URP camera stacking causes character meshes to break - unity3d

First of all, please understand that I am using a translator.
I'm making a first person game and I've split it into two cameras. A camera that renders the main camera and the player's arms. FYI it's a URP and the camera sometimes doesn't render the hand mesh for the player's arm.
I have no idea what the heck is going on.


how to make FPS camera in 2d game unity?

I make a game with unity in 2d mode.
I want FPS mode and a camera such as DOOM game that hand are in from of player view but in 2d game mode.
Make camere child of Player object so it moves and rotates along with player.
But you stil probably want it to be perspective camera and " 3D" game even if you use flat objects with no depth.
Doom was 2D but it was pretending to be 3D
It all depends what you mean by 2D, there are many ways depending on what you want.

Unity 3d - Explosion Area Damage

I've developed an airplane 3D shooter game. In this game, I want to make my plane shot a bomb. When the bomb gets to the enemies it will explode and give damage in the area of explosion.
I have already searched for a tutorial to make this code and the animation of explosion. But I couldn't find it. Please tell me about something that could solve this problem. I'm developing my game using C#.
For the explosion animation, you could use a particle system. There are many pre-made ones in the Asset Store, such as this one: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/42285
For detecting what is affected in the explosion's area of effect, do a SphereCast (https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Physics.SphereCast.html) from the point of impact and then do whatever you want with any of the objects touched by the sphere.

FPS is fixed at a single position only

I am making a VR Game in Unity. But the problem is, after generating the apk and installing it in my phone, when I look through the cardboard my first person character is fixed at a single position only.
When I look at different directions, the fps arm remains at the same position, it doesn't rotate according to the direction I am facing.
I am using Unity Cardboard asset and I am working on Unity 5.
I've had a similar problem before, make sure that your model is a child of the Head Component, that way your model will be fixed to the head as it rotates.
From the image you supplied in your question, you have the Unity Standard Asset FPS controller. This moves by mouse movement, which of course you cannot do on a phone. Because your arms are a child of the FPS Controller, they will only move if the mouse moves. Therefore you need to make your Arms a child of the Head component, like so:

Make 2D particle system in Unity

SO I saw a tutorial online how to make a particle system, and I made it. Only thing is, I want to use it for a 2D Menu. So when I add the particles in front of the canvas, they don't show up in 2D. How do I make particles that will show up on a 2D menu?
You can try positioning your Canvas in World Space, then moving it behind the particle system. This will allow the Canvas to be positioned like all the other objects in your scene, and no longer be constrained to the camera.
Here's a guide from Unity on how to do it.

GameObject with DirectionalLight component not being iluminated

I'm doing an augmented reality application using Unity3D and Vuforia. For each gameObject in my augmented reality scene I add a Light component to it and define it as a DirectionalLight.
In this scene the gameObjects are iluminated, but when I change to another scene (not destroying the gameObjects) they are not.
I already checked and they still have the Light component, but are not iluminated for some reason.
Do you guys have any clue of what might be the problem?
P.S.: The second scene is a normal scene with no interaction with the phone's camera. And the projection on the camera is orthographic.
Without more detail it's difficult to say with certainty, but the first thing I would suspect is whether you've culled layers on your lights or your cameras.
What "Layer" are the lights on? Are the cameras set to ignore these layers?
What "Layers" are the lights set to illuminate? Are the objects on these layers?