How to calculate frequency per groups in Tableau - tableau-api

I want to create a barplot showing the frequencies that each age appears on the table. (Each Id represents a person)
I was expecting to get the frequency by adding count but it doesn't work


Tableau Weighted Average of Last Value in Date Group over Running Sum Across Extra Level of Detail not in Report

I am an absolute Tableau beginner, so forgive my lack of proper terminology.
To give some context to the problem, think of the dataset as the balances and current interest rates of two different loans for which we are trying to calculate a weighted average cost of funds at any point in time, while retaining the ability to filter on Program (specific loan).
I have a single dataset that looks like:
The Balance field is used as a running sum, i.e. to get the actual balance as of 4/30/2022, you would sum the column across all Date values on or before 4/30/2022.
The Rate field is the opposite: it represents the discrete interest rate as of the Date. Thus, it cannot be summed.
Each data point is specific to a specific loan, or Program.
So to get the interest rate of Program A as of 4/30/2022, you would simply grab the Rate value of the row where Date = 4/30/2022 and Program = A, or 5.30%. Sums are fine here, since the value of Rate is never repeated for a single Program and Date combo, but we cannot use a running sum.
On the other hand, to get the balance of Program A as of 4/30/2022, you would need to add (running sum) the Balance values for all rows where Date <= 4/30/2022 and Program = A, or 10,000 + -2500 + -2500 + -2500 = 2500.
Problem / Need
I need a report (or whatever it's called in Tableau) with the following:
Date as a column
Measures as rows
This report would NOT include Program as a row or column, but would include it as a filter.
In this report, I need a Weighted Average Cost of Funds measure.
This is effectively the weighted average Rate over/weighted by the running sum of Balance across Programs included in the filter, of course for any given Date in the columns.
In other words, by Date, latest Ratefor eachProgramtimes thePrograms running sum of Balance, divided by running sum of all Balancesfor allProgram`s included in filter.
Here's an example in Excel:
Here's an example if we were to exclude Program A:
And here's an example if we were to exclude Program B:
Finally, here's the formulas underneath everything in the Excel example:

Want to SUM all values for a specific date within column NOT sum all values in that column

I want to create a graph which shows the total capacity for each week relative to remaining availability across a series of specific dates. Just now when I attempt this in Power Bi it calculates this correctly for one of the values (remaining availability) but generates a value much higher than expected by manual calculation for the total capacity - instead showing the total for the entire column rather than for each specific date.
Why is Power Bi doing this and how can I solve it?
So far, I have tried generating the graph like this:
and as you can see the capacity values are incredibly high they should be 25 days.
The total availability values are correct (ranging from 0 to 5.5 days).
When I create matrices to see the sum breakdown they are correct but it only appears to be that when combined together one of the values changes to the value for the whole column.
If anyone could help me with this issue that would be great! Thanks!

Tableau: how to make a count if in a for loop?

I'm just starting off Tableau and would like to do a count if in a for loop.
I have the following variables:
Round: takes values of either A or B
I would like to have a countif function that shows how many users received any positive amount in both round A and round B in a given city.
In my dashboard, each row represents a city, and I would like to have a column that shows the total number of users in each city that received amounts in both rounds.
You can go for a simple solution that works.
Create a calculated field called "Positive Rounds per User" using the below formula:
// counts the number of unique rounds that had positive amounts per user in a city
{ FIXED [User], [City]: COUNTD(IIF([Amount]>0, [Round], NULL))}
You can use the above to create another calculated field called "unique users":
// unique number of users that have 2 in "Positive Rounds per User" field
COUNTD(IIF([Positive Rounds per User]=2, [User], NULL))
You can combine the calculation of 1 and 2 into one but it gets complex to read so better to split them up

Sum of calculated averages PowerBI

I'm fairly new to PowerBI, I want to calculate sum of averages as measure.
So average is perfectly fine but I couldn't manage to sum them.
average = AVERAGEX(SUMMARIZE(ProductionVolumeData,
this formula calculates aggregates volume group by production order id and machine id and find mean.
I checked in table, it works for one ProductionOrderID but whenever I add another ProductionOrderID to table it also calculates average. What I want is to sum up averages.
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance

Side-by-side bar chart: One with the current filtered selection and one for total

I calculate the percent of total number of active customers for each SalesOwner in one of my Workbook sheets:
As you see, I have also added the SalesOwner as a filter.
The calculated field (segment_active_members) is computed using the following formula:
COUNTD(wk_customer)/ SUM({FIXED : COUNTD([wk_customer])})
What I want to do is create a side-by-side bar chart where upon filtering one of SalesOwners, I am able to compare it with the total (100%). So if I filter the above sheet by SalesOwner X which takes 5% of total. I'd like to see only two bars with one having 5% of the other one's length.
So I add another calculated filed to the above scenario where a fixed total is calculated:
SUM({FIXED : COUNTD([wk_customer])}
We will have a new column in the above picture with a fixed value of 100% for all rows.
I get what I want when my filter is on "All".
But as soon as I select a single filter (SalesOwner), my first percentage is also changed into 100% and I can never compare it to total.
How can I show the percentage against total for single segments?
This could be one of the solution:
Change the calculation of segment_active_members as follows
SUM({FIXED [Sales Owner]: COUNTD([wk_customer])})/SUM({COUNTD([wk_customer])})
Remove the table calculation for segment_active_members in the Measure Values shelf
You'll see that you are able to filter it down without any problem now