InteractivePopGestureRecognizer issue on swiping back - swift

I'm navigating to a details screen from chat messages screen. The chat message screen contains custom keyboard which will be presented when chat messages screen is opened. On navigating the screen from chat to details screen everything works fine. When I try to navigate to previous screen(chat screen) using interactivePopGestureRecognizer, keyboard appears on top before the current navigation completes. How to fix this?
I tried by hiding the custom keyboard by hiding based on gesture progress, didn't worked.


How to disable parallax when a bootstrap modal is opened?

My website home page uses parallax. I have a button in my home page which opens a modal when clicked. The problem is if I scroll over the modal to see overflown modal body content, the background i.e html body starts scrolling. Clicking or hovering over the modal doesn't make any difference. But when I disable parallax modal works perfectly.
How can I achieve default modal functionality thereby keeping parallax feature also ?

UIToolBar missing due to iPhone Message Compose Screen within the app

Something going wrong badly due to Message Compose Screen.
I am working on a TabBar based application. In some screens I am showing ToolBar instead of tabBar by setting hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES; and its working fine everytime. But In 1 screen I am sending SMS by opening Message Compose Screen within the iphone App. So problem occurs if I open Message Compose Screen and i clicked Cancel button of Message Screen.
So, whenever going back to that module where I was showing ToolBar. So on click of button no ToolBar. Totally blank, no toolbar and no tabbar (tabbar is quite obvious i have already set hidesBottomBarWhenPushed).. But why toolbar now showing due to Compose screen ?
There is no link with compose screen to this screen. Far different implementation and different controllers.
I have check by debugging, Toolbar frame is also fine.
Please help
Issue fixed... had problem with adding it to keyframe window
I think it is because the MFMessageComposeViewController has got a navigation bar. Your application should be a navigation based application for that. Otherwise your toolbar's frame position will be affected. I had this kind of problem once. So i changed the application into navigation based but hid the navigation controller.
Hope this might help you,
Happy coding!

Kal Calendar in Navigation Based Project - Crash with back button?

Here's the deal:
I have a navigation-based project with a menu screen as the root view. When I tap a button on the menu screen, the navigation controller pops a KalViewController onto the stack (kal calendar).
The calendar appears, and for about a 6 second period the calendar is downloading JSON data from the internet to populate the calendar with events. However, if the user taps Back (to go back to the main menu) during this time, the app crashes or the calendar continues to load the data even when I am on the main screen. (evidenced by the network activity indicator continuing to spin)
1-- I was wondering if there is any way, when I tap the Back button, to cancel that download process so that my objects will release properly? (maybe using threads??)
2-- Somehow prevent the user from tapping the back button while the data is still downloading. (Similar to how a UIAlertView prevents a user from clicking anything on the screen except for 'OK' to dismiss the alert message)
PLEASE help! Thank you very much in advance!

Cocoa Touch: Why doesn't UINavigationController render 'Back' button?

When I push a view controller it animates properly and slides in, the only problem is that no 'Back' button is rendered up top.The back button is still there, I can still tap it, it just doesn't render on the screen.
This behavior is identical in both the simulator and on multiple devices.
Is this a known issue or bug? Using 3.1.3 of the iPhone SDK.
More information:
It renders it for further levels, just not on the second level of nav controller.
So Main Page (No back button - OK). Second level page (back button, but doesn't render - not OK). Third level page (Back button there and rendering - OK).
You won't have a back button if the previous view has no title.
Are you adding a second UINavigationController? (presumably by accident). If you have 2 nav controllers they will render the nav bar on top of each other, which could lead to what you are seeing.

iPhone Login Screen that shows a Table View after logging in the user

I have a navigation based template application, I parse data into table view.
I want to put a login screen before parse the data. I did the login screen and and succeed the login check.
My problem is that when the user presses the button I change the view to the tableview.
what a way should I draw? I want to learn how can i close the tableview screen when the app launched and after pressed the button I want to show the tableview.
If you are using a navigation based template, you could simply push another view on the stack, or you could have the second table view as the first screen, and push the login over the top. pressing on a button to login will pop the login screen off the stack to reveal the main tableview screen.
I have put the login details in the user preferences screen.