How can mock a Keycloak token for unit test in ScalaTest - scala

The app I'm working (in Scala) keep a register of all the users that login using Keycloak, for that creates a user for every new keycloak user using the information on the keycloak authorization token
private def decodeToken(token: String): Try[User] = {
Try { AdapterTokenVerifier.verifyToken(token, keycloakDeployment) } match {
case Success(accessToken: AccessToken) =>
Try (User(name = accessToken.getName, userName = accessToken.getPreferredUsername, email = Some(accessToken.getEmail))
case Failure(ex) =>
throw new Exception("authentication failed")
My problem is the following, I need to do unit tests to my code, for that is used ScalaTest, how can a mock a token of keycloak inside the test so this code can be tested.
I already write the test and works but I have to pass manually a token, that means, any other time I run the test if the token expire the test files, also files if the test is run in another computer, also fails in gitlab (don't pass pipelines)
Note: I'm new with scala and with keycloak, also English is not my firs language, so it's understandable that some things are not very clear, if you think you can help me, feel free to ask anything
Note 2: With that user that is created with the Keycloak token, other things are done but this is the most relevant to my problem


How to automate dynamic token generated by a URL for Rest API in SOAPUI?

For my project
I have created test cases in SOAPUI for Rest project.
I have to pass token in header for each test steps that I have added in the test cases.
Also the token validity only for 1 hour. So every hour I have to enter the token in the headers.
I want to know is there any way automate this token entry and generation dynamically ?
For now what I am doing is getting token every time by refreshing the URL in every 1 hour and putting it manually in header of every test case and test steps.
You could use something like the following Groovy script as the first test step of your test case. This gets your authorisation token from whatever service you use and sets it in your request header:
def authorisationToken = // Retrieve a new token from your authorisation service
// Get the headers for the request
def restRequest = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName('REST request')
def headers = restRequest.httpRequest.requestHeaders
// Set the token as a header. Remove it first in case it already exists
headers.remove("Authorisation") // Or whatever your header is called
headers.put("Authorisation", authorisationToken)
restRequest.httpRequest.requestHeaders = headers
If you need to, you could also create a custom property at, say, the test suite level, then set this property after you retrieve it:
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue("Authorization", authorisationToken)
Then, you could use it anywhere you need with ${#TestSuite#authorisationToken}

How to deal with anonymous login attempts when you allow both anonymous access and logged in users?

I have a framework that allows anonymous access as well as named user accounts. I'm exposing an OData resource on a certain URL. When configured as such, anonymous users can see parts of the resource and logged in users (through basic authentication) can see more.
The problem I'm facing is that some OData clients (like Excel) will initially attempt to access the OData resource anonymously even when you do provide credentials. Only when this fails, they will use the provided credentials. My understanding is that this is because there are many ways to log in and some clients just always try the most basic option first. But this prevents them from ever actually seeing more data, because they never use the provided credentials and also never get the authentication challenge when the resource allows anonymous access.
Is there a way to solve this issue, allowing both anonymous access AND properly sending an authentication challenge when possible? Is there maybe some header that clients will send when they do have credentials but just aren't supplying them initially?
Some (scala) code to make this a bit more tangible:
val (username, password) = getAuthInfo(request)
if (username != null && password != null) {
val regularSession = integration.core.login(username, password)
logger.debug(s"Login OK: User '$username' (Number of concurrent sessions: ${integration.core.getNumberConcurrentSessions}).")
(IMxRuntimeResponse.OK, null, regularSession)
} else if (integration.configuration.getEnableGuestLogin) {
val guestSession = integration.core.initializeGuestSession
logger.debug(s"Anonymous user '${guestSession.getUser.getName}' created " +
"(Number of concurrent sessions: ${integration.core.getNumberConcurrentSessions}).")
(IMxRuntimeResponse.OK, null, guestSession)
} else {
val responseMessage = "No basic authentication in header."
logger.warn(s"Login failed: $responseMessage")
(IMxRuntimeResponse.UNAUTHORIZED, responseMessage, null)
Somewhere else outside the surrounding try/catch:
if (httpStatusCode == IMxRuntimeResponse.UNAUTHORIZED)
response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic")
As you can see the challenge is never sent when anonymous access is allowed.
Edit: we investigated and there does not seem to be anything special in the headers of this request that would indicate this is an initial attempt that will result in another request when an authentication challenge is sent, rather than just another anonymous login attempt. We are at a loss here now on how to proceed.

SoapUI 5.0 Create cookie

I'm trying to run a REST project and have inserted securitytoken and session into my header.
But I get an errormessage telling me that a cookie is missing (since my service needs a cookie to run successful).
I have tried to do this with Groovy:
def myCookieStore = HttpClientSupport.getHttpClient().getCookieStore()
import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie
def myNewCookie = new BasicClientCookie("mycookiename", "mycookievalue")
myNewCookie.version = 1
myNewCookie.domain = "my domain as IP"
But its still throwing me the same errormessage.
Are there any solution to inject a cookie as a header in SoapUI 5.0?
I would have like to add this as a comment, but I don't have 50 reputation yet.
Don't know if you are still working on this, but anyway:
Like Rao says it seems like you want to work in a session with a negotiated token. You can go three ways with this in soapui.
Like you propose: create the cookie and the values from scratch. That would be a good use case when you want to test which values are going to pass and which values or combos thereof will return errors or different kinds of messages.
If you want to test anything else then the headers, then you can load a certificate, go to the authentication link and retrieve your tokens and session IDs from the headers in the Set-Cookies as proposed by Rao.
Option number three, my personal favourite when testing other things than headers, is to trust SoapUI to take care of it. You can do this by setting the test case to remember your session. You can set this setting in the testcase settings menu. It is called something the likes of 'Maintain http session'.
Remark: In soapui you can modularize tests. You could for example make a testcase for the authentication in an 'util' test suite. This because you can then disable the util test suite to prevent it from running as a dead-weight test. You can then call to this testcase anywhere to invoke the authentication procedure. For this to work you have to set the settings for the 'Run Testcase' (it is named somehting like that) to 'transport the http session to and from this test case' and, like before, set the parent testcase to 'Maintain HTTP Session'. More info on modularization:
For the security certificate import, check this smartbear example:

Play framework, Scala: authenticate User by Role

I've user roles: user, manager, admin. I need to authenticate them in controllers (methods). For example only admin can delete (now it looks like this, need to change that only admin should have permission):
def deleteBook(id: Int) = DBAction {
findById(id) match {
case Some(entity) => {
books.filter( === id).delete
case None => Ok("")
I've many controllers and methods. I need to authenticate before process request (for example deleting book). My routes file contains:
DELETE /books/:id #controllers.Book.deleteBook(id: Int)
Some routes are only accessible to admin and manager. Some are for all types of users.
I'm currently seeing deadbolt2scala authorization module for play.
Can you recommend best way to authenticate multirole users in playframework scala?
I've managed to do this by using StackableControllers provided by
Basically, I use a basic access control list provided by my application.conf. I start by checking if there is a user in my request. If there is one, I can check if he has sufficient access rights to perform the action.
Such a feature may be implemented using BodyParser composition too. I've never done that, though, so someone else's advice may be better for you.

Lift Authentication

I want to create an authentication route for my Lift Application.
Create a route, for instance
I am not using Lift forms/templating. The forms are rendered in JS.
Send a post request with email and password.
Call Lift authentication when that POST request is received.
Use the Users.login(email, password) method to validate the credentials.
How do I tell Lift to authenticate the credentials incoming via /user/login?
This is overly simplistic, but something like this will allow you to create a url that you can post to. The JSON extraction is not very safe, but should give you an idea of how this might work.
In Boot.scala
LiftRules.dispatch.append(new RestHelper{
serve {
case JsonPost("user" :: "login" :: Nil, (json, _)) =>
//extract JSON from json object to get username and password
val userEmail:String = (json \ "username").extract[String]
val password = (json \ "password").extract[String]
User.login(userEmail, password) match {
case Full(r) =>
InMemoryResponse(Array(), Nil, Nil, 200)
case _ => ForbiddenResponse
In User.scala
object User {
object loggedIn extends SessionVar[Boolean](false)
Then you can use if(User.loggedIn.get){ ... } to test if the user is logged in anywhere. This will work for anything added to the stateful dispatch, if you use LiftRules.statelessDispatch the session will not exist.
I created a quick working example which you can checkout on github. It uses the code you provided, so hopefully it will be pretty straightforward. You can take a look here:
But, essentially to add the code to the sitemap, you'd just need to add the following to Boot.scala:
Menu("Login Required") / "user" / "login"
And make sure there is a user/login.html in your webapp root.