a & $b will never match anything. Also you can't use ForEach-Object like that, nor will assigning to $data work. The returning value of the Expression script block gets assigned to the property you named data. The following example demonstrates the point:
$a = ( "1", "2", "3")
$b = ( "4", "5", "6")
Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\12-22-20.csv"|
Select-Object number, state, desc,
#{Name = 'Data'; Expression = { If( $_.Number -in $a ){ 'x' } elseif( $_.Number -in $b ){ 'y' } Else { $null }}} |
Export-Csv -Path "C:\temp\12-22-20_New.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The resulting Csv file will look something like:
number state desc Data
------ ----- ---- ----
1 n i x
2 n j x
3 l j x
4 m k y
Update: Example Using Add-Member
You do not need to use a loop to add the property:
$a = ( "1", "2", "3")
$b = ( "4", "5", "6")
Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\12-22-20.csv" |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name "data" -Value { If( $this.Number -in $a ){ 'x' } elseif( $this.Number -in $b ){ 'y' } Else { $null }} -PassThru |
Export-Csv -Path C:\temp\12-22-20_New.csv -NoTypeInformation
By using a MemberType of ScriptProperty we can make a slight modification to script block, replacing $_ with $this The pipe is an implicit loop. I'm not sure if there are any detractions to using a ScriptProperty, but this exports as expected. This approach doesn't require storing the output in $c, but -PassThru would facilitate that if preferred.
99% of the time Select-Object is used for this. The only difference I'm aware of it Select-Object converts the objects to PSCustomObjects. Get-Member will preserve the underlying type, however Import-Csv only outputs PSCustomObjects in the first place, so there's no impact here.
Try iterating over the $c array of imported objects and add the new property to all objects. You want to make sure the new column exists in all of the objects. You can either use Select-Object as in your example, or you can use Add-Member to add it to the imported object.
$c = Import-Csv -Path "C:\..."
$c | ForEach-Object {
$value = ""
# custom logic for value of "data"
# if (...) { $value = ... }
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "data" -Value $value
$c | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -path "C:\...."

PowerShell : compare 2 excel files or 2 sheets

I have to make a script which can compare 2 excel files or sheets and if one of the cells isn't de the same it tells me which one it is but i don't know how to do this, I watched another situation like this one but i didn't manage to do it can you help me ?
my files are test1.csv and test2.csv
Try this.
$file1 = Import-Csv test1.csv
$file2 = Import-Csv test2.csv
Compare-Object $file1 $file2 -property "HeaderProperty" -IncludeEqual
#Vivek Kumar : Be careful, Compare-Object has a -SyncWindow parameter which has a value by default and that can give only a part of the results.
A very good explanation here :
One way to bypass this "problem" is to set the -SyncWindow by dividing by 2 the -ReferenceObject :
$file1 = Import-Csv test1.csv
$file2 = Import-Csv test2.csv
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $file1 -DifferenceObject $file2 -SyncWindow ($file1.length / 2)
Since you mention the files are CSV, you can do all you need with standard PS functions.
However, if using Excel (XLSX/XLS) files, you may be interested in this library: Just switch Import-CSV for Import-XLSX.
Below's a very basic example of how this could be done.
function Report-OffendingCell { #NB: doesn't follow good naming conventions
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
#If you want column letters instead of numbers, use something like Convert-NumberToA1 from
#"[{0}]!{1}{2}" -f $SheetName, (Convert-NumberToA1 $ColumnIndex + 1), ($RowIndex + 1)
#I've returned an object instead, since that's more useful for any further PS automation
(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
ColumnNo = $ColumnIndex + 1
RowNo = $RowIndex + 1
SheetName = $SheetName
Explanation = $Explanation
function Compare-Tables {
param (
[string]$Table1Name = 'Table1'
[string]$Table2Name = 'Table2'
begin {
[long]$t1Cols = ($Table1[0].PSObject.Properties | Measure-Object).Count - 1
[long]$t2Cols = ($Table2[0].PSObject.Properties | Measure-Object).Count - 1
[long]$t1Rows = $Table1.Count - 1
[long]$t2Rows = $Table2.Count - 1
[long]$minCols = [System.Math]::Min($t1Cols, $t2Cols)
[long]$maxCols = [System.Math]::Max($t1Cols, $t2Cols)
[long]$minRows = [System.Math]::Min($t1Rows, $t2Rows)
[long]$maxRows = [System.Math]::Max($t1Rows, $t2Rows)
[string]$offendingColTable = if ($maxCols -eq $t1Cols){$Table1Name}else{$Table2Name}
[string]$offendingRowTable = if ($maxRows -eq $t1Rows){$Table1Name}else{$Table2Name}
write-verbose $offendingColTable
write-verbose $offendingRowTable
write-verbose $maxCols
write-verbose $t1Cols
write-verbose $t2Cols
process {
0..$minRows | %{ #loop through each row which is populated in both sheets
[long]$row = $_
0..$minCols |
?{(#($Table1[$row].PSObject.Properties)[$_].Value) -ne (#($Table2[$row].PSObject.Properties)[$_].Value)} |
Report-OffendingCell -RowIndex $row -SheetName $Table2Name -Explanation 'Values differ between sheets!' #sheetname could be Table1 or Table2 here; since the cell exists in both sheets
($minCols + 1)..$maxCols | Report-OffendingCell -RowIndex $row -SheetName $offendingColTable -Explanation 'Entire Column only exists on one sheet!'
($minRows + 1)..$maxRows | %{ #for any rows which don't exist in one of the sheets, output that
[long]$row = $_
0..$maxCols | Report-OffendingCell -RowIndex $row -SheetName $offendingRowTable -Explanation 'Entire Row only exists on one sheet!'
$test1 = Import-CSV -Path '.\test1.csv'
$test2 = Import-CSV -Path '.\test2.csv'
Compare-Tables -Table1 $test1 -Table2 $test2 -Table1Name 'test1' -Table2Name 'test2' -Verbose | ft SheetName, ColumnNo, RowNo, Explanation
#just so I don't mess up your session with my mock
if((Get-Command Import-Csv).Source -ne 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility') {
Remove-Item 'function:Import-Csv'
Code for Testing
To provide the example output below, you can use the following code. This overwrites the Import-CSV function with a mocked version of that function which simply returns fixed value data. This code is not required for the real-world scenario; just for those who don't have suitable test CSV files who want something to experiment with.
#region 'Mocked Standard Functions'
#you don't need this function; this is just to make testing simple
function Import-CSV {
switch ($Path) {
'.\test1.csv' {
'Column A Heading'='Row 1 Cell 1';
'Column B Heading'='Row 1 Cell 2';
'Column C Heading'='Row 1 Cell 3';
'Column D Heading'='Row 1 Cell 4';
, #{
'Column A Heading'='Row 2 Cell 1';
'Column B Heading'='Row 2 Cell 2';
'Column C Heading'='Row 2 Cell 3';
'Column D Heading'='Row 2 Cell 4';
, #{
'Column A Heading'='Row 3 Cell 1';
'Column B Heading'='Row 3 Cell 2';
'Column C Heading'='Row 3 Cell 3';
'Column D Heading'='Row 3 Cell 4';
) | %{(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $_)} | select 'Column A Heading', 'Column B Heading', 'Column C Heading', 'Column D Heading' #select needed to ensure columns are returned in the correct order
'.\test2.csv' {
'Column Heading 1'='Row 1 Cell 1';
'Column B Heading'='Row 1 Cell 2';
'Column C Heading'='Row 1 Cell 3 difference';
'Column D Heading'='Row 1 Cell 4';
, #{
'Column Heading 1'='Row 2 Cell 1';
'Column B Heading'='Row 2 Cell 2';
'Column C Heading'='Row 2 Cell 3';
'Column D Heading'='Row 2 Cell 4';
'Column E Heading'='Row 2 Cell 5 bonus ball!'; #note that though we've not defined on the previous "row", the import function assumes a table, so we'll still have a property on the previous row; only it'll be null
) | %{(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $_)}| select 'Column Heading 1', 'Column B Heading', 'Column C Heading', 'Column D Heading', 'Column E Heading' #select needed to ensure columns are returned in the correct order
default {throw "no dummy data defined for $Path"}
#endregion 'Mocked Standard Functions'
Example Output
SheetName ColumnNo RowNo Explanation
--------- -------- ----- -----------
test2 3 1 Values differ between sheets!
test2 5 1 Entire Column only exists on one sheet!
test2 5 2 Entire Column only exists on one sheet!
test1 1 3 Entire Row only exists on one sheet!
test1 2 3 Entire Row only exists on one sheet!
test1 3 3 Entire Row only exists on one sheet!
test1 4 3 Entire Row only exists on one sheet!
test1 5 3 Entire Row only exists on one sheet!
Function Compare-WorkSheet {
Compares two worksheets with the same name in different files.
This command takes two file names, a worksheet name and a name for a key column.
It reads the worksheet from each file and decides the column names.
It builds as hashtable of the key column values and the rows they appear in
It then uses PowerShell's compare object command to compare the sheets (explicity checking all column names which have not been excluded)
For the difference rows it adds the row number for the key of that row - we have to add the key after doing the comparison,
otherwise rows will be considered as different simply because they have different row numbers
We also add the name of the file in which the difference occurs.
If -BackgroundColor is specified the difference rows will be changed to that background.
Compare-WorkSheet -Referencefile 'Server56.xlsx' -Differencefile 'Server57.xlsx' -WorkSheetName Products -key IdentifyingNumber -ExcludeProperty Install* | format-table
The two workbooks in this example contain the result of redirecting a subset of properties from Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product to Export-Excel
The command compares the "products" pages in the two workbooks, but we don't want to register a differnce if if the software was installed on a
different date or from a different place, so Excluding Install* removes InstallDate and InstallSource.
This data doesn't have a "name" column" so we specify the "IdentifyingNumber" column as the key.
The results will be presented as a table.
compare-WorkSheet "Server54.xlsx" "Server55.xlsx" -WorkSheetName services -GridView
This time two workbooks contain the result of redirecting Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service to Export-Excel
Here the -Differencefile and -Referencefile parameter switches are assumed , and the default setting for -key ("Name") works for services
This will display the differences between the "services" sheets using a grid view
Compare-WorkSheet 'Server54.xlsx' 'Server55.xlsx' -WorkSheetName Services -BackgroundColor lightGreen
This version of the command outputs the differences between the "services" pages and also highlights any different rows in the spreadsheet files.
Compare-WorkSheet 'Server54.xlsx' 'Server55.xlsx' -WorkSheetName Services -BackgroundColor lightGreen -FontColor Red -Show
This builds on the previous example: this time Where two changed rows have the value in the "name" column (the default value for -key),
this version adds highlighting of the changed cells in red; and then opens the Excel file.
Compare-WorkSheet 'Pester-tests.xlsx' 'Pester-tests.xlsx' -WorkSheetName 'Server1','Server2' -Property "full Description","Executed","Result" -Key "full Description"
This time the reference file and the difference file are the same file and two different sheets are used. Because the tests include the
machine name and time the test was run the command specifies a limited set of columns should be used.
Compare-WorkSheet 'Server54.xlsx' 'Server55.xlsx' -WorkSheetName general -Startrow 2 -Headername Label,value -Key Label -GridView -ExcludeDifferent
The "General" page has a title and two unlabelled columns with a row forCPU, Memory, Domain, Disk and so on
So the command is instructed to starts at row 2 to skip the title and to name the columns: the first is "label" and the Second "Value";
the label acts as the key. This time we interested the rows which are the same in both sheets,
and the result is displayed using grid view. Note that grid view works best when the number of columns is small.
Compare-WorkSheet 'Server1.xlsx' 'Server2.xlsx' -WorkSheetName general -Startrow 2 -Headername Label,value -Key Label -BackgroundColor White -Show -AllDataBackgroundColor LightGray
This version of the previous command lightlights all the cells in lightgray and then sets the changed rows back to white; only
the unchanged rows are highlighted
#First file to compare
$Referencefile ,
#Second file to compare
$Differencefile ,
#Name(s) of worksheets to compare.
$WorkSheetName = "Sheet1",
#Properties to include in the DIFF - supports wildcards, default is "*"
$Property = "*" ,
#Properties to exclude from the the search - supports wildcards
$ExcludeProperty ,
#Specifies custom property names to use, instead of the values defined in the column headers of the TopRow.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='B', Mandatory)]
#Automatically generate property names (P1, P2, P3, ..) instead of the using the values the top row of the sheet
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='C', Mandatory)]
#The row from where we start to import data, all rows above the StartRow are disregarded. By default this is the first row.
[int]$Startrow = 1,
#If specified, highlights all the cells - so you can make Equal cells one colour, and Diff cells another.
#If specified, highlights the DIFF rows
#If specified identifies the tabs which contain DIFF rows (ignored if -backgroundColor is omitted)
#Name of a column which is unique and will be used to add a row to the DIFF object, default is "Name"
$Key = "Name" ,
#If specified, highlights the DIFF columns in rows which have the same key.
#If specified opens the Excel workbooks instead of outputting the diff to the console (unless -passthru is also specified)
#If specified, the command tries to the show the DIFF in a Gridview and not on the console. (unless-Passthru is also specified). This Works best with few columns selected, and requires a key
#If specified -Passthrough full set of diff data is returned without filtering to the specified properties
#If specified the result will include equal rows as well. By default only different rows are returned
#If Specified the result includes only the rows where both are equal
#if the filenames don't resolve, give up now.
try { $oneFile = ((Resolve-Path -Path $Referencefile -ErrorAction Stop).path -eq (Resolve-Path -Path $Differencefile -ErrorAction Stop).path)}
Catch { Write-Warning -Message "Could not Resolve the filenames." ; return }
#If we have one file , we mush have two different worksheet names. If we have two files we can a single string or two strings.
if ($onefile -and ( ($WorkSheetName.count -ne 2) -or $WorkSheetName[0] -eq $WorkSheetName[1] ) ) {
Write-Warning -Message "If both the Reference and difference file are the same then worksheet name must provide 2 different names"
if ($WorkSheetName.count -eq 2) {$worksheet1 = $WorkSheetName[0] ; $WorkSheet2 = $WorkSheetName[1]}
elseif ($WorkSheetName -is [string]) {$worksheet1 = $WorkSheet2 = $WorkSheetName}
else {Write-Warning -Message "You must provide either a single worksheet name or two names." ; return }
$params= #{ ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop }
foreach ($p in #("HeaderName","NoHeader","StartRow")) {if ($PSBoundParameters[$p]) {$params[$p] = $PSBoundParameters[$p]}}
try {
$Sheet1 = Import-Excel -Path $Referencefile -WorksheetName $WorkSheet1 #params
$Sheet2 = Import-Excel -Path $Differencefile -WorksheetName $WorkSheet2 #Params
Catch {Write-Warning -Message "Could not read the worksheet from $Referencefile and/or $Differencefile." ; return }
#Get Column headings and create a hash table of Name to column letter.
$headings = $Sheet1[-1] # This preserves the sequence - using get-member would sort them alphabetically!
$headings | ForEach-Object -Begin {$columns = #{} ; $i=65 } -Process {$Columns[$_] = [char]($i ++) }
#Make a list of property headings using the Property (default "*") and ExcludeProperty parameters
if ($Key -eq "Name" -and $NoHeader) {$key = "p1"}
$propList = #()
foreach ($p in $Property) {$propList += ($headings.where({$_ -like $p}) )}
foreach ($p in $ExcludeProperty) {$propList = $propList.where({$_ -notlike $p}) }
if (($headings -contains $key) -and ($propList -notcontains $Key)) {$propList += $Key}
$propList = $propList | Select-Object -Unique
if ($propList.Count -eq 0) {Write-Warning -Message "No Columns are selected with -Property = '$Property' and -excludeProperty = '$ExcludeProperty'." ; return}
#Add RowNumber, Sheetname and file name to every row
$FirstDataRow = $startRow + 1
if ($Headername -or $NoHeader) {$FirstDataRow -- }
$i = $FirstDataRow ; foreach ($row in $Sheet1) {Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Row" -Value ($i ++)
Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Sheet" -Value $worksheet1
Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_File" -Value $Referencefile}
$i = $FirstDataRow ; foreach ($row in $Sheet2) {Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Row" -Value ($i ++)
Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_Sheet" -Value $worksheet2
Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_File" -Value $Differencefile}
if ($ExcludeDifferent -and -not $IncludeEqual) {$IncludeEqual = $true}
#Do the comparison and add file,sheet and row to the result - these are prefixed with "_" to show they are added the addition will fail if the sheet has these properties so split the operations
[PSCustomObject[]]$diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Sheet1 -DifferenceObject $Sheet2 -Property $propList -PassThru -IncludeEqual:$IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent:$ExcludeDifferent |
Sort-Object -Property "_Row","File"
#if BackgroundColor was specified, set it on extra or extra or changed rows
if ($diff -and $BackgroundColor) {
#Differences may only exist in one file. So gather the changes for each file; open the file, update each impacted row in the shee, save the file
$updates = $diff.where({$_.SideIndicator -ne "=="}) | Group-object -Property "_File"
foreach ($file in $updates) {
try {$xl = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $ }
catch {Write-warning -Message "Can't open $($file.Name) for writing." ; return}
if ($AllDataBackgroundColor) {
$file.Group._sheet | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {
$ws = $xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$_]
if ($headerName) {$range = "A" + $startrow + ":" + $ws.dimension.end.address}
else {$range = "A" + ($startrow + 1) + ":" + $ws.dimension.end.address}
Set-Format -WorkSheet $ws -BackgroundColor $AllDataBackgroundColor -Range $Range
foreach ($row in $ {
$ws = $xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$row._Sheet]
$range = $ws.Dimension -replace "\d+",$row._row
Set-Format -WorkSheet $ws -Range $range -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor
if ($TabColor) {
foreach ($tab in ($ | Select-Object -Unique)) {
$xl.Workbook.Worksheets[$tab].TabColor = $TabColor
$ ; $xl.Stream.Close() ; $xl.Dispose()
#if font colour was specified, set it on changed properties where the same key appears in both sheets.
if ($diff -and $FontColor -and ($propList -contains $Key) ) {
$updates = $diff.where({$_.SideIndicator -ne "=="}) | Group-object -Property $Key | Where-Object {$_.count -eq 2}
if ($updates) {
$XL1 = Open-ExcelPackage -path $Referencefile
if ($oneFile ) {$xl2 = $xl1}
else {$xl2 = Open-ExcelPackage -path $Differencefile }
foreach ($u in $updates) {
foreach ($p in $propList) {
if($u.Group[0].$p -ne $u.Group[1].$p ) {
Set-Format -WorkSheet $xl1.Workbook.Worksheets[$u.Group[0]._sheet] -Range ($Columns[$p] + $u.Group[0]._Row) -FontColor $FontColor
Set-Format -WorkSheet $xl2.Workbook.Worksheets[$u.Group[1]._sheet] -Range ($Columns[$p] + $u.Group[1]._Row) -FontColor $FontColor
$xl1.Save() ; $xl1.Stream.Close() ; $xl1.Dispose()
if (-not $oneFile) {$xl2.Save() ; $xl2.Stream.Close() ; $xl2.Dispose()}
elseif ($diff -and $FontColor) {Write-Warning -Message "To match rows to set changed cells, you must specify -Key and it must match one of the included properties." }
#if nothing was found write a message which wont be redirected
if (-not $diff) {Write-Host "Comparison of $Referencefile::$worksheet1 and $Differencefile::$WorkSheet2 returned no results." }
if ($show) {
Start-Process -FilePath $Referencefile
if (-not $oneFile) { Start-Process -FilePath $Differencefile }
if ($GridView) { Write-Warning -Message "-GridView is ignored when -Show is specified" }
elseif ($GridView -and $propList -contains $key) {
if ($IncludeEqual -and -not $ExcludeDifferent) {
$GroupedRows = $diff | Group-Object -Property $key
else { #to get the right now numbers on the grid we need to have all the rows.
$GroupedRows = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Sheet1 -DifferenceObject $Sheet2 -Property $propList -PassThru -IncludeEqual |
Group-Object -Property $key
#Additions, deletions and unchanged rows will give a group of 1; changes will give a group of 2 .
#If one sheet has extra rows we can get a single "==" result from compare, but with the row from the reference sheet
#but the row in the other sheet might so we will look up the row number from the key field build a hash table for that
$Sheet2 | ForEach-Object -Begin {$Rowhash = #{} } -Process {$Rowhash[$_.$key] = $_._row }
$ExpandedDiff = ForEach ($g in $GroupedRows) {
#we're going to create a custom object from a hash table. We want the fields to be ordered
$hash = [ordered]#{}
foreach ($result IN $g.Group) {
# if result indicates equal or "in Reference" set the reference side row. If we did that on a previous result keep it. Otherwise set to "blank"
if ($result.sideindicator -ne "=>") {$hash["<Row"] = $result._Row }
elseif (-not $hash["<Row"]) {$hash["<Row"] = "" }
#if we have already set the side, this is the second record, so set side to indicate "changed"
if ($hash.Side) {$hash.side = "<>"} else {$hash["Side"] = $result.sideindicator}
#if result is "in reference" and we don't have a matching "in difference" (meaning a change) the lookup will be blank. Which we want.
$hash[">Row"] = $Rowhash[$g.Name]
#position the key as the next field (only appears once)
$Hash[$key] = $g.Name
#For all the other fields we care about create <=FieldName and/or =>FieldName
foreach ($p in $propList.Where({$_ -ne $key})) {
if ($result.SideIndicator -eq "==") {$hash[("=>$P")] = $hash[("<=$P")] =$result.$P}
else {$hash[($result.SideIndicator+$P)] =$result.$P}
#Sort by reference row number, and fill in any blanks in the difference-row column
$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property "<row"
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $ExpandedDiff.Count; $i++) {if (-not $ExpandedDiff[$i].">row") {$ExpandedDiff[$i].">row" = $ExpandedDiff[$i-1].">row" } }
#Sort by difference row number, and fill in any blanks in the reference-row column
$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property ">row"
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $ExpandedDiff.Count; $i++) {if (-not $ExpandedDiff[$i]."<row") {$ExpandedDiff[$i]."<row" = $ExpandedDiff[$i-1]."<row" } }
#if we had to put the equal rows back, take them out; sort, make sure all the columns are present in row 1 so the grid puts them in, and output
if ( $ExcludeDifferent) {$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff.where({$_.side -eq "=="}) | Sort-Object -Property "<row" ,">row" }
elseif ( $IncludeEqual) {$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff | Sort-Object -Property "<row" ,">row" }
else {$ExpandedDiff = $ExpandedDiff.where({$_.side -ne "=="}) | Sort-Object -Property "<row" ,">row" }
$ExpandedDiff | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Out-GridView -Title "Comparing $Referencefile::$worksheet1 (<=) with $Differencefile::$WorkSheet2 (=>)"
elseif ($GridView ) {Write-Warning -Message "To use -GridView you must specify -Key and it must match one of the included properties." }
elseif (-not $PassThru) {return ($diff | Select-Object -Property (#(#{n="_Side";e={$_.SideIndicator}},"_File" ,"_Sheet","_Row") + $propList))}
if ( $PassThru) {return $diff }

Powershell - Insert column in between specific columns in csv file

I have 2 csv files
First file:
Second file:
I want to insert column secondName in the second file in between columns firstName and fileSplitter.
The result should look like this:
I'm trying the following code:
Function InsertColumnInBetweenColumns
Param ($FirstFileFirstColumnTitle, $firstFile, [string]$1stColumnName, [string]$2ndColumnName, [string]$columnMergedFileBeforeInput)
Write-Host "Creating hash table with columns values `"$1stColumnName`" `"$2ndColumnName`" From $OimFileWithMatches"
$hashFirstFileTwoColumns = #{}
Import-Csv $firstFile | ForEach-Object {$hashFirstFileTwoColumns[$_.$1stColumnName] = $_.$2ndColumnName}
Write-Host "Complete."
Write-Host "Appending Merge file with column `"$2ndColumnName`" from file $secondCsvFileWithLocalPath"
Import-Csv $outputCsvFileWithLocalPath | Select-Object $columnMergedFileBeforeInput, #{n=$2ndColumnName; e={
if ($hashFirstFileTwoColumns.ContainsKey($_.$FirstFileFirstColumnTitle)) {
} Else {
'Not Found'
}}}, * | Export-Csv "$outputCsvFileWithLocalPath-temp" -NoType -Force
Move-Item "$outputCsvFileWithLocalPath-temp" $outputCsvFileWithLocalPath -Force
Write-Host "Complete."
Write-Host ""
This function will be called in a for loop for each column found in the first file (can contain an indefinite number). For testing, I am only using 2 columns from the first file.
I'm getting an error output resulting the following:
Select : Property cannot be processed because property "firstName" already exists.
At C:\Scripts\Tests\Compare2CsvFilesOutput1WithMatchesOnly.ps1:490 char:43
+ Import-Csv $outputCsvFileWithLocalPath | Select $columnMergedFileBeforeInput, # ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (#{firstName=L...ntName=asdfas}:PSObject) [Select-Object], PSArgume
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AlreadyExistingUserSpecifiedPropertyNoExpand,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectObjectC
I know the issue is where it says Select-Object $columnMergedFileBeforeInput,.
How can I get the loop statement to insert the column in between the before column (name is specified), and append the rest using *?
Just an fyi, changing this line Select-Object $columnMergedFileBeforeInput, #{n=$2ndColumnName..... to this line Select-Object #{n=$2ndColumnName..... works, it just attaches the columns out of order. That is why I'm trying to insert the column in between. Maybe if i do it this way but insert the columns in backwards using the for loop, this would work...
Not sure if this is the most efficient way to do it, but it should do the trick. It just adds the property to the record from file2, then reorders the output so secondName is the second column. You can output results to csv where required too (ConvertTo-Csv).
$file1 = Import-Csv -Path file1.csv
$file2 = Import-Csv -Path file2.csv
$results = #()
ForEach ($record In $file2) {
Add-Member -InputObject $record -MemberType NoteProperty -Name secondName -Value $($file1 | ? { $_.firstName -eq $record.firstName } | Select -ExpandProperty secondName)
$results += $record
$results | Select-Object -Property firstName,secondName,fileSplitter,Csv2ColumnOne,Csv2ColumnTwo,Csv2ColumnThree
I've created the following function. What it does is find the match (in this case "firstname") and adds the matching columnname to the new array afther the columnname on which the match is made (little difficult to explain in my poor English).
function Add-ColumnAfterMatchingColumn{
# Import data from two files
$file1 = Import-Csv -Path $MainFile
$file2 = Import-Csv -Path $MatchingFile
# Find column names and order them
$columnnames = $file2 | gm | where {$_.MemberType -like "NoteProperty"} | Select Name | %{$_.Name}
# Find $MatchColumnName index and put the $MatchingColumnName after it
$MatchColumnNameIndex = [array]::IndexOf($columnnames, $MatchColumnName)
if($MatchColumnNameIndex -eq -1){
$MatchColumnNameIndex = 0
$columnnames = $columnnames[0..$MatchColumnNameIndex] + $MatchingColumnName + $columnnames[($MatchColumnNameIndex+1)..($columnnames.Length -1)]
$returnObject = #()
foreach ($item in $file2){
# Find corresponding value MatchingColumnName in $file1 and add it to the current item
$item | Add-Member -Name "$MatchingColumnName" -Value ($file1 | ?{$_."$($MatchColumnName)" -eq $item."$($MatchColumnName)"})."$MatchingColumnName" -MemberType NoteProperty
# Add current item to the returnObject array, in the correct order
$newItem = New-Object psobject
foreach ($columnname in [string[]]$columnnames){
$newItem | Add-Member -Name $columnname -Value $item."$columnname" -MemberType NoteProperty
$returnObject += $newItem
return $returnObject
When you run this function you will have the following output:
Add-ColumnAfterMatchingColumn -MainFile C:\Temp\file1.csv -MatchingFile C:\Temp\file2.csv -MatchColumnName "firstname" -MatchingColumnName "secondname" | ft
firstName secondname fileSplitter Csv2ColumnTwo Csv2ColumnThree Csv2ColumnOne
--------- ---------- ------------ ------------- --------------- -------------
1234 Value1 abc Value1 1234
1234 Value1 asd Value1 1234
3456 Value1 qwe Value1 3456
4567 Value3 mnb Value1 4567

Format display in powershell

I have a csv file with the following information:
OS Name: Microsoft© Windows Server© 2008 Standard
OS Version: 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
System Manufacturer: IBM
System Model: IBM 3850 M2 / x3950 M2 -[7233Z1H]-
I need to use powrshell to read and format the display.. My existing code is this:
$Array = #()
Get-Content <txtfilename> | foreach {
$Test = $_
$Title = $Test.split(":")[0]
$Content = $Test.split(":")[1]
$Obj = New-Object System.Object
$Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -value $Title -Name Title
$Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -value $Content -Name Value
$Array += $Obj
$Array | Select Title,Value | Export-Csv <csvfilename> -NoTypeInformation
It displays the information as follows listed:
Title Content
OS Name Microsoft? Windows Server? 2008 Standard
OS Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
System Manufacturer IBM
System Model IBM 3850 M2 / x3950 M2 -[7233Z1H]-
I need the information displayed in a single line like this:
ServerName, OS Name , OS Version, System Manufacture, Sytem model,
TestServer1, Microsoft Windows, 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2, IBM, IBM 3850
Here's a second answer for the more advanced case, where you don't know how many unique headers you have or what they're called. As long as they're consistently the same and in the same order, the following will work:
$filePath = "C:\users\chris\desktop\info.txt"
$headers = #()
[int]$headerCount = 0
$endUnique = $false
Get-Content $filePath | % {
$header = ($_.split(':')[0] -replace '\s+', ' ').Trim()
if (($headers -notcontains $header) -and (!$endUnique)){
$headers += $header
$headerCount += 1
$endUnique = $true
$headerRow = ""
$headers | % {$headerRow += $_ + ","}
$headerRow = $headerRow.Substring(0,$headerRow.Length-1)
[int]$i = 1
$outString = ""
Get-Content $filePath | % {
$lineContent = ($_.split(':')[1] -replace '\s+', ' ').Trim()
if ($i -lt $headerCount){
$outstring += $linecontent + ','
$i += 1
$outstring += $linecontent + "`r`n"
$i = 1
$outstring = $headerRow+ "`r`n"+$outstring
I'd like to see the other answers from more advanced PowerShell users.
First, just a quick correction. You say you have a CSV. It looks like you have a formatted text file and you want to make a CSV out of it.
Following that assumption, something like this should get you started. It assumes that the text document has either only those 4 items in it, or those 4 items are repeated multiple times - always in the same order, and without a space in between them. Reformatting text files is never fun without a bunch of examples of how they could look.
That being said, the following should get you started.
[int]$i = 1
$outString = ""
Get-Content C:\users\chris\desktop\info.txt | % {
#Take the line, remove the title, remove whitespaces from inside of the line and trim whitespaces from the outside.
$lineContent = ($_.split(':')[1] -replace '\s+', ' ').Trim()
#Chunk them together...
if ($i -lt 4){
$outstring += $linecontent + ','
$i += 1
#or insert a return, new line
$outstring += $linecontent + "`r`n"
$i = 1
#Add a header row. Now $outstring is your CSV formatted text.
$outstring = "OSName,OSVersion,SystemMfg,SystemModel`r`n"+$outstring
$object = New-Object System.Object
Get-Content TestServer1-OSInfo.txt | % {
$Left = $_.split(":")[0].TrimStart().TrimEnd()
$Right = $_.split(":")[1].TrimStart().TrimEnd()
$object | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name $Left -value $Right
$object | Export-Csv TestServer1-OSInfo.csv -NoTypeInformation