PostgreSQL sequence of full weeks number between two dates - postgresql

I want to get the week number of all the FULL weeks (mon-sun) between two dates.
For example :
start date : 2022-12-01 (it's a thursday)
end date : 2022-12-31 (it's
a saturday)
If I wanted the weeks number between theses two dates, I would do :
SELECT extract('week' from dt::date)
FROM generate_series('2022-12-01', '2022-12-31', '1 week'::interval) AS dt
Output :
But I want to count full weeks only, that has all their 7 days between the two dates.
The first full week starts the first monday after my first date, the
The last full week ends the last sunday before my last
date, the 2022-12-25
What can I do in PostgreSQL to replace 2022-12-01 to 2022-12-05 and 2022-12-31 to 2022-12-25 in the previous code and get only the number of FULL weeks between the two original dates ?
Expected output :

A very simple way of pruning out the partial weeks is to check if the start of a week occurs before the begin date and if the end of a week occurs after the end date.
You can use date_trunc to get the first day of the week and add 6 days to this date to get the end of the week.
extract('week' from dt::date)
from generate_series('2022-12-01', '2022-12-31', '1 week'::interval) AS dt
where date_trunc('week', dt::date) >= '2022-12-01'::date -- check begin of week occurs before start date
and date_trunc('week', dt::date) + interval '6 days' <= '2022-12-31'::date -- check end of week occurs before end date


How can I always get the full period when grouping by week in PostgreSQL?

I'm used to do the following syntax when analysing weekly data:
select week(creation_date)::date as week,
count(*) as n
from table_1
where creation_date > current_date - 30
group by 1
However, by doing this I will get just part of the first week.
Is there any smart way to alway get a whole week in the beginning?
Like get the first day of the week I would get half of.
First off you need to define what you mean by "week". This is more difficult than it appears. While humans have an intuitive since of a week, computers are just not that smart. There are 2 common conventions: the ISO-8601 Standard and, for lack of a better term, Traditional. ISO-8601 defines a week as always beginning on Monday and always containing 7 days. Traditional weeks begin on Sunday (usually) but may have weeks with less than 7 days. This results from having the 1st week of the year beginning on 1-Jan regardless of day of week. Thus the 1st and/or last weeks may have less than 7 days. ISO-8601 throws it own curve into the mix: the 1st week of the year begins on the week containing 4-Jan. Thus the last days of Dec may be in week 1 of the next year and the first days Jan may be in week 52/53 of the prior year.
All the below assume the ISO-8061.
Secondly there is no week function in Postgres. In you need extract function. So for this particular case:
select extract(week from creation_date)::integer as week, ...
Finally, your predicate (current_date - 30) ensures you will unusually not begin on the 1st of the week. To get the correct date take that result back 1 week, then go forward to the next Monday.
with days_to_monday (day_adj) as
( values ('{7,6,5,4,3,2,1}'::int[]) )
select current_date - 30
, current_date - 30 - 7 + day_adj[extract (isodow from current_date - 30 )]
from table_1 cross join days_to_monday;
The CTE establishes an array which for a given day of the week contains the number of days need to the next Monday. That main query extracts the day of week of current date and uses that to index the array. The corresponding value is added to get the proper date.
Putting that together with your original query to arrive at:
with next_week (monday) as
( values (current_date - 30 - 7
+ ('{7,6,5,4,3,2,1}'::int[])[extract (isodow from current_date - 30 )])
select extract(week from creation_date) as week,
count(*) as n
from table_1
where creation_date >= (select monday from next_week)
group by 1
order by 1;
For full example see fiddle.

How to find the 1st and 3rd Sunday/Monday of a current month in postgresql

Can anyone help me to find the specific week day of the month in postgresql... like 1st and 3rd week sunday/monday or 2nd and 4th week wednesday
First off contrary to initial expectations working with dates is complex, sometime extremely so. The combination of week numbers and days the week fall into the latter category.
The problem stems from the 2 ISO definitions:
All weeks start on Monday and are 7 days long.
The first week of the year is the week containing 4-Jan.
This dooms any effort (at least any reasonable simple onc) to failure. While an admirable effort I'll use #Abelisto suggestion as a sample. See Fiddle. I've changed that just enough to use multiple parameters, while for most months it's correct but look at 30,31-Jan-2019 and Jan-2021.
The problem with the first being while the ISO week is perfectly consistent the calendar is not. This results that the first week of a given month be the same as the last week of the previous month, and the reverse.
While this can usually be worked around by itself not so when combined with the other. As a result of each being 7 days long and the 1st week of the year containing 4-Jan gives rise to the larger problem. The last few days of Dec maybe in the 1st week of the next year. Also the first days of Jan can be in the 52( or 53) week of the prior year (see 2nd query in fiddle). Is there a solution? I'm sure there is somewhere out there. I just don't have it. At least with the Extract function.
So how about this specific issue: Well basically it comes down to getting the last day of the previous month, then finding the next DOW (Sunday or Monday) as needed. Now coming from a Oracle back ground I'd just use the NEXT_DAY function which would do just that for me. Unfortunately Postgres does not provide that useful function. But you can roll your own. Below I provide a a couple functions I wrote to do this functionality in Postgres. It consists of 2 Postgres SQL functions:
- utl_dates_first_dow_of_month(). It takes 2 parameters, the target Day-Of-Week (DOW) as the first 3 characters of the day name (case insensitive) and a date in the desired month. It returns the DATE which is the first occurrence of the requested DOW.
- utl_dates_next_dow(). It takes the same 2 parameters and returns the next calendar date of the specified DOW from the from the specified date. If the date specified fall on the requested DOW the routine DOES NOT return the specified date. Function is actually used by the first.
Fortunately the routines are shorter than the description.
create or replace function utl_dates_next_dow(dow_in text, date_in date)
returns date
language sql
immutable strict
as $$
-- Given a DOW and a date return the calendar date for the next occurrence of DOW
with dy as (select string_to_array('mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun', ',') dl)
, dn as (select array_position(dl, (substring(to_char(date_in, 'day'),1,3))) fn
, array_position(dl, lower(substring(dow_in,1,3))) dn
from dy
select case when dn <= fn
then (date_in + (dn+7-fn) * interval '1 day')::date
else (date_in + (dn-fn) * interval '1 day')::date
from dn;
create or replace function utl_dates_first_dow_of_month(dow_in text, date_in date)
returns date
language sql
immutable strict
as $$
-- Given a DOW and a Date return the calendar date of the first specified dow in which the specified date falls.
select utl_dates_next_dow(dow_in, (date_trunc('month', date_in) - interval '1 day')::date);
Now with that out out of the way on the the issue at hand. As Abelisto, and others, indicate the request is ambiguous. There is no such thing as 1st or 3rd Sunday/Monday. Do you want the 1st and 3rd Sunday and the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month? Do you want
Do you want the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month and the Monday following each respectively. Do you want the Sunday and Monday for the 1st and 3rd week on the month (If so Monday would always be the earlier date, see definition 1 above)? Please try to be more specific with your questions. And include test data - as text no images - and the expected results from that data. The solutions are however just slight modifications of each other. (No solution for the 3rd listed possibility.)
For the case of 1st and 3rd Sunday and the 1st and 3rd Monday:
with parms (dt) as (values ( date '2020-04-01'), (date '2020-06-01') )
, base_dates( fsun, fmon) as
( select utl_dates_first_dow_of_month('Sun',dt)
, utl_dates_first_dow_of_month('Mon',dt)
from parms
select '1st & 3rd Sunday and 1st & 3rd Monday'
, fsun "1st Sunday"
, (fsun+interval '14 days')::date "3rd Sunday"
, fmon "1st Monday"
, (fmon+interval '14 days')::date "3rd Monday"
from base_dates;
For the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month and the Monday following:
with parms (dt) as (values ( date '2020-04-01'), (date '2020-06-01') )
, base_dates( fsun, fmon) as
( select utl_dates_first_dow_of_month('Sun',dt)
, (utl_dates_first_dow_of_month('Sun',dt)+interval '1 day')::date
from parms
select '1st & 3rd Sunday and Monday Following '
, fsun "1st Sunday"
, fmon "1st Monday"
, (fsun+interval '14 days')::date "3rd Sunday"
, (fmon+interval '14 days')::date "3rd Monday"
from base_dates;
select * from
select dow, i, row_number() over(partition by dow order by i) as rnk from
extract(dow from i::date) as dow,
from generate_series('2022-10-01'::date,'2022-10-31'::date,interval '1 Day') i
) tmp where dow = 1
)tmp_out where rnk = 3;

Postgres Adding Month to date

In postgresql 10
select '2019-02-28'::timestamp + interval '1 months'
resulted to: 2019-03-28 00:00:00
It was supposed to return 2019-03-31 00:00:00
How to get actual result?
As far as I can see Postgres is giving the correct answers; adding one month to 2019-02-28 should result in 2019-03-28 in the same way that adding one month to 2019-02-27 should result in 2019-03-27. In these cases you are asking PostgreSQL to add one month to a specific date and it is doing this. Things do get interesting when you try something like select '2019-01-30'::timestamp + interval '1 months' (result 2019-02-28 00:00:00) but that's really the only logical choice (because 2019-02-30 is not valid).
I'm assuming that your real question is "given a timestamp, how do I get the last day in the following month"; if so try something like:
SELECT (date_trunc('MONTH', '2019-02-28'::timestamp) + INTERVAL '2 MONTH - 1 day');
Note: If you are using this in a query then you are probably better to get the first day of the following month so your query can say where xxx > month1 and xxx < followingmonth (otherwise you end up losing the last days data).

How to calculate average weekly hours between 2 dates covering multiple weeks?

Postgresql 8.4.
I'm new to this concept so if people could teach me I'd appreciate it.
For Obamacare, anyone that works 30 hours per week or more must be offered the same healthcare as is offered to any other worker. We can't afford that so we have to limit work hours for temp and part-timers. This is affecting the whole country.
I need to calculate the hours worked (doesn't matter if overtime,
regular time, double time, etc) between two dates, say Jan 1, 2014,
and Nov 1, 2014 (Saturday) for each custom week (which beings on Sunday), not the week as defined by Postgresql (which begins on Monday).
Each of my custom work weeks begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
I don't know if I have to include weeks where
they did not work at all in the average, but let's assume I do. Zero hours that week would draw down the average.
Table name is 'employeetime', date field is 'employeetime.stopdate', hours worked per day is in the field 'employeetime.hours', employeeid field is 'employeetime.empid'.
I'd prefer to do this in one query per employee and I will execute the query once per employee as I loop through employees. If not I'm open to suggestions. But I'd like to understand the SQL presented in the answer.
Currently EXTRACT(week from '2014-01-01') calculates the start of the week as a Monday, so that doesn't work for me. Link here.
How would I do that without doing, say a separate query for each week, per person? We have 200 people to process.
Thank you.
I have set up a table to match your format:
select * from employeetime order by date;
id date hours
1 2014-11-06 10
1 2014-11-07 3
1 2014-11-08 5
1 2014-11-09 3
1 2014-11-10 5
You can get the week starting on Sunday by shifting. Note, here the 9th is a Sunday, so that is where we want the boundary.
select *, extract(week from date + '1 day'::interval) as week
from employeetime
order by week;
id date hours week
1 2014-11-07 3 45
1 2014-11-06 10 45
1 2014-11-08 5 45
1 2014-11-09 3 46
1 2014-11-10 5 46
And now the week shifts on Sunday rather than Monday. From here, the query to get hours by week/employee would be simple:
select id, sum(hours) as hours, extract(week from date + '1 day'::interval) as week
from employeetime
group by id, week
order by id, week;
id hours week
1 18 45
1 8 46

SQL DateDiff Weeks - Need and alternative

The MS SQL DateDiff function counts the number of boundaries crossed when calculating the difference between two dates.
Unfortunately for me, that's not what I'm after. For instance, 1 June 2012 -> 30 June 2012 crosses 4 boundaries, but covers 5 weeks.
Is there an alternative query that I can run which will give me the number of weeks that a month intersects?
To try and clarify exactly what I'm after:
For any given month I need the number of weeks that intersect with that month.
Also, for the suggestion of just taking the datediff and adding one, that won't work. For instance February 2010 only intersects with 4 weeks. And the DateDiff calls returns 4, meaning that simply adding 1 would leave me the wrong number of weeks.
Beware: Proper Week calculation is generally trickier than you think!
If you use Datepart(week, aDate) you make a lot of assumptions about the concept 'week'.
Does the week start on Sunday or Monday? How do you deal with the transition between week 1 and week 5x. The actual number of weeks in a year is different depending on which week calculation rule you use (first4dayweek, weekOfJan1 etc.)
if you simply want to deal with differences you could use
DATEDIFF('s', firstDateTime, secondDateTime) > (7 * 86400 * numberOfWeeks)
if the first dateTime is at 2011-01-01 15:43:22 then the difference is 5 weeks after 2011-02-05 15:43:22
EDIT: Actually, according to this post: Wrong week number using DATEPART in SQL Server
You can now use Datepart(isoww, aDate) to get ISO 8601 week number. I knew that week was broken but not that there was now a fix. Cool!
THIS WORKS if you are using monday as the first day of the week
set language = british
select datepart(ww, #endofMonthDate) -
datepart(ww, #startofMonthDate) + 1
Datepart is language sensistive. By setting language to british you make monday the first day of the week.
This returns the correct values for feburary 2010 and june 2012! (because of monday as opposed to sunday is the first day of the week).
It also seems to return correct number of weeks for january and december (regardless of year). The isoww parameter uses monday as the first day of the week, but it causes january to sometimes start in week 52/53 and december to sometimes end in week 1 (which would make your select statement more complex)
SET DATEFIRST is important when counting weeks. To check what you have you can use select ##datefirst. ##datefirst=7 means that first day of week is sunday.
set datefirst 7
declare #FromDate datetime = '20100201'
declare #ToDate datetime = '20100228'
select datepart(week, #ToDate) - datepart(week, #FromDate) + 1
Result is 5 because Sunday 28/2 - 2010 is the first day of the fifth week.
If you want to base your week calculations on first day of week is Monday you need to do this instead.
set datefirst 1
declare #FromDate datetime = '20100201'
declare #ToDate datetime = '20100228'
select datepart(week, #ToDate) - datepart(week, #FromDate) + 1
Result is 4.