pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims, I deployed milvus server using - kubernetes

enabled: true
name: etcd
replicaCount: 3
create: false
repository: "milvusdb/etcd"
tag: "3.5.0-r7"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
type: ClusterIP
port: 2379
peerPort: 2380
enabled: false
enabled: true
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
size: 10Gi
Enable auto compaction
compaction by every 1000 revision
autoCompactionMode: revision
autoCompactionRetention: "1000"
Increase default quota to 4G
value: "4294967296"
value: "500"
name: ETCD_ELECTION_TIMEOUTenter code here
value: "2500"
Configuration values for the pulsar dependency
ref: https://github.com/apache/pulsar-helm-chart
enter image description here
I am trying to run the milvus cluster using kubernete in ubuntu server.
I used helm menifest https://milvus-io.github.io/milvus-helm/
I checked PersistentValumeClaim their was an error
no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set

This error comes because you dont have a Persistent Volume.
A pvc needs a a pv with at least the same capacity of the pvc.
This can be done manually or with a Volume provvisioner.
The most easy way someone would say is to use the local storageClass, which uses the diskspace from the node where the pod is instanciated, adds a pod affinity so that the pod starts allways on the same node and can use the volume on that disk. In your case you are using 3 replicas. Allthough its possible to start all 3 instances on the same node, this is mostlikly not what you want to achieve with Kubernetes. If that node breaks you wont have any other instance running on another node.
You need first to thing about the infrastructure of your cluster. Where should the data of the volumes be stored?
An Network File System, nfs, might be a could solution.
In this case you have an nfs somewhere in your infrastructure and all the nodes can reach it.
So you can create a PV which is accessible from all your node.
To not allocate a PV always manualy you can install a Volumeprovisioner inside your cluster.
I use in some cluster this one here:
As i said you must have already an nfs and configure the provvisioner.yaml with the path.
it looks like this:
# patch_nfs_details.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: nfs-client-provisioner
name: nfs-client-provisioner
- name: nfs-client-provisioner
- name: NFS_SERVER
- name: NFS_PATH
- name: nfs-client-root
If you use an nfs without provvisioner, you need to define a storageClass which is linked to your nfs.
There are a lot of solutions to hold persitent volumes.
Here you can find a list of StorageClasses:
At the end it depends also where your cluster is provvisioned if you are not managing it by yourself.


k8s Deployment set readOnly in volumes vs volumeMounts

I want to utilize data from a persistent volume as readOnly inside a container.
What is the difference of setting the readOnly flag under the volumeMounts vs the deployment volumes.persistentVolumeClaim?
The results seems to be the same. Is one of the two redundant?
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
name: ${ORDERER_ORG_NAME}-delpoyment
namespace: ${NS}
replicas: 1
- name: prepare-tls-certs
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
command: ["/bin/sh", "wait-for-certs.sh"]
- name: fabric-volume
mountPath: ${ORDERER_ORG_PATH}
subPath: var/hyperledger/config/tls
readOnly: true
containers: # other containers
- name: fabric-volume
readOnly: true
claimName: fabric-pvc
In your case, yes, the outcome is the same. But this functionality is not redundant, because the readOnly on a volume and readOnly on a mountPoint have different implications. For example,
readOnly: true on a volumeMount means that the ro mount option is set when mounting your endpoint. This is on the container level. You can read more about mount options here.
readOnly: true on a volume means the volume is readonly. Even if you don't mount it as readOnly, you cannot write to it. This is on a pod level and any container that will mount this volume will not have the ability to write. However, it doesn't have to be readOnly. You can set readOnly:false as well, where your volume will be writeable but the mounted filesystem can be readOnly. This way, other containers can mount this volume as readOnly: false and be able to write to it. This can be used, for instance, to ensure certain containers are not allowed to modify a volume, but others are.
To take it a level further "down the stack", you can have PersistentVolumes that can be shared across multiple pods (across multiple nodes). Here, the readOnly field plays a role in conjunction with the AccessMode of the PersistentVolume. You can have an AccessMode of WriteOnceReadMany meaning that 1 node can have pods attaching this volume for writing and many can read from it only. More than 1 node will not be able to have its pods write to this volume. You can read more about AccessModes of PersistentVolumes here.
In summary, the permissions are always ANDed together with the most restrictive permission generally up the stack. So, generally, an AccessMode will be more permissive, a Volume permission will be less permissive and the volumeMount permissions will be least permissive by design. That's the way you design access to your resources.

Why is my Host Path Persistent Volume reachable from all pods?

I'm pretty stuck with this learning step of Kubernetes named PV and PVC.
What I'm trying to do here is understand how to handle shared read-write volume on multiple pods.
What I understood here is that a PVC cannot be shared between pods unless a NFS-like storage class has been configured.
I'm still with my hostPath Storage Class and I tried the following (Docker Desktop and 3 nodes microK8s cluster) :
This PVC with dynamic Host Path provisionning
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc-desktop
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 50Mi
Deployment with 3 replicated pods writing on the same PVC.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: busybox
replicas: 3
app: busybox
app: busybox
- name: busybox
image: library/busybox:stable
command: ["/bin/sh"]
["-c", 'while true; do echo "1: $(hostname)" >> /root/index.html; sleep 2; done;',]
- mountPath: /root
name: vol-desktop
- name: vol-desktop
claimName: pvc-desktop
Nginx server for serving volume content
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:stable
- mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
name: vol-desktop
- containerPort: 80
- name: vol-desktop
claimName: pvc-desktop
Following what I understood on the documentation, this could not be possible, but in reality everything run pretty smoothly and my Nginx server displayed the up to date index.html file pretty well.
It actually worked on a single-node cluster and multi-node cluster.
What am I not getting here? Why this thing works?
Is every pod mounting is own host path volume on start?
How can a hostPath storage works between multiple nodes?
EDIT: For the multi-node case, a network folder has been created between the same storage path of each machine this is why everything has been replicated successfully. I didn't understand that the same host path is created on each node with that PVC mounted.
To anyone with the same problem: each node mounting this hostpath PVC will have is own folder created at the PV path.
So without network replication between nodes, only pods of the same node will share the same folder.
This is why it's discouraged on a multi-node cluster due to the unpredictable location of a pod on the cluster.
how to handle shared read-write volume on multiple pods.
Redesign your application to avoid it. It tends to be fragile and difficult to manage multiple writers safely; you depend on both your application correctly performing things like file locking, the underlying shared filesystem implementation handling things properly, and the system being tolerant of any sort of network hiccup that might happen.
The example you give is something that frequently appears in Docker Compose setups: have an application with a mix of backend code and static files, and then try to publish the static files at runtime through a volume to a reverse proxy. Instead, you can build an image that copies the static files at build time:
FROM nginx
ARG app_version=latest
COPY --from=my/app:${app_version} /app/static /usr/share/nginx/html
Have your CI system build this and push it immediately after the backend image is built. The resulting image serves the corresponding static files, but doesn't require a shared volume or any manual management of the volume contents.
For other types of content, consider storing data in a database, or use an object-storage service that maintains its own backing store and can handle the concurrency considerations. Then most of your pods can be totally stateless, and you can manage the data separately (maybe even outside Kubernetes).
How can a hostPath storage works between multiple nodes?
It doesn't. It's an instruction to Kubernetes, on whichever node the pod happens to be scheduled on, to mount that host directory into the container. There's no management of any sort of the directory content; if two pods get scheduled on the same node, they'll share the directory, and if not, they won't; and if your pod's Deployment is updated and the pod is deleted and recreated somewhere else, it might not be the same node and might not have the same data.
With some very specific exceptions you shouldn't use hostPath volumes at all. The exceptions are things like log collectors run as DaemonSets, where there is exactly one pod on every node and you're interested in picking up the host-directory content that is different on each node.
In your specific setup either you're getting lucky with where the data producers and consumers are getting colocated, or there's something about your MicroK8s setup that's causing the host directories to be shared. It is not in general reliable storage.

How do I mount and format new google compute disk to be mounted in a GKE pod?

I have created a new disk in Google Compute Engine.
gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB --zone=us-central1-a dane-disk
It says I need to format it. But I have no idea how could I mount/access the disk?
gcloud compute disks list
notowania-disk us-central1-a zone 10 pd-standard READY
New disks are unformatted. You must format and mount a disk before it
can be used. You can find instructions on how to do this at:
I tried instruction above but lsblk is not showing the disk at all
Do I need to create a VM and somehow attach it to it in order to use it? My goal was to mount the disk as a persistent GKE volume independent of the VM (last time GKE upgrade caused recreation of VM and data loss)
Thanks for the clarification of what you are trying to do in the comments.
I have 2 different answers here.
The first is that my testing shows that the Kubernetes GCE PD documentation is exactly right, and the warning about formatting seems like it can be safely ignored.
If you just issue:
gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB --zone=us-central1-a my-test-data-disk
And then use it in a pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pd
- image: nginx
name: nginx-container
- mountPath: /test-pd
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
# This GCE PD must already exist.
pdName: my-test-data-disk
fsType: ext4
It will be formatted when it is mounted. This is likely because the fsType parameter instructs the system how to format the disk. You don't need to do anything with a separate GCE instance. The disk is retained even if you delete the pod or even the entire cluster. It is not reformatted on uses after the first and the data is kept around.
So, the warning message from gcloud is confusing, but can be safely ignored in this case.
Now, in order to dynamically create a persistent volume based on GCE PD that isn't automatically deleted, you will need to create a new StorageClass that sets the Reclaim Policy to Retain, and then create a PersistentVolumeClaim based on that StorageClass. This also keeps basically the entire operation inside of Kubernetes, without needing to do anything with gcloud. Likewise, a similar approach is what you would want to use with a StatefulSet as opposed to a single pod, as described here.
Most of what you are looking to do is described in this GKE documentation about dynamically allocating PVCs as well as the Kubernetes StorageClass documentation. Here's an example:
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: gce-pd-retained
reclaimPolicy: Retain
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd
type: pd-standard
replication-type: none
The above storage class is basically the same as the 'standard' GKE storage class, except with the reclaimPolicy set to Retain.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc-demo-disk
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: gce-pd-retained
storage: 10Gi
Applying the above will dynamically create a disk that will be retained when you delete the claim.
And finally a demo-pod.yaml that mounts the PVC as a volume (this is really a nonsense example using nginx, but it demonstrates the syntax):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pd
- image: nginx
name: nginx-container
- mountPath: /test-pd
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
claimName: pvc-demo-disk
Now, if you apply these three in order, you'll get a container running using the PersistentVolumeClaim which has automatically created (and formatted) a disk for you. When you delete the pod, the claim keeps the disk around. If you delete the claim the StorageClass still keeps the disk from being deleted.
Note that the PV that is left around after this won't be automatically reused, as the data is still on the disk. See the Kubernetes documentation about what you can do to reclaim it in this case. Really, this mostly says that you shouldn't delete the PVC unless you're ready to do work to move the data off the old volume.
Note that these disks will even continue to exist when the entire GKE cluster is deleted as well (and you will continue to be billed for them until you delete them).

How to write to gcePersistentDisk while mounted to multiple Kubernetes pod

I'm currently mounting a gcePersistentDisk to each pod in my kubernetes deployment. Since I want multiple pods to read from the disk, I have to mount it as read only. My deployment yaml file looks like this:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 1
- image: ...
- mountPath: /my-volume
name: my-volume
readOnly: true
- name: my-storage
pdName: my-disk
fsType: ext4
readOnly: true
Right now, in order to write new stuff to the disk, I need to scale the deployment to 0, then start a kubernetes job that mounts the disk to a single pod that has read / write access, write to the disk and then scale the deployment up again.
Is there a way I can do this without taking down all my pods?
Is it possible/recommended to do something like "hot-swapping" persistent disks in kubernetes deployments?
Looking at the requirements:
1)- No other choice with the current use-case. Pods need to be scaled down every time.
2)- You can use a different type of PV, then use ReadWriteMany access mode [1] & [2].
3)- hot-swap: meaning changing the deployment (kubectl apply)? Not sure, need clarification.
4)- Another option is to use NFS [2], but that obviously is a whole different approach.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/persistent-volumes#access_modes
[2] Access Modes https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/

Unable to mount Amazon Web Services (AWS) EBS Volume into Kubernetes pod

I created a volume using the following command.
aws ec2 create-volume --size 10 --region us-east-1 --availability-zone us-east-1c --volume-type gp2
Then I used the file below to create a pod that uses the volume. But when I login to the pod, I don't see the volume. Is there something that I might be doing wrong? Did I miss a step somewhere? Thanks for any insights.
kind: "Pod"
apiVersion: "v1"
name: "nginx"
name: "nginx"
name: "nginx"
image: "nginx"
- mountPath: /test-ebs
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
# This AWS EBS volume must already exist.
volumeID: aws://us-east-1c/vol-8499707e
fsType: ext4
I just stumbled across the same thing and found out after some digging, that they actually changed the volume mount syntax. Based on that knowledge I created this PR for documentation update. See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/17958 for tracking that and more info, follow the link to the bug and the original change which doesn't include the doc update. (SO prevents me from posting more than two links apparently.)
If that still doesn't do the trick for you (as it does for me) it's probably because of https://stackoverflow.com/a/32960312/3212182 which will be fixed in one of the next releases I guess. At least I can't see it in the latest release notes.
Ensure that the volume is in the same availability zone as the node.
If that's not the issue, are there any events in kubectl describe pod nginx?