How to run tailscale daemon with the --state=mem: flag - tailscale

I want to run tailscale with the --state=mem: flag set on my server in order to gain the feature released in version 1.30.0 that will "delete node immediately if tailscaled exists and was using mem: state storage";
In the tailscale docs it says the following:
Can I create an ephemeral node without an auth key?
Yes, running Tailscale v1.22 or later. You can run tailscaled with the --state=mem: flag. tailscaled is the Tailscale daemon that runs on devices that have installed the Tailscale client. The --state=mem: flag registers the node as an ephemeral node so that the daemon stores state in memory, instead of writing it to disk.
How do I modify this flag on the tailscale daemon since it's not an option on the normal tailscale CLI?

systemctl edit tailscaled will open an editor to edit an file of customizations for tailscaled.service. You can add a FLAGS environment variable:
Then run these commands to make it take effect:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart tailscaled


Which config files could disable the automatically starting ssh server, so a headless connect becomes impossible?

Which config files could disable the automatically starting ssh server, so a headless connect becomes impossible?
I need to know the config files that might interfere with the ssh server to normally start up at boot.
I believe that you are looking for the following commands (assuming you are running the last version of raspbian):
sudo systemctl stop sshd
sudo systemctl disable sshd
sudo systemctl mask sshd
stop Basically stops the service immediately. disable disables the service from starting at bootup. Additionally, mask will make it impossible to load the service.
Digging deeper into what each command does, on modern linux distributions there are configuration files for each service called unit files. They are stored (usually) in /usr/lib/systemd. These are basically the evolution of scripts to start services.
the stop command just calls the sshd.service unit file with a stop parameter, in order to shut down the server.
the disable (or enable) command removes(or creates) a symlink of the unit file in a directory where systemd looks into when booting services (usually, /etc/systemd/system).
systemctl mask creates a symlink to /dev/null instead of the unit file. That way the service cant be loaded.

kubernetes: pods cannot connect to internet

I cannot connect to internet from pods. My kubernetes cluster is behind proxy.
I have already set /env/environment and /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http_proxy.conf, and confirmed that environment variables(http_proxy, https_proxy, HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, no_proxy, NO_PROXY) are correct.
But in the pod, when I tried echo $http_proxy, answer is empty. I also tried curl -I but it returned curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
So I think pod doesn't receive environment values correctly or there is something I forget to do what I should do. How should I do to solve it?
I tried to export http_proxy=; export https_proxy=....
After that, I tried again curl -I and I can received header with 200.
What I see is that you have wrong proxy.conf name.
As per official documention the name should be /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.confand not /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http_proxy.conf.
Next you add proxies, reload daemon and restart docker, as mentioned in provided in comments another answer
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart docker
Or, as per #mk_ska answer you can
add http_proxy setting to your Docker machine in order to forward
packets from the nested Pod container through the target proxy server.
For Ubuntu based operating system:
Add export http_proxy='http://:' record to the file
For Centos based operating system:
Add export http_proxy='http://:' record to the file
Afterwards restart Docker service.
Above will set proxy for all containers what will be used by docker engine

how to disable userland-proxy for docker-compose

How to disable "userland-proxy" so that when using "docker-compose" it is disabled.
I tried running docker-compose up --userland-proxy=false but no luck.
Disabling the Userland proxy is a global configuration, configured at the daemon level. You cannot change this configuration from the client, and thus not from docker compose.
To disable the proxy, you need to change the daemon configuration (see the dockerd reference. You can do so following the steps below (these steps should be done on the host that the daemon runs);
Create a file named /etc/docker/daemon.json if it does not exist, and add the "userland-proxy": false setting. The daemon.json file should be valid JSON; if this is the only configuration in that file, it should look like;
"userland-proxy": false
After saving the file, restart the daemon using (if your host uses systemd);
sudo systemctl restart docker
Note: On Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows, the userland-proxy cannot be disabled, as it is an essential part of the networking (i.e. it allows connections to localhost to be forwarded to the containers)

respawn service Debian Jessie without inittab

I've installed the last stable version of Debian (Jessie) and /etc/inittab doesn't exist. I have read the new init system is called Sysv.
I need to launch a service with parameter, I used to add a line in inittab like
u1:23:respawn:/etc/init.d/my_service foreground
I'm trying to add this one with sysvrc-conf -p but I don't know how...
How can I do that without inittab?
Thank you so much.
Found this question by google, maybe someone else finds this usefull: The new init system for Debian Jessie is systemd. The old way in Debian Wheezy was Sysv with /etc/inittab.
To create a respawn service with systemd just create a file in /etc/systemd/system/ i.e. mplayer2.service
Desription=mplayer with systemd, respawn
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mplayer -nolirc -ao alsa -vo null -really-quiet
and activate it
systemctl enable mplayer2.service
reboot or start it manually
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start mplayer2.service
If you reboot or kill the process, it will be restarted automatically some seconds later.

How do I make it so Mongo runs automatically all the time on my Azure server?

I have two Azure virtual machines. On one I have a Mongo server, on the other I just have a service I created which listens to Twitters streaming API and filters tweets.
Neither of these two services work unless I manually activate them and keep my console window open. For example, to run Mongo I need to ssh into my virtual machine and type: mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf. This starts the Mongo server successfully, but if at anytime I close my browser the service stops.
I believe the reason this is occurring is because when I login the system is allocating me a process by which I can navigate around the system and perform commands. When I type mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf I believe I am using that process to run Mongo. I am not sure how to make Mongo run without doing this though.
How do I make it so Mongo runs automatically all the time on my Azure server?
I tried running Mongo as a daemon but I receive an error:
$ mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log
>>>about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
>>>forked process: 63470
>>>ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 1
This issue has nothing to do with Azure; it's all about how you install MongoDB.
If you install mongodb as a service, via apt-get (or whatever other means your version of linux requires), then it will run independent of you being logged in. You shouldn't be running an always-on service through your command shell.
Here are instructions for installing under Ubuntu. You'll see that, once you set up the prerequisite public key and list file, you then run:
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
You can then start and stop the service via
sudo service mongod start
sudo service mongod stop
You can enable mongo to autostart on boot by typing this command in your console:
sudo systemctl enable mongod
Then test it by this command:
sudo service mongod status