Evaluate Casbin policies real-time - mongodb

I use Casbin as authorization library for my REST API, written in Go.
To load the policy from my Mongo database, I use MongoDB Adapter.
A single policy Mongo document looks like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "639491f73e4c9bec05a1d1ec"
"ptype": "p",
"v0": "admin",
"v1": "laptops",
"v2": "read",
"v3": "",
"v4": "",
"v5": ""
In my business logic, I validate if the user can access (read) laptops:
// Resolves to true
if can, _ := e.Enforce(user, "laptops", "read"); can {
This works fine.
The problem now is when I delete the policy document, I would expect that I'm not allowed to access laptops anymore. This is only the case when I restart my application.
Thus, it appears that the Enforce checks are not being evaluated real-time.
As a workaround, I could call the LoadPolicy method as soon as the request comes in but this looks like a dirty hack to me.
I would really appreciate some help / suggestions.


Doesn't HATEOAS multiplicate HTTP requests?

I came across HATEOAS on my researches and was thinking : doesn't HATEOAS multiplicate HTTP requests ?
Let's take the basic customer and order example.
Let's say you want to retrieve an order, the endpoint would be /orders/2
with the following JSON response :
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"links": [{
"rel": "customer",
"href": "http://api.domain.com/customer/1
Now what if I also need the customer ? Do I have to make another request to /customer/1 ? Doesn't this overload the HTTP traffic ?
Couldn't I get the couple customer + order with a single endpoint like /customers/1/orders/2 ?
Or just send the customer in the /orders/2 JSON response ?
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"customer": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
What's the benefit(s) of one solution or another ? When do I need one or the other ?
Thanks ! :-)
If the server only supplies the customer and order separately, then you have to make two requests regardless of whether they are following REST or not.
Nothing about REST or its HATEOAS constraint prevents the server from providing both customer and order in the same resource, exactly as you have suggested:
GET /orders/2
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"customer": {
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
But the customer in that response has no connection to the identifier /customers/1 — the server could combine the two ideas:
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"links": [{
"rel": "customer",
"href": "http://api.domain.com/customer/1
"resources": {
"http://api.domain.com/customer/1": {
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
or better yet, group the links by their relation to the requested resource:
"id": 2,
"total": 50.00,
"links": {
"customer": [{
"href": "http://api.domain.com/customer/1"
"resources": {
"http://api.domain.com/customer/1": {
"name": "Dylan Gauthier"
Whilst this would make it a bit more work for the client to print the name of the customer (nothing at all taxing, mind), it allows the client to fetch more information about the customer if they want to!
Just to add to Nicholas' answer:
Embedding related resources
Pros: saves you a trip to the server
Cons: While it saves you a trip the first time and may be a few lines of code, you are giving up on caching: if something changes in a related resource (that you embedded) client cache is no more valid, so the client has to make the request again. Of course, assuming you leverage HTTP caching. Which you should...
If you want to go this route, you are better off using something like GraphQL... but wait!
Going "pure" HATEOS
Pros: resources have independent life-cycles; easier to make each (type of) resource evolve without impacting the others. By fully leveraging the cache, overtime, the overall performance is far better.
Cons: more requests (at first access), this might be a little slower on first access; some more code to manage the HATEOS thing...
I personally tend to use the second approach whenever possible.
The classic web analogy:
If it can help, a classic website is just another api that serves html related resources, the client app being the browser itself. If you have ever done some html/css/js, you might want to approach it the same way:
For the given particular website, given its navigation architecture...etc would you rather inline all/part of the css/js (the related resources) in the html pages (the main resource) or not.

JSON API for non-resource responses

Currently, I'm working on new product and making REST API for both - public and internal needs. I started with {json:api} specification and I was pretty happy with it until I faced some questions I cannot find answers to.
According to JSON API specification, every resource MUST contain id.
Every resource object MUST contain an id member and a type member. The values of the id and type members MUST be strings.
And that's fine in many cases but not all.
Most of our endpoints are about "resources"
If I ask for a "things" collection (http://example.com/things)
"data": [{
"type": "things",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"title": "first"
"links": {
"self": "http://example.com/things/1"
}, {
"type": "things",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"title": "second"
"links": {
"self": "http://example.com/things/2"
If I ask for a single "things" resource (http://example.com/things/1)
"data": {
"type": "things",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"title": "first"
"links": {
"self": "http://example.com/things/1"
But what to do with endpoints which are not about resources and does not have ID?
For example, in our application, there is an endpoint http://example.com/stats which should return stats of current logged in user. Like
"active_things": 23,
"last_login": "2017"
There is no id for this "resource" (it's not actually a resource, is it?). Backend just collects some "stats" for logged in user and returns an object of stats. There many endpoints like this in this application, for example, we have Notification center page where the user can change email addresses for different notifications.
So frontend app (single-page-app) first has to get current values and it sends the request to GET http://example.com/notification-settings.
"notifications_about_new_thing": "arunas#example.com",
"notification_about_other_thing": "arunas#example.com"
And there are many more endpoints like this. The problem is - how to return these responses in JSONAPI format? There is no ID in these endpoints.
And the biggest question is - why nobody else is facing this issue (at least I cannot find any discussion about this)? :D All APIs I ever made has some endpoints which don't have "id".
I have two ideas, first is to fake id, like "id": "doesnt_matter", the second - do not use json-api for these endpoints. But I don't like both of them.
Think RESTfully and everything can (must) be a resource. There is no "logged in" user as there are no sessions in RESTful APIs as they are stateless. There's no session state maintained between REST API invocations, so you have to be explicit about who the user is.
In this case, the resource is the user who has some stats attributes (in the simple case) or perhaps a relationship to a separate stats relationship (more complicated, not shown):
GET /users/1234
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "1234",
"attributes": {
"name": "etc.",
"active_things": 23,
"last_login": "2017"
I'm no JSON API expert- but it's worth noting that while JSON API is a concrete specification, it is not the same thing as JSON, nor as a REST API. If you don't like its semantics, I agree with commenters who argue, "Don't use it." If you are going to use JSON API, do so in a compliant way, where every response is a resource; every resource has an ID and a type; and additional information is supplied as attributes of the resource.
Toward your question, I'm thinking about something similar where my application returns computation results. Now on the one hand, these are not strictly "resources" and so I've been toying with the idea of returning the raw result as an array (which I believe would be valid JSON, with a caveat), e.g:
[ 47 ]
On the other hand, there is the idea that the results are the results of a computation that the client specified RESTfully, in which case one of the following two cases is likely true:
The same request submitted later is likely to have the same result. This suggests that in fact the result really is a resource.
The same request submitted later is likely to have a different result. This suggests that the client may want to track how results change for various queries, and so at least the query parameters should be part of the response.
In both cases, the response really is a 'result' object, and even though it doesn't have an ID per se, it does have an identity. If nothing else fits, the ID could be the query that generated the response.
This seems RESTful to me. User #n2ygk suggests that this is not correct as regards the JSON API spec, that an ID should simply be a unique ID and not have another semantic interpretation.
I'd love to hear other perspectives.

Security of cloudant query from OpenWhisk

I'm building an Angular SPA with a Cloudant data store on Bluemix.
Since the Bluemix implementation of OpenWhisk doesn't use VCAP services, I see 3 options to use OpenWhisk as my api provider for cloudant queries for my Angular app:
Follow the pattern of passing credentials as seen here: https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix/openwhisk-visionapp (very interesting approach btw)
Include the credentials as though I'm running locally as seen here: https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix/nodejs-cloudant/blob/master/app.js
Use the http API as seen here: https://docs.cloudant.com/api.html (which highlights the security problem passing credentials.
Since my service is not intended for publishing (it's intended for my own app) I'm thinking option 2 is my "least of all evils" choice. Am I missing something? My thinking is such that while fragile to changes it would be the most secure since credentials aren't passed in the open. The serverless infrastructure would have to be hacked...
Thanks in advance!
(lengthy) Update: (apologies in advance)
I've gotten a little farther along but still no answer - stuck in execution right now.
To clarify, my objective is for the app to flow from Angular Client -> OpenWhisk -> Cloudant.
In this simplest use case, I want to pass a startTime parameter and an endTime parameter, have OpenWhisk fetch all the records in that time range with all fields, and passing back selected fields. In my example, I have USGS earthquake data in a modified GeoJSON format.
Following information from the following articles below, I've concluded that I can invoke the wsk command line actions and use the bindings I've setup from within my Javascript function and therefore not pass my credentials to the database. This gives me a measure of security (still question the rest endpoint of my OpenWhisk action) but I figure once I get my sample running I think through that part of it.
My command line (that works):
wsk action invoke /my#orgname.com_mybluemixspace/mycfAppName/exec-query-find --blocking --result --param dbname perils --param query {\"selector\":{\"_id\":{\"$gt\":0},\"properties.time\":{\"$gt\":1484190609500,\"$lt\":1484190609700}}}
This successfully returns the following:
"docs": [
"_id": "eq1484190609589",
"_rev": "1-b4fe3de75d9c5efc0eb05df38f056a65",
"dbSaveTime": 1.484191201099e+12,
"fipsalpha": "AK",
"fipsnumer": "02",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"id": "ak15062242",
"properties": {
"alert": null,
"cdi": null,
"code": "15062242",
"detail": "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/detail/ak15062242.geojson",
"dmin": null,
"felt": null,
"gap": null,
"ids": ",ak15062242,",
"mag": 1.4,
"magType": "ml",
"mmi": null,
"net": "ak",
"nst": null,
"place": "45km ENE of Talkeetna, Alaska",
"rms": 0.5,
"sig": 30,
"sources": ",ak,",
"status": "automatic",
"time": 1.484190609589e+12,
"title": "M 1.4 - 45km ENE of Talkeetna, Alaska",
"tsunami": 0,
"type": "earthquake",
"types": ",geoserve,origin,",
"tz": -540,
"updated": 1.484191127265e+12,
"url": "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ak15062242"
"type": "Feature"
The action I created in OpenWhisk (below) returns an Internal Server Error. I'm passing the input value as
"startTime": "1484161200000",
"endTime": "1484190000000"
Here's the code for my action:
`var openWhisk = require('openwhisk');
var ow = openWhisk({
api_key:'im really a host'
function main(params) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
dbname: 'perils',
query: {
"selector": {
"_id": {
"$gt": 0
"properties.time": {
"$gt": params.startTime,
"$lt": params.endTime
}).then(function(res) {
//get the raw result
var raw = res.response.result.rows;
//lets make a new one
var result = [];
raw.forEach(function(c) {
result.push({id:c.docs._id, time:c.docs.properties.time, title:c.docs.properties.title});
Here are the links to my research:
Useful because of the use of the exec-query-find and selector syntax usage but also cool for the update function I need to build for populating my data!
The article referenced by #csantanapr
Am I overlooking something?
I'm assuming what you are trying to do is to access your Cloudant DB directly from your angular client side code from the Browser.
If you don't need any business logic, or you can get away by using Cloudant features (design docs, views, map, reduce, etc..) and you are generating Cloudant API keys with certain access (i.e. write vs. read), then you don't need a server or serveless middlewear/tier.
But now let's get real, most people need that tier, and if you are looking a OpenWhisk, then you are in good luck this is very easy to do.
OpenWhisk on Bluemix support VCAP service credentials, but in a different way.
Let's name you have a Bluemix Org carlos#example.com and space dev that would translate to OpenWhisk namespace carlos#example.com_dev
If you add a Cloudant service under the space dev in Bluemix, this will generate service key credentials for this Cloudant Account. This credentials give you super power access meaning you are admin.
If you want to use this Cloudant credentials in OpenWhisk, you can use the automatic binding generated with the cloudant package.
To do this using the OpenWhisk CLI run wsk package refresh this will pull the Cloudant credentials and create you a new package with the credentials binded as default parameter for all the cloudant actions under that package. This is modified version of #1 above
Another alternative is to bind the credentials manually to a package or an action as default parameters, this makes sense when you don't want to use the super power admin credentials, and you generated a Cloudant API key for a specific database. This is option #1 above.
I would not recommend to put the credentials in source code #2
For option #3, what's insecure is to pass your credentials as part of the URL like https://username:password#user.cloudant.com, but passing the username and password in the Authorization header over https is secured.
This is because even if you are using secure transport https everything in the URI/URL is not encrypted anyone can see that value, but passing secrets in body or header is standard practice as this is transfer after secure connection is established.
Then you create actions that use the credentials as parameters in your OpenWhisk actions to build your business logic for your backend.
Then how to do you access this backend from the Browser, well OpenWhisk has a API Gateway feature in experimental that allows your to expose your actions as public APIs with CORS enable.
Only a url is expose, your credentials as default parameters are never expose.
If you want to see an example on check out Raymond Camden Blog posts where he show Ionic/Angular App accessing his Cloudant Database of Cats

Complex claims in JWT

The JWT RFC does not seem to have any problem containing complex arrays such as:
"email": "test#test.com",
"businesses": [
"businessId": "1",
"businessName": "One",
"roles": [
"businessId": "2",
"businessName": "Two",
"roles": [
And this seems a desirable scenario for our needs, since as part of the token we'd like to have a list of businesses a user has access to and what roles does he have for each business (it's part of its identity). The authorization policies at the API would later understand those groups and apply the required authorization logic.
I have seen that with IdentityServer4 the claims are added to the ProfileDataRequestContext's IEnumerable<Claim> IssuedClaims property.
Is there any recommended alternative to this complex claim structure? If not, is there any way to build that structure with IdentityServer4 (maybe some extension?) or the only way would be to manually serialize the JSON since the Claim seems to accept only a string?
PS: I have seen this question and this other where one of the authors of Identity Server talks about something similar being an antipattern. Not sure if the antipattern would be to have complex claims' structure or "authorization implementation details" in the claims.
Any advice on this would be great!
After giving some thoughts I agree having a complex hierarchy of claims is not desirable and I could go around this problem with a dirty solution of prefixing roles for each businessId. Something like this:
"email": "test#test.com",
"roles": [
"businesses": [
that way I keep a simple structure and later on, at the client or API I can read the claims and find out that 1 is the id for the business with name One and it has the roles admin and account.
Would this be a better solution?
Claims are about identity information - and not complex permission "objects". You are far better off with a dedicated permission service that returns your permissions in any format you want based on the identity of the user.
I also hope your permission data doesn't change while the token is being used, otherwise you end up with stale data.
That said - claims are always strings in .NET - but you can serialize JSON objects into it by setting the ClaimValueType to IdentityServerConstants.ClaimValueTypes.Json.

Strongloop REST Connector - connecting to non-REST remote resources

We have an existing web application which has an API not based on REST. We'd like to put a REST API in front of it, using Strongloop, however, getting lost in the documentation and not sure if this can be achieved.
Want to configure an endpoint in Strongloop which looks like;
A GET on this end point should service the request from our existing web application, where the URL would like;
i.e. take Orders from the API request and insert into the remote URL, along with the remaining parameters.
I could code this using express.js, but was wondering if this is possible using configuration in Strongloop?
I think you might be able to use the built-in REST connector even though your legacy API is not REST per se (although you don't get all the benefits of the built-in mapping to find, create, destroy, etc). The connector simply translates URLs into model methods. That said, I think you do need to have the old API spit out JSON... does it do that? If not, then you basically just have to write a full translator.
This is not working code, but might help you get part of the way there.
In your server/datasources.json file:
"old-service": {
"name": "old-service",
"connector": "rest",
"operations": [{
"template": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "http://localhost:4000/wh",
"headers": {
// whatever you might need to send...
"query": {
"Page": "ObjectBuilder",
"Name": "{name}",
"StartDate": "{start}",
"EndDate": "{end}"
"responsePath": "$.results.theObject" // be sure to custom ize this
"functions": {
"buildObject": ["name", "start", "end"]
In your server/model-config.json be sure too map your DataObject model to this datasource:
// ...
"DataObject": {
"public": true,
"dataSource": "old-service"
And in your model itself (common/models/DataObject.js) you can now call the buildObject() method:
DataObject.buildObject('Order', '01/01/2016', '31/01/2016', function(err, result, response) {
if (err) { ... }
// otherwise look at the result or response...
Now that you can call this method, you could put it into a remoteMethod or even override the default find method for this model.
Good luck, but in many of these cases you simply have to write the "conversion" code yourself. Might be easier to rewrite the API from scratch. ;)