Autofac register type. class does not implement IRequest - autofac

My app uses Autofac and MediatR. I want to call Send method but it throws an exception: "class does not implement IRequest".
This is my class definition:
public class ConfigurationsQuery : PagedQuery, IRequest<PagedResultsResponse<SystemConfigurationResponse>>
How can I register this properly?
More information: PagedQuery doesn't have an interface defined.
PagedResultsResponse definition:
public class PagedResultsResponse<T> : ResultsResponse<T>
I tried register:
But it doesn't work


Symfony4 MongoDB inject repository

I try to injcect doctrine mongo repository to controller.
In services.yaml file I added entry:
factory: ["#doctrine_mongodb", getRepository]
- App\Account\Domain\Entity\Account
In my code I want to use repositories hidden behind the interface AccountRepository
class MongoAccountRepository extends DocumentRepository implements AccountRepository {}
When I try to inject repository to controller constructor
class DefaultController extends Controller
private $accountRepository;
public function __construct(AccountRepository $accountRepository) {
$this->accountRepository = $accountRepository;
I get following error:
Argument 1 passed to App\Account\UserInterface\DefaultController::__construct() must implement interface App\Account\Domain\Repository\AccountRepository, instance of Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentRepository given
Has someone similar problem?
For all my cases, the following solution works:
class: Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\DocumentRepository
factory: ['#doctrine_mongodb.odm.default_document_manager', getRepository]
- App\Infrastructure\Repository\MongoDB\Document\Keyword

The type 'ISomeService' is not an service interface as it does not derive from the interface 'INonServiceFabricService'

I have the following setup:
public interface ISomeService : IService, INonServiceFabricService
Where INonServiceFabricService is an interface with no Service Fabric dependencies to allow me to de-couple my application code from infrastructure:
public interface INonServiceFabricService
Task DoSomething();
My implementation then inherits from ISomeService:
public class ActualService : StatefulService, ISomeService
public Task DoSomething()
// Something
Everything builds and runs fine but when I try to create a proxy:
var proxy = ServiceProxy.Create<ISomeService>(Uri, new ServicePartitionKey(0));
I get the following error:
The type 'ISomeService' is not an service interface as it does not
derive from the interface 'INonServiceFabricService'
So it turns out it isn't possible to do this.
Every interface your Service Fabric service interface (e.g, ISomeService in question) inherits from must derive from IService. See here.
The error should really say:
The type 'INonServiceFabricService' is not an service interface as it
does not derive from the interface 'IService'

Class from Interface.cll

I'm trying to implement a class instance of an interface class. Exploring the interface (.NET DLL) with the project explorer, it says:
bool CreateInstance(SharedLibrary::MemoryArbiter^ pntMemory,
SharedLibrary::clsMessageQueue^ pntMessageQueue,
SharedLibrary::clsGPIO^ pntGPIO,
SharedLibrary::Types^ pntProgramSettings,
SharedLibrary::DisplayDriver^ pntDisplayDriver)
Member from Plugin_Interface::IPlugin
But if I write in my MyClass.h:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace SharedLibrary;
namespace MyCppPlugin {
[AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets::Class | AttributeTargets::Method |
AttributeTargets::Property | AttributeTargets::Field,
AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
ref class MyPlugin abstract : public Plugin_Interface::IPlugin
bool CreateInstance(SharedLibrary::MemoryArbiter^ pntMemory,
SharedLibrary::clsMessageQueue^ pntMessageQueue,
SharedLibrary::clsGPIO^ pntGPIO, SharedLibrary::Types^
pntProgramSettings, SharedLibrary::DisplayDriver^ pntDisplayDriver);
It says: "error C3766: Missing implementation of Plugin_Interface::IPlugin::CreateInstace(...)
What the heck do I do wrong?
Forgot the abstract statement.
And: Why is it saying "IntelliSense: Class can not implement interface member function "Plugin_Interface::IPlugin::CreateInstance" (declared in "Plugin_Interface.dll")"
You got a lot more diagnostic messages from this snippet, you are making several mistakes:
[AttributeUsage] is only valid on a class that derives from System::Attribute. You no doubt need to use some kind of attribute so that the plugin host can recognize your class as a valid plugin candidate, I can't guess what that attribute might be.
A method that implements an interface method should be public.
A method that implements an interface method must be virtual.
The method signature must be an exact match with the interface method declaration.
Just in case: you must actually implement the method, not just declare it.
The third and forth bullets are the chief reasons for the "must provide an implementation of the interface method" compile error. So proper code ought to resemble something like this:
public ref class MyPlugin : public Plugin_Interface::IPlugin {
virtual bool CreateInstance(SharedLibrary::MemoryArbiter^% pntMemory,
SharedLibrary::clsMessageQueue^% pntMessageQueue,
SharedLibrary::clsGPIO^% pntGPIO,
SharedLibrary::Types^% pntProgramSettings,
SharedLibrary::DisplayDriver^% pntDisplayDriver)
// Todo...
return false;
I got it. Thanks to Hans Passant who gave me so many hints :)
To export the function it has to implement the Interface 1:1. The export statement has to be added over the class header:
public ref class MyPlugin : public Plugin_Interface::IPlugin
And: While VB.NET will compile to "Any CPU" and C++/CLI will compile to Win64/Win32 it will missfit. Both Projects have to have the same target - either 64bit OR 32bit.
Now it works.

Using Unity, how do you register type mappings for generics?

I'm trying to implement a repository solution for Entity Framework but I am having trouble registering the types that include generics using Unity.
// IRepository interface
public interface IRepository<TEntity>
// omitted for brevity
// Repository implementation
public class Repository<TEntity, TContext> : IRepository<TEntity>, IDisposable
where TEntity : class
where TContext : DbContext
// omitted for brevity
// service layer constructor
public MyServiceConstructor(IRepository<Account> repository)
_repository = repository;
I need to register the type mapping for IRepository to Repository. but I'm having trouble with the Unity syntax for this kind of mapping.
I have tried the following with no luck:
container.RegisterType<IRepository<>, typeof(Repository<,>)>();
container.RegisterType<typeof(IRepository<>), Repository<,>>();
Based, on #Steven response I have the following implementation now:
// UnityRepository implementation
public class UnityRepository<TEntity> : Repository<TEntity, MyDbContextEntities>
where TEntity : class
public UnityRepository() : base(new MyDbContextEntities()) { }
// Unity bootstrapper
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(UnityRepository<>));
You are trying to do the following:
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<,>));
This would normally work, but won't do the trick in this case, since there is IRepository<TEntity> has one generic argument and Repository<TEntity, TContext> has two, and Unity (obviously) can't guess what type it should fill in for TContext.
What you need is this:
typeof(Repository<, MyDbContextEntities>));
In other words, you'd want to supply the Repository<TEntity, TContext> as a partial open generic type (with one parameter filled in). Unfortunately, the C# compiler does not support this.
But even if the C# did support this, Unity doesn't support partial open generic types. In fact most IoC libraries eworks don't support this. And for that one library that does support it, you would still have to do the following (nasty thing) to create the partial open generic type:
Type myDbContextEntitiesRepositoryType =
There's a easy trick work around to get this to work though: define a derived class with one generic type:
// Special implementation inside your Composition Root
public class UnityRepository<TEntity> : Repository<TEntity, MyDbContextEntities>
where TEntity : class
public UnityRepository([dependencies]) : base([dependencies]) { }
Now we can easily register this open generic type:
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(UnityRepository<>));

Cast class to base interface via reflection cause exception

I'm loading a .NET assembly dinamically via reflection and I'm getting all the classes that it contains (at the moment one). After this, I'm trying to cast the class to an interface that I'm 100% sure the class implements but I receive this exception: Unable to cast object of type System.RuntimeType to the type MyInterface
public interface MyInterface
void MyMethod();
public class MyClass : MyInterface
public void MyMethod()
public class MyLoader
Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("MyDLL.dll");
IEnumerable<Type> types = extension.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsClass);
foreach (Type type in types)
I have stripped out all the code that is not necessary. This is basically what I do. I saw in this question that Andi answered with a problem that seems the same mine but I cannot anyway fix it.
You are trying to cast a .NET framework object of type Type to an interface that you created. The Type object does not implement your interface, so it can't be cast. You should first create a specific instance of your object, such as through using an Activator like this:
// this goes inside your for loop
MyInterface myInterface = (MyInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(type, false);
The CreateInstance method has other overloades that may fit your needs.