Is there a way to determine if the user has clicked a pin on the map? The Map.Clicked event only seems to fire if you click around the pin.
Pin has a MarkerClicked event
boardwalkPin.MarkerClicked += async (s, args) =>
args.HideInfoWindow = true;
string pinName = ((Pin)s).Label;
await DisplayAlert("Pin Clicked", $"{pinName} was clicked.", "Ok");
I'm trying to add a tap listener to my map markers on my map to show an info-bubble to show details about that location in my Flutter app. I tried to use the Here Maps Map Pin option but I can't seem to combine on-tap gestures with creating a widget pin. I saw that the JavaScript SDK has a function to add info-bubble to map markers. Is there a way to do that in Flutter apart from the Map Pins?
This is a for loop I wrote to go through the list of Map markers on the map to create the Widget pin for each of them :
for (var a = 0; a < _mapMarkerList.length; a++) {
_hereMapController.gestures.tapListener =
TapListener((Point2D touchPoint) {
_createWidget('Here is my label', Color(0xFFFCAE06)),
You should not create a tap listener multiple times for each marker. Instead create only one tap listener. And then pick a marker with _hereMapController.pickMapItems(). Inside the callback you can create a map view pin.
void _setTapGestureHandler() {
_hereMapController.gestures.tapListener = TapListener((Point2D touchPoint) {
void _pickMapMarker(Point2D touchPoint) {
double radiusInPixel = 2;
_hereMapController.pickMapItems(touchPoint, radiusInPixel, (pickMapItemsResult) {
if (pickMapItemsResult == null) {
// Pick operation failed.
List<MapMarker> mapMarkerList = pickMapItemsResult.markers;
int listLength = mapMarkerList.length;
if (listLength == 0) {
print("No map markers found.");
MapMarker topmostMapMarker = mapMarkerList.first;
// Now create a map view pin based on this marker's coordinates.
See this example app for more context:
I'm using Zxing barcode scanner and Rg Pop up pages in Xamarin forms. The whole idea is that when the camera catches a barcode it displays a pop up. The problem is that I want to wait for the user to close the pop up before it scans again. Now if I keep the camera towards a barcode it keeps showing multiple alerts.
public async void Scan(Result result)
//random linq to get product
if (product != null)
await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(new DisplayDialog(product));
Method for when user closes the window
private async void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
await PopupNavigation.RemovePageAsync(this);
I tried using a flag to stop the scan and setting isScanning or isAnalyzing to false but it didnt work. Any ideas? Thank you!
use a bool to control the flow
bool popup = false;
public async void Scan(Result result)
if (popup) return;
//random linq to get product
if (product != null)
popup = true;
await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(new DisplayDialog(product));
then whenever your popup is dismissed, reset the popup flag to false
When calling textfield on flutter in fireOS in the fire tv devices, to do a search for example the fireOS virtual keyboard pops on top of textfield and doesnt work like on other android devices where the keyboard is on the bottom and textfield is visible.
On android legacy for example i can use edittext widget and the same keyboard pops on top but whatever i type with the controller updates on the virtual keyboard itself, because the keyboard has its own textfield or edittext. So my problem is how could i update the edittext on firetv virtual keyboard with flutter.
Okay, so I didnt find an answer anywhere so I had to do some hacky stuff heres how i got it to work since flutter is a no go.
Solution Overview:
1.- So first check is you are running on Android, you can do this with if (Platform.isAndroid) on flutter.
2.- If you are actually running on android you can then open a platform channel to native android to check the actual manufacturer(I will post how to code below).
3.- Check manufacturer or device name for "Amazon" or "Kindle" or whatever an if(string.contains("")) will do the trick.
4.- Open again a platform channel to Native Android and open an Alert Dialog with an Edittext, capture the resulting string and return it to flutter.
And thats how i got firetv's keyboard to work under flutter.
if (Platform.isAndroid){
checkOs().then((String osName){
print("Device running on: $osName");
if(osName.contains("Amazon") || osName.contains("AFTN")){
fireTvKeyboardInput().then((String result){
_showDialog(); // Keyboard for NON FIREOS devices on Android.
//IF Device is not Android Eg. IOS
Now theres two functions i used "checkOs" and "fireTvKeyboardInput" heres the code:
Future<String> checkOs() async {
String myResult = "";
try {
myResult = await platform.invokeMethod("checkOS", <String, dynamic>{
'param1': "hello",
}catch (e){
print ("exception: $e");
return myResult;
Future<String> fireTvKeyboardInput() async {
String myResult = "";
try {
myResult = await platform.invokeMethod("fireKeyBoard", <String, dynamic>{
'param1': "hello",
}catch (e){
print ("exception: $e");
return myResult;
On Native Android heres the code:
if(call.method == "checkOS"){
val operatingSystem = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER + "- " + android.os.Build.MODEL
if(call.method == "fireKeyBoard"){
val alert = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
// Set an EditText view to get user input
val input = EditText(this)
input.hint = "Enter Text"
input.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT
input.setOnKeyListener { view, keyCode, keyEvent ->
if (keyCode == 66) {
val imm = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(input.windowToken, 0)
alert.setPositiveButton("Ok") { dialog, whichButton ->
alert.setNegativeButton("Cancel") { dialog, whichButton ->
// Canceled.
I'm at complete loss how to proceed further:
I have panel with a DropDownChoice and a submit button next to it. Depending on the selected value of the DropDownChoice (Obtained upon the firing of a OnChangeAjaxBehavior attached to it, the submit button needs to either replace the whole panel with a different one, OR become an ExternalLink.
Currently, the code looks like that:
public class ReportSelectionPanel extends Panel {
protected OptionItem selectedOption ;
public ReportSelectionPanel(String id) {
IModel<List<OptionItem>> choices = new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
// Create a list of options to be displayed in the DropDownChoice
} ;
final IModel<OptionItem> optionModel =
new PropertyModel<OptionItem>(this,"selectedOption") ;
final DropDownChoice<OptionItem> options =
new DropDownChoice("selectChoice",optionModel,choices) ;
// I don't know what the button should be... Plain Button? A Link?
final Component button = ???
options.add( new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
if ( selectedOption.getChild() == null ) {
// button becomes an ExternalLink.
// A new window will popup once button is clicked
} else {
// button becomes a Something, and upon clicking,
// this ReportSelectionPanel instance gets replaced by
// an new Panel instance, the type of which is
// selectedOption.getChild()
} ) ;
I'm really not quite sure what the commented lines should become to achieve the result. Any suggestions?
IMHO it's nicer to keep just one button and just react differently depending on the selected option:
final Component button = new AjaxButton("button") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
if (selectedOption.getChild() == null) {
PopupSettings popup = new PopupSettings();
popup.setTarget("'" + externalUrl + "'");
} else {
ReportSelectionPanel.this.replaceWith(new ReportResultPanel("..."));
// not needed if options and button are inside a form
// options.add( new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() { } ) ;
When hovering over a marker using GMap.NET, it does not fire the events:
private void gMapControl1_OnMarkerEnter(GMapMarker item)
currentMarker = item;
private void gMapControl1_OnMarkerLeave(GMapMarker item)
currentMarker = null;
Here is the code that creates the marker:
// Add marker
currentMarker = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(y, x), GMarkerGoogleType.yellow_small);
currentMarker.IsHitTestVisible = false;
currentMarker.Tag = iCurrentPolygon + "." + iCurrentPolygonPointIndex;
I can add markers but when I hover over them it does not execute the onMarkEnter/onMarkLeave
I guess you need to set IsHitTestVisible to true in order for the marker to receive event notifications.