Couldn't perform click, button not found in: 'click on "OBFormFieldSelectInputRequired"' - testrigor

Recently, I registered with Testrigor and am using its Free version. We need to test dynamic web applications in Testrigor, then we write scripts for the same. In our Application 3 field use same class selector ,so when i used class in script for enter value in that class but that time Test rigor entered value in another field because of same class,i was try to resolve issue using Name And id Locator but Issue not Solved.
I am getting the following error in one field .
Couldn't perform click, button not found in: 'click on "OBFormFieldSelectInputRequired"'.
Please check attached screenshot.
I'm Tried with Name And Id locator


Flutter deep link there is no corresponding route in your app

I have followed this link to use deep link in flutter.
My aim is to make the user click a link sent to his email address, and open this link through the flutter app, so that the user can confirm his email account. Nonetheless, the first time I click the link, it generates this error:
======== Exception caught by Flutter framework =====================================================
The following message was thrown:
Could not navigate to initial route.
The requested route name was: "/api/v1/confirm_my_account?"
There was no corresponding route in the app, and therefore the initial route specified will be ignored and "/" will be used instead.
Apparently, after debugging, the line of code generating this error is
stream.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((d) => _onRedirected(d));
Can someone give me a clue on how to proceed?
This "/api/v1/confirm_my_account?" is definitely not a name of any route in your app. You are parsing the dynamic link wrong, and it's capturing all of it and assigning it as a route name.
You need to parse the part which has something like /home_screen or the name of any route in your app where you define them in main.

Sharepoint Integration using Postman

I wanted to try out Sharepoint integration with Postman. So, I was following the steps given in the below article: I followed all the steps exactly as to how it is mentioned in the article. So I created the following:
Environment with key value pairs
Environmental Variable
Used the URL provided below:{{realm}}/tokens/OAuth/2
Entered the key value pairs in body and javascript in Test and clicked on Send.
When I click on Send, I am getting the below error:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS900023: Specified tenant identifier '{{realm}}' is neither a valid DNS name, nor a valid external domain.\r\nTrace ID: af51e70f-4f1d-4b25-8112-d800d1a2e600\r\nCorrelation ID: d92a6863-6cba-4c84-8569-135bfabbaf91\r\nTimestamp: 2021-02-05 03:04:37Z","error_codes":[900023],"timestamp":"2021-02-05 03:04:37Z","trace_id":"af51e70f-4f1d-4b25-8112-d800d1a2e600","correlation_id":"d92a6863-6cba-4c84-8569-135bfabbaf91","error_uri":""}
After spending so much time on the issue, I realized that the body should use the form-data rather than x-www-form-urlencoded. After using form-data and when I clicked on the Send button, I was able to get the success token correctly in my environmental variable.
Click here to view the image

Error getting on Appium, Cannot set the element to 'value'. Did you interact with the correct element?

I am doing automation of the app using appium. I am able to lunch the app but I go for login, it can read the XPath for login. But appium is unable to enter the mobile number. For mobile device, I am using the emulator.
This is my code:
This is my Xpath:
Error facing:
Encountered internal error running command: io.appium.uiautomator2.common.exceptions.InvalidElementStateException: Cannot set the element to 'value'. Did you interact with the correct element?
Not sure why you have the props.getProporty in there or what you trying to do with that, you can just use the xpath right in the driver.findElement()
In UIAutomator2 mode, if the element is not an editText, can‘t use sendKeys()/setValue()
Can user driver.pressKey(KeyEvent(AndroidKey.A)) instead
The field you are trying to access should be of editText to accept input keys. if you are getting parent element of the editText, there is a chance that you are trying to sendKeys to a layout field than actual element. Inspect the element retrieved in the Appium Desktop session

Customizing password reset mail View in Laravel

How can I change what appears in the password reset email in laravel?
Like addressing the user with his name and show the password reset link etc.
Where is that email view located?
In Laravel 5.3 they changed the entire password reset code, so the given answer doesn't work anymore.
If you want to change the basic texts you should copy vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Notifications/ResetPassword.php to some place in your own app (e.g. app/Notifications/ResetPassword.php), set the correct namespace and alter the texts as you wish. (don't alter the original ResetPassword.php since it's bad practice to alter files in the vendor folder!)
Then add a sendPasswordResetNotification method to the User class and make sure to reference to the appropriate ResetPassword class:
use App\Notifications\ResetPassword;
public function sendPasswordResetNotification($token) {
$this->notify(new ResetPassword($token));
If you want to change the rest of the mail template (which is used for all other mails as well) do the following:
Run php artisan vendor:publish
This will copy some blades from the vendor folder to the resources/views/vendor
The resources/views/vendor/notifications/email.blade.php is the one you want to change.
Hope this helps for people who got stuck in Laravel 5.3
Yes you can change the email template, which is located at
For customization pass an instance of User model to this view and echo out user name there like:
Hello, {{$user->username}}
//And Body of Reset link goes here
Update for laravel 5.3+
In updated laravel versions the code structure is revamped.
Password reset mail is now at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Notifications/ResetPassword.php
and its corresponding template is at:
So in order to customize it, you may need to:
Copy it to somewhere in your app's directory.
Set the proper namespace to refer to it.
Add a new method to User class & reference it to newly copied class

Executing custom code on click on DGML node

Is it possible to execute a piece of C# code when the node of a DGML diagram is double clicked?
It is possible to navigate to an url, I could create a local web site (on127.0.0.1) where you request an URL which executes a command. Problem is that I would like to execute a PowerShell function in the NuGet console...
Any ideas?
You cannot execute custom code, since that would make DGML a security threat when you send it in email, but you can put a “Reference” attribute containing a URL value on a node and when the user double clicks that node the URL is opened. For more information, see How to: Edit and Customize Graph Documents.