Fill a column with a date that satisfies an id statement in Sap Phoenix Webi - date

I am trying to fill in the date needed column with the date that has 1 in Match comment and Rank columns. More specifically from all the comments I only need the ones that satisfy a pattern and then I ranked those based on activity date. I need to keep the date that satisfies the last two requirements and fill the DateNeeded column with this date no matter the content of the row.
Ex. Table
Code / / rank / matchComFlag / DateNeeded
Jfkffj 03/8/22 2 1 10/8/22
Jdiffi 10/8/22 1 1 10/8/22
So i created a variable that has the activity date formated where both flags are one but this only fills the row that applys and the others are blank.
How can i fill the whole DateNeeded column with the date I need?
Thank you in advance!


Creating a calculated field in Tableau using 3 columns

Date1 Date2 Line Item Total
May10,2009 May9,2009 10 40
May9,2009 May10,2009 20 10
May9,2009 May8,2009 20 30
May8,2009 May11,2009 30 0
This is my Table in Tableau. I want to create a calculated field for last column. If Date2 value has a match in Date1 Column, the new value is equal to the sum of all values corresponding to that that in Line Item column. Is this possible in tableau using calculation or in some way? example: 'May9,2009' in Date2 COLUMN has two occurrences in Date1 Column. hence the two values in Line Item column (20+20) is added and new calculated field shows 40.
Someone please help.
Maybe you can try doing a Join with the same table. Creating new rows matching Date2 with Date1 from a duplicated of the same table. Something like this (Hoja and Hoja12 are the duplicated sheets, my excel is in spanish):
And then calculate de SUM of each row aggregated by Date2. Then you can get a table like this one:
*For [Line Item] itself I had to use average because the data exists in multiple rows due to the join made, but in everyone is the same value. If you want a cleaner way of that maybe you can try using LODs.
Hope this helps.
(Perhaps another approach for the whole problem could be using the LODs, but that means a better comprehension of that kind of expressions and this method was the first one I thought about)

Retrieving all entries 10 days prior to days in table, which matches where clause

I have a random table of data - with dates and numbers:
Date Open Volume abschange
2016.12.08D00:00:00.000000000 11035.76 1.74835e+008 1.30177
2016.12.09D00:00:00.000000000 11170.18 1.0383e+008 0.2994598
2016.12.12D00:00:00.000000000 11198.42 8.98117e+007 0.07331357
2016.12.30D00:00:00.000000000 11443.31 4.18109e+007 0.3298871
2017.01.02D00:00:00.000000000 11426.38 4.74561e+007 1.504853
So from this table, i would like to be able to create a list, which holds all the entries from 10 days prior to the days, which has abschange>1.
I thought it would be easiest to start with a focus on those dates:
Date abschange
2016.12.08D00:00:00.000000000 1.30177
2017.01.02D00:00:00.000000000 1.504853
2017.01.25D00:00:00.000000000 1.099709
2017.01.31D00:00:00.000000000 1.344625
2017.02.06D00:00:00.000000000 1.016427
2017.02.21D00:00:00.000000000 1.265196
Then create a flat list:
mynewdates: raze tablewithDateAndabschange each
which gives me:
2016.12.08D........ 2017.01.02D......
Then i get stuck, when i want to add 10 prior dates for each entry in this list.
Could i actually get my wanted result in one line of code, based on the first table or should i follow the path i am on ?
For both - if possible, what would the possible solution to this be ?
If my understanding is correct your requirement is:
for each date for which abschange>1, get last 10 dates before this date from table.
Below query will create that map. It is based on following assumptions:
Date column is unique and ordered(ascending) as it appears from your example.
If above condition is not true then it will require a minor change in below query to work with duplicates and unordered list.
Table is not keyed.
q) (tbl[`Date]a)!b#'where#'not null b:tbl[`Date] -1+(a:where 1<tbl`abschange)-\:til 10
UPDATE: Based on discussion in comment section.
Just add the second step to check if dates list for first result is empty. In that case generate last 10 dates from that date.
Finally it generates the table where each row contains prior dates(max 10) for each date with abschange>1.
q)d:b#'where#'not null b:tbl[`Date] -1+(a:where 1<tbl`abschange)-\:til 10
q)d[0]:$[0=count d 0;(t[`Date]a 0)-1+til 10;d 0]

Google Sheet: Pick max date out of row

Assume: in a google sheet the attendance to courses is logged with crosses.
Goal is to get the last attendance date of a person and add 6 months to it. ( course needs to be followed every six months ).
I've tried to retrieve the date of the last course in one column and add the +6months immediately and tried to have the +6 months in the second column, but I didn't succeed in both attempts.
See this link for example google sheet:
Enter this formula in cell G4 and copy down the rows.
This formula looks for "x" (the attendance indicator) in cells in row 4 (columns B to F) - it's looking for the last instance. Then it returns the cell value from row 2 (the course date) of the relevant column.
=EDATE(G4, 6)
Enter this formula in cell H4, and copy down the rows.
This is pretty straightforward. It takes the date obtained from the lookup formula and adds 6 months.
Note that the lookup formula references column F. That's because as you create more courses you'll want the formula to automatically include them. So in cell F1, type something like "Don't use this column" - and then don't use that column!
Now when you add a new course, insert a new column to the left of the column headed "Don't use this column". This will ensure that the range in the lookup formula will expand to include the new column/course, and your latest attendance date will be updated automatically.
BTW, there's no guarantee that the date of the next course is a working day.

Tableau - YTD, MTD as columns in text table

I'm trying to find a way to create a table like the one above, but instead of having columns of months I would like to have columns of MTD, QTD, YTD for all selected measure values. I created calculated fields on the [Date] field but when I try to use that it still splits the data in to separate columns of months and quarters... I'm using two data sources and they are linked on the [Date] field. If I try to put two of my calculated fields in the columns bar it just combines them like 'MTD/YTD'. How can I get them to display as separate columns?
I know this is strange because there will be overlapping data (everything in the MTD will also be in the QTD and the YTD).
I found a way to do this. I created a calculated field on the date field and assigned 'MTD' to all records from the last month. Then I assigned 'QTD' to all records from the start of the quarter to the day before the start date of the 'MTD' records. Then I assigned 'YTD' to all records from the start of the year to the day before the start of the 'QTD' records. (this way there are no overlapping records).
After that I just did a quick table calc to make each of them a 'running total' table (across).
I created parameters for the dates so the can easily be updated.

Expression to create SSRS column dynamically

I need an expression to take an existing column and recreate this column over and over before another column/s where the column name contains either "Monday" or the date of the column falls on Monday.
The reason I need this expression is to repeat a header column in a pivoted report that is pivoting start/enddate parameter. So if a user selects to run the report for this month, they should get 31 columns (for each date/day) and header repeating before every Monday.
Make sure your dataset contains all the dates in your date range. If not create a date table and cross join to it. Don't pivot the results, let SSRS do that bit. Once your dataset has all the dates, you can use a matrix in your report and drop the date colum into the column group. This will give you one column for each date in your dataset. I'm not at my PC at the moment but if you need any more help, show an example of your dataset and I'll put together a quick sample report.