MERN stack Application Deployment issue - deployment

I'm trying to deploy my MERN stack App through, but it's keep getting error like this
Dec 14 10:27:37 PM > undefined install /opt/render/project/src Dec 14 10:27:37 PM > npm i && cd client && npm install
and its fail to deployment.
Please help how to fix this, all of my projects are down right now,because heroku have changed their policy.
I did try to update react and node.
Also, I have tried to on heroku but still get same errors..


Ionic4 Unknown browser query

I have practised Ionic a lot so these Problems are not new for me but I am unabale to solve this one.
I am currently trying to migrate my Ionic3 project to Ionic4.
To do this I have created a new Ionic4 tabs project.
Every time I try the Ionic serve command I am getting:
[ng] An unhandled exception occurred: Unknown browser query
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's
Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query.
[ng] See "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ng-9er5Id\angular-errors.log" for further details.
[ERROR] ng has unexpectedly closed (exit code 127).
The Log file:
[error] BrowserslistError: Unknown browser query `basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's`. Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query.
at unknownQuery (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:204:10)
at D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:296:11
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at resolve (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:237:18)
at browserslist (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:361:16)
at new BuildBrowserFeatures (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\#angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\build-browser-features.js:17:35)
at generateWebpackConfig (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\#angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\webpack-browser-config.js:24:34)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834:11)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19)
at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:622:3)
Does anyone of you have an possible solution for this.
I am really greatful for help cause I takes my days to migrate by now.
Do you have the last version of the angular cli?
npm install -g #angular/cli
It might also be useful to post the log
I have spent several hours to fix this .Hope it will help someone
Kindly follow the below steps:
find your npm path from the environmental variable. And copy that path and paste it in notepad
2.Go to control panel ->uninstall the node js
3.after uninstalling,restart the system.
4.Now go to npm path in file explorer.
5.And delete the folder named npm and npm-cache
6.And now install the node(LTS version) and angular(refer from the below link for step by step installation)
note:Dont run the cmd as administrator.Unless ,the installation fails
7.Once you verified that angular is running fine using ng serve -o
8.Install the ionic by npm install -g ionic#latest
9.And run ionic serve.
10.Hope it helps.Happy coding :)

WARNING: Unable to pull data from '': bad response Not Found 404 (

I tried install rails 6.0.0 using command
gem install rails --pre
WARNING: Unable to pull data from '': bad
response Not Found 404 ( 40 gems
System Configuration:
Mac OSX 10.13.6
ruby 2.6.1p33 (2019-01-30 revision 66950) [x86_64-darwin17]
OpenSSL 1.0.2h 3 May 2016
Since this is the test configuration with rails 6 beta, I like to clear all system warning in order to focus in rails.
Is there any solution to clear the warning?
Here what I did.
Go to my github account and add new gpg (after created new one)
Then no more warning!

spawn EACCES error when serving ionic app

I am using Ionic CLI version 4.2.1 and Ionic Framework version 3.9.2. When I try and use ionic server in my app I get this error:
Error: spawn EACCES
at _errnoException (util.js:992:11)
at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:323:11)
at Object.exports.spawn (child_process.js:502:9)
at spawn
at spawn
at ShellCommand.spawn
at Shell.
at ()
at fulfilled
I got the codebase from another person using the same versions as me, but I have not been able to run it once on my machine.
This is either a permission issue or a a node_modules issue. It's because you transfered the full project folder from another computer.
To resolve the issue, run :
npm rebuild
To clear npm cache and rebuild your modules
And :
chmod 755 -R /yourpath/to/node_modules
The error may be caused by an installation of a module which was made insudo mode

IBM Cloud Node-RED Manage Palette doesn't install items

I'm on IBM Cloud trying to install node-red-node-smooth from the manage palette, and I'm getting an error. I've tried several other packages as well. The error that I get in my debug log shows:
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vcap/app/.node-red/package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vcap/app/.node-red/package.json'
npm WARN .node-red No description
npm WARN .node-red No repository field.
npm WARN .node-red No README data
npm WARN .node-red No license field.
+ node-red-node-smooth#0.1.0
updated 1 package in 4.726s
npm ERR! Object.entries is not a function
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/vcap/app/.npm/_logs/2018-05-10T15_01_53_296Z-debug.log
The log file has a stack trace that starts with this:
106 verbose stack TypeError: Object.entries is not a function
Is there something obvious that I'm doing wrong?
instances deployed in the last few days got npm 6.0.0. This version of npm contained a bug that caused the Object.entries is not a function error.
npm released 6.0.1 that fixed this issue today (Thursday May 10th 2018)
You have three possible ways to fix your instance:
deploy a new instance and copy your flows over
or, set the NPM_CONFIG_AUDIT environment variable* to false - which stops npm 6.0.0 going down the code path containing the bug.
or, set the NODE_MODULE_CACHE environment variable* to false and trigger a restage of your application - that will get npm 6.0.1 installed.
If you don't have much in the way of flows at this point, deleting and creating a new instance is the easiest option.
If you want to 'repair' your existing instance, option 2 is probably the easiest as it just requires an automatic restart of the app, rather than a restage which requires the cf command-line tool to trigger manually.
To set an environment variable within your IBM Cloud application, go to your application's dashboard page. Go to the Runtime section in the left-hand navigation. Select 'Environment Variables' in the tabs across the top and scroll down to the 'User defined' section of the page. Click 'Add' - enter the env var details and click 'Save'. Your app will be restarted with the variable set.

ionic 2 error when start new project

E:\SocialLoginDemo>ionic start HelloWorld12 blank --v2
Creating Ionic app in folder E:\SocialLoginDemo\HelloWorld12 based on blank project
Installing npm packages...
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
Caught exception:
Mind letting us know?
my version information
Your system information:
You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova
telemetry on.
Ionic CLI Version:2.1.0
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.0-beta.1
OS: Node Version:v4.6.0
There was some problem in spawned command "npminstall" but now they have fixed this issue. Mostly it should work now and if not kindly share screenshot of errors being thrown.