How to calculate payin3 amount using rest api or using javascript in paypal? - paypal

I am going to integrate paylater option with payin3. On my website I would like to show instalment process in my own design for which I want to get these amounts (56.65,56.67,56.66) In this case total amount is 170. Can anyone let me know how to achieve this task


Reverse Goal Path - Goal Previous Steps are not the expected ones

I work for an e-commerce company and we use google analytics to track interaction on the website. I am using Reverse Goal Path to find which pages yield a higher conversion rate. On our website, the payment page is the only way to get to the order-confirmation page but somehow when I set order confirmation as the goal completion location, the previous steps are other than the payment page. This does not make any sense to me. Is there something that I am not considering? How are the goal previous steps actually calculated?

Multiple Choice Form for beer, pizza or both with dynamic price and direct Paypal Url

I want to solve an everyday problem:
My friends and I meet and they order beer and pizza and one person pays for everything. The day after, the paying person should get their money back via Paypal. My goal now is to create a form where each person can choose whether he has used pizza, beer or both and send the corresponding price via Paypal.
I am quite able to write a small web application that solves this problem, but I wanted to look for other options.
First I came across google forms with script app. But there is no possibility to edit the answer to the form.
Next I thought of a simple spreadsheet that lists the different possibilities with a Paypal button where the receiver and price is adjusted.
My question here is:
Can one create a Paypalbuttton without JS or PHP, where the price and or receiver are changed?
In general I would like to hear your ideas on this topic.
Yours sincerely,
J gallus
I have tried this and with only clinet side integration(i assume you are focusing only client side integration) you can only dynamically change the amount but not the receiver/ payee. In only client side interation its not possible and you may end paying multiple transaction fee with this approach. you may look into this PayPal Split pay
or use vemno payment option. what you really need is an peer-to-peer payment model.

PayPal Button Custom Price

I'm very soon looking to make a website with PayPal integration to handle payments. What I'm planning on doing is have two options; Option A which will cost $1 per "1" quantity and Option B which will cost $5 per "1" quantity.
So if a user picks Option B and a quantity of 20 the total cost will be $100.
How can I have a "Buy Now" button where the price "request" is whatever the total cost is (so in this case the price request will be $100).
Thank you.
That's a pretty wide open question, so this will probably be a pretty wide open answer.
You've got lots of options. Will you be working with PHP? do you JavaScript well? Both? You could build a form one page that POSTs to another page, and then dynamically output the PayPal checkout button with that form data.
If you wanna get more slick than that you could use some jQuery or any basic JavaScript to automatically update the values on the form so it doesn't have to reload any new page.
The thing is, in order to get that sort of thinking working with Payments Standard you have to build the forms with all the fields on the page, which people can then see if they view source, and you could be susceptible to people hacking your stuff to try and submit orders at cheaper prices. There are ways to resolve this within an IPN solution, but if you're familiar with PHP or some other language, and you'll be using it anyway, then I would really recommend moving to the Express Checkout API's.
Express Checkout gives you a lot more freedom and flexibility to build your applications however you need without worrying about prying eyes. There are other advantages, too, like users will always end up on your site as opposed to Payments Standard. Even with Auto-Return enabled, users might not make it back to your thank you page when using Standard, so that may or may not be a big deal for you (although, it generally becomes an issue at some point as your website grows.)
Sorry for the long answer, but hopefully that helps.

Creating Paypal custom event registration forms

I have a very specific registration form that I need to build that collects an event attendees information and then sends that info plus payment to a Paypal business account. My client has given me the breakdown of how he wants the form to work and it goes something like this:
Registration Options: A) Single person/participant: cost $150.00 B)
Family group/ 2 or more participants: $300 total for the first two
each additional is $75. C) School group: For every six participants
paid at $150 each the 7th will be free
Select registration package: Number of Participants: Total cost for
This seems like a tough task even with Paypal's button building feature.
Can anyone offer any suggestions on how I might tackle this form? Possibly through a php form that will auto total based on fields filled in by the attendee?
There are a few different ways that you can do this. You could use some JavaScript or PHP to collect the data and perform the calculations. There are a few example of some basic scripts collecting data and performing calculations here that may help, or give you an idea of how you would go about doing this. The examples are free to use as is. There are several others that may help as well, under the basic scripts menu. Some are Java Script, others are in PHP. You can just right click the page and view the code for the JavaScript, and for the ones that are in PHP, there should be a link for the PHP code.

Facebook Credits and Foreign currency

I am developing an application that uses FB Credits as a currency, however, my clients are going to be paying in their local currency (ILS, israeli sheqel).
I know the rate for 1 credit is 10 cents, however, the price in ILS seems to be changing according to changes in the exchange-rates of USD-ILS.
Is there a way to query Facebook Server to know the prices users are going to be charged in their local money? Like a way to query the pricelist. Many new users don't understand the concept of credits and i'd like to show them what they're about to pay in local money.
The Facebook Credits API doesn't have exchange rate information available. You could request this feature on their developer group. You're best bet would be to pull down an exchange rate feed (there are tons available if you search) and display that with a warning that it is just an estimated rate and that it is dependent on the actual exchange rate Facebook uses. is a great feed , you can also pull data from yahoo or google finance
As stated by OffBySome, Facebook do not have exchange rate information available. Thinking about this, I can see why they don't have this as they do not want you to display the local currency price for items. Although at the moment Facebook Credits are relatively new, and there is a lot of confusion for end users, eventually when it becomes widespread there won't be these issues.
I would suggest for now (as that is what I have done - here one Facebook Credit is currently ~7p) that you just hard code in your app the price of 1 Facebook Credit in your local currency, and if required display this. I think one of the reasons why Facebook don't support this is that they didn't envisage apps using Credits to be restricted to one territory, however in reality not everything is a game to be used worldwide. :)
Just to sum this question up, I tried two methods. One was to pull the rate every 10 minutes from openexchange using this python function:
def update_ils_rate():
print "Updating ILS/USD exchange rate"
url = ''
response = requests.request('get', url)
content = response.content
data = loads(content)
return data['rates']['ILS']
However it seems that facebook credits calculates ILS(israeli sheqel) rate according to a different rate (calculations were off by a little). So we have decided to pull xml data from israel's central bank, using this function:
import requests, BeautifulSoup
def get_ils_rate():
response = requests.request('get', '')
content = response.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
currencies = soup.findAll('currency')
for c in currencies:
if c.currencycode.contents[0]=='USD':
return float(c.rate.contents[0])