I new in Doom Emacs, so in neovim I had this (takes from Primeagen):
cmap("n", "<leader>s", [[:%s/\<<C-r><C-w>\>/<C-r><C-w>/gI<Left><Left><Left>]])
Can I do the same remap in Doom Emacs config? And also, how can I bind commands to keys?
I tried to find info about this on internet, but no body asks the same question
I just installed Emacs 26.3 on Ubuntu 20.04. I opened a buffer in the terminal, and I cannot close it. C-x C-c does nothing. f10 to activate the menu does not activate the menu.
I'm using a .emacs file that maps cut/copy/paste commands to the normal C-x/C-c/C-v. I don't think that this can affect the issue, however, because I have the exact same setup (including the same .emacs file) on by Emacs 24.5/Ubuntu 16.04 laptop, and it has no problem exiting with C-x C-c. Also, I had the exact same problem before I installed the .emacs file on the new system.
How do I kill Emacs?
This question exists, but it has no useful answers.
ESC x save-buffers-kill-terminal
OFC binding C-x will affect C-x C-c. You don't need to know anything about Emacs to realize the problem. Just think twice.
I'm using emacs -nw (Emacs 24.5, Ubuntu 16.04). And I found that the default emacs M-w C-y keys don't work interchangeably with the operating system.
After some research, it seems that the most comprehensive solution is to use simpleclip. EmacsWiki says that
You can use https://github.com/rolandwalker/simpleclip which ALWAYS
But looking into its usage guide above, simpleclip makes use of a set of keys that are completely different from the default M-w C-y or the OS Ctrl-Shift-c, Ctrl-Shift-v for copy-paste
;; Press super-c to copy without affecting the kill ring.
;; Press super-x or super-v to cut or paste.
I don't really want to use super key a lot with my PC keyboards, and don't want to remember (or persuade others to remember) yet another set of copy-paste keys.
For the GUI emacs, I can copy something in emacs and paste it into another terminal without any configuration. Mostly, I don't feel that Emacs is any different from gedit except that the emacs copy-paste keys M-w C-y can be used in addition.
In the terminal mode, most of it breaks down. If I use OS copy (Ctrl-Shift-c), one line in emacs can be copied into two or more lines in a target terminal because the line is too long. contents copied using M-w simply do not paste into other programs, even though I tried to set certain variables following other SO questions, e.g.:
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
I'm not very familiar with elisp. My question:
How can I customize or configure simpleclip so that copy-paste in emacs -nw is exactly the same as copy-paste in the OS?
Other related SO questions:
How to copy text from Emacs to another application on Linux
emacs terminal mode: how to copy and paste efficiently
I recommend you use the xclip package, which you can install from GNU ELPA (i.e. via M-x package-list-packages). It requires installation of the xclip utility under X11 (e.g. via aptitude install xclip) and uses the pbcopy/pbpaste under macOS.
I have successfully installed hy-mode from https://github.com/hylang/hy-mode. I now can open a .hy file in emacs and have syntax highlighting, and editing with paredit is a joy.
I however, don't know how to start a REPL. At the bottom of the github readme, it says:
When in hy-mode, you can launch a Hy REPL by launching a Lisp inferior
M-x lisp-inferior-process
That function, however, is not defined for me. What else do I need to install or check to be able to use the repl for Hy?
I am currently using:
GNU Emacs 24.3.1.
Have you tried to set inferior-lisp-program to "hy" and then doing M-x run-lisp?
This is the standard way (or maybe just the "way I know about") of having an inferior lisp process.
As of version 1.0.4 of hy-mode, you can start a hy repl buffer in Emacs using M-x run-hy or use the default key binding of C-c C-z.
In any Emacs mode, including hy-mode, you can use M-x describe-mode or the default key binding of C-h m to show key bindings for the current mode.
I'm having some issues with emacs, in particular when using SLIME. It's not reading the slime-eval-defun command (bound to C-M-x) but will read C-M-S-x... same issue with the indent function C-X-q, I have to add a shift to make it work.
When looking into the key bindings I get this
C-M-x (translated from C-M-S-x) runs the command slime-eval-defun,
which is an interactive Lisp function in `slime.el'.
So it picks up C-M-S-x and assumes that I want C-M-x, which is true, but I'm not getting why it's not picking up C-M-x in the first place!
I'm running emacs on Arch as a guest OS, host OS is OS X.
So I found out that the KDE default shortcut for activating clipboard actions is C-M-x. I removed that and the SLIME shortcut works now.
Is it expected that C-M-% and ESC C-% do not run the command query-replace-regexp when running emacs in a terminal window (for example, emacs -nw)?
According to describe-function the binding exists, but emacs runs query-replace instead (which has the binding M-%). This has happened on several machines I've tried it on, and does not happen when I run emacs in a window.
The problem is that C-% simply can't be typed in a terminal. The only control sequences available are those that corresponds to ascii-code 0-31, mainly C-letter.
I have created a new shortcut in my .emacs file.
(global-set-key "\M-q" 'query-replace-regexp)
Control-Alt-Shift-% all together works on Windows and Fedora Linux. Does your keyboard have all those keys?