Tuckey library for specific url pattern - tomcat9

I'm facing a problem.my company's website like http://localhost:8080/Product/Pages/Home.jsp
but when tried like http://localhost:8080/Product/Pa/ges/Home.jsp website tries to direct our 404 error page but not a proper way(comes a lot of errors and cant load the page) I guess It is about an apache tomcat bug ---> https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61634
so, i am trying to implement tuckey library but I cant find a proper way to just let /Product/Pages/foo.jsp pattern.here is tuckey lib explanation --> http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/manual/3.0/
I hope somebody can help me
I tried this rule and it redirect for old page.I am saying this, I can use this lib.But I cant figure out to which rule is proper for me.


Error: 404 The page you're looking for could not be found (gitlab). How to resolve it?

Let's say I have some website with the name website.eu. When I deploy it and try to get access to a page online like this website.eu/about I catch the error:
"404 The page you're looking for could not be found. The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have the necessary permissions to view it"
When I click on the link that brings me a website.eu/about it works well, but trying to type that URL in the input field it fails.
Everything works fine locally.
The project is developed using Vue3.
The project is no GitLab.
If someone helps I would appreciate it.
Hard to tell without seeing the code, but my guess is your router setup uses the web history mode, which relies on the server to have certain settings applied.
I believe switching to hash mode (while adding # to the routes) will work.
Alternatively, you can update your server to support redirects to have the html mode work.
example server configurations

Error while retrieving the application from ABAP repository

I am trying to create an Adaptation Project for SAP Fiori elements. But when I am trying to get the project from System it is showing me an error. shown in screenshot.
I am following Tutorial mentioned in link Adaptaion Project by Jessica Merz
I am not sure why is this coming. I tried searching many blogs without any luck,
is it issue of some Authorization or missing some profile ?
kindly let me know if someone faced same issue as me.
Yes, your users is missing required authorization objects.

PageExpiredException occurs after closing of ModalWindow

Currently I'm trying to upgrade the application from wicket 1.4 to wicket 6 and I'm stuck with the following issue:
When I try to close ModalWindow, it is closed but I receive PageExpiredException on the page where I was opening this ModalWindow, so I'm redirected to
I thought maybe the way I create ModalWindow is outdated, so I've tried an example from here
and it gives me the same exception.
Maybe I have to configure something in my WebApplication implementation, but I don't know what.
If anyone could help, it'll be really appreciated. Thanks.
Check your server logs for errors related to the serialization of the opener page. PageExpiredException means that the page cannot be found in the page storage. If there was an error with the serialization then it won't be stored and thus later won't be found too.

TYPO3 4.7 get-started not found

Hi I'm starting to use TYPO3 4.7 and I have a problem after the installation:
The requested URL /public/typo3/get-started/ was not found on this
I have actived the mod_rewrite restarted apache and try to enable/disable real url.. the problem is always the same.
I don't know if I have to actvied a page ora a template. I wanto to know why after installation I can0t see the index into my localhost.
Can someone help me?
I guess you have some trouble with your .htaccess. Probably you need to change the
RewriteBase /public/typo3/
To determine, what the problem is, you could check if the request of an specific page works: (sorry, i do not know if there is a page with the id 5. You can see them in the backend or just try some numbers)

google earth tour error

In the past I had successfully created several Google Earth tours complete with audio and animation. As best I can remember, I looked at one of my tours 2weeks ago? and things were working fine.
But I look at the tours now on both my local machine and my host web server and the google earth tours have disappeared. When I look in firebug at where the code should be, I see the following error:
Failed to process gadget http://code.google.com/apis/kml/embed/tourgadget.xml. Reason: Unable to retrieve spec for... code.google.com/apis/kml/embed/tourgadget.xml. HTTP error 404
I have not changed anything within my code, so am completely at a loss.
Can anyone share what might have happened or what I need to do to get my GEs going again?
My web site is www.kavelookout.com...See www.kavelookout.com/fingers.html for where a tour should be.
I believe this is the GE tour gadget code I need...
but as you can see, clicking on the 'More info...' link takes me to... google.com/ig/directory?synd=open&url=http://…
Does anyone know why GE Gadgets is not working at this time? Or what link I should be using to embed GE Tours? Can anyone confirm that GE Tours are having a problem, or is it me?
Much Thanks,
You should notice that the pages you're trying to process are no longer available, so, that's the nature of the error.
Check the link, it sais that the page is not being found, that's why you're getting a 404 error.
So I figured it out.
The embed code that was generated in the past was...
script src="http:// www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://code.google.com/apis/kml/embed/tourgadget.xml
I'm not sure why or when it changed, but I found that the GE Tour gadget at this URL...
...now generates this new embed code...notice the differences...
script src="//www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://dl.google.com/developers/maps/tourgadget.xml
Again, I'd love to know why things changed, but am happy to know there is an answer.