Unmerge and Assign Values Only Vertically or Horizontally Openpyxl - merge

Using the answer provided by aka863 here: How to split merged Excel cells with Python?
I can unmerge, fill values and copy the styling. My questions is how to make the value assigning/filling process configurable.
I want the user to be able to choose whether the values will be filled vertically/horizontally.
I have tried changing the last loop where we assign the top_left_cell_values to unmerged cells. However I couldn't find a way to make it horizontal/vertical configurable. (I'm planning to use radio buttons and tkinter for this)

Its certainly possible to have the code de-merge cells and fill cells in whichever direction, vertically or horizontally regardless of which way the merge was originally. Or not fill at all, so only the top left cell retains the 'value' of the previously merged cells, which is default on unmerge.
Changing the direction of the fill requires some change and re-calculation on the max row and column values in the iter_rows loop, but is simple enough.
However it seems in your last comment you just want to give the user the option to fill or not fill on horizontal merges. In that case you just need to ask the question, and then run the iter_rows loop only if the response is yes.
The code sample below is based on the answer referenced question.
I'm assuming only single line horizontal merges since you dont mention what if anything should be done with vertical merges in the comment.
The code does initially check and indicate the merge direction either vertically or horizontally so it can be included take some action if a merge is vertical.
On code run after displaying the range and direction of the merge, the question is asked to fill, yes or no. If yes the cells are de-merged and all cells filled with the top left cell value using the iter_rows loop. If answer no then the cells are just de-merged.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.utils.cell import range_boundaries
wb = load_workbook(filename='foo.xlsx')
st = wb['Sheet1']
mcr_coord_list = [mcr.coord for mcr in st.merged_cells.ranges]
direction_dict = {'v': 'vertical', 'h': 'horizontal'}
for mcr in mcr_coord_list:
merge_direction = ''
min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(mcr)
top_left_cell_value = st.cell(row=min_row, column=min_col).value
if min_col == max_col:
merge_direction = 'v'
elif min_row == max_row:
merge_direction = 'h'
print(f"The cell range {mcr} is merged {direction_dict[merge_direction]}ly with the data '{top_left_cell_value}'")
while True:
demerge_fill = input('Do you want the de-merge to fill all cells(y|n)? ')
if demerge_fill.lower() in ["y", "n"]:
print('Invalid response')
if demerge_fill == 'y':
for row in st.iter_rows(min_col=min_col, min_row=min_row, max_col=max_col, max_row=max_row):
for cell in row:
cell.value = top_left_cell_value
print(f"Only the top left cell {mcr.split(':')[0]} will contain the data!")


ag-Grid: extend rows till right edge if columns don't occupy full width

In ag-Grid, if the columns occupy a smaller space than the width of the grid, a blank hole appears on the right of the last column. Please see below (example taken from ag-Grid docs):
The UX designers on my team don't like that. They would like to see the rows extended all the way to the right to balance out the look. Is this possible to do with ag-Grid?
Edit: We don't want to use the sizeColumnsToFit option, because on large monitors it produces very wide columns and the grid becomes unreadable. We want to use the autoSize option to compact the columns and fill the hole on the RHS with blank stripes as suggested above.
Yes it is possible. You can call the sizeColumnsToFit function on the ag-Grid api which will fill out the width of the table with the columns.
Take a look at documentation.
Here is a plunker example.
Use the property suppressSizeToFit and set it to true to when you call sizeColumnsToFit, it won't have an affect. Apply this property to the defaultColDef and set it to false for the last column. This was, when you call sizeColumnsToFit, only the last column will be set to full width. See the updated plunker above.
this is how i do it:
* if there is "dead space" present on the grid, the columns will be auto sized to fill the gap
* #param gridApi
* #param columnApi
resizeColumnsToFit(gridApi: GridApi, columnApi: ColumnApi, allowShrink = false) {
if (allowShrink) {
} else {
const gridBodyWidth = document.getElementsByClassName("ag-root-wrapper")[0].clientWidth; // todo: use grid's id instead of [0] to allow multiple grids on a page
const allColumnsWidth = columnApi.getAllDisplayedColumns().map(c => c.getActualWidth()).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
if (gridBodyWidth > allColumnsWidth) {
This method will size columns to fit only when there is "dead" space on the right. Optionaly set allowShrink to true to force resizing even if there is no dead space
I had the same situation and resolved with the following css override:
.ag-center-cols-container {
width: 100% !important;
One possible option I've been playing with is adding a fake column at the end to fill the remaining space. To do so, you just need to add a column with options similar to the following to the end of your list of columns:
flex: 1,
headerName: '',
See this plunker forked from #ViqMontana's example above.
It's not a perfect solution, but wanted to mention it here in case it helps.
This works like Craig Weston's answer but without the need for !important:
.ag-center-cols-container {
min-width: 100%;

How to align a label versus its content?

I have a label (e.g. "A list of stuff") and some content (e.g. an actual list). When I add all of this to a PDF, I get:
A list of stuff: test A, test B, coconut, coconut, watermelons, apple, oranges, many more
fruites, carshow, monstertrucks thing
I want to change this so that the content is aligned like this:
A list of stuff: test A, test B, coconut, coconut, watermelons, apple, oranges, many more
fruites, carshow, monstertrucks thing, everything is startting on the
same point in the line now
In other words: I want the content to be aligned so that it every line starts at the same X position, no matter how many items are added to the list.
There are many different ways to achieve what you want: Take a look at the following screen shot:
This PDF was created using the IndentationOptions example.
In the first option, we use a List with the label ("A list of stuff: ") as the list symbol:
List list = new List();
list.setListSymbol(new Chunk(LABEL));
In the second option, we use a paragraph of which we use the width of the LABEL as indentation, but we change the indentation of the first line to compensate for that indentation.
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont();
Paragraph p = new Paragraph(LABEL + CONTENT, new Font(bf, 12));
float indentation = bf.getWidthPoint(LABEL, 12);
In the third option, we use a table with columns for which we define an absolute width. We use the previously calculated width for the first column, but we add 4, because the default padding (left and right) of a cell equals 2. (Obviously, you can change this padding.)
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
table.setTotalWidth(new float[]{indentation + 4, 519 - indentation});
There may be other ways to achieve the same result, and you can always tweak the above options. It's up to you to decide which option fits best in your case.

Table cells to be edited only on double click

The table cell is edit with a simple click, I want it to be edit only on double click. Simple click will select the cell.
I'm use this property of uitable:
set(hTable, 'Data',data,...
'ColumnEditable', edit,...
First you need to set the cell editabiliy to false by default:
set(hTable,'ColumnEditable', [false false ...]); %accordingly your number of columns
and introduce a CellSelectionCallback:
which calls the following function within the same script
function cellSelect(src,evt)
getstate = get(src,'ColumnEditable'); %gets status of editability
index = evt.Indices; %index of clicked cell
state = [false false ...]; %set all cells to default: not editable
state(index) = ~getstate(index); %except the clicked one, was it
%already false before set it true
set(src,'ColumnEditable', state) %pass property to table
and also a CellEditCallback:
function cellEdit(src,~)
state = [false false ...];
set(src,'ColumnEditable', state)
minimal example
function minimalTable
h = figure('Position',[600 400 402 100],'numbertitle','off','MenuBar','none');
defaultData = {'insert number...' , 'insert number...'};
uitable(h,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1],...
'Data', defaultData,...
'ColumnName', [],'RowName',[],...
'ColumnWidth', {200 200},...
'ColumnEditable', [false false],...
'ColumnFormat', {'numeric' , 'numeric'},...
function cellSelect(src,evt)
getstate = get(src,'ColumnEditable');
index = evt.Indices;
state = [false false];
state(index) = ~getstate(index);
set(src,'ColumnEditable', state)
function cellEdit(src,~)
state = [false false];
set(src,'ColumnEditable', state)
As you figured out this is not always working. Because you have the same issues like I had before with popup menus. It's exactly the same problem: ColumnEditable is just a row vector and not a matrix. I had to deal with the ColumnFormat property, which is also just a row vector. If the double click feature is really important to you, you can consult the following two answers:
Is it possible to prevent an uitable popup menu from popping up? Or: How to get a callback by clicking a cell, returning the row & column index?
How to deselect cells in uitable / how to disable cell selection highlighting?
The threads basically suggest to create a unique uitable for every single row, so that every single row has a unique ColumnEditable property. That's the only solution so far.
I'm afraid there is no simple solution. I can't offer you further help, except the complicated workarounds of the other answers. Or just use the simple one above and live with the little drawbacks.
Although this thread is old but in my opinion still valuable to some users.
I have tested the following with R2010b 32bit.
I have achieved editing only on double click simply by setting
and defining its function the following
function tableCellSelectCB(~,~)
where h.jtable refers to the underlying java object of your uitable.
This way, I can select even single and multiple cells, without going into edit mode. On a double click on a single cells lets me edit its contents.
Extension to have individual editable rows
I wanted to have checkboxes in the top row and non-editable (not directly at least) data in the rest of the table. You can easily modify the above:
function tableCellSelectCB(~,evd)
if evd.Indices(1) > 1

Xssf merging Queries

I have this piece of code:::
XSSFWorkbook workbook1=new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook1.getSheetAt(1);
sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(28,28,5,9));
Now , i have few straight Question.
a) how to Set border for the merged region.
b) how to set Color inside the merged region
c) how to Put some value inside this merged region.
All needs to be in xssf.
You can work with merged cells as one cell. After merging row 28, column 5 to 9 all of them will be one cell which is row 28, column 5. You can do all of your usual cell editing on this cell.
XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(28);
XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(5);

How do i scroll a UITable view down until i see a cell with label "Value" in Calabash

How do i scroll a UITableView down until i see a cell with label "Value" in Calabash/Cucumber.
I've been trying to do it using:
Then I swipe down until I see "Value"
and using:
Then I scroll down until I see "Value"
but none of them seem to work. Thanks!
The message I get when I try with the above is obviously:
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these
Then(/^I swipe down until I see "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1| pending #
express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end
add step definitions
Then /^I scroll to cell with "([^\"]*)" label$/ do |name|
wait_poll(:until_exists => "label text:'#{name}'", :timeout => 20) do
scroll("tableView", :down)
to the ProjectName/features/step_definitions/my_first_steps.rb ruby file and
In your calabash script add
Then I scroll to cell with "AAA" label
its working fine for me.
Every cucumber framework has a set of predefined steps. Of course, these steps don't cover all the possibilites. If you need additional functionality, you have to define your own steps:
When /^I scroll (up|down) until I see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |direction, something_to_see|
#implement the step here
I can't help you with the exact implementation (what is "Value"?) but you can find the core functions here
Probably you'll need function
scroll(uiquery, direction)
(where uiquery will be tableView)
If you take this function and element_is_not_hidden you can create a while cycle which will scroll down until you see the "Value".
Maybe something similar to the following (I don't know Calabash but I know Frank a little)
When /^I scroll (up|down) until I see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |direction, something_to_see|
max_scroll_tries = 10
[0..max_scroll_tries].each do
break if element_is_not_hidden("view marked:'#{something_to_see}'")
scroll("tableView", direction)
check_element_exists_and_is_visible("view marked:'#{something_to_see}'")
table have rows and sections, based how your code is organized use rows or sections in below code
def scroll_side_panel(text)
scroll_to_cell(:row => 0, :section => 0) # scroll to top of view
sleep 1 # wait for a second
#Scroll to each element and compare text, if there is a match break
each_cell(:animate => false, :post_scroll => 0.2) do |row, sec|
puts "#{query("tableViewCell indexPath:#{row},#{sec} label", :text)} #{text}"
if query("tableViewCell indexPath:#{row},#{sec} label", :text).first==text
puts "table view text found at element number:#{section}"
following should also work
Then(/^I scrolldown until "(.*?)" is visible$/) do |arg1|
until query("lable text:'#{arg1}'").length > 0
scroll("tableView", :down)
Call this by following
Then I scrolldown until "XY" is visible