How to "Load Statistics from File" for Raster Supervised Classification in QGIS with SAGA extension - classification

I'm working on bark-beetle outbreaks in the Alpine forests. To do so, I work on UAV-acquired orthophotos with multispectral bands (RGB, NIR, RE). I want to proceed to a raster (VRT) supervised classification, according to field-acquired ROIs.
I successfully did this using SAGA GUI. I'm now trying to repeat the same process but with using QGIS, as I have all my working layers sorted in a project. I want to get the same supervised classification with the built-in SAGA extension, but the algorithm asks here (but not in SAGA GUI) for a mandatory "Load Statistics from File" parameter.
How do I have to set this parameter?
By reading SAGA documentation, I saw it should be the path to the stats file (about my raster to classify?), but no further informations were provided about the content of this stats file. I don't know how to create it, nor if there is a way to create it using QGIS or SAGA GUI.
Neither did I find help about this in the SAGA documentation or somewhere else on internet.


Is it even possible to really monitor links in a DataStage job?

DS Version 11.7
In the DSODBConfig.cfg file, we set MonitorLinks=1.
The documentation tells us that this setting
Controls if stage-level and link-level statistics, and references to
data locators, are captured at the end of each job run.
But when we inspect the DSODB tables, we only find data for links that are either a data source or a data target. All data for intermediate links is missing.
Is it somehow possible to enable the logging of really all links?

Sequence Tagging in batch with Mallet cmd prompt

I have tested the SimpleTagger for Sequence Tagging on mallet's cmd prompt interface. I would now like to train over many files and run tests in batches. Is it also possible to do this on mallet's command prompt? I want to get some hint on the performance of the algorithm for the task at hand before I dive into using the JAVA API.
I have seen that Classification tasks can be run in batch from the command prompt.
is it possible to use SimpleTagger in batch? if no
Can someone point me to a reference code where Sequence Tagging has been done in batch using the java API.
Somewhere I found a reference to "", but the link seems to be broken.
After some exploration, I learned that it was not possible to readily use the cc.mallet.fst.SimpleTagger for batch evaluations. Instead, I found out that the cc.mallet.examples.TrainCRF is a handy code (that uses the SimpleTagger). The code takes a train and test datasets (in Mallet sequence tagging format, instances separated by single-line) as input arguments and that's it.
I used the mallet-2.0.8 installation available on the Mallet page.
Beware to NOT tune the models based on the performance on the test set. You should avoid that and perhaps not verify the performance on test set until you have tuned the model on the training set sufficiently.

Running Netlogo headless on the cloud

I've written a NetLogo model to model agent movement in a landscape. I'd like to run this model from the command prompt, using AWs/Google Compute. The model uses about 500MB worth of input rasters and shapefiles and writes rasters and csv files. It also uses the extensions gis, rnd, cf, table and csv.
Would this be possible using the Controlling API? ( Can I just use the steps listed in the link? I have not tried running NetLogo from the command prompt before.
Also, I do not want to run BehaviourSpace as it is not relevant to this model.
A BehaviorSpace experiment can consist of only a single run, so BehaviorSpace may actually be relevant to you here. You only need to write one short XML file (or no new files at all, if the experiment setup you want is already part of the model) to do it this way.
Whereas if you go through the controlling API, you will have to write and compile Java (or Scala) code, which is a substantially more complex task.
But if you decide to go the controlling API route: yes, that works too, and it is documented, as you've already noticed.

Exporting NetLogo data to graph with nodes and edges

I have created some links between agents (turtles) in NetLogo. This links will change at each time step. My aim is to export this data (i.e., turtles and links b/w them) to graph with vertices (turtles) edges (links), which can be given as input to Gephi. Is it possible to see the changes which occurs in netlogo in the graph when it is linked with Gephi. Can someone help me out. Thanks.
To export your network data in a format usable by Gephi, I would suggest using the nw:save-graphml primitive from NetLogo's NW Extension. This will give produce a file in the GraphML file format, which Gephi can read.
I guess you could re-save your network at each time step and overwrite your file, but I'm not sure if Gephi can display your changes dynamically. And depending on the size of your network, it might be slow.
Are you trying to use Gephi to see how the network changes over time, in a changing network that is generated by NetLogo? That's what #NicolasPayette's answer suggests, so I'll make the same assumption.
Gephi can display "dynamic graphs", i.e. networks that change over time. My understanding is that are two file formats that allow Gephi to import dynamic graphs: GEXF, and a special CSV (comma-separated) format that Gephi calls "Spreadsheet". Nicolas mentioned GraphML, which is a very nice network data format, but it doesn't handle dynamic graphs. And as far as I know, NetLogo doesn't generate GEXF or Gephi's "Spreadsheet" format.
However, the Gephi Spreadsheet format is very simple, and it would not be difficult to write a NetLogo procedure that would write a file in that format. This procedure would write new rows to the "Spreadsheet" CSV file on each NetLogo tick. Then Gephi could read in the file, and you'd be able to move back and forth in time, seeing how the graph changes. (You might need to use a bit of trial and error to figure out how to write Spreadsheet files based on the description on the Gephi site.)
Another option would be to display the evolving graph online using the graphstream protocol. Plugins for NetLogo as well as for gephi provide support for this.

Plotting arbitrary data for repository

I'm looking for a way to visualize arbitrary information about my repository over time, which might be some version-dependent number, such as:
lines of code
number of lines in a latex document
time between commits
anything that can be output by a script
What is the best way to visualize this information?
More specifically, I'm using mercurial and would ideally like something with a decent interface, with plot resizing/scrolling/etc... Jenkins' plot plugin is decent but not great, but more importantly it's not possible to visualize past data (say, after adding a new metric).
I would suggest to split your task to simplify everything a little bit. It is likely you will need several different tools in order to collect and visualize all required information. Historical view seems to be another big challenge.
Lines of code
There are several plugins available for Jenkins, but almost all are highly specialized. SLOCCount plug-in seems to be most universal, but it does not provide any graphical output.
NSIQ Collector Plugin
SLOCCount plug-in
JavaNCSS Plugin
There might be some other option for your language. For example, CCCC will provide required information for C and C++ code:
Number of lines in a latex document
I see several options to achieve that:
adapt existing solution/plugin
use repository statistics tool (Pepper, for example, can do the trick)
use simple shell script to count lines and report it
Pepper will generate something like the following:
Please check Pepper gallery. There are another tools, for example: hgchart
Time between commits
The simplest solution is to let a commit to trigger some trivial job, so Jenkins will provide all information as part of build history (with a timeline, etc).
Another solution is to use repository statistics tool once again:
Anything that can be output by a script
There are several good plug-ins for that.
Plot plugin can visualize multiple values provided as properties or csv file.
Measurement Plots Plugin scans the output in order to find values to be visualized
Happy continuous integration.