How do I switch a landscape page in Microsoft Word to 90 degrees view - ms-word

I want to switch a landscape page view in Microsoft Word to horizontal. I have tried to save the table as picture to switch 270 degrees and etc. But even so, I cant seem to make the whole landscape page to rotate at 270 degrees just as shown in the picture where the header and footer and its contents all flips 270 degrees.
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Would really appreciate for everyone's help, thank you!


Making use of the extra pixels on 1136x640 iPhone 5 Screen?

Without the 1136 launch image, apps now run in letterbox mode with black bars on either end.
If you add the Default-568h#2x.png launch image, then the app runs with 1136 pixels (in my case, in landscape mode - 1136x640).
The extra 176 pixels are all getting added to the right side of the screen in landscape mode.
Is there a way that I could have the 176 added pixels distributed 88 to the left and 88 to the right of the screen that I work with in Interface Builder?
To Explain:
If I position an 1136x640 image (to make it work it is actually a 568x320 image with an #2x version in the project) at 0,0 in Interface Builder and run it on an iPhone 5/simulator, the screen shows the entire image even though it's not entirely visible in Interface Builder since it goes off the right side of the screen.
I was hoping to place the 1136x640 image at -88,0 since it is just a background image for my app. If this was possible, I could keep all the menu buttons in their current locations and would just be able to extend my app's background to either end instead of having that area be filled with black bars in letterbox mode.
If that is somehow possible I would love to hear about it... otherwise I better get to repositioning all my buttons and other screen elements! I've recently read about AutoLayout and that is certainly something to strongly consider in any new apps going forward, but I was just hoping for a quick update to my existing apps that would letterbox the apps with additional background art provided by me instead of black bars on either end.
EDIT: Just tried to move buttons around on the screen and it appears that buttons placed on the right-most 176 pixels can't even be clicked on! So I cannot use that extra space on the right even if I reposition everything... =/
AND THEN: I tried AutoLayout, and it too ignored the 176 pixels on the right. If I positioned a button with a constraint of 20 pixels from the right side of the screen, it would show 196 pixels from the right because it's not taking into account the additional screen size that has been added.
Anybody know what is the best way to actually have art fill the entire screen of the new iPhone 5?
I had the same problem of not being able to access the new 176 pixels for the new iPhone. However, this is what I did and now I have access to them.
Open MainWindow.xib with Interface Builder
Select the Window
In Attributes, check Visible at Launch and Full Screen at Launch.
If you hadn't set autoresizing on any of your elements and then enable support for the 4-inch display, indeed you might not have the greatest looking views.
You can use autoresizing to set your views/elements to stretch, center and align, so you should be able to manipulate the resizing mask to do what you'd like.
Autolayout is very fiddly and in most cases overkill if you just want to support the new screen size.
Ended up creating one .xib for for the iPhone 5 size and one .xib for the iPhone 4 size. Both are connected to the same .h/.m file.

Hiding a part of an image in iPhone-Game

I am working on a small game, in which the user can drag rows and columns of images to solve a puzzle.
The puzzle does not use the whole screen, the "puzzle area" is in a rectangle area from 0,160 to 320,480.
Now, if the user drags a column of the images up, the top image in that column would be displayed "out of" that puzzle area. How could I only have that portion of the image shown, that remains within the puzzle area. Like not showing the whole 50x50 Pixel of the image, but only the lower 40x50 Pixel etc.?
You just need to set the frames on your views properly. If your puzzle views frame ends at the (0,160) point on top, any subviews you've added to it; such as the puzzle pieces will be hidden when they move out of the frame.
Hopefully I'm not oversimplifying the problem, but one of the easier ways I can think of working this scenario is by maintaining a proper view structure while moving the puzzle pieces.
i.e. as long as the view on the top half of the screen is higher up on the view hierarchy than the puzzle pieces (you could ensure this by properly maintaining the subviews), the puzzle pieces will be hidden under the top view if they move beneath it.
Is this what you need?
I am just tryin to give u some ideas.. Hope u can implement with that...
First use touchesBegan and touchesMoved methods to detect how much pixels the image has been dragged. Simultaneously u can also move the frame of the image to a new coordinate , hiding a portion of the image....tat is out of puzzle area.....
Hope this helps....
Let the above one be the actual frame. Now u have received the amt of pixels thru which the user has moved the image from touches method. Let it be some y1. To hide a part of the imageview reframe the imageview like this ,
negative y1 since u want to move out of the screen..
Hope this helps.

Pixelheight on UINavigationBar with prompt

Does anyone know how heigh the UINavigationBar is with the prompt? I know it is 44px without.
Help or link to a website where I can see all the different measurements on the different GUI elements in iPhone is much appriciated!
Their height is fixed at 44 pixels for portrait mode and
32 pixels for landscape. If you are using a prompt text, then the bar height rises to 74 pixels high.
If you call...
...after setting the prompt, it will return the correct height (which is 74 points).

Graphic scrolling in iPhone SDK

I have a graphic that is 3 times the width of an iphone landscape view.
I am trying to auto scroll it so that it appears that it is moving sideways, without using the touchscreen scrolling method.
My aim is to maybe have a button you can press and it moves it left or right across the screen like an animation.
I can deal with everything else but am having trouble finding a solution.
Any example code would be appreciated or even any info on whether it is possible or not.
Thanks. Dave
You can wrap a UIView in an animation block. The animation sweeps the origin value in its frame property from one point to another, over a set period of time.

Image in UIScrollView moves offscreen before while zooming

I am working on a photo gallery iPhone app.
Approach is fairly inspired from the ScrollingMadness code available on github.
I have a scroll view which holds all my image views when in paging mode. When user zooms an image using pinch out gesture, I remove all the image views but the current one - and set the content offset to 0,0 (obviously).
Everything works perfect on simulator but on device I face this crazy issue.
When a user pinch out to zoom an image, it goes off screen and when the pinch out touch event ends, it comes back to the screen.
After zooming the image once, if I zoom it further - it does not give me the buggy experience. This leads me to a conclusion that patch needs to be applied where I am removing the other image views from the scroll view and holding the one which is being zoomed.
Not able to figure out how I should make it to work like the iPhone's Photo app. The - magical - Photos app!
Anyone who can point to a direction to get this thing up and running - would be all the help I need right now!
Well, since when you zoom you are moving your picture to (0,0) effectivly the first page, you would expect when the user pinches any page thats not the first one, the image will have to move to 0,0 and therefore you are expiriencing your image moving. After you zoomed once, the image is already at 0,0 so subsequent zooms work fine. Are you finding that zooming on the very first page gives you the behavior you want and only other pages have this issue? If so a fix might be not to move the zooming picture to (0,0) but just keep it where it is and have some dummy view for all your other pages so you dont take up memory from the other pictures. Hope this helps