How set JasperSoft Studio report direction to right to left? [duplicate] - jasper-reports

This question already has answers here:
How to make a report page direction to change to "rtl"?
(1 answer)
How to show arabic,Hebrew,etc language fonts on jasper (iReport) reports
(3 answers)
Closed 2 months ago.
I have JasperReports 6.8.0.
How set JasperSoft Studio report direction to right to left?
The question has been closed because some people say there are similar questions. One of those questions is talking about exporting to excel sheet and has no answer. The other is talking about PDF!
I need to change the direction of all formats, excel, html, pdf, etc... . Even when printing.


Local Pdf output and Jasper Server Pdf output is different [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 2 days ago.
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While I am executing the jasper report in Local, the report PDF is correct. Whereas when the same report is executed in Jasper server, the alignment is mismatched and there is lot of space issue.
Jasper Server Product Version: 7.8.0 and Tibco Jaspersoft version is Jaspersoft Studio-v6.20.0
I have used only the sanserif font

How can I generate a pdf with iReport using Arial Narrow font? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Use custom fonts when creating pdf using iReport
(4 answers)
When export a report to PDF change the font
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I´m trying to develop a report with Arial Narrow font with 12 size.
When I try to preview and generate a PDF, It didn´t come with the correct font.
I use:
Jaspersoft Studio 6.2.0 (Eclipse Version)
Ubuntu 15.10
Java 7
What I need to do, to make this work?

What is the difference between iText, JasperReports and Adobe LC? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Actually I want to know the difference or comparison between different PDF Creation/generation techniques For Eg. IText,Adobe LC,Jasper Reports etc.
I would like to know the exact advantage/disadvantage of using each of them.
Currently I am using Adobe LC ES2 and would like to also know the advantage of using adobe over other techniques.
That's a very broad question and I see that it already has a vote to close the question for this reason.
Let me give the nutshell version of the answer (I could easily write a book about it).
iText is a library that can be used by developers to enhance their web and other applications with PDF functionality: create PDF, fill out PDF forms, examine and manipulate existing PDFs.
JasperReports is a Business Intelligence tool that uses iText to create reports by JasperSoft / TIBCO. JasperReports only uses a limited part of the complete iText functionality. Creating PDF is just a feature of JasperReports, and JasperSoft is using iText to implement that feature.
Adobe LC is a suite of modules, some of which can only be provided by Adobe. For instance: no third party can "Reader enable" PDF documents because Reader enabling requires a private key that is proprietary to Adobe. However: iText competes with Adobe LC in some areas, for instance digital signing (read the white paper from the Office of Legislative Counsel on digital signatures) or form filling (iText has an add-on called XFA Worker that can convert your dynamic XFA forms into static PDF, e.g. PDF/A).
DISCLAIMER: I'm the CEO of iText Software. Please contact Adobe and JasperSoft to hear their point of view.

JasperReports: Ad Hoc, Drill Down report? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have seen a few questions regarding Drill Down reports for JasperReports. I am trying to provide this functionality via Ad Hoc JR reports.
The goal(s) would be to use interactive charts or images to lead to move specific data tables and/or link back to data or a page in a web application.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Drill Down is supported just on Cross-tab reports via Jasper Reports Server Pro, and Table Report does not support this feature.
The web based Ad Hoc report designer does not have the ability to define hyperlinks to drill down. You need to edit the report in iReport to add hyperlinks like that.

What control is being used in the Settings app to edit signature [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using iOS 5 rich text editor
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
What control is being used in the Settings app to edit mail signature and why is it not available in the SDK?
Raise a bug report with Apple. As you note, it's not available in the SDK. We don't know why; we're not Apple.
Probably not what you want, but you'll need to put your signature editing preferences inside your app rather than in the Settings.