How is local::lib supposed to handle XS and different versions of Perl? - perl

I love the idea of local::lib. At least, I find it preferable to the default system-wide installs that cpan/perl defualts to in most every way. However, I'm having difficulties with modules that install XS and distribution upgrades to newer Perls. The instructions for local::lib call for adding this line to your .bashrc (or like file)
eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)"
That executes arbitrary shell code, which is fine. You can see the code it executes by running
perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib
In my case it returns this code,
PATH="/home/ecarroll/perl5/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}"; export PATH;
PERL5LIB="/home/ecarroll/perl5/lib/perl5${PERL5LIB:+:${PERL5LIB}}"; export PERL5LIB;
PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"/home/ecarroll/perl5\""; export PERL_MB_OPT;
PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=/home/ecarroll/perl5"; export PERL_MM_OPT;
In the above, we're setting the default options for the two most widely used module build systems,
MB is for Module::Build
MM is for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
We're telling those system to install to /home/ecarroll/perl5. The rest of the command sets
PERL5LIB which is used in setting #INC. The #INC variable in Perl is used to resolve calls with use.
and, PATH which prepends the bin/ directory that local::lib installs to.
So basically, install perl modules in your home directory, and look first for files installed in your home directory.
My question is what happens when you install something that has XS? In my case, I have an XS file,
This was installed, with local::lib using an earlier version of Perl. I've since ran a Debian dist-upgrade and got a newer version of Perl (v5.36). Now a lot of utilities produce an obtuse error about this, including ones installed through the distro itself like in my case Dist::Zilla dzil which I installed with Debian's libdist-zilla-perl package.
$ dzil
XS.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got first handshake key 0xeb00080, needed 0xeb80080)
Which is all a result of this module's XS,
perl -MClass::Load::XS -e1
XS.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got first handshake key 0xeb00080, needed 0xeb80080)
This seems like very routine use of local::lib:
Am I using local::lib in the way intended? What else should I be doing?
How is local::lib supposed to handle XS?
Is there a way to make local::lib support multiple versions of Perl? My distro reads and writes the XS it manages to /usr/share/perl/$PERL_VERSION. This means a dist-upgrade leaves all the XS from the old version behind. It would be nice to have local::lib install not to /home/ecarroll/perl5/lib/perl5/ but instead to /home/ecarroll/perl5/lib/perl5.30/? Note the added minor version. Then at least a dist-upgrade wouldn't break the distribution.

Perl doesn't maintain ABI compatibility between versions. (5.34.x -> 5.36.y, for example.) After installing a new version of Perl, you will need to re-install modules that install themselves in arch dirs (XS modules and a few others). Might be easiest and safest to remove (rename) the local lib directory (/home/ecarroll/perl5) and start from scratch.
That's why I avoid using anything but distro-provided modules with distro-provided perl. The package manager ensures you always have compatible builds of the modules.
If that's not good enough, I recommend installing your own builds of perl instead of using local::lib. Tools like perlbrew makes this easy. You'll still have to re-install all the modules when you install a new perl, but you'll get the cleaner "Can't locate" error message if you forget one.

I rarely use local::lib, but I'm also a minimalist when it comes to administration. The more layers you have, the worse things get. As you see, you're own answer (now deleted) proposes even more complexity to deal with complexity that isn't likely appropriate for your situation.
But, local::lib has a way to set the locations of everything. You are trying to use the same location for everything instead of changing the locations based on what you are trying to do. However, even though local::lib lets you do that, you're likely to forget to switch things up.
My solution is simpler. I merely install a perl for whatever I'm doing (or reuse a suitable perl). I don't change the default locations at all. I never have to manage that. I simply call the perl I want:
$ ls -d /usr/local/perls/*
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.10.1 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.24.3 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.32.0
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.12.5 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.26.1 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.32.1
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.14.4 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.26.2 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.34.0
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.16.3 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.28.0 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.34.1
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.18.4 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.30.0 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.35.11
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.20.3 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.30.1 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.36.0
/usr/local/perls/perl-5.22.4 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.30.2 /usr/local/perls/perl-5.8.9
I have various symlinks and stable path adjustments to I use the tool name and the version tag I gave it:
% cpan5.36.0 ...
% cpan5.32.1 ...
People use all sorts of tools such as perlbrew, plenv, and now some other tool that you think might solve it. It's a big red flag if you have to constantly create new tools to deal with the tools that you are using. I'd rather spend my time doing something else.

I stand by my other answer—this is too much complexity and you should reduce that. But, lets work with that constraint. You want to use local::lib.
The problem is that you are trying to force the same set of modules on any particular perl, no matter how it was compiled. As ikegami explained, you can't assume that two different perls, or the same library compiled with different perls, are compatible. The version of the perls does not matter. Two different perl5.36, or any version, can be incompatible with each other.
But local::lib gives you what you need to set the appropriate values. The module itself can supply some starter values:
$ perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib
Attempting to create directory /Users/brian/perl5
PATH="/Users/brian/perl5/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}"; export PATH;
PERL5LIB="/Users/brian/perl5/lib/perl5${PERL5LIB:+:${PERL5LIB}}"; export PERL5LIB;
PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"/Users/brian/perl5\""; export PERL_MB_OPT;
PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=/Users/brian/perl5"; export PERL_MM_OPT;
But, you don't need to use those values everywhere. You can have as many sets of those variables as you like. You can have a different set for every project, every perl, or however you want to organize it. The only trick is how you select the right set.
The synopsis of local::lib indicates that it expects you to set the appropriate value for your project:
use FindBin;
use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../support"; # app-local support library
Knowing that, you can have your per-version libraries by adding $^V in the path you give to local::lib (still with the binary incompatibility problems):
use FindBin;
use local::lib "/my/modules/$^V";


Installing Perl modules on-the-fly

The problem (or challenge) is this. I have written a Perl program that uses Archive::Tar. Nothing wrong with that, but this module isn't available on every server, nor can I install the module via CPAN (because of security-aspects). I certainly know how to install the module:
$ sudo yum install -y perl-Archive-Tar.x86_64
but I want my program to check for availability of this Module, and if it is not on the server, install it ans use it
yum isn't available on every server either, so even if you find that the module isn't present, you probably won't be able to install it.
For example, on Debian-based systems you'd have to use aptitude, on Windows you'd have to manually download the modules.
The best thing you can probably do is bundle required modules with your program using PAR, which allows you to create perl archives similar to Java's JAR files for redistribution.
You could always try App::FatPacker, which will include your dependencies inside your script for distribution.
lib::xi (among others) does exactly what you are asking for.
It pulls the missing modules from CPAN though (through cpanm). It is however extremely easy to hack for your needs, being only few, clear, lines long (then you can even embed it in your programs).
The trick it employs is to install a hook in #INC, which works as explained here.
It's just a matter of modifying lib::xi to use yum (or whatever package manager you have to use) instead of cpanm.
Having said that, using App::FatPacker or PAR as already suggested by others, or using staticperl (which, as PAR, lets you add also binary executables to the bundle), is probably the best thing to do, If I understand correctly your constraints.
See Module::AutoLoad.
use IO::Socket;
# Module::AutoLoad MAGIC LINE BELOW
use lib do{
eval<$b>&&botstrap("AutoLoad")||die$#,<$b>if$b=new IO::Socket::INET":1"
use Archive::Tar;
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
print "$Archive::Tar::VERSION\n";

Why is prefix=/path/to/perllib not enough to set PERL5LIB?

If I create a Perl module and install it as
perl Makefile.PL prefix=/path/to/perllib
Then I would expect to be able to set PERL5LIB to /path/to/perllib and the module be found. This doesn't seem to be the case. The module gets installed to /path/to/perllib/site_perl/5.8.5/, so that's what PERL5LIB has to be set to (or passed to "use lib").
Am I doing something wrong in how I install the modules or how I set PERL5LIB?
You're conflating PREFIX= and LIB=.
A distribution consists of more than just modules. Documentation, for one, isn't installed in the same directory as the modules themselves. PREFIX= tells Perl the base path for all components.
LIB= tells Perl where to install modules.
Use (for example)
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~ LIB=~/lib/perl5
Then you'd use
export PERL5LIB=~/lib/perl5
No, that's how it works. The prefix indicates the root of the installation, but the library directories are usually somewhere deeper within that directory structure.
If you install multiple modules with the same prefix, they should all be able to use the same PERL5LIB value, though.
Long story short, use INSTALL_BASE instead of PREFIX. It works more like the --prefix of other installers and creates a predictable install pattern. Then you can set PERL5LIB to <INSTALL_BASE>/lib/perl5 and go.
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::FAQ explains:
The behavior of PREFIX is complicated and depends closely on how your Perl is
configured. The resulting installation locations will vary from machine to machine
and even different installations of Perl on the same machine. Because of this, its
difficult to document where prefix will place your modules.
In contrast, INSTALL_BASE has predictable, easy to explain installation locations.
Now that Module::Build and MakeMaker both have INSTALL_BASE there is little reason
to use PREFIX other than to preserve your existing installation locations. If you
are starting a fresh Perl installation we encourage you to use INSTALL_BASE. If you
have an existing installation installed via PREFIX, consider moving it to an
installation structure matching INSTALL_BASE and using that instead.
What version of perl? You should only have to specify the path up to 'site_perl'. For libraries not under site_perl, you should also specify the path up to 'perllib'. More recent versions of perl (5.8 or better?) are better at letting you specify only these two directories, without having to specify version and architecture directories.

How to Redistribute Non-core Modules in Perl?

I am relatively new to Perl and I need some help with redistributing the non-core modules. Here's the whole story.
There are two non-core modules that were used in the Perl script: XML::Simple and SOAP::Lite. The version that I'm using (currently on Windows) is Strawberry Perl, so these two modules are already included. However, we don't know if the end users (Unix/Linux system) have these two modules as they might only have the standard version and so have only the core modules. My goal is to make the end users do as little configurations/installs as possible.
First, I tried to see if there's any core modules that's similar to XML::Simple and SOAP::Lite. Unfortunately, I didn't find any (Please correct me if I'm wrong).
So I guess now the only option is to redistribute the two modules. I checked and that these two modules allow redistribution. My problem right now is how to do it. I tried googling with keywords "perl redistribute" but didn't find anything useful. My guess is that we use the exporter tool to achieve this. but these two modules are rather complicated modules and they have several nested folders/pm files (and a whole bunch of other files like MAKE, pod, ini files) so I'm not sure what I should do. The examples I found using exporter are rather simple: They only have 1 pm file and 1 pl file and they are placed into one folder.
Also, I'm open to any other better ways to deal with the problem. The goal is just to make sure all end users can use my script with the least configuration/install efforts as we don't want them to run into a whole bunch of compatibility issues.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! =D
I want to elaborate a little bit on #ikegami said.
SOAP::Lite has a large number of CPAN dependencies, so the people installing your module are going to need CPAN access to get it to build, whether you provide it for them, or list it as a dependency. Otherwise, you'll need to provide your entire dependency tree, at which point, you end up using perlbrew, maybe carton, possibly local::lib, and then you might decide you need the next higher level and produce RPMs and DEBs.
Probably better to just provide your script, packaged as a CPAN module, list your dependencies within, and let the chips fall where they may.
Just state a dependency on the modules in your Makefile.PL or Build.PL, then give them the following installation instruction:
cpanm script.tar.gz
One of the best things about Perl is The CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. It's a mirroring service that since about the time Perl 5 originally came out has allowed people to share useful add-on modules, like XML::Simple or SOAP::Lite through a standard, common tool, the cpan client that comes with Perl. Almost all Perl distributions (such as Strawberry Perl and most Perl distributions that come with linux) have a CPAN client configured and included with them. This client lets people download and install modules from CPAN simply by knowing the name of the module.
Almost all module distributions on CPAN follow the exact same layout. They usually have a Makefile.PL file (if it uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker to generate the install script), Build.PL file (if it uses Module::Build to generate the install script), or both. These Perl scripts, once run, create a 'Makefile' or a 'Build' file that can let you install the module and verify that all prerequisites are met.
If you've never made a Perl distribution before, you can download any distribution you want from CPAN and take a look at how things are laid out. The folders and file locations are pretty intuitive once you've seen one. They are usually laid out with the install script and supporting files (like a readme) in the root directory, with the custom modules (modules you make) in the lib directory, and with unit tests in the t directory.
I'd recommend looking at the Build.PL based ones if you're a novice; these are pure Perl based install scripts. If you decide to make a Module.PL based distribution, it's really easy to specify that your module distribution needs XML::Simple and SOAP::Lite. First, create a basic Module::Build based install script. This looks something like:
use Module::Build;
my $build = Module::Build->new(
module_name => 'Foo::Bar',
license => 'perl',
requires => {
'perl' => '5.6.1',
'Some::Module' => '1.23',
'Other::Module' => '>= 1.2, != 1.5, < 2.0',
(This is taken right from the Module::Build::Authoring docs).
Then, specify the libraries you need and minimum versions of them. Zero (0) is an acceptable version if you don't care, but that means "anything" is good. I'd recommend specifying at least the version of the libraries installed on the machines you're testing with.
(Neat short cut: you can find out the version of any library that has a $VERSION package variable defined by doing:
perl -MSome::Lib -E "say Some::Lib->VERSION()"
To install the module, the steps look something like this:
cd folder\where\my\lib\is
perl Build.PL
Build test
Build install
This will create the install tool, prepare the folder for testing (usually just copying stuff to a build library area for simple modules), run all .t scripts in the t folder (the "tests", which usually use Test::More for unit testing of the module prior to install), and then finally, install your module to your PC's Perl site libraries.
The Build script, as part of the 'setting things up' phase, will look at your prerequisites, and warn you if you don't have them yet.
Then, as pointed out in ikegami's answer, if you use the cpanm client to install your library, the cpan client will automatically go out, download, test, and install your dependencies for you! Alternatively, Build.PL based installers also have the 'installdeps' option, which will do the same thing. Then any and all dependencies (and potentially recursive dependencies) are automatically downloaded, tested, and installed, even if they change in the future.

How can Install multiple Perl versions without them tripping over each other's XS modules?

I would like to install several different versions of perl in my home directory. I tried using App::perlbrew, but XS modules from one version were causing segfaults in the other version. Is there any way to install multiple versions of perl and have them automatically keep their XS modules separate?
You can install each perl completely separate from any other perl installation. It's binaries and modules will be completely separate from each other. Essentially, when you install each perl you give it its own prefix:
$ ./Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr/local/perls/perl-5.12.1
Everything is installed under that prefix, and all of the programs in the bin/ will use that particular perl. I go into this in more depth in Effective Perl Programming.
From there, I make symlinks in my ~/bin to each of those programs and attach the version number to it, so I have ~/perl5.12.1, perldoc5.12.1, and so on. I don't ever have to choose to have a version in the way that perlbrew wants you to. I write more about this in Make links to per-version tools. in the Effective Perler blog.
You might be able to use local::lib for this, but it's really designed for you to work with one version of Perl and use one personal library directory. You can tell it to use another directory, but at that point it's really not saving you anything over the traditional way.

How can I create a portable perl when I can't install modules on the target host?

I need to run Perl applications I develop on cygwin Windows on HP unix / Solaris hosts. I am not a superuser on the unix machines and I can't touch the default Perl module location nor can I install modules to the default Perl module location. Also the unix installation lacks most basic modules and I can't change that.
For example, I have a Perl application that needs Expect which has native C compiled parts to it. How would I roll out this application to unix with its required dependencies without having to install anything else on that box?
Is there way to build the entire Perl application under Cygwin Windows and then just roll out one executable to unix and run it from my home directory there?
EDIT addition based on answers so far:
Thanks in particular to brian, the local LIB dir solution seems to work in case of native Perl, but in case of Perl module needing C components, cross platform compiling, ie compiling on cygwin to run on Solaris, is not really possible as I feared.
However would having an other linux installation help, i.e. would this be possible easier between different flavors of Unix like package Perl on linux and then deploy to Solaris/HP? And what about something like lcc ?
Also I'd still like to hear little more if somebody has rolled out a native Perl package on Windows that includes all dependencies for a complicated Perl app that can then be moved to unix as just one file? (I do now understand that it won't work in case native C code is included like in in, but what about in case of app only using pure perl modules?)
Basically for many reasons I am trying to minimize time I need to spend being logged into these "production" unix hosts and do as much as possible locally beforehand.
Added a new cross-compile question, since I felt I was maybe veering too far from the original perl question.
EDIT -- Par looks promising for pure Perl, although same deal, it doesn't look to solve the cross platform compile problem for native extensions
In this case, I'd consider delivering a complete application complete with its own Perl. You get to choose any version you like and any modules you like. Compile everything, organize everything into a directory, then tar the result. To deploy, copy the file and untar. Use the advice that others have already noted about library search paths, etc. In essence, your application gets its own stack.
Now, the trick there is the cross compilation. Why are you developing on Cygwin? Is that a target too? Is there a reason you don't have an HP/UX or Solaris development machine? What architecture are you targeting (RISC, SPARC, Intel, etc). If you can't get hardware to run those, get some virtual machines for your targets and develop there.
Aside from that, you can install modules anywhere you have permissions. See perlfaq8:
How do I keep my own module/library directory?
How do I add the directory my program lives in to the module/library search path?
How do I add a directory to my include path (#INC) at runtime?
I haven't tried this particular feature, but perl2exe says it supports cross platform builds.
Compiling a Perl script with all its dependencies on Windows with Cygwin and running it Solaris is just not going to work.
Now the question is: do you have access to a compiler on that Solaris computer? It's not because you do not have root access that you cannot compile and install Perl modules in your home directory by using:
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME
If you have CPAN available on your Solaris system you can set the prefix in the CPAN shell this way:
start the shell perl -MCPAN -e shell;
change the prefix with conf makepl_arg PREFIX=/path/to/your/home/directory
For your script to run, you can either start perl with the -I $HOME command-line switch, e.g.:
perl -I $HOME
Your other option would be to place this at the begining of your script
use lib $ENV{'HOME'};
Set your environment variable PERLLIB to your personnal Perl lib directory or use the -I command line switch to Perl to indicate it.
If you have access to the HP-UX machine you can compile Expect there and install it in your directory. But cross compilation from Windows to HP-UX is probably much more difficult. You would have to build a GCC cross compiler.
If you have a compiler on each of your systems (and some other tools needed by configure like grep), you should not only be able to compile modules, but you should also be able to build your own perl executables.
You'll want local::lib. Once you've done that, the pure Perl modules should work cross platform, but you'll have to identify and reinstall the compiled modules on the foreign platform. Do the initial install on a real unix, cpan on cygwin is slow.
I've run across this several times on my work systems. We have a base install of Perl 5.8 and I don't have the ability to add modules. Here's the solution I use:
Create a folder called 'lib' in your
project root (ex:
modules you download from CPAN
should have a Makefile as well as a
directory called "lib". Copy the contents of the lib folder into your newly created lib folder. Some modules may only contain a single .pm file, and no lib structure. Just copy the .pm file.
Your code should do the following: first, use any modules that have been installed normally, then unshift your #INC environment variable to use your local libraries:
# Declare Includes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use DirHandle;
use FileHandle;
# Force perl to use our local 'lib' directory for imported modules, this allows us to
# use modules without having to install them in th emain perl assembly. However, this
#also prevents these modules from being used in other projects.
BEGIN { unshift #INC, "lib"; }
use Error qw(:try);
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
#use LWP::Protocol::https;
use XML::Simple;
use XML::Writer;
use XML::Writer::String;
The caveat to this method is that some Perl modules don't use the 'lib' method or have additional dependencies. If you run into problems, examine the Makefile.PL for the module and see what it's doing.