How to build a route from an array of coordinates in "flutter" using "Mapbox" - flutter

I am new to mobile development and have set myself the goal of creating an application that will follow me, the scenario is as follows, I launch the application, press a button and after that the longitude and latitude coordinates of my current location are sent to the server every 5 seconds, after about an hour- two walks around the city in the database there is an array of coordinates.
Next, in the application that I create on “flutter”, a map of my journey should be displayed. From the forums, I understood that "mapbox" is ideal for visualizing a route with lines between coordinates, but I could not find tutorials on how to do this with an array of coordinates. Please tell me where to learn how to work with this library.
In the official docs, I couldn't figure out what I need to learn. Maybe you know sites with recipes or with ready-made examples of building routes using an array of coordinates? Thank you in advance.
I could not find tutorials on how to do this with an array of coordinates. Please tell me where to learn how to work with this library. In the official docs, I couldn't figure out what I need to learn.


Can I create multiple different routes in the same area/map in Google Earth Pro?

I am attempting to create more than one possible route for a sailboat charter in the British Virgin Islands this year. I am trying to use Google Earth Pro to map out those routes. It worked great to map out one route option. I cannot find a way to save that route and create a different route within the same group of islands. It appears to me (in my ignorance) that once one creates a route in any spot on the planet, that is the only route one can have in that spot unless one totally deletes the existing route and starts over? Is that true?
Is there a way to create multiple "what-if" routes and save them separately as routes and not as just an images or screen captures?
If not in Google Earth Pro, should I be looking into some other product?
I created one "what-if" route. I can save it off as an image. I looked into "layers" hoping I could create, show, and hide my own layers. It looks to me like they only have pre-canned layers? I tried creating a second "My Place" but I can't find a way to show one "My Place" and hide another when they are both in the same location. Is that possible.
Note: If this is not the sort of question one would ask in stackoverflow, sorry. I was surprised when I searched internet looking for a solution that it brought up similar questions here. I hope it's ok to post this here and that someone can shed some light. THANKS!!

Is there a way to spawn a GameObject in every neighbourhood listed in Mapbox?

I'm working on a geolocation-based game, currently using MapBox API, we need to spawn a GameObject in every neighbourhood, MapBox have a script to spawn in map when the user is closer enough to a spot, the problem is, i have to put all the coordinates manually, and that is just impossible because of the number of neighborhoods in the world.
Edit: MapBox is a Geolocation service for real-time mapping. It's a SDK for Unity. all configuration is in-editor, so no revelant scripts to show off. My problem is to spawn in every neighbourhood, this kinds of tags already exists inside Mapbox API, but i have no clue how to use
Edit 2: Im trying to make it search automatic for an neighbourhood, and so put an gameobject there whatever he claims to be a neighbourhood.
Is there a smarter way to spawn that? Like a instruction to spawn in determinated places that im missing?
I'll leave some links to MapBox here.
API playground (here you can see how the api works):
API reference (if it helps somehow, doesn't helped me yet):
Add markers tutorial:

Create a location-based rotating globe similar to Google Earth using C# and Unity?

I am currently in the process of developing an iOS app involving a touch-enabled rotating globe. I have already found past links for this such as:
The question is:
Is possible to make this object location-oriented? I plan to create a cel-shaded globe with different points on the object related to specific locations.
Edit: These locations are not GPS oriented, but just meaning points on an object (globe) represented by objects (tree).
Here is an example I created for a class using Dreamweaver many years ago that would look similar, but touch-oriented instead of using 'West' and 'East' buttons located in the top left of the video:
Sorry the example is in video form, I don't have the code available for comparison at the moment.
This question is being naive and you seem to lack knowledge in Unity3D. I suggest you to go through their official tutorials and get and idea. Then ask if you have any specific questions on issues you're encountering.
You can follow some tutorials to create such scene by PlannetaryTerrain. You can see some efforts on YouTube as well.
Apart from that creating terrains would be a plus. Follow the tutorial by Kostiantyn. Also Follow the Faux gravity tutorial by Sebastian

.MBTiles from mapbox studio

Good day all.
I am a bit Interested in mapbox and your maps. Going thru your site I also realize that calls to the app helps you with revenue. THis is all well and good for doing an app to find the nearest coffee shop. However I am working on an application where Internet connectivity is not promised and in this case a .MBTile file would be perfect for me. I have not been able to export my maps I have created into a .MBTile even though that was directly mentioned in mapbox documentation. I would love some assistance in locating this feature or do I need a paid account to do so.
Ps I am aware this can be done with tilemil but I cannot get the maps I created from Mapkit into tilemil to do so.
If you want to be able export .mbtiles you would have to design your map in TileMill. From there you would be able to export them into the format that you want. This would produce raster tiles rather than vector tiles however.

Current Location to destination using mapview or google maps for the iphone iOS Xcode 4

SO I am a totally new and do not know where to begin. I basically want to create a view that shows the users current location and directs them to my set location (park, concert, business, etc.). It seems fairly simple but there is so much smoke and mirrors online that I do not know where to start or how to finish. Would it be easier to call to google maps or use the mapview in the SDK?
And the bigger question is how do you do this? I mean I can create simple views and load webviews but I can not figure this out.
Use MKMapView .. its fairly straightforward to set up -- you can get the current location from CLLocationManager and pass its coordinates to the map view.
Have a look at this website
it will help you with the current location thing.
Directions are part of the Maps application and are not available in the MapKit API. To give your users Google Maps directions, you need to use the Maps URL scheme, as documented in the Apple URL Scheme Reference. Specifically, you need to include the saddr and daddr parameters in the URL, which specify the start and destination addresses for a directions search, respectively. I believe you can pass latitude/longitude coordinate pairs (comma-separated) for those parameters, but you’ll have to experiment a bit to find the correct formatting and order.
By "direct" do you mean actually show a path for how to get there? That there is no API for. You can place a pin anywhere on a map to show people where something is, but they have to figure out how to get there themselves.
The term you are looking for to add points to a map is adding Annotations to an MKMapView.
Have a look at this website it may help you