How to keep window refresh after login with root token in Hishcorp vault UI - hashicorp-vault

After logging in with the root token in the UI, if I refresh the screen with F5,
the login screen appears again. Is there a way to keep it?
After logging in, I want to keep the login even if I refresh the screen.


Ionic 3 - Stop location authorization popping after granted once

When user grant geo location permission for "once", the authorization requesting pop up will show again when user open the app again some minutes later.
But we only need that authorization once, so we don't wish it to pop up ever again until we want it for another time.
As shown here, the pop up will show again if the app request such an authorization again. But I checked the code and nothing was triggered when the pop up shows for the second time.,ask%20for%20your%20permission%20again.
Is there a way to prevent it from popping up in such case?

Implement Auto Login in HomeScreen

I currently have implemented auto login, there is only a slight problem.
If a user logs in, I save their data in SharedPreferences.
Now, when the re opens the app it opens to the login screen makes an API call to check if the login is successful with the current SharedPreferences credentials.
Then if it returns 200 it pushes them to the home page of the application.
The problem is that there is a slight delay when the user opens the app because the user is authenticating with the backend. So we see the login page for 500ms and then it pushes to the home page.
How can I use a splash screen or something so we dont have this awkward 500ms delay.
Use a FutureBuilder on your Login page. Show your splash screen while the future resolves, show the Login page if it did not succeed, navigate to the next page if it did.
Example for using a Future with a FutureBuilder:
What is a Future and how do I use it?

How to retrieve Logged In User’s Credentials from device

I have a login page in my Ionic App. The current behavior of the app is as below:
After downloading the app, User launches it.
The app shows Login Options (buttons) page (right now, I only have Microsoft (Azure Active Directory)).
Tapping any of the options, the app asks for login credentials (email and password).
The app authenticates these credentials against the server/corresponding vendors.
Upon successful authentication, the user is taken to Home Page of the app.
Now the important part, for all the subsequent launches, when the user taps on the 'Microsoft' (again, this is the only option I have right now) button it doesn't ask for credentials (emails ID and password). Instead it takes the User to Home Page directly.
So, I am sure the user credentials and/or its corresponding token or something similar is being maintained in the device somewhere.
How do I access this information programmatically?
What I am trying to achieve is: If the user credentials/token already exist on the device then don't even shot the Login Options Page. Take the user to the Home Page directly after the app is launched.
Any ideas/pointers/suggestions on how this can be done.
Thank you!

How does facebook check instantly user has logged out from other tab?

I was playing with inspect element the other day and what I did was I opened facebook in two tabs and logged out from the other tab. As soon as I returned back to the logged in tab, it showed me Login modal. How did it check instantly as no service request was made to allow them to check if the user has logged out.
Same happens with manual cookie clearance from Application tab in the developers console and also if you deactivate your account from app, the website open on your laptop shows to login. How does that happen so instantly? Is that a Websocket?

Is it suggested to logout a user if they click back button and then forward button on the landing page after signing in but not logging out?

For a non-banking enterprise web app, is it recommended to allow the user to log into the app on pressing back button and then forward button on a browser, when the user has logged in and is on the landing page but has not logged out.