eclipse how to set run configuration default for a specific project - eclipse

have several java servlet projects. Each one uses a different configuration file. The servlet use and environment variable to find the config file. I have several different run time configurations. One for each project.
Is there a way to set the default run time configuration for each project. I loose a lot of time because I try to debug and accidentally select the wrong profile
Kind regards


Tomcat and Eclipse vs Intellij

I am working with Intellij but some of my co-workers don't. When I was writing install doc, I realized that Tomcat is not managed the same way on the two IDEs.
Which is a problem considering what happened next when I tried to set up our project on Eclipse.
Basically, on Intellij, you select a Tomcat on your computer and it will literally copy the war into the webapps folder and run the server with everything working fine.
I am not a user of Eclipse so I might have misunderstood something, but I found that when you create a Tomcat server, it will embed the one you gave it to it. Doing that is a bit of an issue when you are working with logback, because usually you set your logs location directly into the Tomcat folder. And in Eclipse you are working out of this folder.
So, I can't run my application because it can't find the location of the logs folder at the fine place.
Is there a way to use Tomcat in Eclipse like Intellij? Or did I just miss something because I am kind of new with Eclipse?
See the FAQ: (1) (2)
I found that when you create a Tomcat server, it will embed the one you gave it to it.
You have to be more specific with your description. How you do things and what do you see. What do you mean by "embed"? What is the actual failure that you are observing with your logging?
There are different ways to do things.
For me by default Eclipse does not embed Tomcat, but runs it as a proper java process. (org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap) You should be able to see it with jconsole and similar tools.
It runs your web application expanded, i.e. without zipping it into a war file. It creates a separate configuration of Tomcat, i.e. runs it with separate CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE directories (as documented in RUNNING.txt file of Apache Tomcat). The CATALINA_HOME directory stays untouched and CATALINA_BASE directory is ${workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0 etc. A logs directory can be found there.
One known caveat is that java.util.logging is not configured by default (the system properties java.util.logging.manager and others are not set). See "How do I enable the JULI logging" item in the FAQ. -- In the same way you will set any other system properties that you may need.
The default configuration of java.util.logging (as provided by JRE) is to log everything to the console, without creating any files.

Is there any way of configuring Oracle ATG to load java class changes dynamically?

I am interested in setting up a development environment for ATG in which changes on class will take effect immediately after the build is done, without restarting server and building again the ear file.
I have searched in the product documentation but the only thing I saw you can configure to load dynamically would be the configuration files section.
Is there any other way of configuring the environment for better productivity?
Use JRebel. That will do dynamic re-loading for java classes, property files and other deployable assets. Great for productivity.
If your purpose is to debug and most of time is getting wasted packing and unpacking the ear, you can always use remote debugging with JBoss and Eclipse, but for major changes like adding a method wont be working in that case. One solution to this is use Java DCEVM which will dynamically update code in the JVM. Its a simple jdk just point your Java_home to this jdk and in debug mode you can add code to you class see changes. Use the below link for more information about DCEVM

How to turn off debugging on a project in eclipse?

My situation demands I have two copies of the same project. One is for development, the other is for debugging, testing and single stepping to understand the existing workflow.
As a consequence I have two copies of the same project. I would like both copies to behave exactly the same way except that the first project should not take part in debugging. All the JDWP [Java Debug Wire Protocol] attempts to connect and debug the remote Java process should be with respect to the untouched dedicated copy of the project that was checked out recently.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
You can create multiple debug/run configuration for the same or different projects in Eclipse.
Assume that you have a single Java project and you want to
Test your application with some VM arguments and
Without any VM arguments.
Then Go to Debug->Debug Configuration and select Java application. Create debug(launch) configuration for your project and select main class of your Java project.
For 1 go to Arguments tab in the VM text area add the arguments
For 2. Leave this blank
Thus you can debug single Java project with multiple debug configuration.
In your case you MUST create debug configuration ONLY for that project you want to debug.

Can I read property file with jetty in development?

I am working on a lift project as a sub-project in a gigantic mvn project. I put the property files into:
in the sub-project folder.
Then I run jetty with:
mvn jetty:run -Drun.mode=staging
I printed out the settings from net.liftweb.util.Props using:
println("file_name:" + Props.fileName)
println("mode_name:" + Props.modeName)
The output:
The mode name is correct. However, the file name is totally wrong. net.liftweb.util.Props is still using the file name that had been hardcoded in the source. It seemed never reached my property file.
Am I missing something? Or it cannot work with jetty?
While duffymo is right and you can just use the underlying servlet facilities for getting resources, I would still use Lift's Properties abstraction. It already does the work for differentiating different run modes. It also allows you to have different properties per-user and/or per-machine, which can be useful, depending on your development team.
The default properties for a given mode should be put in /props/modeName.default.props, so your files should be renamed to:
I would put the .properties file in your /WEB-INF/classes and use the servlet context's getResourceAsStream() to read it in.

Tomcat inside Eclipse overwrites context fragments

I have an Eclipse Project which is attached to a Tomcat 6 using WST. For testing reasons I need to set some context parameters to override settings in the web.xml. The following Server Options are set: "Serve without publishing" as I want to run my application right from the project and "Publish contexts to separate XML files".
Now I can find the context fragment inside .metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp1\Conf\catalina\localhost and change them as needed. This works for some time, but after each Eclipse restart my context fragment is replaced with a fresh generated one - without the required parameters of course.
How can I prevent Eclipse from replacing my configuration? Or is there a way to add the necessary parameters to the generated context fragment?
Certainly changing stuff in the .metadata/.../wst.server is not a good idea - those directories are completely controlled by Eclipse.
If you look in your Eclipse 'Servers' project entry, you will see server.xml and context.xml - that is the place to change things. Eclipse copies those files to that .metadata directory - IF it isn't fouled up somehow.