Deploying PWA server with offline support in intranet - progressive-web-apps

I am developing an application that needs to be delivered as following:
PWA application server(Host app/IIS) is installed in the local network
PWA should support offline
Domain SSL not possible on the server as it's not a domain
Un attended installation
No configuration should be forced on the client machine, to change chrome settings etc.
I have tried:
Running from VS, Only works on same machine by design
Published to IIS and tried, works ok on the same machine. Offline does not work on mobile
Self sign SSL is not helping, Offline does not work
One option I found is to host it on our server on the internet, after installation access data from intranet server. Not yet tried this.
Looks like it is impossible to deploy PWA as intranet application with self-sign SSL. Am I missing something ?
Is there a way to automate deployment of PWA with self-sign that supports offline working?


Loopback enabled UWP app successfully reach localhost service only when Fiddler is running

For develop purpose only I'm testing a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) client app locally on my Windows 10 Laptop, where a WebAPI service is running.
By default, WinRT apps cannot connect to localhost but Visual Studio locally deployed apps should, but I coudn't manage to succeed.
Then I've used Fiddler to check and eventually enable loopback ability for my UWP app and found that it was already enabled.
By accident I've discovered that only while Fiddler is running, my UWP app can connect to the WebAPI service.
I'd like to know why.
Fiddler is able to Allow your App to use the local network loopback.
Simply check your App and you can reach your WebService.
You will see if you uncheck your App, you won't reach your WebService again.
Visual Studio enables the local network loopback while debugging as well if you check the option in your Projects Debugging Properties. (Project -> Properties -> Debugging -> Allow local network loopback)

OpenFire in SharedHosting or VPS

I've set up openfire successfully in my home pc (vm) and it can be connected to from any where over internet.
But, using home pc as a chat server is not at all convenient and hence I am looking for alternatives.
Is it possible to install openfire on a shared hosting service say of this kind OR it needs a VPS to install openfire like this.
In each of the cases, what are the pros-and-cons ?
It works on Shared hosting, but it is not recommended. Most of the shared hosting companies have already built-in tools to limit your access to server resources and you will observe poor performance on shared hosting.
I will recommend to install OpenFire on an ideal hosting combination like LiteSpeed Web Server, SSD Hosting and CloudFlare OS ...
VPS like this will give ultimate performance with minimum hardware resources.

Is it a good idea to use WAMP server as a web server?

I have bought a VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) that Windows Server 2008 is installed on it. I needed to use server because I have developed a C# console application that can read data by TCP socket and write them in the MySQL database.
Now I need to start a website on this server. I think WAMP server is so easy for me.
Maybe in future a lot of people visit my website.
Is it a good idea to use WAMP server as a web server?
In principal there is nothing wrong with using WAMPServer as a LIVE webserver.
However, not the out of the box version.
Out of the box WAMPServer and XAMPP for that matter expect to be used as a single seat developer tool and while that is great for a click and go solution to get a developer up and running on Apache/MySQL and PHP in a few minutes it is not secure enough to be considered as a LIVE web facing webserver.
Now if you have the knowledge and experience to create an user account on Windows Server that has access to only what Apache needs to do its work, and can get Apache to run in that account instead of its default account (which has way to many privilages for a live server) and are prepared to explore all the Apache security features/modules that would be required for a web facing server then it is possible. However this is not a trivial task, and any mistakes or ommissions will leave your server open to the simplest of hacks.
In short, unless you really know what you are doing with Windows Server and Apache, you would be far better to pay for a professionally configured and managed web server environment.

Understanding lightswitch deployment

I wish to deploy a lightswitch application for a small company. I want a central server hosting the database and then the silverlight client to run inside the network connecting to the server and updating the database with clients, etc.
I have made a working system using the intrinsic database in VS2013, but now I come to deploy it and am having problems, despite hours reading MSDN and following tutorials.
I create a deployment package on my development machine, which I then install on the server, but I then need to create a client only package, which points to the server? Does this mean I need to specify the central database as an external data source? Or does this switch happen automatically? Can I publish only the server, and install that on the server machine, (I have already installed the web server package) then publish a separate client package for installing the application on the clients? I need all the clients to update a single database, not all have their own local copies and local databases...
When you "create a client only package" the intrinsic database is running on the client, so nothing point to the server.
A external data source is always external regardless of the app type.
What type of a LightSwitch Application you've selected?
A 2-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to the end-user computer.
A 3-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.
A 3-tier Web application runs in an end-user web browser. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.

Access local network SVN through Web VPN

I'm facing some problems using VPN Web authentication:
We have a local protected network on which an https SVN server runs.
Accessing it locally within Eclipse makes no problems.
We have external people which have to access this SVN through Web VPN.
The problem is, this web VPN only works in the specific web browser context, and we are not able to connect eclipse directly through this VPN then.
Accessing the VPN through the browser works though (but no commit/versioning is possible).
Is there any workaround?
Problem has been resolved by activating the JSAM (Java secure application manager) on the WEB VPN. It activates the link between installed clients (external people) and specific IP Connections (allowed by gateway).