How to overcome the error failed: missing) after argument list - selenium-ide

it shows like thisUsing selenium IDE as source
For login questions authentication i used if else condition. Getting error failed missing) after argument list


Getting error Liquibase validation failed because checkum has changed in GITHUB Actions

I am getting the error Liquibase checksum validation failed.
Unexpected error running Liquibase: Validation Failed:
1 change sets check sum
changelog.sql::3::snowflake was: 8:f97afb605f986bcfcc0d3e4ecf5208e6 but is now: 8:a10040290479269659939671e8a14db0
AnyIdea how to debug this issue in GITHUB Action and Runner.
delete the record for checksum value for that I was getting the error and It is resolved now.

FLTFirebaseMessaging: An error occurred while calling method Messaging#getToken, errorOrNil { NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Too many server requests.";}

I had removed my IOS folder and re-added it with flutter create . --platforms iOS .Did this as I was receiving some error and saw this was the solution for it. I tried adding firebase again and I am getting this error:
FLTFirebaseMessaging: An error occurred while calling method Messaging#getToken, errorOrNil => {
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Too many server requests.";
flutter: null
[] Unhandled Exception: [firebase_messaging/unknown] An unknown error has occurred.
I checked my bundleID it matches exactly and I added google service info plist file.
I have to done these steps multiple times but still receive this error.
Any suggestions regarding this will be greatly appreciated.App working completely fine on android

How to configure jasmine to logout message when expect was failed

I have a Jasmine check point to check the expect error message, and when the check point was failed, I only get the following message:
Error: Failed expectation
Question is, is there any configuration to let jasmine output the actual message?

Error: Load failed, save is disabled

I'm completely new to ipython/ jupyter, I literally just typed in me first example and went to save it. I'm not getting the error above?
Error: Load failed, save is disabled
Also I don't know if it is related but I can't left click into cells? I have to right click and then press escape (very annoying).
Open up the Javascript developer console and read the error msg.
In my case it looked like:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
main.min.js:12623 Object
main.min.js:12625 API request failed (404): No such file or directory: code/pcc/Prototype%%20Pattern.ipynb
main.min.js:26690 Error stack trace while loading notebook was:
main.min.js:26691 XhrError: No such file or directory: code/pcc/Prototype%%20Pattern.ipynb
at wrap_ajax_error (http://localhost:8888/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=40e10638fcf65fc1c057bff31d165e9d:12671:29)
at Object.settings.error (http://localhost:8888/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=40e10638fcf65fc1c057bff31d165e9d:12692:24)
at l (http://localhost:8888/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=40e10638fcf65fc1c057bff31d165e9d:89:24882)
at Object.c.fireWith (http://localhost:8888/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=40e10638fcf65fc1c057bff31d165e9d:89:25702)
at k (http://localhost:8888/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=40e10638fcf65fc1c057bff31d165e9d:91:5373)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8888/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=40e10638fcf65fc1c057bff31d165e9d:91:9152)
main.min.js:12030 Loaded extension: widgets/notebook/js/extension

in wordpress, a valid callback for cp_admin_init and _canonical_charset

I'm using WordPress 3.5 with child-theme of Twenty Eleven 1.5. Suddenly I'm getting following Warning,
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'cp_admin_init' was given in /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, '_canonical_charset' was given in /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 173
I'm using following plugins:
download-manager 2.3.9
wordpress-seo 1.4.7
wp-pagenavi 2.83
Some more points:
1) If I'm giving it's giving above 2 line warning. If I give, the following line also include,
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php:406) in /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
2) If I give or, It's giving 1st warning and 3rd warning.
3) If I goto, It's giving following 5 warning.
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'cp_admin_init' was given in /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, '_canonical_charset' was given in /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 173
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php:406) in /home/templ/public_html/wp-login.php on line 368
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php:406) in /home/templ/public_html/wp-login.php on line 380
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'wp_authenticate_spam_check' was given in /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 173
4) If I give correct username and password, it's not going to login. giving following problem,
ERROR: Invalid username or incorrect password.
ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.
I'm trying to find solution. I can't. Can any-one help me?
This sounds like a corrupted install. So you have a few options to fix this:
Attempt to get logins operational again and doing an upgrade though the wp-admin: Explained Below.
Do a manual Update:
But First: Make a Backup
Please be sure to backup your install! Before proceeding:
Getting Logins Working: Masking the symptoms
First I would disable debugging output because that should fix most of these issues. When a warning occurs in Wordpress, PHP starts writing the response body and closes the header section of the response. This means that whenever Wordpress tries to add another header after the original warning was raised, PHP will raise another warning:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/templ/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php:406) in /home/templ/public_html/wp-login.php on line 380
So if we disable debugging then we should be able to mask the symptoms. This is a quick patch for a larger problem that we will have to solve with an in-place upgrade
To Disable Debugging
Ensure that the following constants exist and are set correctly is in your wp-config.php file
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
Now you should be able to login to your site as an administrator without errors.
Disable your Plugins
Disable all your plugins in Plugins -> Installed Plugins This is imperative so that we can make sure that the update goes smoothly.
Do an Update
Go to Dashboard -> Updates and click either Update Now or Re-install Now
Reactivate your Plugins
Reactivate all your plugins in Plugins -> Installed Plugins and update them if necessary.
That's It
That's the process for reinstalling Wordpress. The key here is that you have Debugging enabled on a production site which is not good. You should always have WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY set to false in a production environment.