How to display dialog box inside textFieldSearch after selecting an item in search dropdown in flutter - flutter

I'm searching from textFieldSearch, after selecting an item from searchDropdown I want a popUp
What I tried ->
In textFieldSearch getSelected property I tried calling AlertDialog, But it's not displaying.
What I'm expecting ->
After selecting an item from searchDropDown I want a popUp


How to reset the dropdown button in flutter?

I have a dropdown button which works fine when I visit the page(having the button) first time but whenever i revisit the page containing the dropdown button, the previously selected value appears rather than the hint text which i want to appear every time the page is visited.
Dropdown button has a property value where we specify our variable to get the selected value. Before moving to the next screen you can set back the default value to it and it should work.

Is it possible to add required parameter for Floating action button in flutter?

If you see some E-commerce apps it prompts a size or color required to be selected ,if you click on add to cart button without selecting a color or size .When the user clicks on add to cart button i want a required parameter, where the user should select a size and only then the function in onPressed should work. .How do i add that required parameter with FloatingActionButton?
Then you can use an expanded Floating action button which displays the size and on clicking the size it can add the item to cart. Or else you can have a dialog box to select the size and after that, it can be added to cart.

Dropdown menu View in Flutter

I have a dropdown in my app like this.
at beginning i am showing "Choose Filters" as the dropdown hint, once any of the item in dropdown in selected and there is a button as + icon once pressed I am doing further operations.
If an option is selected in dropdown its visible in the app, what I want to do is after selecting an option if clicks on that + icon I want instead of that selected dropdown value display the hint i.e "Choose Filters" . Is there any way to that please let me know.Thanks!
If you want the DropdownButton to show the hint again, you need to set it's selected value to null. So the variable you are setting on the property value of the DropdownButton should be set to null.

kendo ui show AutoComplete dropdown with given item count

Is there anyway to make the kendo AutoComplete show dropdown with given item count? eg: When the items less than 50, show the dropdown, and when larger, don't show the dropdown or show a warning field.
Many thanks!
Looking at the kendo-ui autocomplete doc, the key is to recognize that if dataSource is empty, the dropdown will not show up.
Take a look at this fiddle to see if it does what you want.
The dropdown will appear if limit is set to a number higher than the size of the data array.
Otherwise, the dropdown will not appear, and the placeholder shows a warning message.

modal dialog in gwt with clicklistener

I've a huge panel with drop-down lists and checkboxes. To manage them I have to implement the ClickListener interface so that on expanding the drop-down list or clicking on the checkbox some actions are executed.
Then I have to show the dialog box with just one 'OK' button and this dialog should be modal. I create it using via the following constructor
final DialogBox msg = new DialogBox(false, true);
so it should be modal and it is except for drop-down lists and checkboxes because clicking on them calls to the onClick(Widget sender) method which knows nothing about the modality of the dialog box so it could expand the drop-down list or tick the checkbox.
I see that this could be resolved by just one if in that onClick() method where it should check if there is no modal window or there is one. But is there another option to resolve this issue?
Are you looking for setGlassEnabled(boolean)?